The top 5 HazCom violations – and how you can prevent them
Hazard Communication (HazCom) is always found on OSHA’s list of Top 10 most frequently cited violations, and last year was no exception. But what were the top violations within the standard? What are OSHA inspectors looking for, and how can employers ensure they’re in compliance? I sat down with my editorial colleague - and former OSHA compliance officer - Holly Pups for her insights on the top 5 HazCom violations and how to prevent (or correct) them.
1. Written program – 783 violations
Holly: Almost all employers have, or at least should have, a written HazCom program as most have hazardous chemicals on site. As a former OSHA Compliance Safety and Health Officer (CSHO), this was one of the main programs requested in each opening conference. This is often asked for during the opening conference so that it can be verified during the walkaround inspection.
Editor: Your written program is basically a record of how your company will meet the requirements of the HazCom standard. It must address:
- Labels and other forms of warning
- Safety data sheets (SDSs)
- Employee information and training
- Chemical inventory/list
- Hazards of non-routine tasks
- Hazards associated with chemicals in unlabeled pipes
- Multi-employer workplaces
See 1910.1200(e) for written program requirements.
For an overview of the HazCom standard, see our exExplanation. |
2. Information & training – 708 violations
Holly: HazCom training is another low hanging fruit. It’s easy for a CSHO to investigate the effectiveness of training through record verification and employee interviews. I would ask employees to tell me what the labels on a hazardous chemical meant, to talk about the chemical hazards in their work area, and to demonstrate how they access SDSs. The training records do not tell the whole story of how well someone is trained, so it’s important to verify the employee’s knowledge. One employee not being able to answer those questions is not necessarily indicative of a failure to provide effective training, but multiple employees struggling is.
Editor: See 1910.200(h) for information and training requirements.
3. SDSs readily accessible - 285 violations
Holly: SDSs help employees make quick decisions in emergency situations, especially in the event of a fire, chemical spill, or a hazardous chemical exposure. The information contained in the SDS needs to be readily available.
Editor: Employers sometimes ask if OSHA has a specific distance requirement within the work area where SDSs must be available. There’s no distance requirement, but they can’t be locked away, such as in a cabinet, and employees shouldn’t have to ask a supervisor for an SDS. If you store SDSs electronically, employees must be trained in how to use the system.
4. SDS for each chemical - 198 violations
Holly: CSHOs will often note a few chemicals during their walkaround inspection and ask to see the SDS associated with them. They may ask an employee to show them how they would access them in an emergency, or they may ask management to provide a copy. Be sure that SDSs are kept for each chemical and each individual manufacturer.
Editor: See 1910.1200(g) for SDS requirements and (b)(6) for HazCom exemptions.
5. List of hazardous chemicals – 182 violations
Holly: Similar to violation #4, the CSHO notes chemicals during the walkaround inspection and asks to see the chemical inventory. They may also ask for SDSs from this list.
Editor: The list of hazardous chemicals is part of the written HazCom program requirement at 1910.1200(e). It must include all chemicals present in the workplace, including those that are stored or not in use. The list can be for the entire facility or for individual work areas. Sometimes we think of chemicals as being only liquids in containers; however, HazCom covers chemicals in all physical forms – liquids, solids, gases, vapors, fumes, and mists – whether they’re “contained” or not. The hazardous nature of the chemical and the potential of exposure are the factors that determine whether it’s covered by HazCom. As to what information must be on the list, OSHA only requires a product identifier (such as the common name) that aligns with the label and SDS. You don’t have to indicate the hazards of the chemicals on your list, but it can be helpful as a training tool to give employees an overview of the hazards in their area.
Key to remember: If you have hazardous chemicals in your workplace, follow the requirements found in 1910.1200 to ensure you’re in compliance.