8 principles for creating good jobs and becoming an employer of choice
Employees know that a good job provides income, stability, and security for them and their families. Many companies recognize that providing good quality jobs not only makes them an employer of choice, doing so creates a clear competitive advantage when it comes to recruitment, retention, and execution of a company’s mission.
According to the Departments of Commerce and Labor, eight principles make up the formula for a good job:
1. Recruitment and hiring: Companies that have a foundation in diversified hiring set themselves apart when qualified applicants are actively recruited — especially those from underserved communities. Applicants succeed when they are free from discrimination, including unequal treatment or application of selection criteria that are unrelated to job performance. Applicants should be evaluated on relevant skills-based requirements, and not unnecessary educational requirements.
2. Benefits: Employers that offer all employees (full- and part-time) family-sustaining benefits that promote economic security and mobility are key. These benefits include health insurance, a retirement plan, employees’ compensation benefits, work-family benefits such as paid leave and caregiving support, and others that might arise from engagement with employees. Employees should be empowered and encouraged to use these benefits.
3. Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA): All employees should have equal opportunity. Companies with employees who are respected, empowered, and treated fairly position themselves for success. DEIA is a core value and practiced norm in workplaces of employers of choice.
4. Empowerment and representation: Employers should invite employees to contribute to decisions about their work, how it is performed, and organizational direction. By law, employees have the right to form and join unions, and are free to engage in protected, concerted activity, without fear of retaliation.
5. Job security and working conditions: Employees who have a safe, healthy, and accessible workplace built on their input, value working for their employer. Employees should have job security without arbitrary or discriminatory discipline or dismissal. For employers that use it, electronic monitoring, data, and algorithms should be transparent, equitable, and carefully deployed with input from employees. By law, employees must be free from harassment, discrimination, and retaliation at work. Employers should properly classify workers under applicable laws.
6. Organizational culture: All employees belong, are valued, contribute meaningfully to the organization, and are engaged and respected, especially by leadership.
7. Pay: All employees should be paid a stable and predictable living wage before overtime, tips, and commissions. Employees’ pay should be fair, transparent, and equitable. Employees’ wages should reflect their increased skills and experience.
8. Skills and career advancement: Employees appreciate having equitable opportunities and tools to progress within their organizations or outside them. Employees should have transparent promotion or advancement opportunities. Employers, therefore, should give employees access to quality training and education.
Even though not every employer can achieve all of these principles, those that want to be an employer of choice now and in the future can use these as guidelines.
Key to remember: Using some of these or similar principles might help create or adjust jobs that help attract quality candidates and keep valuable employees, promoting goals of becoming an employer of choice.