In honor of Labor Day, check your labor law posters
Labor Day celebrates America’s workers and can also act as a reminder to make sure you’re properly displaying the posters that make employees aware of their rights.
Labor law postings may update at any time of the year, and employers are required to display the most recent mandatory version of a required posting. This summer has been a busy one for posting updates, and can also be a hectic time filled with vacations, reunions, ball games, festivals, and other non-work adventures, so it’s worth checking your posters to see if anything changed while the summertime sun was shining.
States make summertime posting changes
Over the summer, these states have had posting updates:
Colorado: The Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies updated the Discrimination posting to add hair length as a protected characteristic under the Crown Act.
District of Columbia: The district’s minimum wage posting now shows the rate of $17.50 per hour that took effect on July 1, and the district also released a new Universal Wage Law posting that must be displayed by all employers. In addition, under the Wage Transparency Omnibus Amendment Act of 2023, employers must provide salary information in job listings and post a notice notifying employees of their rights under the act. A standardized wage transparency posting is not available, but employers can post the text of the law.
Florida: The Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation revised the child labor posting with new information about Sunday and holiday work hours.
Indiana: The Indiana Department of Labor released a new Veteran Benefits and Services posting that must be displayed by employers with more than 50 employees.
Kansas: The Kansas Department of Labor updated notification requirements and benefit amounts on its Workers Compensation posting.
Louisiana: Louisiana updated its child labor posting to note that minors under the age of 16 must have a 30-minute meal break when working for any five-hour period. Its Earned Income Credit posting has been revised to show new benefit amounts; if employees earn $60,000 or less, their employer should notify them of the potential availability of Earned Income Tax Credits.
Maine: The Maine Department of Labor revised the Minimum Wage posting to state that the minimum salary requirement for exempt employees is $844 per week as of July 1.
Nevada: The Rules to be Observed by Employers posting now notes that a minimum wage of $12 per hour took effect on July 1 and applies to all employees, regardless of employer health benefits. The state also updated the AB307 Required Posting with the latest job training and employment program information and revised the Workers' Compensation (D-1) poster to note that theatrical or stage performers are excluded from coverage.
Oregon: The Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries:
- Released a new Captive Meetings Notice posting;
- Revised the Minimum Wage posting to show updated rates of $14.70 per hour (standard); $15.95 per hour (Portland metro area); and $13.70 per hour (nonurban counties) that took effect July 1;
- Updated the Family Leave posting to note that covered reasons for leave now include pregnancy disability, bereavement, and providing home care for a child who is ill;
- Added bias crime information to the Sexual Harassment + Domestic Violence Protections posting;
- Updated the Breaks & Meals + Overtime & Paychecks posting to note that after January 1, 2025, agricultural workers must receive overtime pay after working 48 hours in a workweek;
- Changed the Sick Time posting to define regular sick time reporting as every three months; and
- Clarified on the Equal Pay posting that pay differences based on national origin, including language, are prohibited.
Tips for compliance
Labor law postings must be displayed in conspicuous places at a worksite. They must be readily available and easily accessible.
When employees work remotely, posting the required posters electronically is a practical way to make employees aware of their rights. Some states may require this method.
Failing to properly display updated posters can result in fines and an increased risk for employee lawsuits.
Key to remember: Posting changes don’t take a summertime break. Check your posters to make sure you are properly displaying updated labor law information.