Oral-fluids drug testing still not allowed
You may have seen that the new Federal Drug Testing Custody and Control Form (CCF) offers the choice — in prominent letters — between:
- URINE, or
The collector is required to check one of those boxes to designate the type of drug test being conducted.
You might naturally assume that this means oral fluid testing is allowed for commercial drivers, but that’s not the case. Urine remains the only allowable option for DOT drug testing.
Why offer the choice?
The new form offers the choice because it’s used for all types of federally regulated drug testing, not just DOT testing. Some regulatory agencies do allow oral fluid testing, while others still prohibit it.
To avoid confusion, the DOT told laboratories last year to avoid sending the new form to DOT-regulated companies until June 2021, shortly before an August deadline for using the new version.
Now that the deadline has come and gone, labs and collection sites have no choice but to use the new version.
DOT will allow it, eventually
Eventually, the problem will disappear. The DOT is required to amend its rules in Part 40 to allow oral-fluid testing, but the agency is taking its time. A proposed version of the rule change was expected to be released in May 2021, but that target was missed.
In the meantime, stay tuned for updates and be sure your service providers are checking the “urine” box for all DOT-regulated drug tests.
Key to remember
The DOT’s drug testing form is causing confusion over whether oral-fluid testing is allowed (it is not). For now, urine testing remains the only option.
Be sure your BATs aren’t flying blind
DOT auditors are finding a common violation involving Step 1 on the Alcohol Testing Form (ATF). Are your breath alcohol technicians (BATs) doing what’s required?
Specifically, information written into Step 1-C is often found to be missing or abbreviated. Review incoming ATFs to make sure your BATs are entering complete information for:
- Employer name
- Employer address
- Designated employer representative (DER) name
- DER phone number