New data shows lowered random drug and alcohol failure rates
Random drug and alcohol positive usage rates were lower in 2023 than in 2022 and 2021, according to the 2023 Drug and Alcohol Testing Survey.
The estimated drug and alcohol testing failure rates were the result of an annual survey of randomly selected motor carriers. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) looks at drug and alcohol testing trends when determining minimum random drug and/or alcohol testing rates.
FMCSA’s annual report includes data on random, pre-employment, reasonable suspicion, post-crash, and return to duty testing.
Random drug testing results
The 2023 estimated random drug positive use rate was 0.8 percent. In comparison, the random drug positive usage rate for 2022 was 0.9 percent and for 2021 was 1.2 percent.
For drug testing, the term “positive usage rate” refers to the use of any of the five drugs found during a DOT drug panel and includes refusals to test, which are treated as positives.
Random alcohol testing results
The 2023 estimated random alcohol usage rate was 0.05 percent. This was a decrease in the random alcohol usage rate from the prior two years with 2022 having 0.29 percent and 2021 having 0.12 percent.
For alcohol testing, the usage rate applies to drivers with a blood alcohol content level of 0.04 or higher and includes refusals to test, which are treated as positives.
There were roughly 1,212,581 non-exempt carriers eligible for selection into the 2023 survey sample. Surveys were sent to over 9,000 randomly selected carriers, most of which were involved in commercial activities.
Over half of these selected carriers responded:
- 3,414 carriers responded for random controlled substance testing, and
- 2,981 carriers responded for random alcohol testing.
Motor carriers are required to provide data on their Part 382 testing program by submitting a completed Management Information System (MIS) form by March 15 of the year selected.