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Got checklists? Use this one to save your permit-space attendants
Permit-required confined space are very dangerous places. In fact, the failure to take proper precautions for permit space entry operations has resulted in fatalities, as opposed to injuries, more frequently than Bureau of Labor Statistics models predict.
That’s why you need to have a rescue plan in place. Use this checklist to verify you’re prepared if the worst-case scenario happens.
Contracted outside rescue team or service
- Has a rescue team or service been selected based on the evaluation required under 1910.146(k)(1)?
- Has the prospective rescuer’s ability to respond to a rescue summons in a timely manner been evaluated?
- Has the capability of the rescue team or service to reach the victim(s) within a time frame that is appropriate for the permit-required confined space hazard(s) been identified?
- Is the rescue team or service equipped for and proficient in performing the needed rescue services?
- Has a prospective rescue service’s ability, in terms of proficiency with rescue-related tasks and equipment, to function appropriately while rescuing entrants from a particular permit-required confined space or types of permit-required confined spaces been evaluated?
- Has each rescue team or service been informed of the hazards they may confront when called on to permit-required confined rescue at the site?
- Has the rescue team or service been provided with access to all permit-required confined spaces from which rescue may be necessary so that appropriate rescue plans can be developed, and rescue operations can be practiced?
- Is at least one member of the rescue team or service holding a current certification in first and CPR?
Personal protective equipment
- Have employees who have been designated to provide permit-required confined space rescue and emergency services been provided with personal protective equipment (PPE) needed to conduct rescues safely?
- Has PPE needed to conduct permit-required confined space rescues been provided at no cost to employees designated to perform these rescues?
- Have employees who have been designated to provide permit-required confined space rescue and emergency services been trained so they are proficient in the use of required PPE?
Entry rescue
- Have employees designated to perform permit-required confined space rescue duties practiced making rescues at least once in the past 12 months?
- Have employees designated to perform permit-required confined space rescue duties practiced making rescues by using simulated rescue operations in which they removed dummies, manikins, or actual persons from actual permit-required confined spaces or from representative permit-required confined spaces?
- If a representative permit-required confined space is used to perform simulated rescue operations, does it simulate the types of permit-required confined spaces from which rescue will be performed with respect to opening size, configuration, and accessibility?
- Has a retrieval system or methods to facilitate a non-entry rescue been designated unless the retrieval equipment would increase the overall risk of entry or would not contribute to the rescue of the entrant?
Retrieval systems
- Has a chest or full body harness with a retrieval line attached at the center of the entrant’s back near shoulder level, above their head, been provided to each authorized entrant?
- Does the retrieval equipment present a profile small enough for a successful removal of the entrant when worn?
- Does the other end of the retrieval line attach to a mechanical device or fixed point outside the permit-required confined space in such a manner that rescue can begin as soon as the rescuer becomes aware the rescue is necessary?
- Is a mechanical device available to retrieve personnel from vertical type permit-required confined spaces that are more than five feet deep?
- Has training been provided to employees designated to perform permit-required confined space rescue duties?
- Has training been provided to establish proficiency for those employees designated as authorized entrants?
- Have employees designated to perform permit-required confined space rescue duties been trained in basic first aid and cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR)?
Keys to Remember
Use this checklist to make sure you’re ready if attendants need help. Factors such as vetting the rescue team, proper PPE, entry rescue, retrieval systems, and training are all important.