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Employee handout — The fire prevention plan
Your company has a written fire prevention plan. The reason the plan exists is to help keep you safe. You have the right to know about the possible fire hazards in your workplace.
What’s included in the plan?
The company fire prevention plan should, at a minimum, contain the following:
- A list of all major fire hazards, proper handling and storage procedures for hazardous materials, potential ignition sources and their control, and the type of fire protection equipment necessary to control each major hazard.
- Procedures to control accumulations of flammable and combustible waste materials.
- Procedures for regular maintenance of safeguards installed on heat-producing equipment to prevent the accidental ignition of combustible materials.
- The name or job title of employees responsible for maintaining equipment to prevent or control sources of ignition or fires.
- The name or job title of employees responsible for the control of fuel source hazards.
What must my employer do?
The employer is responsible for:
- Controlling accumulations of flammable and combustible materials through proper housekeeping.
- Reviewing the fire prevention plan with each employee, and making a written copy available to employees for review.
- Reviewing with each employee fire hazards to which they are exposed and those parts of the fire prevention plan which the employee must know to protect himself or herself. This shall take place upon initial assignment.
- Properly maintaining fire protection equipment necessary to control major fire hazards and maintaining safeguards installed on heat-producing equipment to prevent the accidental ignition of combustible materials.