Cal/OSHA reminds employers to protect outdoor workers from heat illness
As temperatures begin to warm up at outdoor worksites across California, Cal/OSHA reminds employers to protect outdoor workers from heat illness. On April 12, Cal/OSHA will participate in a news conference and bilingual training sessions to help employers plan for and prevent heat-related illness and death from affecting outdoor workers.
On April 16, Cal/OSHA will host a Heat Illness Prevention Network conference call to review best practices and allow for questions and answers.
Cal/OSHA investigates heat-related incidents and complaints of hazards at outdoor worksites in industries such as agriculture, landscaping, and construction. The most frequently cited heat-related violation is for failure to have an effective written heat illness prevention plan specific to the worksite. Serious heat-related violations are often related to inadequate access to water and shade, and to a lack of supervisor and employee training.
Additional information about heat illness prevention, including details on upcoming training sessions throughout the state are posted on Cal/OSHA's Heat Illness Prevention page. Cal/OSHA also has extensive multilingual materials for employers, workers, and trainers on its "Water. Rest. Shade." public awareness campaign website.