It’s official: CARB announces truck registration and fees for 2024
The California Air Resources Board (CARB) has officially announced that vehicles subject to the Heavy-Duty Inspection and Maintenance regulation (HD I/M regulation), now called the Clean Truck Check regulation, must report their vehicles to CARB and pay the 2024 annual compliance fee by December 31, 2023. The vehicles covered by this requirement are all non-gasoline powered vehicles with a GVWR over 14,000 pounds operating in California, regardless of where the vehicle is based.
Reporting and fees
As of October 1, 2023, the CARB’s Clean Truck Check reporting database is open ( This is the website where carriers that operate in California must register their vehicles and pay the $30 per vehicle fee. The registration process includes providing:
- The registered owner and their email address, mailing and physical address, phone number, US DOT number, and CA MCP number; and
- Unique vehicle information, such as the VIN, plate number, make, model, year, engine fuel type, and GVWR. Both registration and fee requirements apply to all covered vehicles operating in California, regardless of where the vehicle is based.
Reporting semi-annual OBD downloads
This site is also where the required onboard diagnostic (OBD) reports will be submitted. The OBD data from each vehicle must be downloaded by a CARB authorized tester or by your telematics provider and submitted every six months. The deadline for submission will be the expiration date of the vehicle’s license plate (for a California plated vehicle) or based on the last digit of the VIN (for a vehicle plated outside of California).
For out-of-state vehicles, if the last digit if the VIN is 0, this means the deadline for submission is October. The scheme builds from there with 1 indicating November, 2 December, 3 January, 4 February, etc. The submission can be made up to 90 days before the end of the month it is due.
For vehicles with an engine manufactured prior to MY 2013, the requirement is that the vehicle undergo a smoke opacity test, rather than the OBD download and submission. The results of the smoke opacity test are then submitted in place of the OBD data.
Authorized testers
CARB offers the training necessary for an individual to become a qualified tester. The training is free and is available at:
Once your company has a qualified tester and the required equipment (OBD reader and smoke opacity testing equipment if you have vehicles with engine older than MY 2013), you will be able to conduct the required downloads and testing in-house and submit the data to CARB. If you do not want to have testers on staff, you will need to locate a registered tester in your area or have your telematics provider do the submissions for you (if you use a CARB authorized telematics provider).
Key to remember: This program goes into full effect in 2024. By then carriers that operate vehicles in California must have their vehicles registered, fees paid, and the ability to do the required testing and submit the required downloads or opacity test results.