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Editor’s Message — Reinventing your approach to safety
As a supervisor, you might think that you have already talked about every safety issue under the sun — yet employees still get hurt. How can you make a difference? Finding new ways to share safety information and reinforce the importance of safety can be difficult.
The key is to re-inspire you, because you can’t expect your workers to stay focused on safety if you don’t place enough emphasis on safety. Think about what would catch your attention if you were a worker listening to an “old” safety topic.
Tips for talking safety
- Be the leader and lead by example;
- Show conviction;
- Don’t settle for the status quo;
- Make it personal for employees;
- Focus on how you “want” the team to be safe, not just that we “have” to be safe;
- Make it interactive by asking employees to share how safety has affected them personally;
- Give employees time to think about and answer the safety questions you ask;
- When employees answer a safety question, listen and ask clarifying questions;
- Challenge employees to look beyond what was always accepted and to look for how to improve; and
- Remind employees of the bigger picture — safety topics are good for them as well as their families, the company, and the community.
Ask your employees how they would like to discuss safety topics. Once the jokes stop, really listen to their suggestions.