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Employees may need to handle fuels, solvents, cleaners, thinners, and other flammable liquids. All containers of these liquids may need to be bonded and grounded during dispensing. This can include dispensing from or to non-metallic containers, even though the container material may not be recognized as conductive.

Bonding and grounding helps eliminate the build-up of static electricity by allowing it to dissipate into the ground safely. This might seem unnecessary for non-conductive containers since the materials cannot conduct current. However, flowing liquids could still generate a static charge, and a static spark could ignite vapors, causing an explosion.

With non-metallic containers, workers could use a fill tube or grounding wire to achieve proper bonding. They could also use a metallic pump on the container and ground or bond the pump. Many modern plastic containers have an embedded ground wire so they can be grounded or bonded as needed.

Employers are not specifically required to ground flammable storage cabinets, but most manufacturers provide a place on the flammable cabinet for grounding. If workers will dispense flammable liquids from a container that is inside the cabinet, then the cabinet itself should be grounded using the manufacturer’s approved grounding point.

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Most Recent Highlights In Environmental

CSB unveils eye-opening video, alert, and insider data on chemical incidents

CSB unveils eye-opening video, alert, and insider data on chemical incidents

With a backlog of 17 chemical incident investigations in the rearview mirror, the Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board (CSB) released three safety-related deliverables — an animated video, a hazard alert, and a compilation of incident summaries. The agency also updated its reporting form.

Expect even more videos and summaries “soon.” That’s the word from CSB Chairperson Steve Owens last week, during the board’s quarterly business meeting. The board also noted that it is forging ahead with nine new investigations. It means we’ll see investigative reports down the line.

‘Fire from the Storm’ video

The CSB’s new 17-minute safety video, "Fire from the Storm," includes a riveting animation of the events leading to a fire and toxic gas release. The incident occurred when Hurricane Laura damaged a chemical storage facility in Louisiana.

Rainwater then reached the chemical storage. The chemical decomposed, producing toxic chlorine gas and a fire. A large plume of chlorine traveled over the community.

The CSB video calls on OSHA and EPA to amend regulations on Process Safety and Risk Management, respectively. Five key safety issues contributing to the incident are covered:

  • Extreme weather preparation,
  • Process hazard analyses,
  • Emergency preparedness and response,
  • Adherence to hazardous materials codes, and
  • Gaps in regulatory coverage of reactive chemical hazards.

The latest video follows two others issued in October and July. It also aligns with an alert shared last July on hurricane preparedness.

Cold weather alert

Cold weather can crack or break pipes. It can also lead to ruptured or damaged process equipment and/or failing instruments. In December, CSB rang alarm bells over an uptick in chemical incidents during cold weather. The CSB alert listed over a dozen safety steps and links to guidance on cold weather operations.

Process safety management programs are regulated at 29 CFR 1910.119. Per the alert, these programs should consider how low temperatures may affect piping, equipment, and instruments. Equipment susceptible to ice or hydrate formation should also be identified and properly winterized.

Extreme weather dangers are a recurring theme for CSB. Last July, during hurricane season, Owens said, “When it comes to extreme weather, chemical companies should expect the unexpected and must always be prepared for the worst-case scenario.”

Event summaries issued

In a move toward transparency, CSB compiled summaries for 26 of the chemical incident reports it has received. These events summarized in Incident Reports Volume 1 resulted in five fatalities, 17 serious injuries, and about $697M in property damage in 15 states since April 2020.

For over two years the board has posted “overall” data about incidents reported under 40 CFR 1604. That’s the Reporting of Accidental Releases standard. CSB now calls this standard the “Accidental Release Reporting Rule (ARRR).”

For the record, CSB has received 460 reports in the last five years. The reports reveal 68 fatalities and 249 serious injuries/illnesses. Over 200 of these incidents involved property damage of $1M or more.

The overall data reports provide:

  • The name and location of the chemical facility,
  • The date of the incident, and
  • Whether the incident involved a fatality, serious injury, or substantial property damage.

However, the latest Volume 1 also reveals:

  • A summary of the event,
  • Its probable cause, and
  • Images of the involved facility or incident scene.

Owens argued, “The American people have a right to know about the kinds of dangerous chemical incidents that happen across this country every week.”

Reporting form change

It’s worth noting that CSB updated its Accidental Release Reporting Form and Instructions last June. The changes:

  • Merge the form and instructions into a single document;
  • Make minor formatting and grammar corrections;
  • Indicate a fourth reporting method (to call CSB to relay the National Response Center ID number);
  • Clarify that only “substantial” property damage information is required; and
  • Add a confidential and disclosure statement.

Key to remember

CSB continues to deliver videos, weather-related alerts, and data. The agency has also updated its reporting form and launched an initiative to reveal more incident details on a regular basis. Expect more from the board in 2025, along with any number of investigative reports.


Hazardous waste mishandling: A costly lesson in compliance

A staggering $9.5 million penalty was levied against a former major hazardous waste management company, marking one of the largest penalties ever under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). The settlement addresses numerous violations related to the transportation, storage, and recordkeeping of hazardous materials.

The company in question, a former nationwide provider of hazardous waste services, operated across all ten Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regions and served a wide range of clients, including federal and state entities as well as private businesses. Between May 2014 and April 2020, the company violated key RCRA requirements designed to protect human health and the environment.

Tracking and transportation

A core issue was the improper tracking and transportation of hazardous waste. The company routinely lost track of waste shipments and sent waste to disposal facilities not designated by the original waste generators. In some instances, hazardous waste was transported without the legally required manifests, which are crucial tracking documents.

These manifests detail the type and quantity of waste being transported, its origin, and its intended destination. Without accurate manifests, it becomes extremely difficult to monitor the movement of hazardous materials, increasing the risk of accidents and improper disposal.


Further violations involved improper storage of hazardous waste at transfer facilities. RCRA regulations stipulate strict time limits for storage at these facilities, generally limiting storage to 10 days to prevent long term accumulation of hazardous materials. The company repeatedly exceeded these limits, effectively turning transfer facilities into unauthorized storage sites. This practice poses a significant risk of leaks, spills, and other environmental hazards.


Recordkeeping failures also played a significant role in the violations. The company failed to properly resolve and report discrepancies between the waste described on manifests and the waste received at their facilities. They also frequently failed to return signed copies of manifests to the waste generators within the required 30 days, hindering the generators’ ability to track their waste.

Perhaps most significantly, the company failed to submit thousands of manifests to EPA’s electronic manifest system (e-Manifest) timely. The e-Manifest system tracks hazardous waste shipments electronically, allowing for greater transparency and accountability. By failing to use this system correctly, the company undermined efforts to effectively monitor hazardous waste movement nationwide.


While the company has since sold its hazardous waste division, it remains accountable for its past actions. This settlement serves as a powerful reminder to all companies involved in hazardous waste management of the importance of complying with RCRA regulations.

Strict adherence to these regulations is key to protecting public health and safeguarding the environment from the dangers of improper hazardous waste handling. It emphasizes the need for robust internal tracking systems, rigorous employee training, and a commitment to using available electronic tracking tools like the e-Manifest system.

Key to remember: A recent $9.5 million settlement with a waste management company highlights systemic failures in hazardous waste handling, including improper tracking, storage, and recordkeeping. This case stresses the key need for strict adherence to RCRA regulations for hazardous waste.

EPA to tackle timing of TRI supplier notification for PFAS

EPA to tackle timing of TRI supplier notification for PFAS

Chemical suppliers must notify customers that a product contains a 40 CFR 372 regulated PFAS. However, right now, that timeline is confusing to some suppliers. So, EPA just published a proposal to amend the Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) Reporting standard to clarify the timeline.

Once PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances) have been added to the TRI program, TRI-covered facilities must report information to EPA by July 1 of the next year. They’re covered if they’re in designated industry sectors or are federal facilities and manufacture, process, or otherwise use these PFAS above set quantities.

However, it’s the notification from the supplier that helps to make TRI-covered facilities aware of their TRI-reporting obligations. You may be affected by the latest proposal if you own or operate a facility required to provide TRI supplier notifications under 40 CFR 372.45.

What are TRI supplier notifications?

Supplier notification helps ensure that purchasers are informed that products they purchase have TRI-listed substances. Covered suppliers must send notifications for mixtures or trade name products with TRI chemicals to:

  • Their customers if their customers own or operate TRI facilities, or
  • Anyone who will later distribute that mixture or trade name product to others who own or operate TRI facilities.

Supplier notifications must include:

  • A statement that the mixture or trade name product contains a TRI chemical,
  • The chemical name and Chemical Abstracts Service Registry Number (CASRN), and
  • The percentage (by weight) of that chemical within the mixture or trade name product.

The supplier notification must be in writing. If you’re required to prepare and distribute a safety data sheet (SDS) for the mixture or trade name product under OSHA 29 CFR 1910.1200, then:

  • Your supplier notification must be attached to the SDS, or
  • The SDS must be modified to include the required supplier notification information.

Typically, the supplier notification is found in section 15 of the SDS.

Who’s required to send a supplier notification?

Notifications must be provided by a facility or establishment that:

If a facility meets all three criteria, then a supplier notification is required with at least the first shipment of the calendar year containing that TRI chemical. For chemicals newly added to the TRI list, notifications must be provided starting with the effective year of the chemical on the TRI list.

What’s the problem?

The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) of 2020 automatically updates the list of toxic chemicals subject to TRI reporting. This update happens annually as of January 1 of the year following specific triggering events. (See the preamble to the proposed rule for a list of triggering events.)

EPA must also publish a final rule to update the TRI list in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFRs). However, the problem is these final rules and conforming CFR edits have trailed the January 1 effective date. Stakeholders have questioned whether the supplier notification requirements for such NDAA-added PFAS begin either:

  • On January 1, when the PFAS is added to the statutory TRI chemical list; or
  • Upon EPA completing a rule to include the added PFAS in the CFRs.

The answer is the supplier notification requirements begin on January 1, when the PFAS is added to the statutory TRI chemical list. Suppliers that wait until EPA issues a rule may run into noncompliance.

What’s proposed?

On January 17, EPA proposed to edit the definition of “toxic chemical.” Specifically, EPA includes in the definition the PFAS that are automatically added to the TRI chemical list pursuant to the NDAA. Such PFAS are effectively TRI-listed chemicals as of the applicable January 1st following specific triggering events.

Put another way, EPA proposes to amend the CFR to confirm that the TRI chemical list includes:

  • Any PFAS that have been automatically added pursuant to NDAA section 7321(c), which is codified at 15 U.S.C. 8921(c)(1).

Because some covered PFAS will not be listed in the CFR right away, the regulated community can find information on the latest NDAA-added PFAS here.

How does it work?

Let’s say a PFAS or class of PFAS is listed as added automatically to TRI on January 1, 2024. That means it was added for reporting year 2024. Supplier notifications would start January 1, 2024. Then, TRI-covered facilities would report for that PFAS or class of PFAS by the July 1, 2025, reporting deadline (and in later years).

Similarly, a PFAS or class of PFAS listed as added on January 1, 2025, means it’s added this reporting year (2025). So, those supplier notifications started January 1, 2025, and TRI-covered facilities would report the PFAS or class of PFAS by the July 1, 2026, deadline (and in later years).

What’s the comment deadline?

According to the proposed rule, comments must be received on or before February 18, 2025.

Key to remember

EPA proposes to clarify the timeline for chemical suppliers. It specifies when to notify customers that a product contains a PFAS regulated under 40 CFR 372. Comments are due by February 18, 2025.

Oodles of OSHA policies extended, revised, added, or axed

Oodles of OSHA policies extended, revised, added, or axed

In the waning weeks of the last administration, OSHA was “full steam ahead” with its enforcement directives and memos. Since November, the agency extended two, updated four, added one, and cancelled one. OSHA directives and memos are like instructions for OSHA offices and inspectors. In this way, enforcement and other agency activities are consistent nationwide.

The changes come on the heels of a flurry of earlier memos in 2024. Those dealt with meat plants, ergonomics, injury reporting, and walkaround representation. They also covered issuing citations and enforcement exemptions.

No doubt the new administration will pore over “all” of OSHA’s enforcement documents, not just the latest ones. Therefore, it’s important to keep an eye on any shifts in enforcement strategy from the agency. Knowing what OSHA is targeting may help you prioritize your compliance efforts.

Heat NEP extended

On January 16, the agency extended its National Emphasis Program (NEP) on outdoor and indoor heat-related hazards. The program was due to expire April 8, 2025. However, OSHA extended it until April 8, 2026. The program (described in CPL 03-00-024) targets over 70 high-risk industries when a heat warning or advisory is issued for a local area. Inspections are also conducted for heat-related fatalities, complaints, and referrals, no matter the industry.

Between April 8, 2022, and December 29, 2024, OSHA:

  • Conducted about 7,000 heat-related inspections,
  • Issued 60 heat citations for violations of the General Duty Clause, and
  • Handed out 1,392 Hazard Alert Letters.

Amputations NEP extended

OSHA argues that employees are frequently injured when working on or around machinery and equipment. This is especially the case with insufficient guarding and/or energy control procedures. For that reason, on November 18, OSHA directed its offices to continue inspections under CPL 03-00-022 until June 30, 2025. That’s the NEP on amputations in manufacturing. It targets industrial and manufacturing workplaces with machinery and equipment that could cause amputations.

Injury/illness recordkeeping directive revised

Effective January 13, OSHA issued CPL 02-00-172. This directive provides enforcement guidance for 29 CFR 1904, which goes over injury and illness recordkeeping and reporting. The latest directive replaces a 20-year-old CPL.

OSHA says the new CPL reflects updated recordkeeping policies. It also incorporates revisions related to exemptions, employee rights, and electronic submissions. These stem from final rules published in 2014, 2016, 2019, and 2023.

Vessels directive revised

On November 13, OSHA published CPL 02-01-066. The directive concerns the agency’s authority over workers not only on vessels but also at facilities on/adjacent to U.S. navigable waters or on the Outer Continental Shelf.

The new directive provides guidance related to towing vessels, marine construction, and personal flotation devices. It supersedes older directives.

List of low-hazard industries revised

On November 14, OSHA issued a memo with a revised table listing “low-hazard industries.” These industries had days away, restricted, or transferred work injury/illness incidence rates in 2023 below the national private sector average. That national average was 1.5 per 100 full-time equivalent workers.

The table is referenced in CPL 02-00-170, which provides enforcement exemptions and limitations as required by Congress. Check out the article, “Is YOUR location immune from OSHA safety inspections?

Penalty adjustments revised

On January 7, OSHA issued its memo, “2025 Annual Adjustments to OSHA Civil Penalties.” The memo goes over gravity-based penalty amounts for serious violations. While high gravity violations can reach $16,550, low gravity violations are just $7,093. A maximum $16,550 penalty may be proposed if OSHA thinks it’s appropriate to achieve deterrence.

The memo also offers a table of serious-willful penalty reductions for employer size. For example, an employer with 10 or fewer employees may receive an 80 percent reduction.

OSHA coordinates with EPA under new memo

On December 17, OSHA and EPA entered into a memo of understanding to coordinate protections for workers using chemical substances under two laws. Those include the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) and the Occupational Safety and Health Act. Under the memo, OSHA and EPA will share information on chemical-related priorities, risk evaluation, rulemaking, and enforcement activity.

TSCA regulates the use of chemicals more broadly, while the OSH Act regulates health and safety in the workplace. TSCA also covers a wider range of workers than OSHA, such as volunteers, self-employed workers, and some state and local government workers. That means EPA’s findings and worker protection regulations may differ from OSHA’s.

COVID-19 NEP cancelled

On January 16, OSHA tossed its NEP on COVID-19. According to the agency, this enforcement program (DIR 2021-03 (CPL 03) in place since 2021) was cancelled because of:

  • A decline in COVID-19 complaints and inspections in high-risk workplaces in the last 12 months; and
  • Updated public health guidance indicating the global health emergency has ended.

SST program future unclear

We’re waiting to see if OSHA will post a new Site-Specific Targeting (SST) Program. Its existing one (CPL 02-01-064) expires on February 7, 2025.

Under the SST Program, OSHA selects random targets of non-construction, non-office, non-government workplaces (with 20 or more employees) that are either:

  • "High-rate” establishments with the highest rates of injuries/illnesses; or
  • “Upward-trending” establishments with rates above the industry’s national average that trended upward in certain years.

Key to remember

The last administration continued to issue a stream of enforcement instructions for its offices and inspectors up to the last week. Of course, the new administration may revisit all enforcement documents.

Freeze brings uncertainty to agency rules

Freeze brings uncertainty to agency rules

As happens at the start of most incoming administrations, President Donald Trump has issued a freeze on all regulatory activity at the federal level, giving the new administration some breathing room to review agencies’ plans.

The new executive order, “Regulatory Freeze Pending Review,” says agencies like the Department of Transportation and the Department of Labor must:

  • Not propose or issue any new rules (including any rules that are completed but not yet published) until newly appointed agency leaders have had a chance to review them. The only exception is for urgent or emergency rules that the White House approves.
  • Consider postponing the effective date of any published rules, or any rules that were issued but that have not yet gone into effect, for 60 days, so any “questions of fact, law, and policy” can be reviewed. If no such questions are raised, the rule can proceed.

The order goes on to say that agencies should consider seeking more public input on any postponed rules and, if necessary, consider further delays beyond the initial 60 days.

More than just rules

The order covers not only final and proposed regulations but also “notices of inquiry,” any type of notice of proposed rulemaking, and guidance documents that interpret existing statutes or regulations.

The order will be overseen by the director of the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB), a position to which Trump has nominated Russ Vought.

OMB wastes no time

The OMB, which must approve most rulemaking activities, has already sent numerous pending rules back to the agencies for review. Among the rules withdrawn on January 21, 2025:

  • A proposal to update the new-driver training regulations to address sexual harassment and the safety of women truck drivers and vulnerable road users, such as pedestrians and bicyclists.
  • A proposal to amend the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations to account for the use of trucks and buses equipped with automated driving systems.
  • A proposal from the Department of Health and Human Services to implement hair testing for federal workers.
  • Proposed railroad noise-emission enforcement rules from the Federal Railroad Administration.
  • A proposed air-emissions reporting requirement from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), as well as proposed EPA standards for emissions from PFAS manufacturing facilities.

In addition, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration withdrew a proposed rule on infectious diseases on January 14 and its COVID-19 healthcare rule on January 15, prior to the inauguration.

President Trump issued a similar regulation freeze upon his 2017 inauguration. Soon after, he announced a “two for one” order requiring agencies to eliminate two regulations for every new one issued.

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Most Recent Highlights In Transportation

EPA updates TSCA Chemical Substances Inventory

EPA updates TSCA Chemical Substances Inventory

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released the biannual update of the nonconfidential Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) Chemical Substance Inventory (TSCA Inventory) on January 17, 2025. It includes all nonexempt chemical substances manufactured, processed, and imported in the U.S. that TSCA regulates.

Please note that the nonconfidential TSCA Inventory contains no chemical identities claimed as confidential business information, so it’s not a comprehensive list. The TSCA Master Inventory File is the only complete list.

How does this impact my facility?

The TSCA Inventory helps facilities determine TSCA’s regulatory requirements for the chemicals they use or plan to use. Chemicals on the list (i.e., “existing chemicals”) may be subject to rules such as reporting requirements and manufacturing limits. Chemicals not on the list (i.e., “new chemicals”) have specific notification and review requirements before they can be used.

About the updated TSCA Inventory

The TSCA Inventory has 86,847 chemicals, and 42,495 of these chemicals are active (i.e., in use). EPA also updated commercial activity data as well as regulatory flags that indicate:

  • A chemical is subject to a rule or order restricting manufacturing or use, and/or
  • A chemical has a partial or full exemption from TSCA reporting rules.

EPA plans to release the next updated TSCA Inventory by Summer 2025.

How to access the TSCA Inventory

You can download the nonconfidential TSCA Inventory from EPA’s website or view it online via the agency’s Substance Registry Services (search by list).

Key to remember: EPA updated the nonconfidential TSCA Inventory, including regulatory flags that indicate certain regulatory restrictions and/or reporting exemptions.

Stay on track with mobile off-road emission rules

Stay on track with mobile off-road emission rules

Just like all-terrain tires, mobile emission regulations are built for paved and unpaved landscapes. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) sets federal emission standards for mobile sources, and the rules extend beyond vehicles on the road. The requirements also apply to off-road mobile sources, ranging from the humble lawnmower to imposing construction equipment.

While most requirements affect off-road vehicle, engine, and equipment manufacturers, certain rules apply to owners and operators. So, before you fire up the forklift or any other mobile off-road source, ensure your equipment complies.

What qualifies as a mobile off-road source?

Mobile sources, according to EPA, include vehicles, engines, and motorized equipment with exhaust and evaporative emissions. There are two types of mobile sources:

  • On-road sources, such as passenger and commercial vehicles; and
  • Off-road (or nonroad) sources, like chain saws, generators, and excavators.

Nonroad emission requirements are based on the source and emission system types.

EPA's mobile nonroad emission regulations
Nonroad sourceEmission systemRegulations (40 CFR)
AircraftExhaustPart 1031
Part 1065
Part 1068
Nonroad compression-ignition enginesExhaustPart 1039
Part 1065
Part 1068
Nonroad large spark-ignition enginesExhaust
Part 1048
Part 1065
Part 1068
LocomotivesExhaustPart 1033
Part 1065
Part 1068
Marine compression-ignition engines and vesselsExhaustPart 1042
Part 1065
Part 1068
Marine spark-ignition engines and vesselsExhaust
Part 1045
Part 1065
Part 1068
Nonroad recreational engines and vehiclesExhaust
Part 1051
Part 1065
Part 1068
Nonroad small spark-ignition engines (up to 19 kilowatts)Exhaust
Part 1054
Part 1065
Part 1068
Manufacturers must demonstrate that their nonroad equipment complies with EPA’s regulations to obtain a Certificate of Conformity. This certification allows manufacturers to produce and sell their products.

How do the regulations impact mobile nonroad source owners and operators?

The rules for owners and operators primarily relate to handling, maintaining, and rebuilding the emission-controlling components on nonroad vehicles, engines, and equipment.

Don’t tamper with emission controls

The regulation at 1068.101(b) bans owners, operators, and everyone else from impeding or removing emission controls from certified mobile nonroad vehicles, engines, and equipment. Examples include using software to increase emissions, removing emission control devices from equipment, and operating engines with incorrect fuel.

It also prohibits anyone from making, selling, or using defeat devices to bypass, impair, defeat, or disable emission controls.

Follow the manufacturer’s instructions

Manufacturers are required to provide emission-related installation and maintenance instructions as well as a warranty that the nonroad engine or equipment complies with EPA’s regulations. Owners and operators are responsible for maintaining the product (1068.110(e)).

Implement these actions to help ensure proper maintenance of your nonroad engine or equipment:

  • Follow the manufacturer’s emission-related installation and maintenance guidelines.
  • Operate the vehicle, engine, or equipment solely according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
  • Understand the terms of the manufacturer’s warranty. In addition to improper maintenance (like using an unauthorized service facility if applicable), other actions can void the warranty, such as using the engine or equipment outside its intended purposes stated by the manufacturer.

Rebuild engines according to the regulations

Anyone who installs or has a rebuilt engine installed in a regulated piece of nonroad equipment must confirm that the engine complies with 1068.120. These are some of the major requirements:

  • Only use a rebuilt engine that’s built/rebuilt to a certified configuration that meets the same or more stringent emission standards.
  • If you install an engine rebuilt by someone else, check all emission-related components per the original manufacturer’s recommended practice.
  • Keep required records for all rebuilt engines (except for certain spark-ignition engines with low total displacement) for at least two years.

Key to remember: EPA regulates emissions from all mobile sources, including off-road vehicles, engines, and equipment.

EHS Monthly Round Up - December 2024

EHS Monthly Round Up - December 2024

In this December 2024 roundup video, we’ll review the most impactful environmental, health, and safety news.

Hi everyone! Welcome to the monthly news roundup video, where we’ll review the most impactful environmental, health, and safety news. Please view the content links in the transcript for more information about the topics I’ll be covering today. Let’s get started!

OSHA’s personal protective equipment in construction final rule takes effect January 13. Employers must ensure PPE is of safe design and construction for the work to be performed and properly fits employees.

OSHA extended the comment deadline to January 14 for its proposed heat illness prevention rule. This gives stakeholders two more weeks to review the proposal and comment on it. An informal public hearing on the rule is scheduled for June 16.

OSHA released its Fall 2024 regulatory agenda on December 13. Many final and proposed rulemakings have been pushed into the first half of 2025, and a few have been bumped into the third quarter of the year.

OSHA updated its arc flash guidance for employees working on energized electrical equipment. Arc flash incidents can ignite clothing, cause structural fires, and cause severe or fatal burns. The guidance covers protecting employees from arc flash hazards, common electrical work myths, establishing boundaries around arc flash hazards, and being aware of arc flash hazards.

Warehouse, delivery, and retail workers are at increased risk for injuries and illnesses during the holidays due to higher volumes of work to meet consumer demand. OSHA reminds employers to protect workers by ensuring they’re trained to recognize and prevent hazards.

And finally, turning to environmental news, EPA released its Fall 2024 regulatory agenda on December 13. It includes projected publication dates for several final and proposed rules that may impact industry compliance with air, land, and water regulations.

Thanks for tuning in to the monthly news roundup. We’ll see you next month!

EHS Monthly Round Up - October 2024

EHS Monthly Round Up - October 2024

In this October 2024 roundup video, we'll review the most impactful environmental, health, and safety news.

Hi everyone! Welcome to the monthly news roundup video, where we’ll review the most impactful environmental, health, and safety news. Please view the content links in the transcript for more information about the topics I’ll be covering today. Let’s get started!

A Government Accountability Office report says OSHA can do more to protect warehouse and delivery workers from ergonomic injuries. The report recommends several steps for OSHA to consider, including ensuring compliance officers can easily obtain data on when musculoskeletal disorders occurred.

OSHA updated its inspection guidance for animal slaughtering and processing industries. Inspections will focus on several hazards, including sanitation, ergonomics, and machine guarding. Among other changes, compliance officers will conduct inspections during off-shift times and identify workplace activities that impact employees most at risk such as temporary employees.

OSHA urges workers involved in hurricane cleanup and recovery efforts to be mindful of hazards, especially those associated with restoring electricity, removing debris, and trimming trees. Proper training, experience, and familiarity with related equipment helps ensure worker safety.

And finally, turning to environmental news, EPA extended the 2024 Chemical Data Reporting deadline to November 22 due to technical difficulties with its electronic reporting tool. The 2024 report covers activities that occurred between calendar years 2020 and 2023.

Thanks for tuning in to the monthly news roundup. We’ll see you next month!

EHS Monthly Round Up - May 2023

EHS Monthly Round Up - May 2023

In this monthly roundup video, we'll review the most impactful environmental, safety, and health news.

Hi everyone! Welcome to the monthly news roundup video, where we’ll review the most impactful environmental, health, and safety news. Please view the content links in the transcript to take a deeper dive into the topics I’ll be covering today. With that said, let’s get started!

First, let’s take a look at what’s happening in safety and health. The week of May 1 marked the 10th annual Stand-Down to Prevent Falls in Construction. Employers were encouraged to have safety talks or demonstrations on the use of fall protection.

A new National Emphasis Program on fall prevention covers all industries, with a focus on construction and specific general industry activities. It took effect May 1; however, programmed inspections will begin after a 90-day outreach period.

With the start of lawn-care season, a recent OSHA case highlights some of the risks involved. The Agency found a lawn service contractor operating in Kentucky ignored safety requirements to save time.

A forklift operator suffered fatal injuries after falling into a recycling baler while trying to remove a jam. Investigators found a lack of training and communication were contributing factors.

In response to larger, more frequent wildfires, the state of Washington has proposed permanent wildfire smoke rules. They include year-round requirements for employers that will be in effect whenever there’s a risk that workers will be exposed to wildfire smoke.

And finally, turning to environmental news, EPA finalized changes to the new source performance standards for Automobile and Light Duty Truck Surface Coating Operations. The rule adds more emissions requirements for such operations.

Thanks for tuning in to the monthly news roundup. We’ll see you next month!

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Most Recent Highlights In Safety & Health

EHS Monthly Round Up - January 2023

EHS Monthly Round Up - January 2023

In this monthly roundup video, we’ll review the most impactful environmental, safety, and health news.

Hi everyone! Welcome to the monthly roundup video, where we’ll review the most impactful environmental, safety, and health news. First, let’s take a look at what’s happening in safety and health.

If you haven’t already done so, now is the time to post your OSHA 300A Summary. Employers are required to post the Summary in a conspicuous place from February 1st through April 30th.

As required by law, OSHA increased its penalties for inflation in mid-January. Penalties went up 7.7 percent, effective January 17th.

Also in January, OSHA released its long-awaited Fall 2022 regulatory agenda. Along with numerous proposed rules in the works, three major final rules are slated for 2023 – COVID-19 in healthcare, Injury and Illness tracking, and an update to the hazard communication standard.

OSHA recently released two new letters of interpretation, which address exit signs and lockout/tagout. Specifically, OSHA states that the International Standards Organization emergency exit symbol can be located beside the mandatory EXIT text on an existing sign.

The second letter addresses the applicability of lockout/tagout and the maintenance and operations of cathodic protection rectifiers when working on pipelines.

New York’s Warehouse Worker Protection Act was signed into law in December and takes effect in late February. It protects warehouse distribution workers from undisclosed or unlawful work speed quotas and includes protections for workers who fail to meet these quotas.

In 2021, a worker died every 101 minutes from a work-related injury, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. A total of 5,190 fatal work injuries was recorded in the U.S. in 2021, an 8.9 percent increase over 2020.

Turning to environmental news, EPA automatically added nine per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, or PFAS, to the Toxics Release Inventory, or TRI, list. Four PFAS were added since they are no longer claimed as confidential business information.

EPA released its Fall 2022 regulatory agenda in early January. Included are major regulations impacting the National Ambient Air Quality Standards, waters of the United States, and modifications to the Risk Management Program under the Clean Air Act.

There are also a number of rules related to the National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants in various rule stages.

And finally, beginning with model year 2027, heavy-duty trucks will be required to meet clean air standards that are 80 percent more stringent than current requirements.

EPA says this final rule is aimed at reducing smog- and soot-forming emissions, increasing the life of governed vehicles by up to 250 percent, and increasing emissions warranty periods up to 450 percent.

Thanks for tuning in to the monthly news roundup!

EHS Monthly Round Up - January 2024

EHS Monthly Round Up - January 2024

In this monthly video, we'll review the most impactful environmental, health, and safety news.

Hi everyone! Welcome to the monthly news roundup video, where we’ll go over the most impactful environmental, health, and safety news. Please view the content links in the transcript for more information about the topics I’ll be covering today. Let’s get started!

Effective January 15, OSHA penalties increased 3.2 percent for inflation. Most penalties increased to $16,131. Willful and serious violations, however, increased to $161,323.

Construction workers aged 45 and older suffer more severe injuries and higher associated costs than other age groups. Most injuries are due to slips, trips, and falls.

Washington State updated its process safety management rules to better protect workers in petroleum refineries from the hazards of volatile chemicals. The rules take effect December 27, 2024.

Bloodborne pathogens topped the list of OSHA violations for the healthcare industry in 2023. Hazard Communication was the second most cited standard, followed by respiratory protection.

OSHA Region 2 launched a regional emphasis program that targets tree trimming, tree removal, and land clearing operations. Region 2 includes New York, New Jersey, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

EPA continues to strengthen its regulation of per- and polyfluoroalkyl — or PFAS — substances. A new rule prevents facilities from using any of the 300+ inactive PFAS before EPA conducts a risk determination and, if necessary, regulates the activity.

Thanks for tuning in to the monthly news roundup. We’ll see you next month!

EHS Monthly Round Up - August 2023

EHS Monthly Round Up - August 2023

In this monthly roundup video, we'll review the most impactful environmental, health, and safety news.

Hi everyone! Welcome to the monthly news roundup video, where we'll review the most impactful environmental, health, and safety news. Please view the content links in the transcript to take a deeper dive into the topics I'll be covering today. With that said, let's get started!

In response to soaring temperatures across the country, OSHA issued a heat hazard alert reminding employers of their obligation to protect workers against heat illness. OSHA also ramped up enforcement activities in high-risk industries like construction and agriculture.

OSHA's annual Safe and Sound Week was held the week of August 7. It highlighted the importance of workplace safety and health programs. This year's focus was on mental health and well-being.

OSHA wants to know how you use your safety and health program to ensure a positive workplace safety culture. The agency has drawn up questions related to work safety values, safety messaging, and more, and will use your feedback to develop educational materials. November 30 is the deadline for comments.

Though the current hurricane season has been relatively quiet, it's important to be prepared as the height of the season approaches. Both OSHA and NIOSH have provided resources to help emergency responders, recovery workers, and employers prepare in advance for anticipated weather disasters.

Workplace deaths due to unintentional overdoses of fentanyl and methamphetamine continue to rise. In 2021, there were 464 such fatalities, a 19.6 percent increase over 2020.

And finally, turning to environmental news, receiving facilities will see increased user fees for the e-Manifest system in fiscal years 2024 and 2025. EPA sets these user fees based on how the manifest is submitted and processing costs for each manifest type. Using fully electronic waste manifests will cost significantly less.

Thanks for tuning in to the monthly news roundup. We'll see you next month!

EHS Monthly Roundup - March 2023

EHS Monthly Roundup - March 2023

This monthly video spotlights EHS news highlights from March 2023.

Hi everyone! Welcome to the monthly news roundup video, where we’ll review the most impactful environmental, health, and safety news. Please view the content links in the transcript to take a deeper dive into the topics I’ll be covering today. With that said, let’s get started!

First, let’s take a look at what’s happening in safety and health. OSHA revised its combustible dust national emphasis program. It adds several industries with a higher likelihood of having combustible dust hazards.

California’s Safety and Health Appeals Board says drinking water must be “as close as practicable” to outdoor employees.

The Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration says that some forklift operators may be considered hazmat employees. If operators handle hazmat cargo, such as moving it from the truck to an aircraft, they need hazmat training.

OSHA posted a letter of interpretation that answers hazard communication questions related to lithium batteries. The agency says workers may be exposed to hazards during storage, handling, and maintenance activities.

Stand Up 4 Grain Safety Week was held the week of March 27. Employers were encouraged to hold toolbox talks or safety demonstrations related to grain handling and storage.

Turning to environmental news, EPA issued significant new use rules for chemical substances that were the subject of premanufacture notices. This change brings added reporting and recordkeeping.

Thanks for tuning in to the monthly news roundup. We’ll see you next month!

EHS Monthly Round Up - September 2024

EHS Monthly Round Up - September 2024

In this September 2024 video, we'll review the most impactful environmental, health, and safety news.

Hi everyone! Welcome to the monthly news roundup video, where we’ll review the most impactful environmental, health, and safety news. Please view the content links in the transcript for more information about the topics I’ll be covering today. Let’s get started!

OSHA published its proposed heat illness rule on August 30. It applies to both indoor and outdoor work in general industry, construction, agriculture, and maritime. Comments on the proposal will be accepted until December 30. OSHA encourages both employers and workers to submit comments.

Fall protection for construction remained number one on OSHA’s list of Top 10 violations for the 14th year in a row. There was little movement among the other Top 10 entries, with Hazard Communication at number 2 and ladders at number 3.

OSHA may exclude volunteer emergency response organizations from its proposed emergency response rule. During the rule’s public comment period, the agency received numerous comments that raised serious economic feasibility concerns.

During its silica enforcement inspections, OSHA also found violations of the hazard communication, respiratory protection, and noise standards. Over 200 companies were targeted as part of the agency’s respirable crystalline silica emphasis program.

Employers can view workplace injury and illness trends using OSHA’s Severe Injury Report dashboard. This new online tool allows users to search the agency’s severe injury report database. Severe injuries and illnesses are those that result in inpatient hospitalization, amputation, or loss of an eye.

And finally, turning to environmental news, an EPA final rule impacts facilities that reclassify from major to area source status under the National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants program. These facilities must continue to meet the major source emission standards for seven hazardous air pollutants.

Thanks for tuning in to the monthly news roundup. We’ll see you next month!

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Most Recent Highlights In Human Resources

EHS Monthly Round Up - April 2024

EHS Monthly Round Up - April 2024

In this monthly roundup video, we’ll review the most impactful environmental, safety, and health news.

Hi everyone! Welcome to the monthly news roundup video, where we’ll go over the most impactful environmental, health, and safety news. Please view the content links in the transcript for more information about the topics I’ll be covering today. Let’s get started!

OSHA’s worker walkaround rule takes effect May 31st. It expands the criteria for who employees can authorize to act as their representative during an inspection.

Between 2015 and 2022, there were about 1,500 worker injuries involving food processing machinery. A new OSHA alert raises awareness of these hazards. It addresses hazard recognition, corrective measures, and workers’ rights.

The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) seeks stakeholder input on protecting outdoor workers from wildfire smoke. The agency intends to develop a hazard review document that provides recommendations to protect workers.

The Mine Safety and Health Administration published a final rule that lowers miners’ exposure to silica dust. It also revises the standard to reflect the latest advances in respiratory protection and practices.

OSHA released 2023 injury and illness data. The agency provides public access to this information in an effort to identify unsafe conditions and workplace hazards that may lead to injuries and illnesses.

And turning to environmental news, EPA finalized a rule to designate two widely used PFAS as hazardous substances under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act, or CERCLA. The rule requires immediate release notifications for the two PFAS. It also gives EPA the authority to hold polluters responsible for contamination.

Thanks for tuning in to the monthly news roundup. We’ll see you next month!

EHS Monthly Roundup - February 2023

EHS Monthly Roundup - February 2023

This monthly video spotlights EHS news highlights from February 2023.

Hi everyone! Welcome to the monthly roundup video, where we’ll review the most impactful environmental, safety, and health news.

First, let’s take a look at what’s happening in safety and health. Machine guarding and hazard communication topped OSHA’s list of most frequently cited serious violations in fiscal year 2022. Over 1,300 citations were issued for machine guarding and over 1,800 were issued for HazCom.

Effective March 26, OSHA will cite certain types of violations as “instance-by-instance” citations, when inspectors identify high-gravity, serious violations specific to the following: falls, trenching, machine guarding, respiratory protection, permit required confined space, and lockout/tagout, as well as other-than-serious violations specific to recordkeeping.

California’s COVID-19 prevention non-emergency regulations, which require employers to protect workers from the hazards related to COVID-19, took effect February 3, and will remain in effect for two years.

A new OSHA fact sheet outlines measures to protect shipyard employees from the physical hazards of confined spaces. In the maritime sector, physical hazards in confined spaces can increase a worker’s risk of injury.

OSHA says it will withdraw its proposal to revoke Arizona’s State Plan. The state has taken measures to remain compliant with federal OSHA. However, OSHA continues to work closely with Arizona to address other state-plan concerns that weren’t part of its original withdrawal proposal.

And turning to environmental news, EPA issued a rule that finalizes first-time standards for inorganic hazardous air pollutants in miscellaneous coating manufacturing that will limit emissions and require effective controls. Final amendments include provisions for inorganic hazardous air pollutant standards for process vessels. The rule took effect February 22.

Thanks for tuning in to the monthly news roundup. We'll see you next month!

EHS Monthly Round Up - March 2024

EHS Monthly Round Up - March 2024

In this monthly roundup video, we’ll review the most impactful environmental, safety, and health news.

Hi everyone! Welcome to the monthly news roundup video, where we’ll go over the most impactful environmental, health, and safety news. Please view the content links in the transcript for more information about the topics I’ll be covering today. Let’s get started! The Office of Management and Budget completed its review of OSHA’s worker walkaround final rule on March 20. The next step is publication in the Federal Register. The rule expands the criteria for who employees can authorize to act as their representative during an OSHA inspection.

Stand Up 4 Grain Safety Week was held the week of March 25. This annual event brings attention to hazards in the grain handling and storage industry and encourages employers to focus on safe work practices.

Over 100 people die in ladder-related deaths each year, and thousands more suffer disabling injuries. During Ladder Safety Month, which is held each March, the American Ladder Institute promotes ladder safety to decrease the number of injuries and fatalities.

Between 2010 and 2023, 11 miners drowned in incidents involving submerged mobile equipment. In response, the Mine Safety and Health Administration issued a safety alert. It recommends measures miners should take when operating equipment near water.

And finally, turning to environmental news, EPA finalized amendments to its Risk Management Program in an effort to improve safety at facilities that use and distribute hazardous chemicals. The rule seeks to improve chemical process safety; assist in planning for, preparing for, and responding to accidents; and increase public awareness of chemical hazards at regulated sites.

Thanks for tuning in to the monthly news roundup. We’ll see you next month!

EHS Monthly Round-Up - August 2024

EHS Monthly Round-Up - August 2024

In this August 2024 roundup, we'll review the most impactful environmental, health, and safety news.

Hi everyone! Welcome to the monthly news roundup video, where we’ll review the most impactful environmental, health, and safety news. Please view the content links in the transcript for more information about the topics I’ll be covering today. Let’s get started!

Two State Plan agencies allegedly provided advance notice of workplace inspections to employers, a practice that’s prohibited under the Occupational Safety and Health Act. Now, lawmakers have requested that the Department of Labor’s acting secretary address the allegations and explain what challenges OSHA faces when monitoring and enforcing State Plan compliance.

A recent study shows jobs in agriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting are among California’s most dangerous, accounting for the highest number of fatalities among full-time workers. Transportation and utilities jobs ranked second and construction was third.

Remote isolation of process equipment can quickly stop the release of hazardous materials, which can help prevent fatalities and injuries, limit facility damage, and better protect communities and the environment. A U.S. Chemical Safety Board study explores their use and makes recommendations for their utilization in chemical facilities.

A National Safety Council report explores the role of diversity, equity, and inclusion on work-related musculoskeletal disorders, or MSDs. MSDs are the most common workplace injury and often lead to worker disability, early retirement, and employment limitations.

And finally, turning to environmental news, EPA published a final rule that revises its hazardous waste export manifest regulations. All hazardous waste shipments and manifest-related reports will be managed electronically through the agency’s e-Manifest program.

Thanks for tuning in to the monthly news roundup. We’ll see you next month!

Section 404 permits: Does your project need a permit to fill?

Section 404 permits: Does your project need a permit to fill?

Some commercial and industrial projects place materials (called fill) in a body of water for various reasons, such as building a facility, adding a road to a facility site, or installing intake and outfall pipes at a power plant. If the project affects any of the waters of the United States (WOTUS), you must first obtain a permit.

Section 404 of the Clean Water Act requires a permit to discharge dredged or fill material into any WOTUS (including wetlands). Before conducting any activities at your facility’s site, it’s crucial to find out whether your project requires a permit to fill.

What’s considered fill material?

The regulations at 40 CFR 232.2 define fill material as any material placed in WOTUS that:

  • Replaces any part of WOTUS with dry land, or
  • Changes the bottom elevation of WOTUS.

Fill material excludes trash and garbage. Common examples of fill material are:

  • Construction debris,
  • Materials used to create a structure/infrastructure,
  • Rock,
  • Sand, and
  • Soil.

Whenever fill material is dumped, placed, or deposited in WOTUS, a “discharge of fill material” occurs. Examples (according to 232.2) range from road fills to commercial and industrial site development fills.

The Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) jointly administer the Section 404 permit program. The USACE typically issues the permits unless a state or tribal program is authorized to issue them.

Does your project require a permit to fill?

To answer this question, you’ll need to address a few more questions:

1. Will fill materials enter WOTUS?

The first step is to determine whether Section 404 regulations cover any on-site waterbodies.

The Aquatic Resource Delineation Report is a required part of the permitting process. It identifies any on-site aquatic resources (i.e., waterbodies or wetlands) subject to permitting rules. Businesses typically hire consultants to develop the report.

If you need help figuring out the status of your aquatic resources, you can request the USACE to make a written jurisdictional determination of whether Section 404 rules apply to any on-site waterbodies or wetlands.

2. Is the planned discharge of fill exempt?

Not all fill discharges require a Section 404 permit. Examples include:

  • Conducting ongoing farming and ranching activities (such as minor drainage and harvesting);
  • Maintaining drainage ditches, dams, and levees; and
  • Building and maintaining irrigation ditches, farm and stock ponds, and farm and forest roads.

See 232.3 for the comprehensive list of discharge activities that don’t require a permit.

3. What impact will the fill discharge have?

The potential impact that your project will have on WOTUS determines the type of permit you need: general or individual.

General permits are issued for discharges that have only minimal adverse effects on WOTUS. They’re based on specific activities and typically require much less processing time, allowing projects to begin sooner. The types of general permits include:

  • Nationwide permits (authorize activities across the U.S.),
  • Regional general permits (authorize activities in a specific area), and
  • Programmatic general permits (authorize activities already regulated by existing state, local, or federal programs).

Individual permits are issued for discharges that may have significant impacts on WOTUS. They require case-by-case evaluations of each project.

When starting the Section 404 permitting process, keep these things in mind:

  • The permit requirements apply both to permanent and temporary projects, like using fills to access a work area for a limited time.
  • You can request to meet with the USACE before applying for a permit. It’s an informal meeting during which the USACE offers guidance and insights that could help reduce your application’s processing time.
  • Check with the state to identify any state-level permitting requirements.

Key to remember: If a project’s discharges of fill material could impact the waters of the United States, it may require a Section 404 permit under the Clean Water Act.

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