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EPA proposes revisions to 2015 coal ash regulations
On November 4, EPA announced proposed revisions to its 2015 coal ash regulations. Specifically, the proposal includes:
- Establishing a new deadline of August 31, 2020 for all unlined surface impoundments and surface impoundments that are located above an aquifer to stop receiving waste and either close or retrofit.
- Establishing procedures for facilities to obtain additional time to develop alternate capacity to manage their waste streams (both coal ash and non-coal ash) before they must stop receiving waste and initiate closure of their coal ash surface impoundments.
- Changing the classification of compacted-soil lined or clay-lined surface impoundments from “lined” to “unlined.”
- Revising the coal ash regulations to specify that all unlined surface impoundments are required to retrofit or close.
EPA says that at present, the majority of the 2015 coal ash rule remains in place and its implementation continues. All units managing coal ash are required to monitor groundwater, publicly report the data, and take action to address exceedances of the groundwater protection standards.
EPA will accept public comments for 60 days once the rule is published in the Federal Register. The Agency also will hold a virtual public hearing in early January 2020 for interested parties to present information, comments, or views on the proposed changes.