Carrier profile advice for Canadian carriers
The National Safety Code (NSC) Standard 7 requires all Canadian jurisdictions to maintain a Carrier Profile on those carriers regulated under the provincial NSC programs. While the Carrier Profile is designed to identify high-risk motor carriers to provincial regulators, did you know that you can use it to evaluate the effectiveness of your safety and maintenance programs? Your Carrier Profile is a “Report Card” of your company’s compliance with on-road and administrative requirements and performance based on information collected from across Canada and the United States. The data on your Carrier Profile can tell you in what areas you’re doing well and in what areas you’re doing not so well. The key is to regularly request your profile and analyze it for potential areas for improvement. Here, we take a look at how you can get your hands on the data and how to use it to your advantage.
What exactly is on my Carrier Profile and how do I get one?
Carrier profile formats vary between jurisdictions. The standard Carrier Profile includes information regarding:
- A motor carrier’s Safety Fitness Rating;
- A motor carrier’s Operating Status (federal or provincial); and
- Twelve months of events involving NSC vehicles registered in the motor carrier’s name and the persons driving those vehicles. Events include:
- Convictions;
- CVSA inspections;
- Reportable collisions from all Canadian jurisdictions; and
- Violations identified in the province where no charges were laid.
Only the motor carrier named in the Carrier Profile, their authorized agent, or an enforcement agency can obtain a copy of the full profile information. Many provinces allow you to request the profile online. Contact your provincial transportation safety office for guidance.
How to read and interpret your Carrier Profile Report
The Carrier Profile is divided into five parts:
- Part 1 - Carrier Information
- Part 2 - Conviction Information
- Part 3 - CVSA Inspection Information
- Part 4 - Collision Information
- Part 5 - Violation Information
Part 1 – Carrier Information
Part 1 of the Carrier Profile gives an overall snapshot of a company’s current safety status including current Safety Fitness Rating, , and a summary of Conviction, CVSA Inspection, and Collision event history. Part 1 always displays the last 12 months of data, and the motor carrier’s current Safety Fitness Rating as of the date the Carrier Profile was requested.
Also displayed is the motor carrier’s current Operating Status of “provincial” or “federal” (as applicable by jurisdiction). Having the proper Operating Status is critical to a motor carrier’s operation. Motor carriers found operating with the wrong Operating Status may be charged with an offence and detained until the appropriate Operating Status has been obtained.
What to look for: When reviewing this part of your profile, always ensure the data here looks current and accurate.
Part 2 – Conviction Information
The information recorded in this part reflects convictions shown in order of offence date, with the most recent shown first. Conviction points remain on a Carrier’s Profile for one year from the conviction date.
Points ranging from 0 to 5 are assigned to a conviction depending on the severity of the offence with 5 points assigned to the most serious offences. These point values are recommended by the Canadian Council of Motor Transportation Administrators (CCMTA) at the national level to provide consistency amongst jurisdiction’s monitoring programs. As an example:
- Faulty lights, not resulting in Out of Service, 1 point
- Speed 21−30 kilometres per hour over, 2 points
- No permit or contravene conditions of permit, 3 points
- Drive while disqualified, 5 points
What to look for: Convictions here can help clue you into where you may need to make adjustments. For example, if you find that your drivers are frequently speeding, you should address it and possibly look at your policies and disciplinary process.
Part 3 – CVSA Inspection Information
Part 3 provides information on inspections conducted under the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA) inspection program both in Canada and the U.S. for the time period requested. CVSA inspections remain on a Carrier’s Profile for one year from the date the inspection occurred.
What to look for: In this part you can determine the breakdown of defects from “Out of Service” and “Requires Attention” to assist you with identifying possible deficiencies in your inspection and maintenance program.
Part 4 – Collision Information
Part 4 provides collision information supplied by enforcement agencies across Canada and the U.S. The collisions are considered reportable under the jurisdiction’s legislation in which the collision event occurred. Collision points remain on a Carrier’s Profile for one year from the date the event occurred.
All reportable collisions appear on a carrier’s profile at least 45 days after the event date. This is to allow motor carriers the option to have the collision evaluated for preventability prior to the collision appearing on the profile.
What to look for: Reviewing and evaluating this part can help you identify areas where safety and compliance can be improved and potential opportunities for additional training.
Part 5 – Violation Information
Part 5 is a summary of violations documented by enforcement agencies. Each violation is a contravention of an act or regulation where no prosecution has been entered.
No points will be assigned to violations under this part; however, violations may be considered when reviewing a motor carrier’s overall safety fitness. Violations will remain on a Carrier’s Profile for one year from the date the event occurred.
Information in this part includes an analysis of violations by offense type, occurrence date, time, vehicle plate number, location of the offense, a generic offense description, and the driver’s name.
What to look for: This part will assist you in identifying the main areas of non-compliance with regulations such as Hours of Service.
A useful tool, if used properly
Although the Carrier Profile only provides after-the-fact information on motor carriers on-road and administrative compliance, the Carrier Profile can help you to become more proactive rather than reactive. You can look forward and adjust your driver training programs, driver coaching frequency maintenance programs, vehicle inspections...etc. etc... You may need to address and update policies and procedures...
Carriers that do not make changes and that continuously represent an unacceptable risk to the public may have their safety fitness certificates cancelled. This would result in the carrier not being able to register or operate an NSC vehicle. Failing to address known issues appearing on your carrier profile is risky business. Be sure to regularly request your profile and track your progress.
Key to remember: The Carrier Profile allows motor carriers to identify and take appropriate corrective action thereby helping prevent further violations.