ASSP comments on PAW Act, workplace violence legislation
The American Society of Safety Professionals (ASSP) recently submitted comments supporting two legislative proposals relating to workplace safety.
The organization submitted a letter to House of Representatives sponsors of H.R. 1309 and S. 851, legislation intended to help protect workers in the healthcare and social service sectors from the threat of workplace violence. The legislation would mandate OSHA develop a standard requiring employers to implement a comprehensive workplace violence prevention plan.
ASSP notes that a Government Accountability Office (GAO) study showed rates of violence against healthcare workers can be 12 times higher than rates for the overall workforce, and that 70 percent of nonfatal workplace assaults occurred in the healthcare and social assistance sectors.
ASSP also submitted a statement to several members of the House in support of the Protecting America's Workers (PAW) Act. The Act would expand federal OSHA coverage to public sector workers, enhance whistleblower protections, expand employer liability for violations under the General Duty Clause, and require OSHA to update national consensus standards, among other provisions.