State Updates
Connecticut DEEP issues plan assessing electric supply and need
The Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) finalized the state’s Integrated Resources Plan (IRP), which details the forecasted power need and supply. The plan was the first to lay out pathways to reach zero-carbon supply by 2040. It includes steps to revamp electricity markets, the grid, and policy.
NYC schools in hot water with U.S. DOJ
City of New York and the New York City Department of Education (NYCDOE) reached a settlement with the Department of Justice in a lawsuit that was filed against both city organizations. The consent judgment addresses Area Source Boiler Rule violations from oil-fired boilers at hundreds of schools in the city. Compliance deficiencies included failure to perform required tune-ups and energy assessments.
DE gears up for 2022 Wetlands Conference
Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control is planning its annual Wetlands Conference for February 1 and 2, 2022. The two-day event highlights the importance of wetlands in Delaware and the region. In years past, hundreds of scientists, planners, county, state, and federal representatives, community leaders, educators, and natural resource managers have attended to share and learn about wetlands research, conservation, and outreach programs.
Minnesota lakes are mostly healthy
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) released results of a study evaluating the health of the state’s major recreational lakes. The study was the first of its kind. Study results showed that three quarters (75%) of Minnesota lakes met water quality standards for recreation such as swimming and wading. It also revealed discrepancies in lake health varied largely by regions. Northeast lakes were found to generally be in better health, with lake conditions declining toward the southern and western parts of the state.
Watch for 2021 Take Care of Texas video voting
Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) and Waste Management of Texas closed the 2021 Take Care of Texas video contest early this month (December 3) with public voting opening in January. The contest engages youth to learn about environmental protection and creatively share what they learn through a short video. All entries share positive ways to Take Care of Texas.
Clean Diesel Rebate application period open in Nebraska
The Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy is currently accepting applications for the Clean Diesel Program. The application period is open through January 13, 2022, and is accepting requests for all three of the rebate types — diesel refuse truck replacements, school bus replacements, and agricultural irrigation pump diesel engine replacements. The Nebraska Clean Diesel Rebate Program continues to be a key element in reducing harmful diesel emissions in the state.
California builds Alternative Management Standards for treated wood waste
California adopted new Alternative Management Standards (AMS) for treated wood waste (TWW) to ease storage and disposal requirements for non-RCRA TWW. These wastes had been reclassified as hazardous waste in January 2021, which had since been a challenge in the state. The new AMS are intended to simplify the safe and economical disposal of TWW while still protecting the environment. The AWS also made TWW variances no longer necessary or valid.
HI discusses garbage woes on the big island
Hawaii County, encompassing all of Hawaii, “the big island,” has been discussing troubles with municipal waste management in the county. Department of Environmental Management representatives are encouraging elected officials to look closer at transportation costs of moving waste around the island and are advocating for a new fee structure to cover those costs. Also, part of the discussion is a different approach, focusing more on reducing trash production and therefore avoiding the transportation need completely.