Rules of the roundabout
As cities around the country continue to install roundabouts, truck drivers must know how to navigate them safely. Consider including safety tips for roundabouts in your regular driver training.
Approaching. When approaching a roundabout, watch for signs to assist in selecting the appropriate lane and slow down. Yield to pedestrians and bicyclists as well as traffic on the left that is already in the roundabout.
Entering. When there is a safe gap in traffic, enter the roundabout and maintain a low speed. When approaching the exit, turn on the vehicle’s right signal, and make sure to yield to pedestrians and bicycles when exiting the roundabout.
Trailer Tracking. A large truck is expected to stay in its lane when approaching a roundabout. When navigating a roundabout, there will be times that the trailer may track into other lanes, using all available space or the truck apron. A truck apron is a paved area on the inside of the roundabout that is used by trucks when off-tracking.
Turning Right. When making a right turn, the vehicle may need more space than what is provided in the lane of travel, and in some cases the vehicle may need all available space. Be alert for surrounding traffic, and proceed with caution.
Turning Left. When making a left turn, select the lane that allows traffic to remain on the “sight side,” if possible. Check for surrounding traffic, and, when clear, enter the roundabout, keeping in mind that the trailer may off-track onto the truck apron. Check mirrors continually until the truck clears the roundabout.
Going Straight. When making a through movement, select the correct lane, and try to keep traffic to the left, if possible. Check for surrounding traffic, and continually check the mirrors until the vehicle has safely cleared the roundabout.
Remember, several states have laws addressing truck right-of-way in roundabouts. For questions about your state’s laws (or anything else!), don’t hesitate to reach out to us using the Expert Help feature included with your subscription.