EPA adds aerosol cans to universal waste regulations
EPA has added hazardous waste aerosol cans to the list of materials that can be managed under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act’s (RCRA) universal waste management system. The Agency says the final rule promotes the collection and recycling of these cans and encourages the development of municipal and commercial collection programs to reduce the quantity of aerosol cans going to municipal solid waste landfills or combustors.
The final rule affects those who generate, transport, treat, recycle, or dispose of hazardous waste aerosol cans, unless they are households or very small quantity generators (VSQGs). Entities potentially affected by this action include over 25,000 industrial facilities in 20 different industries, including the retail, construction, and manufacturing sectors.
Five states—California, Colorado, New Mexico, Ohio, and Utah—already have universal waste aerosol can programs in place and have set standards for puncturing and draining aerosol cans by universal waste handlers.
The final rule greatly benefits retailers by simplifying handling requirements for hazardous waste aerosol cans. The rule takes effect 60 days after publication in the Federal Register.