EPA to tackle timing of TRI supplier notification for PFAS
Chemical suppliers must notify customers that a product contains a 40 CFR 372 regulated PFAS. However, right now, that timeline is confusing to some suppliers. So, EPA just published a proposal to amend the Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) Reporting standard to clarify the timeline.
Once PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances) have been added to the TRI program, TRI-covered facilities must report information to EPA by July 1 of the next year. They’re covered if they’re in designated industry sectors or are federal facilities and manufacture, process, or otherwise use these PFAS above set quantities.
However, it’s the notification from the supplier that helps to make TRI-covered facilities aware of their TRI-reporting obligations. You may be affected by the latest proposal if you own or operate a facility required to provide TRI supplier notifications under 40 CFR 372.45.
What are TRI supplier notifications?
Supplier notification helps ensure that purchasers are informed that products they purchase have TRI-listed substances. Covered suppliers must send notifications for mixtures or trade name products with TRI chemicals to:
- Their customers if their customers own or operate TRI facilities, or
- Anyone who will later distribute that mixture or trade name product to others who own or operate TRI facilities.
Supplier notifications must include:
- A statement that the mixture or trade name product contains a TRI chemical,
- The chemical name and Chemical Abstracts Service Registry Number (CASRN), and
- The percentage (by weight) of that chemical within the mixture or trade name product.
The supplier notification must be in writing. If you’re required to prepare and distribute a safety data sheet (SDS) for the mixture or trade name product under OSHA 29 CFR 1910.1200, then:
- Your supplier notification must be attached to the SDS, or
- The SDS must be modified to include the required supplier notification information.
Typically, the supplier notification is found in section 15 of the SDS.
Who’s required to send a supplier notification?
Notifications must be provided by a facility or establishment that:
- Has a North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code that corresponds to Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) codes 20-39;
- Manufactures (including imports) or processes a TRI chemical; and
- Sells or otherwise distributes that chemical within a mixture or trade name product to TRI-covered facilities or others who may, in turn, distribute such a mixture or trade name product to TRI-covered facilities.
If a facility meets all three criteria, then a supplier notification is required with at least the first shipment of the calendar year containing that TRI chemical. For chemicals newly added to the TRI list, notifications must be provided starting with the effective year of the chemical on the TRI list.
What’s the problem?
The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) of 2020 automatically updates the list of toxic chemicals subject to TRI reporting. This update happens annually as of January 1 of the year following specific triggering events. (See the preamble to the proposed rule for a list of triggering events.)
EPA must also publish a final rule to update the TRI list in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFRs). However, the problem is these final rules and conforming CFR edits have trailed the January 1 effective date. Stakeholders have questioned whether the supplier notification requirements for such NDAA-added PFAS begin either:
- On January 1, when the PFAS is added to the statutory TRI chemical list; or
- Upon EPA completing a rule to include the added PFAS in the CFRs.
The answer is the supplier notification requirements begin on January 1, when the PFAS is added to the statutory TRI chemical list. Suppliers that wait until EPA issues a rule may run into noncompliance.
What’s proposed?
On January 17, EPA proposed to edit the definition of “toxic chemical.” Specifically, EPA includes in the definition the PFAS that are automatically added to the TRI chemical list pursuant to the NDAA. Such PFAS are effectively TRI-listed chemicals as of the applicable January 1st following specific triggering events.
Put another way, EPA proposes to amend the CFR to confirm that the TRI chemical list includes:
- All chemicals found at 40 CFR 372.65; AND
- Any PFAS that have been automatically added pursuant to NDAA section 7321(c), which is codified at 15 U.S.C. 8921(c)(1).
Because some covered PFAS will not be listed in the CFR right away, the regulated community can find information on the latest NDAA-added PFAS here.
How does it work?
Let’s say a PFAS or class of PFAS is listed as added automatically to TRI on January 1, 2024. That means it was added for reporting year 2024. Supplier notifications would start January 1, 2024. Then, TRI-covered facilities would report for that PFAS or class of PFAS by the July 1, 2025, reporting deadline (and in later years).
Similarly, a PFAS or class of PFAS listed as added on January 1, 2025, means it’s added this reporting year (2025). So, those supplier notifications started January 1, 2025, and TRI-covered facilities would report the PFAS or class of PFAS by the July 1, 2026, deadline (and in later years).
What’s the comment deadline?
According to the proposed rule, comments must be received on or before February 18, 2025.
Key to remember
EPA proposes to clarify the timeline for chemical suppliers. It specifies when to notify customers that a product contains a PFAS regulated under 40 CFR 372. Comments are due by February 18, 2025.