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When to train
  • Employees with occupational exposure should receive bloodborne pathogens training before they begin working in any position where exposure may occur, at least annually thereafter, and whenever changes to tasks or procedures may affect their occupational exposure.

Once the jobs and tasks with occupational exposure are identified, employers can quickly find out which employees have occupational exposure. These employees must be trained in accordance with 1910.1030(g)(2). Information and training are required:

  • At the time of initial assignment to tasks with occupational exposure. This means prior to being placed in positions where occupational exposure may occur.
  • At least annually thereafter. This means at least once every 12 months (within a period not exceeding 365 days). Training should be provided on a date reasonably close to the anniversary date. If the annual refresher cannot be completed by the anniversary, the employer should maintain a record indicating why the training is delayed and when the training will be done.
  • When changes affect an employee’s occupational exposure. Changes include modification of tasks or procedures or the institution of new tasks or procedures. The additional training may be limited to addressing the new exposures created.