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Employee information and training
  • The written program should provide details on six different main points regarding employee information and training.
  • Describe how employees will be informed of the hazards of chemicals contained in unlabeled pipes in their work areas.

The written program should provide details on six different main points regarding employee information and training:

  1. The person responsible for conducting training.
  2. Which employees will receive training (if training all employees, state this).
  3. The format of the training program that is used (audiovisual, classroom instruction, etc.). If any handouts are given to employees, include copies of them.
  4. Procedure to train new employees at the time of their initial assignment.
  5. Procedure to retrain all employees when a new hazard is introduced. For example, will safety department personnel track the training and retraining, or will area supervisors?
  6. How training is documented (such as a copy of a training attendance sheet signed by employees upon completion of their training, if applicable).

Hazards of non-routine tasks and unlabeled pipes

To cover all situations of employee exposure, the written program must include:

  1. The methods used to inform employees of the hazards of non-routine tasks (for example, the cleaning of reactor vessels). What procedures are in place to ensure that those jobs that are not part of the weekly or monthly facility functioning fall under the employee training system?
  2. How employees will be informed of the hazards of chemicals contained in unlabeled pipes in their work areas.