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Shipping paper specifications
  • Hazardous Materials Regulations require certain specific information, such as number of pages and special permit numbers, to be included with shipping papers.

The Hazardous Materials Regulations require that specific information is included with the shipping papers.


The regulations leave it up to the shipper to determine the format of the shipping papers.

Page numbers

A shipping paper may consist of more than one page, if each page is consecutively numbered and the first page bears a notation specifying the total number of pages included in the shipping paper. For example, “Page 1 of 4 pages.”

Special permits

For a shipment of hazardous materials made under a special permit, the shipping paper must bear the notation “DOT-SP” followed by the number issued for the special permit. The notation must be clearly associated with the description to which the special permit applies.

Additional information

A shipping paper may contain additional information not inconsistent with the required hazardous materials information. This information must follow all the information required by the hazardous materials regulations.

Prohibited entries

No shipping paper entry shall identify a material as hazardous by hazard class or identification number unless the material described is a regulated hazardous material.