§52.2320 Identification of plan.
(a) Purpose and scope. This section sets forth the applicable State Implementation Plan for Utah under section 110 of the Clean Air Act, 42 U.S.C. 7410 and 40 CFR part 51 to meet national ambient air quality standards or other requirements under the Clean Air Act.
(b) Incorporation by reference. (1) Material listed in paragraphs (c) and (d) of this section with an EPA approval date prior to March 1, 2016, was approved for incorporation by reference by the Director of the Federal Register in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. Material is incorporated as submitted by the state to EPA, and notice of any change in the material will be published in the Federal Register. Entries for paragraphs (c) and (d) of this section with EPA approval dates after March 1, 2016, will be incorporated by reference in the next update to the SIP compilation.
(2) EPA Region 8 certifies that the rules/regulations provided by EPA in the SIP compilation at the addresses in paragraph (b)(3) of this section are an exact duplicate of the officially promulgated state rules/regulations which have been approved as part of the State Implementation Plan as of March 1, 2016.
(3) Copies of the materials incorporated by reference may be inspected at the Environmental Protection Agency, Region 8, 1595 Wynkoop Street, Denver, Colorado 80202-1129; and the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). For information on the availability of this material at NARA, call (202) 741-6030, or go to http://www.archives.gov/federal-register/cfr/ibr-locations.html.
(c) EPA-approved regulations.
Rule No. | Rule title | State effective date | Final rule citation, date | Comments |
R307-101. General Requirements | ||||
R307-101-1 | Foreward | 11/8/2012 | 81 FR 4959, 1/29/16 | |
R307-101-2 | Definitions | 08/02/2018 | 84 FR 35832, 7/25/2019 | |
R307-101-3 | Version of Code of Federal Regulations Incorporated by Reference | 6/4/2020 | 87 FR 54898, 9/8/2022 | Previous SIP approval: 7/10/20. |
R307-102. General Requirements: Broadly Applicable Requirements | ||||
R307-102 | General Requirements: Broadly Applicable Requirements | 11/8/2012 | 81 FR 4959, 1/29/16 | |
R307-104. Conflict of Interest | ||||
R307-104-01 | Authority | 6/1/2016 | 81 FR 50628, 8/2/2016. | |
R307-104-02 | Purpose | 6/1/2016 | 81 FR 50628, 8/2/2016. | |
R307-104-03 | Disclosure of conflict of interest | 6/1/2016 | 81 FR 50628, 8/2/2016. | |
R307-105. General Requirements: Emergency Controls | ||||
R307-105-01 | Air Pollution Emergency Episodes | 9/15/1998 | 71 FR 7679, 2/14/06 | |
R307-105-02 | Emergency Actions | 9/15/1998 | 71 FR 7679, 2/14/06 | |
R307-107. General Requirements: Breakdowns | ||||
R307-107 | General Requirements: Breakdowns | 7/31/2012 | 79 FR 7067, 2/6/14 | |
R307-110. General Requirements: State Implementation Plan | ||||
R307-110-01 | Incorporation by Reference | 12/6/2012 | 80 FR 54237, 9/9/15 | |
R307-110-02 | Section I. Legal Authority | 9/15/1998 | 71 FR 7679, 2/14/06 | |
R307-110-03 | Section II. Review of New and Modified Air Pollution Sources | 9/15/1998 | 71 FR 7679, 2/14/06 | |
R307-110-04 | Section III. Source Surveillance | 9/15/1998 | 71 FR 7679, 2/14/06 | |
R307-110-05 | Section IV. Ambient Air Monitoring Program | 9/15/1998 | 71 FR 7679, 2/14/06 | |
R307-110-06 | Section V. Resources | 9/15/1998 | 71 FR 7679, 2/14/06 | |
R307-110-07 | Section VI. Intergovernmental Cooperation | 9/15/1998 | 71 FR 7679, 2/14/06 | |
R307-110-08 | Section VII. Prevention of Air Pollution Emergency Episodes | 9/15/1998 | 71 FR 7679, 2/14/06 | |
R307-110-09 | Section VIII. Prevention of Significant Deterioration | 6/16/2006 | 76 FR 41712, 7/15/11 | |
R307-110-10 | Section IX. Control Measures for Area and Point Sources, Part A, Fine Particulate Matter | 12/5/2019 | 86 FR 27036, 5/19/2021 | |
R307-110-11 | Section IX. Control Measures for Area and Point Sources, Part B, Sulfur Dioxide | 9/15/1998 | 71 FR 7679, 2/14/06 | |
R307-110-12 | Section IX. Control Measures for Area and Point Sources, Part C, Carbon Monoxide | 6/7/2018 | 85 FR 38509, 6/12/2020 | Only include provisions incorporated from Section IX, Part C.6 (Provo). |
R307-110-13 | Section IX. Control Measures for Area and Point Sources, Part D. Ozone | 5/2/2007 | 73 FR 5122, 9/2/08 | |
R307-110-14 | Section IX. Control Measures for Area and Point Sources, Part E, Nitrogen Dioxide | 9/15/1998 | 71 FR 7679, 2/14/06 | |
R307-110-15 | Section IX. Control Measures for Area and Point Sources, Part F, Lead | 9/15/1998 | 71 FR 7679, 2/14/06 | |
R307-110-16 | Section IX. Control Measures for Area and Point Sources, Part G, Flouride | 9/15/1998 | 79 FR 11325, 2/28/14 | |
R307-110-17 | Section IX. Control Measures for Area and Point Sources, Part H, Emission Limits | 11/25/2019 | 85 FR 75873, 11/27/2020 | |
R307-110-19 | Section XI. Other Control Measures for Mobile Sources | 9/15/1998 | 71 FR 7679, 2/14/06 | |
R307-110-20 | Section XII. Transportation Conformity Consultation | 5/2/2007 | 73 FR 51222, 9/2/08 | |
R307-110-21 | Section XIII. Analysis of Plan Impact | 5/2/2007 | 73 FR 51222, 9/2/08 | |
R307-110-22 | Section XIV. Comprehensive Emission Inventory | 9/18/1998 | 71 FR 7679, 2/14/06 | |
R307-110-23 | Section XV. Utah Code Title 19, Chapter 2, Air Conservation Act | 9/15/1998 | 71 FR 7679, 2/14/06 | |
R307-110-24 | Section XVI. Public Notification | 9/15/1998 | 71 FR 7679, 2/14/06 | |
R307-110-25 | Section XVII. Visibility Protection | 9/15/1998 | 71 FR 7679, 2/14/06 | |
R307-110-26 | Section XVIII. Demonstration of GEP Stack Height | 9/15/1998 | 71 FR 7679, 2/14/06 | |
R307-110-27 | Section XIX. Small Business Assistance Program | 9/15/1998 | 71 FR 7679, 2/14/06 | |
R307-110-28 | Section XX. Regional Haze | 8/15/2019 | 85 Fr 75873, 11/27/2020 | |
R307-110-30 | Section XXII. General Conformity | 9/15/1998 | 71 FR 7679, 2/14/06 | |
R307-110-31 | Section X, Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program, Part A, General Requirements and Applicability | 9/5/2019 | 86 FR 27036, 5/19/2021 | |
R307-110-32 | Section X. Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program, Part B, Davis County | 9/15/1998 | 71 FR 7679, 2/14/06 | |
R307-110-33 | Section X. Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Programs, Part C, Salt Lake County | 10/7/2004 | 70 FR 44055, 8/1/05 | |
R307-110-34 | Section X. Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program, Part D, Utah County | 5/18/2004 | 70 FR 66264, 11/2/05 | |
R307-110-35 | Section X. Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program, Part E, Weber County | 11/4/2004 | 70 FR 52467, 9/14/05 | |
R307-110-36 | Section X, Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program, Part F, Cache County | 9/5/2019 | 86 FR 27036, 5/19/2021 | |
R307-110-37 | Section XXIII. Interstate Transport | 12/6/2012 | 81 FR 4959, 1/29/16 | |
R307-115. General Conformity | ||||
R307-115-01 | Determining Conformity | 2/8/2008 | 73 FR 51222, 9/2/08 | |
R307-130. General Penalty Policy | ||||
R307-130-01 | Scope | 9/15/1998 | 71 FR 7679, 2/14/06 | |
R307-130-02 | Categories | 9/15/1998 | 71 FR 7679, 2/14/06 | |
R307-130-03 | Adjustments | 9/15/1998 | 71 FR 7679, 2/14/06 | |
R307-130-04 | Options | 7/13/2007 | 73 FR 16543, 3/28/08 | |
R307-150. Emission Inventories | ||||
R307-150-01 | Purpose and General Requirements | 3/5/2018 | 87 FR 54898, 9/8/2022 | Previous SIP approvals: 12/14/12; 4/25/22. |
R307-150-02 | Definitions | 9/3/2020 | 87 FR 24273, 4/25/2022. | |
R307-150-03 | Applicability | 9/3/2020 | 87 FR 24273, 4/25/2022. | |
R307-150-04 | Sulfur Dioxide Milestone Inventory Requirements | 9/3/2020 | 87 FR 24273, 4/25/2022. | |
R307-150-05 | Sources Identified in R307–150–3(2), Large Major Source Inventory Requirements. | 9/3/2020 | 87 FR 24273, 4/25/2022. | |
R307-150-06 | Sources Identified in R307-150-3(3) | 9/3/2020 | 87 FR 24273, 4/25/2022. | |
R307-150-07 | Exempted Hazardous Air Pollutants | 9/3/2020 | 87 FR 24273, 4/25/2022. | |
R307-150-08 | Exempted Hazardous Air Pollutants | 12/31/2003 | 77 FR 74355, 12/14/12 | |
R307–150–09 | Annual Ozone Emission Statement | 9/3/2020 | 87 FR 24273, 4/25/2022. | |
R307-165. Slack Testing | ||||
R307-165-01 | Purpose and Applicability | 6/3/2020 8/10/2020 | 87 FR 54898, 9/8/2022 | Previous SIP approval: 2/14/06. |
R307-165-02 | Testing Frequency | 6/3/2020 | 87 FR 54898, 9/8/2022 | Previous SIP approval: 2/14/06. |
R307-165-03 | Notification of DAQ | 6/3/2020 | 87 FR 54898, 9/8/2022 | Previous SIP approval: 2/14/06. |
R307-165-04 | Test Conditions | 6/3/2020 | 87 FR 54898, 9/8/2022 | Previous SIP approval: 2/14/06. |
R307-165-05 | Reporting | 6/3/2020 | 87 FR 54898, 9/8/2022 | |
R307-165-06 | Rejection of Test Results | 6/3/2020 | 87 FR 54898, 9/8/2022 | |
R307-170. Continuous Emission Monitoring Program | ||||
R307-170-01 | Purpose | 4/1/1999 | 68 FR 26210, 5/15/03 | |
R307-170-02 | Authority | 4/1/1999 | 68 FR 26210, 5/15/03 | |
R307-170-03 | Applicability | 4/1/1999 | 68 FR 26210, 5/15/03 | |
R307-170-04 | Definitions | 1/5/2006 | 71 FR 64125, 11/1/06 | |
R307-170-05 | General Requirements | 1/5/2006 | 71 FR 64125, 11/1/06 | |
R307-170-06 | Minimum Monitoring Requirements for Specific Sources | 4/1/1999 | 68 FR 26210, 5/15/03 | |
R307-170-07 | Performance Specification Audits | 2/8/2008 | 73 FR 51222, 9/2/08 | |
R307-170-08 | Recordkeeping | 4/1/1999 | 68 FR 26210, 5/15/03 | |
R307-170-09 | State Electronic Data Report | 1/5/2006 | 71 FR 64125, 11/1/06 | |
R307-201. Emission Standards: General Emission Standards | ||||
R307-201 | Emission Standards: General Emission Standards | 9/15/1998 | 71 FR 7679, 2/14/06 | |
R307-202. Emission Standards: General Burning | ||||
R307-202 | Emission Standards: General Burning | 10/6/2014 | 82 FR 46916, 10/10/17 | |
R307-203. Emission Standards: Sulfur Content of Fuels | ||||
R307-203 | Emission Standards: Sulfur Content of Fuels | 9/15/1998 | 71 FR 7679, 2/14/06 | |
R307-204. Emission Standards: Smoke Management | ||||
R307-204-01 | Purpose and Goals | 11/5/2019 | 86 FR 24729, 5/10/2021 | |
R307-204-02 | Applicability | 11/5/2019 | 86 FR 24729, 5/10/2021 | |
R307-204-03 | Definitions | 11/5/2019 | 86 FR 24729, 5/10/2021 | |
R307-204-04 | General Requirements | 11/5/2019 | 86 FR 24729, 5/10/2021 | |
R307-204-05 | Burn Schedule | 11/5/2019 | 86 FR 24729, 5/10/2021 | |
R307-204-06 | Small Prescribed Fires (de minimis) | 11/5/2019 | 86 FR 24729, 5/10/2021 | |
R307-204-07 | Large Prescribed Fires | 11/5/2019 | 86 FR 24729, 5/10/2021 | |
R307-206. Emission Standards: Abrasive Blasting | ||||
R307-206 | Emission Standards: Abrasive Blasting | 9/15/1998 | 71 FR 7679, 2/14/06 | |
R307-221. Emission Standards: Emission Controls for Existing Municipal Solid Waste Landfills | ||||
R307-221-01 | Purpose and Applicability | 1/7/1999 | 74 FR 1899, 1/14/09 | |
R307-250. Western Backstop Sulfur Dioxide Trading Program | ||||
R307-250-01 | Purpose | 12/31/2003 | 77 FR 74355, 12/14/12 | |
R307-250-02 | Definitions | 11/10/2008 | 77 FR 74355, 12/14/12 | |
R307-250-03 | WEB Trading Program Trigger | 12/31/2003 | 77 FR 74355, 12/14/12 | |
R307-250-04 | WEB Trading Program Applicability | 11/10/2008 | 77 FR 74355, 12/14/12 | |
R307-250-05 | Account Representative for WEB Sources | 11/10/2008 | 77 FR 74355, 12/14/12 | |
R307-250-06 | Registration | 11/10/2008 | 77 FR 74355, 12/14/12 | |
R307-250-07 | Allowance Allocations | 11/10/2008 | 77 FR 74355, 12/14/12 | |
R307-250-08 | Establishment of Accounts | 11/10/2008 | 77 FR 74355, 12/14/12 | |
R307-250-09 | Monitoring, Recordkeeping and Reporting | 11/10/2008 | 77 FR 74355, 12/14/12 | |
R307-250-10 | Allowance Transfers | 12/31/2003 | 77 FR 74355, 12/14/12 | |
R307-250-11 | Use of Allowances from a Previous Year | 12/31/2003 | 77 FR 74355, 12/14/12 | |
R307-250-12 | Compliance | 11/10/2008 | 77 FR 74355, 12/14/12 | |
R307-250-13 | Special Penalty Provisions for the 2018 Milestone | 12/31/2003 | 77 FR 74355, 12/14/12 | |
R307-301. Utah and Weber Counties: Oxygenated Gasoline Program | ||||
R307-301-3 | Average Oxygen Content Standard | 9/10/2001 | 67 FR 59165, 9/20/02 | |
R307-302. Solid Fuel Burning Devices | ||||
R307-302-1 | Purpose and Definitions | 2/1/2017 | 85 FR 10991, 2/26/2020 | |
R307-302-2 | Applicability | 2/1/2017 | 85 FR 10991, 2/26/2020 | |
R307-302-3 | No-Burn Periods for Particulates | 2/1/2017 | 85 FR 10991, 2/26/2020 | |
R307-302-4 | No-Burn Periods for Carbon Monoxide | 2/1/2017 | 85 FR 10991, 2/26/2020 | |
R307-302-5 | Opacity and Prohibited Fuels for Heating Appliances | 2/1/2017 | 85 FR 10991, 2/26/2020 | |
R307-302-6 | Prohibition | 2/1/2017 | 85 FR 10991, 2/26/2020 | |
R307-303. Commercial Cooking | ||||
R307-303 | Commercial Cooking | 4/10/2013 | 81 FR 9343, 2/25/16 | |
R307-305. Davis, Salt Lake, and Utah Counties and Ogden City, and Nonattainment Areas for PM10: Particulates | ||||
R307-305 | Davis, Salt Lake, and Utah Counties and Ogden City, and Nonattainment Areas for PM10: Particulates | 9/15/1998 | 71 FR 7679, 2/14/06 | |
R307-306. PM10Nonattainment and Maintenance Areas: Abrasive Blasting | ||||
R307-306-01 | Purpose | 9/2/2005 | 87 FR 54898, 9/8/2022 | |
R307-306-02 | Definitions | 9/2/2005 | 87 FR 54898, 9/8/2022 | |
R307-306-03 | Applicability | 9/2/2005 | 87 FR 54898, 9/8/2022 | |
R307-306-04 | Visible Emission Standard | 9/2/2005 | 87 FR 54898, 9/8/2022 | |
R307-306-05 | Visible Emission Evaluation Techniques | 9/2/2005 | 87 FR 54898, 9/8/2022 | |
R307-306-06 | Performance Standards | 9/2/2005 | 87 FR 54898, 9/8/2022 | |
R307-306-07 | Compliance Schedule | 9/2/2005 | 87 FR 54898, 9/8/2022 | |
R307-307. Road Salting and Sanding | ||||
R307-307 | Road Salting and Sanding | 2/1/2013 | 81 FR 9343, 2/25/16 | |
R307-309. Nonattainment and Maintenance Areas for PM10 and PM2.5: Fugitive Emissions and Fugitive Dust | ||||
R307-309 | Nonattainment and Maintenance Areas for PM10 and PM2.5: Fugitive Emissions and Fugitive Dust | 8/4/2017 | 84 FR 52368, 10/2/2019 | |
R307-310. Salt Lake County: Trading of Emission Budgets for Transportation Conformity | ||||
R307-310-01 | Purpose | 5/13/2002 | 67 FR 44065, 7/1/02 | |
R307-310-02 | Definitions | 2/8/2008 | 73 FR 51222, 9/2/08 | |
R307-310-03 | Applicability | 5/13/2002 | 67 FR 44065, 7/1/02 | |
R307-311. Utah County: Trading of Emission Budgets for Transportation Conformity | ||||
R307-311 | Utah County: Trading of Emission Budgets for Transportation Conformity | 3/5/2015 | 80 FR 28193, 5/18/15 | |
R307-312. Aggregate Processing Operations for PM2.5; Nonattainment Areas | ||||
R307-312 | Aggregate Processing Operations for PM2.5 Nonattainment Areas | 2/4/2016 | 81 FR 71990, 10/19/2016 | |
R307-325. Ozone Nonattainment and Maintenance Areas: General Requirements | ||||
R307-325 | Ozone Nonattainment and Maintenance Areas: General Requirements | 3/9/2007 | 78 FR 59242, 9/26/13 | |
R307-326. Ozone Nonattainment and Maintenance Areas: Control of Hydrocarbon Emissions in Petroleum Refineries | ||||
R307-326 | Ozone Nonattainment and Maintenance Areas: Control of Hydrocarbon Emissions in Petroleum Refineries | 3/9/2007 | 78 FR 59242, 9/26/13 | |
R307-327. Ozone Nonattainment and Maintenance Areas: Petroleum Liquid Storage | ||||
R307-327 | Ozone Nonattainment and Maintenance Areas: Petroleum Liquid Storage | 3/9/2007 | 78 FR 59242, 9/26/13 | |
R307-328. Ozone Nonattainment and Maintenance Areas and Utah and Weber Counties: Gasoline Transfer and Storage | ||||
R307-328 | Ozone Nonattainment and Maintenance Areas and Utah and Weber Counties: Gasoline Transfer and Storage | 2/4/2016 | 81 FR 71990, 10/19/2016 | |
R307-335. Degreasing and Solvent Cleaning Operations | ||||
R307-335 | Degreasing and Solvent Cleaning Operations | 1/1/2013 | 81 FR 9343, 2/25/16 | |
R307-340. Ozone Nonattainment and Maintenance Areas: Surface Coating Processes | ||||
R307-340 | Ozone Nonattainment and Maintenance Areas: Surface Coating Processes | 3/9/2007 | 78 FR 59242, 9/26/13 | |
R307-341. Ozone Nonattainment and Maintenance Areas: Cutback Asphalt | ||||
R307-341 | Ozone Nonattainment and Maintenance Areas: Cutback Asphalt | 1/16/2007 | 78 FR 59242, 9/26/13 | |
R307-342. Adhesives and Sealants | ||||
R307-342 | Adhesives and Sealants | 8/1/2013 | 81 FR 9343, 2/25/16 | |
R307-343. Emissions Standards for Wood Furniture Manufacturing Operations | ||||
R307-343 | Emissions Standards for Wood Furniture Manufacturing Operations | 5/1/2013 | 81 FR 9343, 2/25/16 | |
R307-344. Paper, Film, and Foil Coatings | ||||
R307-344 | Paper, Film, and Foil Coatings | 2/1/2013 | 81 FR 9343, 2/25/16 | |
R307-345. Fabric and Vinyl Coatings | ||||
R307-345 | Fabric and Vinyl Coatings | 2/1/2013 | 81 FR 9343, 2/25/16 | |
R307-346. Metal Furniture and Surface Coatings | ||||
R307-346 | Metal Furniture Surface Coatings | 2/1/2013 | 81 FR 9343, 2/25/16 | |
R307-347. Large Appliance Surface Coatings | ||||
R307-347 | Large Appliance Surface Coatings | 2/1/2013 | 81 FR 9343, 2/25/16 | |
R307-348. Magnet Wire Coatings | ||||
R307-348 | Magnet Wire Coatings | 2/1/2013 | 81 FR 9343, 2/25/16 | |
R307-349. Flat Wood Panel Coatings | ||||
R307-349 | Flat Wood Panel Coatings | 2/1/2013 | 81 FR 9343, 2/25/16 | |
R307-350. Miscellaneous Metal Parts and Products Coatings | ||||
R307-350 | Miscellaneous Metal Parts and Products Coatings | 2/3/2013 | 81 FR 9343, 2/25/16 | |
R307-351. Graphic Arts | ||||
R307-351 | Graphic Arts | 2/1/2013 | 81 FR 9343, 2/25/16 | Except R307-351-2 and R307-351-4. |
R307-351-2 | Applicability | 10/8/2014 | 81 FR 9343, 2/25/16 | |
R307-351-4 | Standards for Rotogravure, Flexographic, and Specialist Pring Operations | 2/15/2013 | 81 FR 9343, 2/25/16 | |
R307-352. Metal Container, Closure, and Coil Coatings | ||||
R307-352 | Metal Container, Closure, and Coil Coatings | 2/1/2013 | 81 FR 9343, 2/25/16 | |
R307-353. Plastic Parts Coatings | ||||
R307-353 | Plastic Parts Coatings | 5/1/2013 | 81 FR 9343, 2/25/16 | |
R307-354. Automotive Refinishing Coatings | ||||
R307-354 | Automotive Refinishing Coatings | 2/1/2013 | 81 FR 9343, 2/25/16 | |
R307-355. Control of Emissions From Aerospace Manufacture and Rework Facilities | ||||
R307-355 | Control of Emissions from Aerospace Manufacture and Rework Facilities | 2/1/2013 | 81 FR 9343, 2/25/16 | |
R307-355-5 | Emission standards | 2/15/2013 | 81 FR 9343, 2/25/16 | |
R307-356. Appliance Pilot Light | ||||
R307-356 | Appliance Pilot Light | 1/1/2013 | 81 FR 9343, 2/25/16 | |
R307-357. Consumer Products | ||||
R307-357 | Consumer Products | 8/1/2013 | 81 FR 9343, 2/25/16 | Except R307-357-4. |
R307-357-4 | Standards | 5/8/2014 | 81 FR 9343, 2/25/16 | |
R307-361. Architectural Coatings | ||||
R307-361 | Architectural Coatings | 10/31/2013 | 81 FR 9343, 2/25/16 | |
R307-401. Permit: New and Modified Sources | ||||
R307-401-01 | Purpose | 6/16/2006 | 79 FR 7072, 2/6/14 | |
R307-401-02 | Definitions | 3/5/2020 | 87 FR 54898, 9/8/2022 | Previous SIP approval: 2/6/14. |
R307-401-03 | Applicability | 6/16/2006 | 79 FR 7072, 2/6/14 | |
R307-401-04 | General Requirements | 3/5/2020 | 87 FR 54898, 9/8/2022 | Previous SIP approval: 2/6/14. |
R307-401-05 | Notice of Intent | 3/5/2020 | 87 FR 54898, 9/8/2022 | Previous SIP approval: 2/6/14. |
R307-401-06 | Review Period | 3/5/2020 | 87 FR 54898, 9/8/2022 | Previous SIP approval: 2/6/14. |
R307-401-07 | Public Notice | 10/3/2013 | 81 FR 4959, 1/29/16 | |
R307-401-08 | Approval Order | 6/16/2006 | 79 FR 7072, 2/6/14 | |
R307-401-09 | Small Source Exemption | 3/5/2020 | 87 FR 54898, 9/8/2022 | Previous SIP approval: 2/6/14. |
R307-401-10 | Source Category Exemptions | 3/5/2020 | 87 FR 54898, 9/8/2022 | Previous SIP approval: 5/27/2021. |
R307-401-11 | Replacement-in-Kind Equipment | 3/5/2020 | 87 FR 54898, 9/8/2022 | Previous SIP approval: 2/6/14. |
R307-401-12 | Reduction in Air Contaminants | 08/07/2014 | 81 FR 46338, 7/19/2016 | |
R307-401-13 | Plantwide Applicability Limits | 6/16/2006 | 79 FR 7072, 2/6/14 | |
R307-401-14 | Used Oil Fuel Burned for Energy Recovery | 3/5/2020 | 87 FR 54898, 9/8/2022 | Previous SIP approval: 5/13/14. |
R307-401-15 | Air Strippers and Soil Vapor Extraction Projects | 3/5/2020 | 87 FR 54898, 9/8/2022 | Previous SIP approval: 1/29/16. |
R307-401-16 | De minimis Emissions From Soil Aeration Projects | 3/5/2020 | 87 FR 54898, 9/8/2022 | Previous SIP approval: 5/13/14. |
R307-401-17 | Temporary Relocation | 6/16/2006 | 79 FR 7072, 2/6/14 | |
R307-401-18 | Eighteen Month Review | 6/16/2006 | 79 FR 7072, 2/6/14 | |
R307-403. Permits: New and Modified Sources in Nonattainment Areas and Maintenance Areas | ||||
R307-403 | Permits: New and Modified Sources in Nonattainment Areas and Maintenance Areas | 9/15/1998 | 71 FR 7679, 2/14/2006 | Except for R307-403-1, R307-403-2, R307-403-6, R307-403-10, R307-403-11. |
R307-403-1 | Purpose and Definitions | 08/02/2018 12/04/2013 | 84 FR 35833, 7/25/2019 | |
R307-403-2 | Applicability | 08/02/2018 | 84 FR 35833, 7/25/2019 | |
R307-403-3 | Review of Major Sources of Air Quality Impact | 08/02/2018 | 84 FR 35833, 7/25/2019 | |
R307-403-4 | Offsets: General Requirements | 08/02/2018 | 84 FR 35833, 7/25/2019 | |
R307-403-5 | Offsets: Particulate Matter Nonattainment Areas | 08/02/2018 | 84 FR 35833, 7/25/2019 | |
R307-403-6 | Offsets: Ozone Nonattainment Areas | 9/15/1998 | 82 FR 46419, 10/5/2017 | |
R307-403-7 | Offsets: Baseline | 08/02/2018 | 84 FR 35833, 7/25/2019 | |
R307-403-9 | Construction in Stages | 08/02/2018 | 84 FR 35833, 7/25/2019 | |
R307-403-10 | Analysis of Alternatives | 08/02/2018 | 84 FR 35833, 7/25/2019 | |
R307-403-11 | Actual PALS | 08/02/2018 | 84 FR 35833, 7/25/2019 | |
R307-405. Permits: Major Sources in Attainment or Unclassified Areas (PSD) | ||||
R307-405-01 | Purpose | 9/7/2007 | 76 FR 41712, 7/15/11 | |
R307-405-02 | Applicability | 6/4/2020 | 87 FR 54898, 9/8/2022 | Previous SIP approval: 7/10/20. |
R307-405-03 | Definitions | 02/02/2012 | 81 FR 46838, 7/19/2016 | |
R307-405-04 | Area Designations | 9/7/2007 | 76 FR 41712, 7/15/11 | |
R307-405-05 | Area Redesignation | 9/7/2007 | 76 FR 41712, 7/15/11 | |
R307-405-06 | Ambient Air Increments | 9/7/2007 | 76 FR 41712, 7/15/11 | |
R307-405-07 | Ambient Air Ceilings | 9/7/2007 | 76 FR 41712, 7/15/11 | |
R307-405-08 | Exclusions from Increment Consumption | 9/7/2007 | 76 FR 41712, 7/15/11 | |
R307-405-09 | Stack Heights | 9/7/2007 | 76 FR 41712, 7/15/11 | |
R307-405-10 | Exemptions | 9/7/2007 | 76 FR 41712, 7/15/11 | |
R307-405-11 | Control Technology Review | 9/7/2007 | 76 FR 41712, 7/15/11 | |
R307-405-12 | Source Impact Analysis | 9/7/2007 | 76 FR 41712, 7/15/11 | |
R307-405-13 | Air Quality Models | 9/7/2007 | 76 FR 41712, 7/15/11 | |
R307-405-14 | Air Quality Analysis | 9/7/2007 | 76 FR 41712, 7/15/11 | |
R307-405-15 | Source Information | 9/7/2007 | 76 FR 41712, 7/15/11 | |
R307-405-16 | Additional Impact Analysis | 9/7/2007 | 76 FR 41712, 7/15/11 | |
R307-405-17 | Sources Impacting Federal Class I Areas: Additional Rquirements | 9/7/2007 | 76 FR 41712, 7/15/11 | |
R307-405-18 | Public Participation | 9/7/2007 | 76 FR 41712, 7/15/11 | |
R307-405-19 | Source Obligation | 9/7/2007 | 76 FR 41712, 7/15/11 | |
R307-405-20 | Innovative Control Technology | 9/7/2007 | 76 FR 41712, 7/15/11 | |
R307-405-21 | Actuals PALs | 9/7/2007 | 76 FR 41712, 7/15/11 | |
R307-405-22 | Banking of Emission Offset Credit in PSD Areas | 9/7/2007 | 76 FR 41712, 7/15/11 | |
R307-406. Visibility | ||||
R307-406 | Visibility | 9/15/1998 | 71 FR 7679, 2/14/06 | |
R307-410. Permits: Emissions Impact Analysis | ||||
R307-410-01 | Purpose | 6/6/2006 | 79 FR 7072, 2/6/14 | |
R307-410-02 | Definitions | 08/07/2014 | 81 FR 46838, 7/19/2016 | |
R307-410-03 | Use of Dispersion Models | 6/4/2020 | 87 FR 54898, 9/8/2022 | Previous SIP approval: 7/10/20. |
R307-410-04 | Modeling of Criteria Pollutant Impacts in Attainment Areas | 8/6/2020 | 87 FR 54898, 9/8/2022 | Previous SIP approval: 2/6/14. |
R307-410-06 | Stack Heights and Dispersion Techniques | 08/07/2014 | 81 FR 46838, 7/19/2016 | |
R307-413. Permits: Exemptions and Special Provisions | ||||
[R307-7] | Exemption from Notice of Intent Requirements for Used Oil Fuel Burned for Energy Recovery | 11/15/1996 | 67 FR 35442, 5/20/02 | Recodification not approved. |
R307-413-7 | Exemption from Notice of Intent Requirements for Used Oil Fuel Burned for Energy Recovery | 9/15/1998 | 71 FR 7679, 2/14/06 | |
R307-414. Permits: Fees for Approval Orders | ||||
R307-414 | Permits: Fees for Approval Orders | 12/17/2000 | 72 FR 4641, 2/1/07 | |
R307-420. Permits: Ozone Offset Requirements in Davis and Salt Lake Counties | ||||
R307-420-1 | Purpose | 3/1/1999, 7/1/2013 | 82 FR 46419, 10/5/2017 | |
R307-420-2 | Definitions | 3/1/1999, 7/1/2013 | 82 FR 46419, 10/5/2017 | |
R307-420-3 | Applicability | 3/1/1999, 7/1/2013 | 82 FR 46419, 10/5/2017 | |
R307-420-4 | General Requirements | 3/1/1999, 7/1/2013 | 82 FR 46419, 10/5/2017 | |
R307-420-5 | Contingency Measure: Offsets for Oxides of Nitrogen | 3/1/1999, 7/1/2013 | 82 FR 46419, 10/5/2017 |
(d) EPA-approved source-specific requirements.
Rule title | State effective date | Final rule citation, date | Comments |
Hill Air Force Base | |||
Ozone NAAQS Approval Orders: | |||
Air Quality Approval Order for Remodeling BX Service Station (7/12/1979) | 3/4/1997 | 62 FR 38213, 7/17/1997 | |
Approval Order for Hydrazine Exhaust Incinerator, Davis County (2/5/1985) | 3/4/1997 | 62 FR 38213, 7/17/1997 | |
Approval Order for Industrial Wastewater Treatment Facility, Davis County (2/20/1986) | 3/4/1997 | 62 FR 38213, 7/17/1997 | |
Approval Order for Paint Booth, HVAC Modification, Standby Generators, and Fuel Storage Tanks, Davis County (7/18/1983) | 3/4/1997 | 62 FR 38213, 7/17/1997 | |
BAQE-026-88, Approval Order for Paint Spray Booth in Building 1913 and Solvent Spray Booth in Building 1915, Davis County (1/20/1988) | 3/4/1997 | 62 FR 38213, 7/17/1997 | |
BAQE-039-91, Approval Order for Building 1701 - Dip Tank, Bake Oven, Paint Booths, Davis County (2/7/1991) | 3/4/1997 | 62 FR 38213, 7/17/1997 | |
BAQE-353-88, Approval Order for Two Cold Solvent Cleaning Tanks in Building 2013, Weber County (7/21/1988) | 3/4/1997 | 62 FR 38213, 7/17/1997 | |
BAQE-525-88, Approval Order for Structural Repair and Maintenance Facility, Davis County (10/13/1988) | 3/4/1997 | 62 FR 38213, 7/17/1997 | |
BAQE-669-88, Approval Order for Paint Distillation Unit in Building 514, Davis County (12/20/1988) | 3/4/1997 | 62 FR 38213, 7/17/1997 | |
Construction Approval Order (6/27/1978) | 3/4/1997 | 62 FR 38213, 7/17/1997 | |
DAQE-0103-93, Modified Approval Order for Aircraft Purge System Near Building 287, Davis County (2/11/1993) | 3/4/1997 | 62 FR 38213, 7/17/1997 | |
DAQE-067-95, Modified Approval Order to DAQE-1006-94, Paint Booth Consolidation (1/31/1995) | 3/4/1997 | 62 FR 38213, 7/17/1997 | |
DAQE-068-95, Support Document for Approval Order DAQE-067-95 (1/30/1995) | 3/4/1997 | 62 FR 38213, 7/17/1997 | |
DAQE-0719-93, Approval Order for Air Permit for Emergency Power Generators, Davis County (8/20/1993) | 3/4/1997 | 62 FR 38213, 7/17/1997 | |
DAQE-0752-93, Modified Approval Order for: A. Replacement Boilers in Buildings 1624, 1904, 2104, 2203; B. Paint Spray Booth in Building 751; C. Carbon Brake Coating Process in Building 507; Davis County (8/27/1993) | 3/4/1997 | 62 FR 38213, 7/17/1997 | |
DAQE-1134-95, Approval Order for Setup Chemical Milling Process Line in Bldg 238, Davis County (12/7/1995) | 3/4/1997 | 62 FR 38213, 7/17/1997 | |
DAQE-1171-92, Approval Order for Emergency Generators and Media Blast Booth, Davis County (1/4/1993) | 3/4/1997 | 62 FR 38213, 7/17/1997 | |
DAQE-163-96, Approval Order for Medium Pressure Water & Chemical Paint Stripping of Aircraft, Davis County (2/9/1996) | 3/4/1997 | 62 FR 38213, 7/17/1997 | |
DAQE-167-92, Approval Order for JP-4 Tank Throughput Limitations (2/19/1992) | 3/4/1997 | 62 FR 38213, 7/17/1997 | |
DAQE-403-95, Approval Order for Construction of Two Boilers Each in Buildings 1590 and 1703, Davis County (5/8/1995) | 3/4/1997 | 62 FR 38213, 7/17/1997 | |
DAQE-416-92, Approval Order for Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plant Sludge Dryers, Building 577, Davis County (4/28/1992) | 3/4/1997 | 62 FR 38213, 7/17/1997 | |
DAQE-775-95, Approval Order to Modify AO for Engine Test Facilities, Davis County (8/30/1995) | 3/4/1997 | 62 FR 38213, 7/17/1997 | |
DAQE-824-94, Approval Order For Used Oil Burner/Boiler Permit Modification, Davis County (9/29/1994) | 3/4/1997 | 62 FR 38213, 7/17/1997 | |
DAQE-860-95, Your Letter of 6 September 1995, Phase II Vapor Recovery at Building 454 (9/20/1995) | 3/4/1997 | 62 FR 38213, 7/17/1997 | |
DAQE-894-91, Approval Order; Wording Change to Approval Order Dated June 22, 1988, Davis County (11/25/1991) | 3/4/1997 | 62 FR 38213, 7/17/1997 | |
DAQE-915-94, Change of Jet Fuel from JP-4 to JP-8 (10/18/1994) | 3/4/1997 | 62 FR 38213, 7/17/1997 | |
Salt Lake County | |||
Ozone NAAQS Approval Orders: | |||
DAQE-0063-94, Pacificorp Gadsby Power Plant, Approval Order for SIP Change, Title V Major (2/3/1994) | 3/4/1997 | 62 FR 38213, 7/17/1997 | |
DAQE-300-95, Olympia Sales Company, Approval Order Revised to Meet the Ozone Maintenance Plan, Salt Lake County, Toxic Major Title V Major (4/13/1995) | 3/4/1997 | 62 FR 38213, 7/17/1997 | |
DAQE-433-94, Kennecott Utah Copper - Utah Power Plant, Approval Order for RACT Analysis, Salt Lake County, Title V Major (5/27/1994) | 3/4/1997 | 62 FR 38213, 7/17/1997 |
(e) EPA-approved nonregulatory provisions.
Rule title | State effective date | Final rule citation, date | Comments |
Section I. Legal Authority | 11/12/1993 | 68 FR 37744, 6/25/2003 | |
Section II. Review of New and Modified Air Pollution Sources | 11/12/1993 | 68 FR 37744, 6/25/2003 | |
Section III. Source Surveillance | 1/1/2003 | 68 FR 37744, 6/25/2003 | |
IV. Ambient Air Monitoring Program | |||
Section IV.A. Introduction | 11/12/1993 | 68 FR 37744, 6/25/2003 | |
Section IV.B. Air Quality Surveillance Network Design | 11/12/1993 | 68 FR 37744, 6/25/2003 | |
Section IV.C. Network Description | 11/12/1993 | 68 FR 37744, 6/25/2003 | |
Section IV.D. Data Reporting | 11/12/1993 | 68 FR 37744, 6/25/2003 | |
Section IV.E. Episode Monitoring | 11/12/1993 | 68 FR 37744, 6/25/2003 | |
Section IV.F. Annual Review | 11/12/1993 | 68 FR 37744, 6/25/2003 | |
Section V. Resources | 11/12/1993 | 68 FR 37744, 6/25/2003 | |
Section VI. Intergovernmental Cooperation | 11/12/1993 | 68 FR 37744, 6/25/2003 | |
Section VII. Prevention of Air Pollution Emergency Episodes | 1/1/2003 | 68 FR 37744, 6/25/2003 | |
Section VIII. Prevention of Significant Deterioration | 6/16/2006 | 76 FR 41712, 7/15/2011 | |
IX. Control Measures for Area and Point Sources | |||
Section IX.A.1. Fine Particulate Matter (PM10), Area Designation Background | 8/14/1991 | 59 FR 35036, 7/8/1994 | |
Section IX.A.2. Fine Particulate Matter (PM10), PM10 Concentrations | 8/14/1991 | 59 FR 35036, 7/8/1994 | |
Section IX.A.3. Fine Particulate Matter (PM10), Utah County | 9/5/2002 | 67 FR 78181, 12/23/2002 | |
Section IX.A.4. Fine Particulate Matter (PM10), Salt Lake County - Magna | 8/14/1991 | 59 FR 35036, 7/8/1994 | |
Section IX.A.5. Fine Particulate Matter (PM10), Salt Lake Nonattainment Area | 8/14/1991 | 59 FR 35036, 7/8/1994 | |
Section IX.A.6. Fine Particulate Matter (PM10), Control Strategies | 9/5/2002 | 67 FR 78181, 12/23/2002 | |
Section IX.A.7. Fine Particulate Matter (PM10), Maintenance | 9/5/2002 | 67 FR 78181, 12/23/2002 | |
Section IX.A.8. Fine Particulate Matter (PM10), Contingency Measures | 9/5/2002 | 67 FR 78181, 12/23/2002 | |
Section IX.A.9. Fine Particulate Matter (PM10), Annual Average | 9/5/2002 | 67 FR 78181, 12/23/2002 | |
Section IX.A.10. Fine Particulate Matter (PM10), Transportation Conformity | 9/5/2002 | 67 FR 78181, 12/23/2002 | |
Section IX.A. Fine Particulate Matter (PM10), Appendix A - Emission Limitations and Operating Practices (Davis and Salt Lake Counties) | 9/5/2002 | 67 FR 78181, 12/23/2002 | |
Section IX.A.23. Fine Particulate Matter, PM2.5 SIP for the Logan, UT-ID Nonattainment Area | 12/4/2014 | 83 FR 59316, 11/23/2018 | Except for Chapters 1-3, Area Sources found in Chapter 6.6, Chapter 8 and Chapter 9. |
Section IX.B. Sulfur Dioxide | 1/1/2003 | 68 FR 37744, 6/25/2003 | |
Section IX.C. Carbon Monoxide | 2/25/2000 | 68 FR 37744, 6/25/2003 | |
Section IX.C.6. Carbon Monoxide, Provo | 6/7/2018 | 85 FR 35809, 6/12/2020 | |
Section IX.C.7. Carbon Monoxide Maintenance Provision for Salt Lake City | 12/2/2004 | 70 FR 44055, 8/1/2005 | |
Section IX.C.8. Carbon Monoxide Maintenance Provisions for Ogden | 1/4/2005 | 70 FR 54267, 9/14/2005 | |
Section IX.D. 8-Hour Ozone Maintenance Provisions for Salt Lake and Davis Counties | 1/3/2007 | 78 FR 59242, 9/26/2013 | With exceptions identified in document. |
Section IX.E. Nitrogen Dioxide | 2/25/2000 | 68 FR 37744, 6/25/2003 | |
Section IX.F. Lead | 2/25/2000 | 68 FR 37744, 6/25/2003 | |
Section IX.G. Fluoride | 2/25/2000 | 68 FR 37744, 6/25/2003 | |
Section IX.H.1. General Requirements: Control Measures for Area and Point Sources, Emission Limits and Operating Practices, PM10 Requirements | 1/3/2019 | 85 FR 10991 2/26/2020 | |
Section IX.H.2. Source Specific Emission Limitations in Salt Lake County PM10 Nonattainment/Maintenance Area | 1/3/2019 | 85 FR 10991 2/26/2020 | |
Section IX.H.3. Source Specific Emission Limitations in Utah County PM10 Nonattainment/Maintenance Area | 12/3/2015 | 82 FR 47153 10/11/2017 | |
Section IX.H.4. Interim Emission Limits and Operating Practices | 12/3/2015 | 82 FR 47153 10/11/2017 | |
Section IX.H.21. General Requirements: Control Measures for Area and Point Sources, Emission Limits and Operating Practices, Regional Haze Requirements | 11/25/2019 | 85 FR 75873, 11/27/2020 | |
Section IX.H.22. Source Specific Emission Limitations: Regional Haze Requirements, Best Available Retrofit Technology | 11/25/2019 | 85 FR 75873, 11/27/2020 | |
X. Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program | |||
Section X.A. General Requirements and Applicability | 9/5/2019 | 86 FR 27036, 5/19/2021 | |
Section X.B. Davis County | 2/14/1997 | 62 FR 38213, 7/17/1997 | |
Section X.C. Salt Lake County | 10/7/2004 | 70 FR 44055, 8/1/2005 | |
Section X.D. Utah County | 5/18/2004 | 70 FR 66264, 11/2/2005 | |
Section X.E. Weber County | 11/4/2004 | 70 FR 54267, 9/14/2005 | |
Section X.F. Cache County | 9/5/2019 | 86 FR 27036, 5/19/2021 | |
Section XI. Other Control Measures for Mobile Sources | 11/12/1993 | 68 FR 37744, 6/25/2003 | |
Section XII. Transportation Conformity Consultation | 5/2/2007 | 73 FR 51222, 9/2/2008 | |
Section XIII. Analysis of Plan Impact | 11/12/1993 | 68 FR 37744, 6/25/2003 | |
Section XIV. Emission Inventory Development | 2/25/2000 | 68 FR 37744, 6/25/2003 | |
Section XV. Title 19, Chapter 2 Utah Code Annotated, 1993 | 11/12/1993 | 68 FR 37744, 6/25/2003 | |
Section XVI. Public Notification | 11/12/1993 | 68 FR 37744, 6/25/2003 | |
XVII. Visibility Protection | |||
Section XVII.A. Introduction | 2/25/2000 | 68 FR 37744, 6/25/2003 | |
Section XVII.B. Background | 4/12/1993 | 68 FR 37744, 6/25/2003 | |
Section XVII.C. Visibility Protection | 4/12/1993 | 68 FR 37744, 6/25/2003 | |
Section XVII.D. Visibility Monitoring | 2/25/2000 | 68 FR 37744, 6/25/2003 | |
Section XVII.E. New or Modified Source Analysis of Visibility Impact | 2/25/2000 | 68 FR 37744, 6/25/2003 | |
Section XVII.F. Existing Source Visibility Impact and BART | 4/12/1993 | 68 FR 37744, 6/25/2003 | |
Section XVII.G. Regional Haze | 4/12/1993 | 68 FR 37744, 6/25/2003 | |
Section XVII.H. Long Term Plan to Show Progress Toward Improved Visibility | 4/12/1993 | 68 FR 37744, 6/25/2003 | |
Section XVII.I. Visibility Progress Report | 4/12/1993 | 68 FR 37744, 6/25/2003 | |
Section XVII.J. Policy of the Air Conservation Committee Concerning the Protection of Scenic Views Associated with Mandatory Class I Areas from Signficant Impairment for Visibility | 4/12/1993 | 68 FR 37744, 6/25/2003 | |
Section XVIII. Demonstration of GEP Stack Height | 2/25/2000 | 68 FR 37744, 6/25/2003 | |
Section XIX. Small Business Assistance Program | 11/12/1993 | 68 FR 37744, 6/25/2003 | |
Section XXII. General Conformity | 1/1/2003 | 68 FR 37744, 6/25/2003 | |
Section XXIII. Interstate Transport | 2/9/2007 | 73 FR 16543, 3/28/2008 | |
XX. Regional Haze | |||
Section XX.A. Executive Summary | 8/15/2019 | 85 FR 75873, 11/27/2020 | |
Section XX.B. Background on the Regional Haze Rule | 8/15/2019 | 85 FR 75873, 11/27/2020 | |
Section XX.C. Long-Term Strategy for the Clean-Air Corridor | 8/15/2019 | 85 FR 75873, 11/27/2020 | |
Section XX.D. Long-Term Strategy for Stationary Sources | 8/15/2019 | 85 FR 75873, 11/27/2020 | |
Section XX.E. Sulfur Dioxide Milestones and Backstop Trading Program | 8/15/2019 | 85 FR 75873, 11/27/2020 | |
Section XX.F. Long-Term Strategy for Mobile Sources | 8/15/2019 | 85 FR 75873, 11/27/2020 | |
Section XX.G. Long-Term Strategy for Fire Programs | 4/7/2011 | 85 FR 75873, 11/27/2020 | |
Section XX.H. Assessment of Emissions from Paved and Unpaved Road Dust | 8/15/2019 | 85 FR 75873, 11/27/2020 | |
Section XX.I. Pollution Prevention and Renewable Energy Programs | 8/15/2019 | 85 FR 75873, 11/27/2020 | |
Section XX.J. Other GCVTC Recommendations | 8/15/2019 | 85 FR 75873, 11/27/2020 | |
Section XX.K. Projection of Visibility Improvement Anticipated from Long-Term Strategy | 8/15/2019 | 85 FR 75873, 11/27/2020 | |
Section XX.L. Periodic Implementation Plan Revisions | 8/15/2019 | 85 FR 75873, 11/27/2020 | |
Section XX.M. State Planning/Interstate Coordination and Tribal Implementation | 8/15/2019 | 85 FR 75873, 11/27/2020 | |
Section XX.N. Enforceable Commitments for the Utah Regional Haze SIP | 8/15/2019 | 85 FR 75873, 11/27/2020 | |
Progress Report for Utah's State Implementation Plan for Regional Haze | 2/4/2016 | 85 FR 64050, 10/9/2020 | |
Maintenance Plans | |||
Ogden Carbon Monoxide (CO) Maintenance Plan Summary | |||
Salt Lake and Davis County Ozone Maintenance Plan Summary | |||
Salt Lake and Tooele Counties Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) Plan Summary | |||
Salt Lake City Carbon Monoxide (CO) Maintenance Plan | |||
Salt Lake County Particulate Matter (PM10) Attainment Plan Summary | 12/3/2015 | 85 FR 10991 2/26/2020 | |
Utah County Particulate Matter (PM10) Attainment Plan Summary | 12/3/2015 | 85 FR 10991 2/26/2020 | |
Ogden City Particulate Matter (PM10) Attainment Plan Summary | 12/3/2015 | 85 FR 10991 2/26/2020 | |
Logan, UT-ID Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5) Attainment Plan Summary | 12/5/2019 | 86 FR 27036, 5/19/2021 | |
Summary of Criteria Pollutant Attainment Plans | |||
Ozone (8-hour, 2015) Uinta Basin, Northern Wasatch Front and Southern Wasatch Front 2017 Base Year Inventories | 7/29/2020 | 86 FR 35404, 7/6/2021 | |
Ozone (8-hour, 2015) NNSR Certification | 7/29/2021 | 87 FR 24273, 4/25/2022. |
[81 FR 39200, June 16, 2016, as amended at 81 FR 43923, July 5, 2016; 81 FR 50628, Aug. 2, 2016; 81 FR 46838, July 19, 2016; 81 FR 71990, Oct. 19, 2016; 82 FR 9141, Feb. 3, 2017; 82 FR 46419, Oct. 5, 2017; 82 FR 46914, Oct. 10, 2017; 82 FR 47153, Nov. 13, 2017; 83 FR 59316, Nov. 23, 2018; 84 FR 27041, June 11, 2019; 84 FR 35832, July 25, 2019; 84 FR 52369, Oct. 2, 2019; 85 FR 10991, Feb. 26, 2020; 85 FR 35811; 85 FR 41398, July 10, 2020; 85 FR 64052, Oct. 9, 2020; 85 FR 75873, Nov. 27, 2020; 86 FR 24729, May. 10, 2021; 86 FR 27036, May. 19, 2021; 86 FR 28494, May. 27, 2021; 86 FR 35404, July 6, 2021; 87 FR 24275, Apr. 25, 2022; 87 FR 54900, Sep. 8, 2022]
§52.2321 Classification of regions.
The Utah plan was evaluated on the basis of the following classifications:
Air quality control region | Pollutant | ||||
Particulate matter | Sulfur oxides | Nitrogen dioxide | Carbon monoxide | Photochemical oxidants (hydrocarbons) | |
Wasatch Front Intrastate | I | I | I | I | I |
Four Corners Interstate | IA | IA | III | III | III |
Utah Intrastate | III | III | III | III | III |
[37 FR 10898, May 31, 1972, as amended at 39 FR 16347, May 8, 1974]
§52.2322 Extensions.
(a) The Administrator, by authority delegated under section 188(d) of the Clean Air Act, as amended in 1990, extends for one year (until December 31, 1995) the attainment date for the Salt Lake County PM10 nonattainment area. The Administrator, by authority delegated under section 188(d) of the Clean Air Act, as amended in 1990, extends for two years (until December 31, 1996) the attainment date for the Utah County PM10 nonattainment area.
(b) [Reserved]
[66 FR 32760, June 18, 2001]
§52.2323 Approval status.
(a) With the exceptions set forth in this subpart, the Administrator approves Utah's plan as meeting the requirements of section 110 of the Clean Air Act as amended in 1977. Furthermore, the Administrator finds that the plan satisfies all requirements of Part D, Title 1, of the Clean Air Act as amended in 1977, except as noted below.
(b)(1) Insofar as the Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) provisions found in this subpart apply to stationary sources of greenhouse gas (GHGs) emissions, the Administrator approves that application only to the extent that GHGs are “subject to regulation”, as provided in this paragraph (b), and the Administrator takes no action on that application to the extent that GHGs are not “subject to regulation.”
(2) Beginning January 2, 2011, the pollutant GHGs is subject to regulation if:
(i) The stationary source is a new major stationary source for a regulated NSR pollutant that is not GHGs, and also will emit or will have the potential to emit 75,000 tpy CO2e or more; or
(ii) The stationary source is an existing major stationary source for a regulated NSR pollutant that is not GHGs, and also will have an emissions increase of a regulated NSR pollutant, and an emissions increase of 75,000 tpy CO2e or more; and,
(3) Beginning July 1, 2011, in addition to the provisions in paragraph (b)(2) of this section, the pollutant GHGs shall also be subject to regulation:
(i) At a new stationary source that will emit or have the potential to emit 100,000 tpy CO2e; or
(ii) At an existing stationary source that emits or has the potential to emit 100,000 tpy CO2e, when such stationary source undertakes a physical change or change in the method of operation that will result in an emissions increase of 75,000 tpy CO2e or more.
(4) For purposes of this paragraph (b) -
(i) The term greenhouse gas shall mean the air pollutant defined in 40 CFR 86.1818-12(a) as the aggregate group of six greenhouse gases: Carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, methane, hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons, and sulfur hexafluoride.
(ii) The term tpy CO2 equivalent emissions (CO2e) shall represent an amount of GHGs emitted, and shall be computed as follows:
(A) Multiplying the mass amount of emissions (tpy), for each of the six greenhouse gases in the pollutant GHGs, by the gas's associated global warming potential published at Table A-1 to subpart A of 40 CFR part 98 - Global Warming Potentials.
(B) Sum the resultant value from paragraph (b)(4)(ii)(A) of this section for each gas to compute a tpy CO2e.
(iii) the term emissions increase shall mean that both a significant emissions increase (as calculated using the procedures in 40 CFR 52.21(a)(2)(iv)) and a significant net emissions increase (as defined in paragraphs 40 CFR 52.21(b)(3) and (b)(23)(i)) occur. For the pollutant GHGs, an emissions increase shall be based on tpy CO2e, and shall be calculated assuming the pollutant GHGs is a regulated NSR pollutant, and “significant” is defined as 75,000 tpy CO2e instead of applying the value in 40 CFR 52.21(b)(23)(ii).
[75 FR 82562, Dec. 30, 2010]
§52.2324 Original identification of plan.
(a) This section identifies the original “Air Implementation Plan for the State of Utah” and all revisions submitted by Utah that were federally approved prior to March 1, 2016.
(b) The plan was officially submitted on January 25, 1972.
(c) The plan revisions listed below were submitted on the dates specified.
(1) Clarifications of the plan relating to particulate regulations, CO and NO2 control strategies, new source review, emergency episodes, availability of emission data, and source surveillance submitted May 18, 1972, by State Division of Health.
(2) Revision of State new source review regulation, section 1.3.3 of the Utah Code of Air Conservation Regulations, submitted on September 13, 1972, by the Governor.
(3) Transportation control plan submitted April 13, 1973, by the Governor.
(4) Reenacted legislation providing for public availability of emission data submitted on June 13, 1974, by the State Division of Health.
(5) The Revised Utah Air Conservation Regulations on July 10, 1975, by the Governor.
(6) Provisions to meet the requirements of Part D and other sections of the Clean Air Act, as amended in 1977, were submitted on December 28, 1978, by the Governor.
(7) On November 5, 1979, the Governor submitted a plan revision to meet the requirements of Air Quality Monitoring, 40 CFR part 58, subpart C, §58.20.
(8) Provisions to meet the transportation control requirements of Part D and other sections of the Clean Air Act, as amended in 1977, were submitted on November 5, 1979, and August 11, 1980, by the Governor.
(9) Provisions to meet the requirements of Part D for particulates and to attain the national standard for lead were submitted on March 11, 1980, July 25, 1980, November 13, 1980, December 26, 1980, and April 8, 1981.
(10) Provisions to meet the requirements of Part C of the Clean Air Act, as amended in 1977, were submitted on August 17, 1981.
(11) Provisions to meet the requirements of section 127 and Part D for carbon monoxide and ozone were submitted on August 11, 1980.
(12) Provisions to meet the requirements of Part D of the Clean Air Act, as amended in 1977, for particulates and volatile organic compounds, were submitted on April 8, 1981.
(13) Provisions to meet the requirements of Part D of the Clean Air Act, as amended in 1977, for particulates were submitted on March 1, 1982.
(14) A revision to the definition of volatile organic compound was submitted on April 29, 1982.
(15) Provisions to meet the requirements of Part D of the Clean Air Act, as amended in 1977, for carbon monoxide in Provo and Ogden, Utah were submitted on September 20, 1982.
(16) Additional information regarding stack monitoring at the main stack at the Kennecott Copper Smelter in Salt Lake City was submitted on December 27, 1982, and February 3, 1984.
(17) Provision to meet the requirements of Part D of the Clean Air Act as amended in 1977 providing for implementing automobile inspection and maintenance in Salt Lake and Davis Counties were submitted on December 9, 1983, December 19, 1983, February 6, 1984, and March 1, 1984. A revision providing for the commitment to adopt regulations for VOC sources covered by future CTG's (Group III) was submitted on February 6, 1984.
(18) A revision to the SIP was submitted by the Governor for attainment of the SO2 standard on August 17, 1981. Additional submittals January 25, 1983, and September 5, 1984.
(19) A revision to the SIP was submitted by the Governor on April 26, 1985, for visibility monitoring and new source review.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Letter dated April 26, 1985, from Governor Norman Bangerter submitting the Utah Visibility SIP and Regulations.
(B) The Visibility SIP and the Utah Air Conservation Regulations 1.1.7 and 3.11.1 were adopted on April 15, 1985 referred to in the Governor's letter as April 12, 1985.
(20) A revision to the SIP was submitted by the Governor on December 12, 1985, for attaintment of the CO standard in Utah County.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Letter and attachments dated December 12, 1985, from Governor Norman H. Bangerter submitting the SIP Revision for attainment of NAAQS for CO in Utah County. The attachments included Section 9, Part C; Section 9, Appendices A, C, H, and I; and Technical Support Document - Provo.
(ii) Additional material.
(A) Letter dated May 8, 1986, from Brent C. Bradford to Irwin Dickstein; Re: Response to questions on I/M with anti-tampering program.
(B) Letter and attachment dated May 15, 1986, from Brent Bradford to Irwin Dickstein transmitting Appendix D of the Technical Support Document.
(21) A revision to the SIP was submitted by the Governor on December 11, 1987, for visibility general plan requirements and long-term strategies.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Letter dated December 2, 1988, from the Utah Bureau of Air Quality to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region VIII.
(B) A revised section 16, Visibility Protection, of the Utah SIP was adopted on November 12, 1987, except for the first three paragraphs of §16.1, the fifth and sixth paragraph of §16.4, and the second and third paragraphs of §16.5.
(22) In a letter dated May 2, 1986, the Governor submitted revisions to the Utah Air Conservation Regulations addressing GEP stack heights/dispersion techniques and a new Section 17 to the SIP addressing GEP stack height demonstration analysis.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Revisions to the Utah Air Conservation Regulations adopted April 18, 1986. The revisions consist of adding stack height definitions (UACR 1.1.128 through UACR 1.1.133) and updating stack height exemptions (UACR 3.8).
(B) Stack height demonstration analysis submitted by the State in a letter dated May 2, 1986.
(23) On May 2, 1991 the Governor of Utah submitted revisions to the plan. The revisions include amendments to the prevention of significant deterioration (PSD) portion of the plan to incorporate the nitrogen dioxide (NO2) increments, and several “housekeeping” changes to definitions, new source review, and PSD regulations.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Revisions to the Utah Air Conservation Regulations, section R446-1-1, Foreword and Definitions, section R446-1-3, Control of Installations, and section R446-2-1, Utah State Implementation Plan Incorporation by Reference, effective January 1, 1991.
(B) Letter dated May 1, 1991, from Kenneth Hansen of the Utah Division of Administrative Rules to Dave McNeill of the Utah Bureau of Air Quality, confirming a codification change to paragraph R446-1-3.6.5, effective May 1, 1991. This letter contains a reprinted version of R446-1-3.6.5.
(ii) Additional material.
(A) February 26, 1991, letter from F. Burnell Cordner, Executive Secretary, Utah Air Conservation Committee, to Douglas M. Skie, EPA, transmitting administrative materials for the SIP revision.
(B) May 2, 1991, letter from Norman H. Bangerter, Governor, State of Utah, to James J. Scherer, EPA. Official SIP submittal, transmitting the SIP narrative modifying section 8, Prevention of Significant Deterioration, and other administrative materials.
(24) On May 4, 1990, and July 25, 1991, the Governor of Utah submitted revisions to the plan. The revisions include amendments to the ozone nonattainment area regulations for stationary sources of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), contained within Regulation R446-1-4.9 of the Utah Air Conservation Regulations, “Emission Standards. Non-Attainment Area Requirements - Ozone,” and the definitions applicable to the VOC regulations, contained within Regulation R446-1-1, “Foreward and Definitions.” The amendments were made to conform Regulations R446-1-1 and R446-1-4.9 to statutory requirements for application of reasonably available control technology (RACT) to stationary sources of VOC's, as required by section 182(a)(2)(A) of the 1990 Clean Air Act, and to improve the clarity and enforceability of the regulations.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Revisions to the following Utah Air Conservation Regulations, Section R446-1-1, Foreward and Definitions, effective January 1, 1991: R446-1-1.10, 1.16, 1.40, 1.60, 1.109, 1.126, 1.140, 1.150, 1.151, 1.159, 1.160, 1.161, 1.162, 1.163, 1.164, 1.165, 1.166, 1.167, 1.168, 1.169, 1.170, 1.171, 1.172, 1.173, 1.174, 1.175, 1.176, 1.177, 1.178, 1.180, 1.182, 1.183, 1.184.
(B) Revisions to the following rules of R446-1-4.9, Emission Standards. Non-Attainment Area Requirements - Ozone, effective June 15, 1991: 4.9.A through 4.9.E were added (disposal of VOCs; requirements for EPA concurrence on alternative test methods, alternative methods of control, alternative compliance periods, alternative emission limits, or alternative monitoring schedules; recordkeeping and reporting requirements; RACT requirements for major non-CTG sources; “once-in, always-in” requirements; and allowance for exclusion of non-reactive VOC's); revisions to 4.9.1 (Petroleum Liquid Storage), 4.9.2 (Gasoline Transfer/Storage), 4.9.3 (Control of Hydrocarbon Emissions in Refineries), 4.9.4 (Degreasing and Solvent Cleaning Operations), 4.9.5 (Cutback Asphalt), 4.9.6 (Volatile Organic Compounds Used for Coating Paper, Fabric, Vinyl, Metal Furniture, Large Appliances, Magnet Wire, Flat Wood Paneling, Miscellaneous Metal Parts and Products, and Graphic Arts), 4.9.7 (Perchlorethylene Dry Cleaning Plants), 4.9.8 (Compliance Schedule); 4.9.9 (Compliance Schedule) was deleted.
(ii) Additional material.
(A) May 9, 1991, letter from F. Burnell Cordner, Executive Secretary, Utah Air Conservation Committee, to Douglas Skie, EPA. This letter provided final changes to R446-1-4.9, indicated that these changes would become effective on June 15, 1991, and indicated that the State would submit the Ozone SIP revision package to EPA after the changes become effective.
(B) July 25, 1991, letter from Norman H. Bangerter, Governor, State of Utah, to James Scherer, EPA. Official SIP submittal, transmitting revised Regulation R446-1-4.9, and other administrative materials. This letter provided a negative declaration for seven CTG source categories: large petroleum dry cleaners, manufacturers of high density polyethylene, polypropylene, polystyrene resins, manufacturers of synthesized pharmaceutical products, manufacturers of pneumatic rubber tires, natural gas/gas processing plants, and synthetic organic chemical manufacturing industries (SOCMI) with fugitive emissions and/or air oxidation processes.
(C) September 5, 1991, letter from F. Burnell Cordner, Executive Secretary, Utah Air Quality Board, to James Scherer, EPA. This letter provided a negative declaration for three CTG source categories: surface coating of cans, surface coating of metal coils, and surface coating of automobiles and light duty trucks.
(D) January 30, 1992, letter from F. Burnell Cordner, Executive Secretary, Utah Air Quality Board, to Doug Skie, EPA. This letter contained the State's commitment to conduct capture efficiency testing using the most recent EPA capture efficiency protocols, and the commitment to adopt federal capture efficiency test methods after they are officially promulgated by EPA.
(25) The Governor of Utah submitted a PM10 State Implementation Plan (SIP) for Salt Lake and Utah Counties, Utah with a letter dated November 15, 1991. The submittals were made to satisfy those moderate PM10 nonattainment area SIP requirements due for Salt Lake and Utah Counties as outlined in the Clean Air Act of 1990. The Governor's submittal also included revisions to the Utah Air Quality Rules and to other sections of the State-wide SIP. The Utah Air Conservation Regulations have been revised and renumbered over the past decade and are being replaced in its entirely with this Governor's submittal.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Utah Air Conservation Regulations, printed January 27, 1992.
(B) Utah State Implementation Plan, Section 1-7 and 10-15, effective March 31, 1992.
(C) Utah State Implementation Plan, Section 9, Part A and Section 9, Part A, Appendix A effective August 14, 1991.
(26) On November 9, 1992, Norman Bangerter, the Governor of Utah, submitted a SIP revision to the Utah Implementation Plan and Utah Air Conservation Regulations. This revision establishes and requires the implementation of oxygenated fuel programs in Provo-Orem and Salt Lake-Ogden Metropolitan Statistical Areas as required by section 211(m) of the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) R307-8; Oxygenated Gasoline Program, of the Utah Air Conservation Regulations as adopted by the State, effective December 16, 1993.
(ii) Additional materials.
(A) Letter dated November 9, 1992, from Governor Norman Bangerter submitting the oxygenated gasoline program SIP revision.
(B) Letter dated May 19, 1994, from Governor Michael O. Leavitt submitting the oxygenated gasoline program SIP revision.
(27) The Governor of Utah submitted a Section 16, Stack Height Demonstration and Section 9, Part B, Sulfur Dioxide of the Utah State Implementation Plan (SIP) a letter dated December 23, 1991, and May 15, 1992, respectively. The Governor's submittal also included statewide SO2 regulations.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Utah State Implementation Plan, Section 16, effective December 16, 1991.
(B) Utah State Implementation Plan, Section 9, Part B effective June 15, 1992.
(C) Utah Air Conservation Regulations, R307-1-4. Emission Standards: changes to 4.2 Sulfur Content of Fuels and 4.6.2, effective June 15, 1992.
(28) On November 12, 1993, the Governor of Utah submitted revisions to its permitting requirements to satisfy the nonattainment new source review provisions in the amended Clean Air Act for all of its nonattainment areas. On May 20, 1994, the Governor of Utah submitted a revision to Utah's definition of volatile organic compounds.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Utah Air Conservation Regulations, R307-1-1, the forward and the following definitions: “air contaminant,” “air contaminant source,” “air pollution,” “allowable emissions,” “ambient air,” “best available control technology (BACT),” “board,” “department,” “dispersion technique,” “emission limitation,” “executive director,” “executive secretary,” “major modification,” “major source,” “PM-10 precursor,” “person,” “temporary,” and “volatile organic compound (VOC);” effective November 15, 1993, printed June 24, 1994.
(B) Utah Air Conservation Regulations, R307-1-3.1.8, R307-1-3.1.10, and R307-1-3.3; effective August 16, 1993, printed May 26, 1994.
(ii) Additional material.
(A) Letter dated October 18, 1994 from Russell A. Roberts to Douglas M. Skie clarifying applicability of Utah's nonattainment new source review permitting requirements.
(29) Revisions to the Utah State Implementation Plan for the 1990 Carbon Monoxide Base Year emission inventories for Ogden City, Salt Lake City, and Utah County were submitted by the Governor in a letter dated July 11, 1994.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Carbon Monoxide 1990 Base Year Emission Inventories for Ogden City, Utah SIP, Section IX, Part C.3., Table IX.C.5; Salt Lake City, Utah SIP, Section IX, Part C.3., Table IX.C.4; and Utah County, Utah SIP, Section IX, Part C.6., Table IX.C.10 all of which became effective on August 31, 1994.
(30) On November 9, 1992, the Governor of Utah submitted a plan for the establishment and implementation of a Small Business Assistance Program to be incorporated into the Utah State Implementation Plan as required by section 507 of the Clean Air Act.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Utah Code, Title 19, Chapter 2, Air Conservation Act, Sections 19-2-109.1 and 19-2-109.2, to establish and fund a small business stationary source technical and environmental compliance assistance program, effective April 27, 1992.
(ii) Additional materials.
(A) November 9, 1992 letter from the Governor of Utah submitting a Small Business Assistance Program plan to EPA.
(B) The State of Utah plan for the establishment and implementation of a Small Business Assistance Program, promulgated September 30, 1992 by the Utah Air Quality Board, effective December 1, 1992.
(31) On February 1, 1995, the Governor of Utah submitted revisions to the prevention of significant deterioration permitting regulations in R307-1-1 and R307-1-3 of the Utah Air Conservation Regulations to incorporate changes in the Federal PSD permitting regulations for PM-10 increments and to make other minor, administrative changes.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Revisions to the Utah Air Conservation Regulations, R307-1-1, the definitions of “baseline area,” “baseline date,” “net emissions increase,” and “significant,” effective 9/22/94, printed 10/24/94.
(B) Revisions to the Utah Air Conservation Regulations, R307-1-3, Sections 3.6.2.B, 3.6.2.D, 3.6.2.E, 3.6.3.A, 3.6.3.B, 3.6.3.D.(2) and (3), 3.6.4.A.(1), 3.6.4.C, 3.6.4.D, 3.6.5.A, 3.6.5.B.(1)(a), 3.6.5.C, 3.6.5.D, 3.6.5.E, 3.6.5.F, and 3.6.6, effective 10/1/94, printed 10/24/94.
(32)-(33) [Reserved]
(34) Revisions to the Utah State Implementation Plan for the Emission Statement Inventory regulation, UACR R307-1-3.5.4., revision of the ozone nonattainment area designation definition, UACR R307-1-3.3.3C, and other minor changes to definitions in UACR R307-1-1. were submitted by the Governor in a letter dated November 12, 1993.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Emission Statement Inventory regulation, UACR R307-1-3.5.4, ozone nonattainment area designation definition, UACR R307-1-3.3.3C, and the following definitions in UACR R307-1-1.; “Control Apparatus”, “Emissions Information”, “Peak Ozone Season”, “Process Level”, and “Process Rate”. All were adopted on August 4, 1993, and became effective on November 15, 1993.
(B) A letter dated May 30, 1995, from Russell Roberts, Director, Utah Division of Air Quality to Douglas Skie, Chief, Air Programs Branch for Region 8.
(35) [Reserved]
(36) The Governor of Utah submitted a revision to Utah's State Implementation Plan (SIP) for Visibility Protection with a letter dated July 25, 1996. The revision was made to add a new subsection 15.10 to the SIP to include a policy statement regarding scenic views which was deleted from the Utah Air Conservation Regulations.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Utah State Implementation Plan, Subsection 15.10, Policy of the Air Conservation Committee Concerning the Protection of Scenic Views Associated with Mandatory Class I Areas from Significant Impairment for Visibility, adopted on March 26, 1993, and effective on March 29, 1993.
(ii) Additional material.
(A) A July 25, 1996 letter from Michael O. Leavitt, Utah Governor, to Jack McGraw, EPA Region VIII Acting Regional Administrator, in which it was communicated, among other things, that the Utah Air Quality Board deleted R307-5 from the Utah Air Conservation Regulations. The deletion was effective March 29, 1993.
(37) On November 20, 1996, the Governor of Utah submitted a revision to the Utah State Implementation Plan. The submittal included a new Utah regulation which incorporates by reference the Federal new source performance standards in 40 CFR part 60, as in effect on March 12, 1996.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Utah Air Conservation Regulations, R307-18-1, “Standards of Performance for New Stationary Sources (NSPS),” effective September 9, 1996, printed October 19, 1996.
(38) Revisions to the Utah State Implementation Plan, Section IX, Control Measures for Area and Point Sources, Part D, Ozone; Section X, Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program, Part A, General Requirements and Applicability; Section X, Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program, Part B, Davis County; Section X, Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program, Part C, Salt Lake County; Section X, Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program, Part E, Weber County; UACR R307-1-3.3.3.C., a portion of Control of Installations; UACR R307-1-3.5.3.B.(1), a portion of Emission Statement Inventory; all as submitted by the Governor on February 19, 1997. EPA approved the above provisions. In addition, EPA approved, for the limited purpose of strengthening the SIP, revisions to UACR R307-14, Requirements for Ozone Nonattainment Areas and Davis and Salt Lake Counties, as submitted by the Governor on February 6, 1996.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) UACR R307-2-13 adopted by the Utah Air Quality Board on January 8, 1997, effective March 4, 1997, including Section IX, Part D.2 of the Utah State Implementation Plan (SIP) that such rule incorporates by reference (Ozone Maintenance Provisions for Salt Lake and Davis Counties, adopted by the Utah Air Quality Board on January 8, 1997), and excluding any other provisions that such rule incorporates by reference.
(B) The following State Approval Orders (AO): Pacificorp Gadsby Power Plant AO DAQE-0063-94 dated February 3, 1994, Kennecott Utah Copper Utah Power Plant AO DAQE-433-94 dated May 27, 1994, Hill Air Force Base (HAFB) AO DAQE-163-96 dated February 9, 1996, HAFB AO DAQE-1134-95 dated December 7, 1995, HAFB AO DAQE-860-95 dated September 20, 1995, HAFB AO DAQE-775-95 dated August 30, 1995, HAFB AO DAQE-403-95 dated May 8, 1995, HAFB AO DAQE-067-95 dated January 31, 1995, HAFB AO DAQE-068-95 dated January 30, 1995, HAFB AO DAQE-915-94 dated October 18, 1994, HAFB AO DAQE-824-94 dated September 29, 1994, HAFB AO DAQE-0752-93 dated August 27, 1993, HAFB AO DAQE-0719-93 dated August 20, 1993, HAFB AO DAQE-0103-93 dated February 11, 1993, HAFB AO DAQE-1171-92 dated January 4, 1993, HAFB AO DAQE-416-92 dated April 28, 1992, HAFB AO DAQE-167-92 dated February 19, 1992, HAFB AO DAQE-894-91 dated November 25, 1991, HAFB AO BAQE-039-91 dated February 7, 1991, HAFB AO BAQE-669-88 dated December 20, 1988, HAFB AO BAQE-525-88 dated October 13, 1988, HAFB AO BAQE-353-88 dated July 21, 1988, HAFB AO BAQE-026-88 dated January 20, 1988, HAFB AO for Industrial Wastewater Treatment Facility dated February 20, 1986, HAFB AO for Hydrazine Exhaust Incinerator dated February 5, 1985, HAFB AO for Paint Booth, HVAC Modification, Standby Generators, and Fuel Storage dated July 18, 1983, HAFB AO for Remodeling Base Exchange BX Service Station dated July 12, 1979, HAFB AO for Construction dated June 27, 1978, and the Olympia Sales Company AO DAQE-300-95 dated April 13, 1995.
(C) UACR R307-2-18, adopted by the Utah Air Quality Board on February 5, 1997, effective February 14, 1997. This rule incorporates by reference Section X, Part A of the Utah State Implementation Plan, Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program, General Requirements and Applicability.
(D) UACR R307-2-31, adopted by the Utah Air Quality Board on February 5, 1997, effective February 14, 1997. This rule incorporates by reference Section X, Part B of the Utah State Implementation Plan, Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program, Davis County.
(E) UACR R307-2-32, adopted by the Utah Air Quality Board on February 5, 1997, effective February 14, 1997. This rule incorporates by reference Section X, Part C of the Utah State Implementation Plan, Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program, Salt Lake County.
(F) UACR R307-2-34, adopted by the Utah Air Quality Board on February 5, 1997, effective February 14, 1997. This rule incorporates by reference Section X, Part E of the Utah State Implementation Plan, Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program, Weber County.
(G) UACR R307-1-3.3.3.C., a portion of Control of Installations, as adopted by the Utah Air Quality Board on January 8, 1997, effective January 15, 1997.
(H) UACR R307-1-3.5.3.B.(1), a portion of Emission Statement Inventory regulation, as adopted by the Utah Air Quality Board on January 8, 1997, effective January 15, 1997.
(I) UACR R307-14-1, Requirements for Ozone Nonattainment Areas and Davis and Salt Lake Counties, adopted by the Utah Air Quality Board on August 9, 1995, effective on August 15, 1995.
(39) Revisions to the Utah State Implementation Plan, Section IX, Control Measures for Area and Point Sources, Part C, Carbon Monoxide as submitted by the Governor on December 6, 1996 (with minor mathematical corrections submitted by the Utah Division of Air Quality on August 12, 1998), excluding Section IX, Part C.7.f.(3) of the plan, “Emissions Credit Allocation,” as EPA is not taking any action on that section of the plan. UACR R307-1-3.3 Requirements for Nonattainment and Maintenance Areas - New and Modified Sources; as submitted by the Governor on November 24, 1995.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) UACR R307-2-12, adopted by the Utah Air Quality Board on August 7, 1996 and September 4, 1996, effective November 1, 1996, as modified through a notice of nonsubstantive rule change dated July 14, 1998, effective July 27, 1998, to correct minor mathematical errors in Section IX, Part C.7.f.(2) of the Utah State Implementation Plan (SIP). UACR R307-2-12 incorporates by reference a number of provisions of the Utah SIP, only some of which are relevant to this rulemaking action. EPA's incorporation by reference of UACR R307-2-12 only extends to the following Utah SIP provisions and excludes any other provisions that UACR R307-2-12 incorporates by reference:
Section IX, Part C.7 (except for Section IX, Part C.7.f.(3)), Carbon Monoxide Maintenance Provisions for Salt Lake City, adopted by Utah Air Quality Board on August 7, 1996, and September 4, 1996, effective November 1, 1996, as modified by the nonsubstantive rule change noted above.
(B) UACR R307-1-3.3, a portion of Requirements for Nonattainment and Maintenance Areas - New and Modified Sources, as adopted by the Utah Air Quality Board on October 4, 1995, December 6, 1995, effective January 31, 1996.
(ii) Additional material.
(A) February 19, 1998, letter from Ursula Trueman, Director, Utah Division of Air Quality, Department of Environmental Quality to Richard R. Long, Director, Air and Radiation Program, EPA Region VIII, entitled “DAQS-0188-98; Technical Support Documents - Ogden City and Salt Lake City CO Maintenance Plans.” This letter confirmed that all the emission projections, contained in the technical support documents for both the Salt Lake City and Ogden City redesignation requests, were properly adopted by the Utah Air Quality Board in accordance with the Utah Air Quality Rules.
(B) Materials from Jan Miller, Utah Division of Air Quality, Department of Environmental Quality, received by Tim Russ, Air and Radiation Program, EPA Region VIII, displaying the minor mathematical corrections to the on-road mobile source emission budgets in Section IX, Part C. 7.f.(2) of the Salt Lake City CO Maintenance Plan. These nonsubstantive changes were made in accordance with the Utah Air Quality Rules and were effective July 27, 1998.
(40) The Governor of Utah submitted revisions to the Utah State Implementation Plan to revise Utah's definition of a volatile organic compound (VOC) and to include nonsubstantive wording changes regarding VOC emissions from air strippers and soil venting operations. The revisions to the VOC definition, found in UACR R307-1-1, were submitted by the Governor on November 8, 1995, February 12, 1996, November 20, 1996, May 15, 1997, and June 10, 1998. The revisions submitted November 8, 1995, February 12, 1996, November 20, 1996, and May 15, 1997, deleted volatile methyl siloxanes, parachlorobenzotrifluoride (PCBTF), acetone, perchloroethylene (PERC), HFC 43-10mee, HCFC 225ca and HCFC 225cb from the definition of VOCs. The June 10, 1998 submittal incorporated the deletion of 16 more pollutants from the federal list that were determined to have a negligible contribution to tropospheric ozone formation; the compounds are: HFC-32, HFC-161, HFC-236fa, HFC-245ca, HFC-245ea, HFC-245eb, HFC-245fa, HFC-236ea, HFC-365mfc, HCFC-31, HCFC-123a, HCFC-151a, C4F9OCH3, (CF3)2CFCF2OCH3, C4F9OC2H5, and (CF3)2CFCF2OC2H5 (compound names only are listed here, refer to 62 FR 44901, August 25, 1997 for the chemical name and 62 FR 44903, August 25, 1997 for the complete list of exempted VOCs). A second February 12, 1996 Governor's submittal contained minor wording revisions which were made to UACR R307-6-1 regarding VOC emissions from air strippers and soil venting operations. The revision submitted November 20, 1996 also repealed UACR R307-14-8 which had addressed requirements for perchloroethylene dry cleaning plants located in ozone nonattainment and maintenance areas.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) UACR R307-1-1, a portion of Forward and Definitions, definition of VOC, as adopted by the Utah Air Quality Board on January 7, 1998, effective January 8, 1998.
(B) UACR R307-6, a portion of De minimis Emissions from Air Strippers and Soil Venting Projects, nonsubstantive wording changes, effective October 1, 1995.
(41) On July 11, 1994 the Governor of Utah submitted revisions to the Utah State Implementation Plan (SIP) to revise the definition for “Sole Source of Heat” under UACR R307-1-1, “Foreword and Definitions,” to allow the exemption of those households with small portable heating devices from mandatory no-burn periods. This revision also made changes to the residential woodburning regulations under UACR R307-1-4.13.3 “No-Burn Periods,” which specifies the actions which must be taken if contingency measures are implemented in the Salt Lake, Davis or Utah County nonattainment areas. These plans were requested to be withdrawn by the Governor in a November 9, 1998, letter to the Regional Administrator. EPA returned the portions of these plans with a letter to the Governor on January 29, 1999. A nonsubstantive change was made in this section as a result of the revision which moves section 4.13.3 D to section 4.13.3.E; this change was also approved by EPA. On February 6, 1996 the Governor of Utah submitted revisions to the Utah State Implementation Plan to revise Utah's open burning regulations, under UACR R307-1-2.4, to require that the local county fire marshal establish 30-day open burning windows during the spring and fall closed burning seasons in areas outside of Salt Lake, Davis, Weber, and Utah Counties as granted by the state forester. There were also minor changes made to the open burning regulations under UACR R307-1-2.4, “General Burning” and minor changes made to UACR R307-1-2.5 “Confidentiality of Information.” On July 9, 1998 the Governor of Utah submitted revisions to the Utah SIP to add a definition for “PM10 Nonattainment Area,” under UACR R307-1-1, “Foreword and Definitions.”
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) UACR R307-1-1, a portion of “Foreword and Definitions,” revision of definition for “Sole Source of Heat,” as adopted by Utah Air Quality Board on December 9, 1993, effective on January 31, 1994.
(B) UACR R307-1-4, a portion of “Emissions Standards,” as adopted by Utah Air Quality Board on December 9, 1993, effective on January 31, 1994.
(C) UACR R307-1-2, a portion of “General Requirements,” open burning changes and nonsubstantive wording changes, as adopted by Utah Air Quality Board on September 6, 1995, effective on October 31, 1995.
(D) UACR R307-1-1, a portion of “Foreword and Definitions,” addition of definition for “PM10 Nonattainment Area,” as adopted by Utah Air Quality Board on January 7, 1998, effective on January 8, 1998.
(ii) Additional Material.
(A) July 20, 1998, fax from Jan Miller, Utah Department of Air Quality, to Cindy Rosenberg, EPA Region VIII, transmitting Utah Code 65A-8-9, regarding closed fire seasons.
(B) October 21, 1998, letter from Richard R. Long, Director, EPA Air and Radiation Program, to Ursula Trueman, Director, Utah Division of Air Quality, requesting that Utah withdraw the submitted Salt Lake and Davis County PM10 Contingency Measure SIP revisions, the Utah County PM10 Contingency Measure SIP revisions, and the Residential Woodburning in Salt Lake, Davis and Utah Counties PM10 Contingency Measure SIP revision.
(C) November 9, 1998, letter from the Governor of Utah, to William Yellowtail, EPA Region VIII Administrator, requesting that the submitted Salt Lake and Davis County and Utah County PM10 Contingency Measure SIP revisions and the Residential Woodburning in Salt Lake, Davis and Utah Counties PM10 Contingency Measure SIP revision be withdrawn.
(D) December 16, 1998, letter from Larry Svoboda, EPA Region VIII, to Ursula Trueman, Utah Department of Air Quality, clarifying revisions that were made to UACR R307-1-4.
(E) January 5, 1999, letter from Ursula Trueman, Utah Department of Air Quality, to William Yellowtail, EPA Region VIII Administrator, concurring on EPA's clarification of revisions that were made to UACR R307-1-4.
(F) January 29, 1999, letter from William Yellowtail, EPA Region VIII Administrator, to the Governor of Utah returning the Salt Lake and Davis County and Utah County PM10 Contingency Measure SIP revisions and the Residential Woodburning in Salt Lake, Davis and Utah Counties PM10 Contingency Measure SIP revision.
(42) On February 12, 1996, the Governor of Utah submitted revisions submitted revisions to the SIP that incorporate the General Conformity requirements of 40 CFR part 93, subpart B into the SIP and State regulation.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) UACR R307-2-30, Section XXII, General Conformity, as adopted on October 4, 1995, effective October 12, 1995.
(B) UACR R307-19, General Conformity, as adopted on October 4, 1995, effective October 12, 1995.
(43) On February 1, 1995 the Governor of Utah submitted revisions to the Utah SIP to revise the provisions for road salting and sanding in Section 9, part A of the SIP and in UACR R307-1-3, updating the incorporation by reference in R307-2-1, deleting obsolete measures for nonferrous smelters in R307-1-3, and making nonsubstantive changes to UACR R307-1-1 and R307-1-3.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) UACR R307-1-3, a portion of “Control of Installations,” revisions to road salting and sanding requirements and deletion of non ferrous smelter orders, as adopted by Utah Air Quality Board on November 5, 1993, effective on January 3, 1994.
(B) UACR R307-2-1, “Incorporation by Reference,” revised date for incorporation by reference of the State Implementation Plan, as adopted by Utah Air Quality Board on January 31, 1994.
(C) UACR R307-1-1, “Foreword and Definitions,” nonsubstantive change made to definition of “PM10 precursor,” effective on June 1, 1994.
(D) UACR R307-1-3, “Control of Installations,” nonsubstantive changes to road salting and sanding, effective on June 1, 1994.
(ii) Additional Material.
(A) February 22, 1999 letter from Ursula Trueman, Director, Utah Division of Air Quality, to Richard Long, Director, EPA Region VIII Air and Radiation Program, transmitting nonsubstantive change correction to R307-2-1, “Incorporation by Reference,” that was left out of the February 1, 1995 SIP submittal.
(B) March 16, 1999 letter from Larry Svoboda, Unit Leader, EPA Region VIII Air and Radiation Program, to Ursula Trueman, Director, Utah Division of Air Quality, explaining EPA's interpretation of nonsubstantive revision to definition of “PM10 precursor.”
(C) April 28, 1999 letter from Richard Sprott, Planning Branch Manager, Utah Division of Air Quality, to Larry Svoboda, Unit Leader, EPA Region VIII Air and Radiation Program, providing explanation for and background to the “PM10 precursor” definition.
(D) August 26, 1999 fax from Jan Miller, Utah Division of Air Quality, to Cindy Rosenberg, EPA Region VIII Air and Radiation Program, transmitting documentation for effective date of the “PM10 precursor” definition.
(44) On February 29, 2000, the Governor of Utah submitted revisions to Section XI of the SIP that incorporate a new transportation control measure for Utah County into the SIP and State regulation.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) UACR R307-110-19, Section XI, Other Control Measures for Mobile Sources, as adopted on February 9, 2000, effective February 10, 2000.
(B) Revisions to Section XI of the Utah SIP, Other Control Measures for Mobile Sources, adopted February 9, 2000, effective February 10, 2000.
(45) Revisions to the Utah State Implementation Plan, Section IX, Control Measures for Area and Point Sources, Part C, Carbon Monoxide (“Carbon Monoxide Maintenance Provisions for Ogden City”) as submitted by the Governor on December 9, 1996, excluding section IX, part C.8.f.(3) of the plan, “Emissions Credit Allocation,” as EPA is not taking any action on that section of the plan. UACR R307-8; Oxygenated Gasoline Program as submitted by the Governor on July 8, 1998.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) UACR R307-2-12, section IX, part C of the Utah State Implementation Plan (SIP), adopted by the Utah Air Quality Board on August 7, 1996, and September 4, 1996, effective November 1, 1996. EPA's incorporation by reference of UACR R307-2-12 only extends to the following Utah SIP provisions and excludes any other provisions that UACR R307-2-12 incorporates by reference:
Section IX, part C.8 (except for section IX, part C.8.f.(3)), “Carbon Monoxide Maintenance Provisions for Ogden City,” adopted by Utah Air Quality Board on August 7, 1996, and September 4, 1996, effective November 1, 1996.
(B) UACR R307-8, Oxygenated Gasoline Program, as adopted by the Utah Air Quality Board on April 21, 1998, effective April 22, 1998.
(ii) Additional materials.
(A) February 19, 1998, letter from Ursula Trueman, Director, Utah Division of Air Quality, Department of Environmental Quality to Richard R. Long, Director, Air and Radiation Program, EPA Region VIII, entitled “DAQS-0188-98; Technical Support Documents - Ogden City and Salt Lake City CO Maintenance Plans.” This letter confirmed that all the emission projections contained in the technical support documents for both the Salt Lake City and Ogden City redesignation requests were properly adopted by the Utah Air Quality Board in accordance with the Utah Air Quality Rules.
(B) July 17, 2000, letter from Richard Long, Director, Air and Radiation Program, EPA Region VIII, to Ursula Kramer, Director, Utah Division of Air Quality, Department of Environmental Quality, entitled “Federal Register Action for the Ogden City Carbon Monoxide (CO) Redesignation - Resolution of Issues with the Conformity Budgets.”
(C) September 11, 2000, letter from Rick Sprott, Acting Director, Utah Division of Air Quality, Department of Environmental Quality, to Richard Long, Director, Air and Radiation Program, EPA Region VIII, entitled “DAQP-131-00; Ogden City Carbon Monoxide (CO) Redesignation - Resolution of Issues with the Conformity Budgets.” This letter provided clarification regarding the transportation conformity budgets in section IX.C.8 of the Ogden City maintenance plan SIP revision.
(46) On April 19, 2000, the Governor of Utah submitted revisions to the State's Air Conservation Regulations to update the definitions for “significant” and “volatile organic compound” to be in agreement with the federal definitions found at 40 CFR 51.166(23)(i) and 40 CFR 51.100(s)(1), July 1, 1998, respectively.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Utah Air Conservation Regulations section R307-101-2, definitions of “significant” and “volatile organic compound” (VOC), effective April 8, 1999.
(47) The Governor of Utah submitted a request to repeal sections R307-1-4.11 and R307-2-28, and revise R307-7of the Utah Air Conservation Regulations (UACR) on June 17, 1998. R307-1-4.11 is removed from the SIP. No action was taken on the repeal of R307-2-28 because it was never approved into the SIP.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) UACR R307-7 effective November 15, 1996.
(48) On August 14, 2001, the Governor of Utah submitted a revision to Utah's SIP to update UACR R307-110-33, Section X, Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program, Part C, Salt Lake County. The changes involve a demonstration that Salt Lake County's test and repair I/M network is as effective as a test only I/M network.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) UACR R307-110-33, which incorporates by reference Utah SIP, Section X, Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program, Part C, Salt Lake County and appendices 1.a, 1.b, and 1.c, adopted by the UAQB August 1, 2001 and State effective on August 2, 2001.
(49) On August 15, 2001, the Governor of Utah submitted a revision to Utah's SIP to update UACR R307-110-31, Section X, Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program, Part A, General Requirements and Applicability. This revision required the mandatory implementation of the inspection of vehicle On-Board Diagnostic (OBD) systems starting January 1, 2002 in all areas implementing an I/M program.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) UACR R-307-110-31 which incorporates by reference Utah SIP, Section X, Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program, Part A, General Requirements and Applicability adopted by the UAQB on August 1, 2001 and State effective on August 2, 2001.
(50) The Governor of Utah submitted Rule R307-110-34 and Section X, Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program, Part D, Utah County as part of the Utah State Implementation Plan on December 7, 2001.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Rule R307-110-34 and Section X, Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program, Part D, Utah County, including appendices 1 through 6, as adopted by the Utah Air Quality Board on August 1, 2001, effective October 2, 2001, published in the Utah State Bulletin issue of September 1, 2001.
(ii) Additional Material.
(A) Letter dated December 7, 2001 from Governor Michael O. Leavitt submitting Utah County's inspection and maintenance program state implementation plan revision.
(B) Evaluation of the Utah County Inspection/Maintenance Program, dated May 20, 1999.
(51) On May 13, 2002, the Governor of Utah submitted a revision to Utah's SIP involving a new rule R307-310 “Salt Lake County: Trading of Emission Budgets for Transportation Conformity.” R307-310 allows trading from the motor vehicle emissions budget for primary Particulate Matter of 10 microns or less in diameter (PM10) in the Salt Lake County PM10 SIP to the motor vehicle emissions budget for Nitrogen Oxides (NOX) in the Salt Lake County PM10 SIP. This trading mechanism allows Salt Lake County to increase their NOX budget in the Salt Lake County PM10 SIP by decreasing their PM10 budget by an equivalent amount. These adjusted budgets in the Salt Lake County PM10 SIP would then be used for transportation conformity purposes.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Rule R307-310 “Salt Lake County: Trading of Emission Budgets for Transportation Conformity”, as adopted on May 13, 2002, by the Utah Air Quality Board, and State effective on May 13, 2002.
(52) [Reserved]
(53) On September 27, 2001, the Governor of Utah submitted a revision to Utah's SIP involving R307-301 “Utah and Weber Counties: Oxygenated Gasoline Program.” Specifically, the State revised R307-301-3 “Average Oxygen Content Standard” to only require the implementation of a 2.7% oxygen by weight program and not a 3.1% program that the State had mandated in a 1998 revision.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Rule R307-301-3 “Average Oxygen Content Standard”, as adopted on September 5, 2001, by the Utah Air Quality Board, and State effective on September 10, 2001. This rule supersedes and replaces R307-8-3.1.B.
(54) On July 3, 2002, the Governor of Utah submitted a SIP revision revising the SIP for the Utah County nonattainment area for particulates of 10 microns in size or smaller (PM10). The Governor's submittal, among other things, revises the existing attainment demonstration in the approved PM10 SIP based on a short-term emissions inventory, establishes 24-hour emission limits for the major stationary sources in the Utah County PM10 nonattainment area and establishes motor vehicle emission budgets based on EPA's most recent mobile source emissions model, Mobile6.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Rule R307-110-10, which incorporates revisions to portions of the Utah State Implementation Plan, Section IX, “Control Measures for Area and Point Sources,” Part A, “Fine Particulate Matter” as adopted on July 3, 2002, by the Utah Air Quality Board, and State effective on September 5, 2002. (Section IX of the Utah SIP was formerly designated Section 9. The revisions to Section IX, Part A we are incorporating by reference with this action do not replace Section 9, Part A entirely, but revise portions of Section 9.A.3., 9.A.6, 9.A.7, 9.A.8, 9.A.9 of the previously approved Utah SIP and add a new Section IX.A.10.)
(B) Rule R307-110-17, which incorporates revisions to portions of the Utah State Implementation Plan, Section IX, “Control Measures for Area and Point Sources,” Part H, “Emission Limits,” as adopted on June 5, 2002, by the Utah Air Quality, and State effective on September 5, 2002. (Section IX, Part H of the Utah SIP was formerly designated Section 9, Appendix A. The revisions to Section IX, Part H we are incorporating by reference with this action replace the following sections of Section 9, Appendix A of the previously approved Utah SIP: Section 1.1 (General Requirements (Utah County)) and all subsections thereof; Section 1.2 (Particulate Emission Limitations (company specific)) and all subsections thereof.)
(ii) Additional material.
(A) Letter dated August 9, 2002 from Richard Sprott, Director, Utah Division of Air Quality, to Richard Long, Director, Air and Radiation Program, EPA Region 8, transmitting the chronology of how the Utah County PM10 SIP revision was adopted over two Utah Air Quality Board meetings (June 5, 2002 and July 3, 2002) and the justification for the nonsubstantive revisions made between the two adoption dates.
(B) Letter dated July 3, 2002 from Governor Michael O. Leavitt, State of Utah, to Robert E. Roberts, Regional Administrator, EPA Region 8, requesting EPA's approval of the Utah State Implementation Plan for PM10 in Utah County.
(C) Commitment letter dated April 18, 2002 from Richard Sprott, Director, Utah Division of Air Quality, to Richard Long, Director, Air and Radiation Program, EPA Region 8, committing to work with us to address remaining issues with the PM10 SIPs for both the Utah and Salt Lake County nonattainment areas and with the Utah SIP in general. Utah will address these ongoing issues in a SIP revision (which may be in the form of a maintenance plan) that will be submitted by March 1, 2004.
(D) Letter dated March 15, 2002 from, Richard Sprott, Director, Utah Division of Air Quality, to Richard Long, Director, Air and Radiation Program, EPA Region 8, accompanied by three volumes of Technical Support Documentation titled “Supplement II-02 to the Technical Support Documentation for the State Implementation Plan for PM10” for the Utah County PM10 SIP revision.
(E) Utah's General Definition rule R307-101-2 as in effect at the time Utah adopted Section IX, Part H of the SIP revision on June 5, 2002.
(F) All portions of the July 3, 2002 Utah PM10 SIP revision submittal, other than any documents or provisions mentioned in paragraph (c)(54)(i) of this section.
(55) [Reserved]
(56) On June 27, 1994 and April 28, 2000, the Governor of Utah submitted revisions to the State Implementation Plan. On December 31, 2002, the State of Utah submitted Supplemental Administrative Documentation. The June 27, 1994 submittal revises the numbering and format of Utah's State Implementation Plan (SIP). The April 28, 2000 and December 31, 2002 submittals contain non-substantive changes to correct minor errors in the June 27, 1994 submittal. The provisions identified below are approved into the SIP and supersede and replace the corresponding prior codification of the provisions of the SIP.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Utah State Implementation Plan Section I; Section II; Section III (except III.C); Section IV; Section V; Section VI; Section VII (except VII.D); Section IX, Part IX.B (except the title, IX.B.3.a, IX.B.3.d, IX.B.3.e, and IX.B.4); Section IX, Parts C, E, F and G (except the titles); Section IX, Part D.1 (except for the title and IX.D.1.d (5)); Section XI (Appendix 1 and Appendix 2 only); Section XII; Section XIII; Section XIV (except Table IX.9); Section XV; Section XVI; Section XVII (except XVII.A, XVII.D and XVII.E); Section XVIII (except XVIII.B); and Section XIX, effective 11/12/93.
(B) Utah State Implementation Plan Section IX, Part IX.B.3.d; Section IX, titles of Parts B, C, D.1, E, F and G; Section XIV, Table XIV.9; Section XVII, Parts XVII.A, XVII.D and XVII.E; and Section XVIII, Part XVIII.B, effective 2/25/2000.
(C) Utah State Implementation Plan Section III, Part III.C; Section VII, Part VII.D; Section VIII; Section IX, Parts IX.B.3.a, IX.B.3.e, IX.B.4, IX.C.7.b(3), IX.C.7.h(3), IX.C.8.b(3), IX.C.8.f(1)(a), IX.C.8.h(3)(a), IX.C.8.h(3)(c), IX.D.1.d(5), IX.D.2.b, IX.D.2.d(1)(a), IX.D.2.e(1), IX.D.2.f(1)(a), IX.D.2.h (except IX.D.2.h(2)), IX.D.2.i and IX.D.2.j; and Section XXII, effective January 1, 2003.
(ii) Additional Material.
(A) October 3, 2002 letter from Rick Sprott, Utah Department of Air Quality, to Richard Long, EPA Region VIII, to address typographical errors and missing pages in the January 27, 1994 submittal.
(B) [Reserved]
(57) On September 7, 1999 and February 11, 2003, the Governor of Utah submitted revisions to the SIP. The submittals revise Utah's Air Conservation Regulations (UACR), R307-170, Continuous Emission Monitoring Program, by repealing and re-enacting the rule to clarify requirements of the rule. The revisions are being approved into the SIP.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) UACR R307-170, effective 4/1/1999, except sections R307-170-4, R307-170-5 and R307-170-9.
(B) UACR sections R307-170-4, R307-170-5 and R307-170-9, effective December 5, 2002.
(58) On November 9, 2001 and September 16, 2003 the State of Utah submitted revisions to its State Implementation Plan (SIP) to incorporate new and revise existing definitions in the new source review (NSR) rules. The revisions update the State's NSR rules so that they are consistent with the revisions EPA made to its NSR rules on July 21, 1992.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Revisions to the Utah Air Conservation Regulations, R307-101-2, the definitions “Actual Emissions,” “Clean Coal Technology,” “Clean Coal Technology Demonstration Project,” “Electric Utility Steam Generating Unit,” “Emissions Unit,” “Pollution Control Project,” and “Representative Actual Annual Emissions,” effective 7/12/01.
(B) Revisions to the Utah Air Conservation Regulations, R307-101-2, the definitions “Major Modification,” “Reactivation of Very Clean Coal-Fired Electric Utility Steam Generating Unit,” “Repowering,” and “Temporary Clean Coal Technology Demonstration Project,” effective 6/1/03.
(C) Revisions to the Utah Air Conservation Regulations, R307-405-1, the definition “Major Modification” effective 6/1/03.
(59) On February 5, 2001, October 26, 2000, September 20, 1999, September 7, 1999, two State Implementation Plan (SIP) revisions submitted February 6, 1996 and one on January 27, 1995, the State of Utah submitted SIP revisions that recodifies Utah's rules that had previously been approved into Utah's SIP; removed from Utah's SIP language that is obsolete or is generally not related to attainment of the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) and is therefore not appropriate to be in Utah's SIP; and arranged rules to allow for a more coherent SIP structure.
(i) Incorporation by Reference.
(A) Utah Administrative Code (UAC) rule sections: R307-101-1 and 2 with the exception of the definitions for “actual emissions,” “major modification,” “part 70 source,” “significant,” and “volatile organic compound” effective September 15, 1998; R307-102-1 through R307-102-6 effective September 15, 1998 and R307-102-1(2) effective August 3, 2000; R307-105-1 and R307-105-2 effective September 15, 1998, R307-107-1 through R307-107-6 effective September 15, 1998; R307-110-1 through R307-110-9, R307-110-11, R307-110-13 through R307-110-15, R307-110-18, R307-110-20 through R307-110-28, R307-110-30, and R307-110-32 effective September 15, 1998; R307-115-1 effective September 15, 1998; R307-130-1 through R307-130-4 effective September 15, 1998; R307-165-1 through R307-165-4 effective September 15, 1998; R307-201-1 through R307-201-3 effective September 15, 1998; R307-202-1 through R307-202-6 effective September 15, 1998; R307-203-1 through R307-203-3 effective September 15, 1998; R307-206-1 through R307-206-5 effective September 15, 1998; R307-302-1, R302-302-2 (except paragraph (4)) and R307-302-4 effective September 15, 1998; R307-305-1 through R307-305-7 effective September 15, 1998; R307-307-1 through R307-307-3 effective September 15, 1998; R307-325-1 through R307-325-4 effective September 15, 1998; R307-326-1 through R307-326-7 effective September 15, 1998; R307-327-1 through R307-327-3 effective September 15, 1998; R307-328-1 through R307-328-5 effective September 15, 1998; R307-335-1 through R307-335-4 effective September 15, 1998; R307-340-1 through R307-340-13 effective September 15, 1998; R307-341-1 through R307-341-3 effective September 15, 1998; R307-342-1 through R307-342-7 effective September 15, 1998; R307-401-9 and R307-401-10(1) effective September 15, 1998; R307-403-1 through R307-403-9 effective September 15, 1998; R307-405-1 through R307-405-8 effective September 15, 1998; R307-406-1 through R307-406-6 effective September 15, 1998; R307-413-7 effective September 15, 1998; and R307-414-1 through R307-414-3 effective September 15, 1998.
(ii) Additional Material.
(A) Outline for Utah's Rules Reorganization effective September 15, 1998.
(B) July 6, 2000 letter from Richard Long, EPA Region VIII to Ursula Kramer, Director, Utah Division of Environmental Quality requesting Utah to withdraw Utah SIP submittals dated April 30, 1998, October 9, 1998, and April 19, 2000.
(C) October 6, 2000 letter from Richard Long, EPA Region VIII to Rick Sprott, Acting Director, Utah Division of Air Quality (UDAQ) notifying UDAQ of an October 6, 1995 EPA memorandum (included with the October 6, 2000 letter) stating that Clean Air Act section 172(c)(9) pertaining to contingency measures requirements would not apply to PM10 nonattainment areas that had attained the standard with at least 3 years of clean air quality and as long as the area continued to attain the standard.
(D) October 16, 2000 letter from Michael Leavitt, Governor of Utah to William Yellowtail, Regional Administrator, EPA Region VIII requesting the withdraw of Utah's SIP submittals dated April 30, 1998, October 9, 1998, and April 19, 2000.
(E) April 2, 2002 letter from Richard Long, EPA Region VIII to Rick Sprott, Director, Utah Division of Air Quality informing UDAQ of our intent to not act on Utah's SIP submittal dated October 26, 2000 and our intent to remove existing asbestos rule language (R701-1-8) from Utah's federally approved SIP.
(F) April 7, 2005 letter from Rick Sprott, Director, Utah Division of Air Quality agreeing with EPA on the exclusion of Utah rules R307-1-6, R307-121, R307-122, R307-135, R307-214, R307-215, R307-220, R307-221, R307-320, R307-332, R307-415, R307-417, and R307-1-8 from Utah's federally approved SIP.
(60) Revisions to the Utah State Implementation Plan, Section IX, Part C.7, “Carbon Monoxide Maintenance Provisions for Salt Lake City,” as submitted by the Governor on October 19, 2004; revisions to UAC R307-110-12, “Section IX, Control Measures for Area and Point Sources, Part C, Carbon Monoxide,” as submitted by the Governor on October 19, 2004; revisions to the Utah State Implementation Plan, Section X, “Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program, Part C, Salt Lake County,” as submitted by the Governor on October 19, 2004; and revisions to UAC R307-110-33, “Section X, Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program, Part C, Salt Lake County,” as submitted by the Governor on October 19, 2004.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) UAC R307-110-12, as adopted by the Utah Air Quality Board on October 6, 2004, effective December 2, 2004. This incorporation by reference of UAC R307-110-12 only extends to the following Utah SIP provisions and excludes any other provisions that UAC R307-110-12 incorporates by reference: Section IX, Part C.7, “Carbon Monoxide Maintenance Provisions for Salt Lake City,” adopted by Utah Air Quality Board on October 6, 2004, effective December 2, 2004.
(B) UAC R307-110-33, “Section X, Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program, Part C, Salt Lake County,” as adopted by the Utah Air Quality Board on October 6, 2004, effective October 7, 2004.
(61) Revisions to the Utah State Implementation Plan, Section IX, Part C.8, “Carbon Monoxide Maintenance Provisions for Ogden,” as submitted by the Governor on November 29, 2004; revisions to UAC R307-110-12, “Section IX, Control Measures for Area and Point Sources, Part C, Carbon Monoxide,” as submitted by the Governor on November 29, 2004; revisions to the Utah State Implementation Plan, Section X, “Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program, Part E, Weber County,” as submitted by the Governor on November 29, 2004; and revisions to UAC R307-110-35, “Section X, Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program, Part E, Weber County,” as submitted by the Governor on November 29, 2004.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) UAC R307-110-12, as adopted by the Utah Air Quality Board on November 3, 2004, effective January 4, 2005. This incorporation by reference of UAC R307-110-12 only extends to the following Utah SIP provisions and excludes any other provisions that UAC R307-110-12 incorporates by reference:
Section IX, Part C.8, “Carbon Monoxide Maintenance Provisions for Ogden,” adopted by the Utah Air Quality Board on November 3, 2004, effective January 4, 2005.
(B) UAC R307-110-35, “Section X, Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program, Part E, Weber County,” as adopted by the Utah Air Quality Board on November 3, 2004, effective November 4, 2004.
(ii) Additional materials.
(A) A July 28, 2005 letter from Jan Miller, Utah Department of Environmental Quality, to Kerri Fiedler, EPA Region VIII, to address typographical errors in the November 29, 2004 submittal.
(B) An August 2, 2005 letter from Richard Sprott, Utah Department of Environmental Quality, to Gary House, Weber-Morgan Board of Health, addressing limits on Weber County authority to revise vehicle emission cutpoints.
(62) Revisions to the Utah State Implementation Plan, “Section IX, Part C.6, Carbon Monoxide Provisions for Provo,” as submitted by the Governor on April 1, 2004; revisions to UAC R307-110-12, “Section IX, Control Measures for Area and Point Sources, Part C, Carbon Monoxide,” as submitted by the Governor on April 1, 2004; revisions to the Utah State Implementation Plan, “Section X, Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program, Part A, General Requirements and Applicability,” as submitted by the Governor on April 1, 2004; revisions to UAC R307-110-31, “Section X, Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program, Part A, General Requirements and Applicability,” as submitted by the Governor on April 1, 2004; revisions to the Utah State Implementation Plan, “Section X, Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program, Part D, Utah County,” as submitted by the Governor on April 1, 2004; revisions to UAC R307-110-34, “Section X, Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program, Part D, Utah County,” as submitted by the Governor on April 1, 2004; the removal of UAC R307-301 from the Federally-approved SIP as requested by the Governor on April 1, 2004; and UAC R307-302-3, and UAC R307-302-4, “No-Burn Periods for Carbon Monoxide” and “Violations,” respectively, as submitted by the Governor on September 20, 1999.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) UAC R307-110-12, as adopted by the Utah Air Quality Board on March 31, 2004, effective May 18, 2004. This incorporation by reference of UAC R307-110-12 only extends to the following Utah SIP provisions and excludes any other provisions that UAC R307-110-12 incorporates by reference: “Section IX, Part C.6, Carbon Monoxide Provisions for Provo,” adopted by the Utah Air Quality Board on March 31, 2004, effective May 18, 2004.
(B) UAC R307-110-31, “Section X, Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program, Part A, General Requirements and Applicability,” as adopted by the Utah Air Quality Board on March 31, 2004, effective May 18, 2004.
(C) UAC R307-110-34, “Section X, Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program, Part D, Utah County,” as adopted by the Utah Air Quality Board on March 31, 2004, effective May 18, 2004.
(D) UAC R307-302-3, “No-Burn Periods for Carbon Monoxide,” as adopted by the Utah Air Quality Board on August 13, 1998, effective September 15, 1998.
(E) UAC R307-302-4, “Violations,” as adopted by the Utah Air Quality Board on August 13, 1998, effective September 15, 1998.
(ii) Additional materials.
(A) An August 2, 2005 letter from Richard Sprott, Utah Department of Environmental Quality, to Jerry Grover, Utah County Commission, addressing limits on Utah County authority to revise vehicle emission cut-points.
(B) An August 19, 2005 letter from Richard Sprott, Utah Department of Environmental Quality, to Richard Long, EPA Region VIII, providing supplemental Technical Support Documentation to Volumes 11 and 12 of the State's Technical Support Document for the Provo area's carbon monoxide attainment demonstration and maintenance plan that was submitted by Governor Walker on April 1, 2004.
(C) A September 8, 2005 letter from Jan Miller, Utah Department of Environmental Quality, to Kerri Fiedler, EPA Region VIII, to address typographical errors in “Section X, Part D, Utah County Vehicle Emissions Inspection and Maintenance Program” that was submitted by Governor Walker on April 1, 2004.
(63) Revisions to the definition of “Volatile Organic Compounds,” in UAC rule R307-101-2, as submitted by the Governor on November 11, 2005. Revisions to the definition of “Clearing Index,” in UAC rule R307-101-2, as submitted by the Governor on November 23, 2005.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Utah Administrative Code rule R307-101-2, as adopted by the Utah Air Quality Board on July 6, 2005, effective on July 7, 2005. This incorporation by reference extends only to the definition of Volatile Organic Compounds and excludes any other provisions that R307-101-02 incorporates by reference.
(B) Utah Administrative Code rule R307-101-2, as adopted by the Utah Air Quality Board on September 7, 2005, effective on September 8, 2005. This incorporation by reference extends only to the definition of the Clearing Index and excludes any other provisions that R307-101-2 incorporates by reference.
(64) Revisions to State Implementation Plan were submitted by the State of Utah on February 7, 2006. The revisions are to the Utah Administrative Code to revise the continuous emission monitoring requirements for performance audits of acid rain monitors and to correct several typographical and grammatical errors.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Utah Administrative Code sections: R307-170-7(1); 307-170-4; R307-170-5(1)(b); R307-170-5(7); R307-170-7(6); R307-170-7(6)(a) and (b); and in R307-170-9 sections (5)(a) and (d), (6)(b), (7)(a)(i), (7)(b), and (9)(a); effective January 5, 2006.
(65) On March 22, 2007 the Governor of Utah submitted the addition to the Utah Administrative Code (UAC) of Rule R307-110-36. This rule incorporates by reference Section XXIII, Interstate Transport, of the Utah State Implementation Plan (SIP). The Interstate Transport declaration satisfies the requirements of Section 110(a)(2)(D)(i) of the Clean Air Act (CAA). On September 17, 2007, the Governor of Utah also submitted an amendment to the UAC Rule R307-130-4, “Options,” that removes from the text a typographical error. It removes the word “not” which had been accidentally placed in this rule.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Addition to the UAC of rule R307-110-36 that incorporates by reference Section XXIII, “Interstate Transport,” of the Utah SIP. Rule R307-110-36 was adopted by the UAQB on February 7, 2007, effective February 9, 2007, and it was submitted by the Governor to EPA on March 22, 2007.
(B) Revision to UAC Rule R307-130-4, “Options.” This revision removes from the text the word “not.” The amended text was adopted by the UAQB on June 21, 2007, effective July 13, 2007, and it was submitted by the Utah Governor to EPA on September 17, 2007.
(ii) Additional material.
(A) Replacement page for UAC Rule R307-110-36 attached to the March 22, 2007 submittal letter by the Utah Governor to EPA. The new page correctly refers to Section XXIII of the Utah SIP instead of the incorrect reference to Section XXII included in the corresponding page submitted with the Administrative Documentation for Rule R307-110-36.
(66) Revisions to the Utah State Implementation Plan, “Section XII, Transportation Conformity Consultation,” as submitted by the Governor on June 26, 2007; and revisions to UAC R307-110-20, “Section XII, Transportation Conformity Consultation,” as submitted by the Governor on June 26, 2007.
(i) Incorporation by Reference.
(A) UAC R307-110-20, “Section XII, Transportation Conformity Consultation,” as adopted by the Utah Air Quality Board on May 2, 2007, effective on May 2, 2007.
(67) Revisions to the Utah State Implementation Plan, Sections R307-101-2, “Definitions,” R307-115-1, “Determining Conformity,” R307-170-7, “Performance Specification Audits,” R307-310-2, “Definitions,” and R307-101-3, “Version of CFR Incorporated by Reference,” as submitted by the Governor on April 17, 2008.
(i) Incorporation by Reference.
(A) UAC R307-101-2, “Definitions,” as adopted by the Utah Air Quality Board on February 6, 2008, effective on February 8, 2008.
(B) UAC R307-115-1, “Determining Conformity,” as adopted by the Utah Air Quality Board on February 6, 2008, effective on February 8, 2008.
(C) UAC R307-170-7, “Performance Specification Audits,” as by the Utah Air Quality Board adopted on February 6, 2008, effective on February 8, 2008.
(D) UAC R307-310-2, “Definitions,” as adopted by the Utah Air Quality Board on February 6, 2008, effective on February 8, 2008.
(E) UAC R307-101-3, “Version of CFR Incorporated by Reference,” as adopted by the Utah Air Quality Board on February 6, 2008, effective on February 8, 2008.
(68) On September 7, 1999 and December 1, 2003 the State of Utah submitted revisions to its State Implementation Plan (SIP) to incorporate the requirements of the Consolidated Emission Reporting Rule (CERR). The revisions update the State's emission reporting rules so that they are consistent with the revisions EPA made to the CERR on June 10, 2002.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A). Title R307 of the Utah Administrative Code, Rule 307-221 EMISSION STANDARDS: EMISSION CONTROLS FOR EXISTING MUNICIPAL SOLID WASTE LANDFILLS, Rule 307-221-1, Purpose and Applicability. Effective January 7, 1999. Published in the Utah State Bulletin, Volume 98, Number 22, November 15, 1998.
(B). Title R307 of the Utah Administrative Code, Rule 307-150 EMISSION INVENTORIES, Rule 150-1, Purpose and General Requirements; Rule 150-2 Definitions; Rule 150-3 Applicability; Rule 307-150-5 Sources Identified in R307-150-3(2); Rule 307-150-6 Sources Identified in R307-150-3(3); Rule 307-150-7 Sources Identified in R307-150-3(4). Effective December 31, 2003. Published in the Utah State Bulletin, Volume 23, Number 23, December 1, 2003.
(ii) Additional Material.
(A) October 15, 2002 letter from Richard Long, EPA Region VIII to Rick Sprott, Director, Utah Division of Air Quality (UDAQ) notifying UDAQ of the June 10, 2002 publication of the Consolidated Emission Reporting Rule (40 CFR Part 51, Subpart A) and the need for the State to update its emission inventory reporting requirements.
(69) On September 15, 2006 and March 7, 2008 the State of Utah submitted revisions to its State Implementation Plan (SIP) that contained revised rules pertaining to the State's Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) preconstruction permit program.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) The Utah Administrative Code (UAC), R307-110-9, Section VIII, Prevention of Significant Deterioration, is amended effective June 16, 2006.
(B) The Utah Administrative Code (UAC), R307-405, Permits: Major Sources in Attainment or Unclassified Areas (PSD), (except R307-405-3(2)(a)(i), “Major Source Baseline Date”) is amended effective September 7, 2007.
(70) On February 22, 1999, the Governor submitted revisions to the Ozone Maintenance Provisions for Salt Lake and Davis Counties, Section IX, Part D.2 of the Utah State Implementation Plan (SIP). EPA is approving the revisions except for the following: the revisions to Section IX.D.2.h(2) of the SIP, “Determination of Contingency Action Level,” which EPA is disapproving; the revisions to the remainder of Section IX.D.2.h, which were superseded by revisions to the SIP that EPA approved at §52.2320(c)(56); and the revisions to Sections IX.D.2.b, IX.D.2.d(1)(a), IX.D.2.e(1), IX.D.2.f(1)(a), IX.D.2.i, and IX.D.2.j, which were superseded by revisions to the SIP that EPA approved at §52.2320(c)(56).
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Additional material.
(A) Ozone Maintenance Provisions for Salt Lake and Davis Counties, Section IX, Part D.2 that was adopted by the Air Quality Board on June 3, 1998 and submitted by the Governor on February 22, 1999.
(71) On May 26, 2011 and September 29, 2011, the State of Utah submitted revisions to its State Implementation Plan to incorporate the requirements of the regional haze program.
(i) Incorporation by reference
(A) Title R307 of the Utah Administrative Code - Environmental Quality, Air Quality, Rule R307-150 - Emission Inventories, sections -1, Purpose and General Requirements, -2, Definitions, -3, Applicability, -5, Sources Identified in R307-150(3)(2), Large Major Source Inventory Requirements, -6, Sources Identified in R307-150-3(3), -7, Sources Identified in R307-150-3(4), Other Part 70 Sources, and -8, Exempted Hazardous Air Pollutants. Effective December 31, 2003; as published in the Utah State Bulletin December 1, 2003 and January 15, 2004.
(B) Title R307 of the Utah Administrative Code - Environmental Quality, Air Quality, Rule R307-150 - Emission Inventories, section -4, Sulfur Dioxide Milestone Emission Inventory Requirements. Effective September 4, 2008; as published in the Utah State Bulletin July 1, 2008 and October 1, 2008.
(C) Title R307 of the Utah Administrative Code - Environmental Quality, Air Quality, Rule R307-250 - Western Backstop Sulfur Dioxide Trading Program, sections -1, Purpose, -3, WEB Trading Program Trigger, -10, Allowance Transfers, -11, Use of Allowances from a Previous Year, and -13, Special Penalty Provisions for the 2018 Milestone. Effective December 31, 2003; as published in the Utah State Bulletin December 1, 2003 and January 15, 2004.
(D) Title R307 of the Utah Administrative Code - Environmental Quality, Air Quality, Rule R307-250 - Western Backstop Sulfur Dioxide Trading Program, sections -2, Definitions, -4, WEB Trading Program Applicability, -5, Account Representative for WEB Sources, -6, Registration, -7, Allowance Allocations, -8, Establishment of Accounts, -9, Monitoring, Recordkeeping, and Reporting, and -12, Compliance. Effective November 10, 2008; as published in the Utah State Bulletin October 1, 2008 and December 1, 2008.
(ii) Additional materials
(A) Section XX of the Utah Regional Haze State Implementation Plan. Effective April 7, 2011. Published in the Utah State Bulletin February 1, 2011.
(72) On May 26, 2011 and September 29, 2011, the State of Utah submitted revisions to its State Implementation Plan to incorporate the smoke management requirements of the regional haze program.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Title R307 of the Utah Administrative Code - Environmental Quality, Air Quality, Rule R307-204 - Emission Standards: Smoke Management, sections -1, Purpose and Goals, and -2, Applicability. Effective December 31, 2003; as published in the Utah State Bulletin October 1, 2003 and January 15, 2004.
(B) Title R307 of the Utah Administrative Code - Environmental Quality, Air Quality, Rule R307-204 - Emission Standards: Smoke Management, section -4, General Requirements. Effective April 7, 2006; as published in the Utah State Bulletin March 1, 2006 and May 1, 2006.
(C) Title R307 of the Utah Administrative Code, Rule R307-204 - Environmental Quality, Air Quality, Rule R307-204 - Emission Standards: Smoke Management, sections -3, Definitions, -5, Burn Schedule, -6, Small Prescribed Fires (de minimis), -7, Small Prescribed Pile Fires (de minimis), -8, Large Prescribed Fires, -9, Large Prescribed Pile Fires, and -10, Requirements for Wildland Fire Use Events. Effective July 7, 2011; as published in the Utah State Bulletin May 1, 2011 and August 1, 2011.
(ii) Additional materials.
(A) Section XX.G of the Utah Regional Haze State Implementation Pan. Effective April 7, 2011. Published in the Utah State Bulletin February 1, 2011.
(73) On March 22, 2007, the Governor submitted revisions to Section IX, Part D of the Utah State Implementation Plan (SIP) in the form of a maintenance plan for the 1997 8-hour ozone national ambient air quality standard (NAAQS) for Salt Lake County and Davis County. On March 22, 2007, the Governor also submitted revisions to associated rules: UAC R307-101-2, R307-110-13, R307-320, R307-325, R307-326, R307-327, R307-328, R307-335, R307-340, R307-341, and R307-342. EPA is approving the maintenance plan, except for the following aspects, which EPA is disapproving: those contingency measures listed in section 6.d of the State's maintenance plan that are voluntary in nature, which consist of: “Alert Day Enhancements,” “Heavy Equipment Emission Control Program,” “Reduce Emissions of VOCs” (to the extent the State would adopt and implement the measure as a voluntary commitment rather than a regulatory measure), “Identification of High-Polluting Vehicles,” and “Other VOC or NOX emissions control measures as appropriate” (to the extent such measures would be voluntary); the contingency measure listed in section 6.d of the State's maintenance plan as “Establish an Offset Ratio for NOX;” the State's proposal in section 5.a.(3)(b)of the maintenance plan to remove from the SIP the VOC RACT approval orders for Hill Air Force Base; the State's proposal in section 5.b.(1) of the maintenance plan to remove from the SIP the NOX RACT limits for the PacifiCorp Gadsby Power Plant; and section 5.g of the maintenance plan, which indicates that the employer-based trip reduction program is included as part of the plan. EPA is approving the revisions to UAC R307-110-13, which incorporates the maintenance plan into Utah's rules, but only to the extent we are approving the 1997 8-hour ozone maintenance plan. EPA is disapproving UAC R307-320, the employer-based trip reduction program. EPA is approving the revisions to UAC R307-325, R307-326, R307-327, R307-328, R307-335, R307-340, R307-341, and R307-342, subject to our interpretation of these rules expressed in the preamble to our rulemaking action. EPA is not acting on the revisions to UAC R307-101-2 because the revisions have been superseded by later revisions to the rule, which EPA approved at §52.2320(c)(67).
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Title R307 of the Utah Administrative Code, Environmental Quality, Air Quality, Rule R307-325, Ozone Nonattainment and Maintenance Areas: General Requirements; Rule R307-326, Ozone Nonattainment and Maintenance Areas: Control of Hydrocarbon Emissions in Petroleum Refineries; Rule R307-327, Ozone Nonattainment and Maintenance Areas: Petroleum Liquid Storage; and Rule R307-340, Ozone Nonattainment and Maintenance Areas: Surface Coating Processes. Effective March 9, 2007, as published in the Utah State Bulletin on October 1, 2006 and February 1, 2007 in proposed form, and April 1, 2007 as finally adopted.
(B) Title R307 of the Utah Administrative Code, Environmental Quality, Air Quality, Rule R307-328, Ozone Nonattainment and Maintenance Areas and Utah and Weber Counties: Gasoline Transfer and Storage; Rule R307-335, Ozone Nonattainment and Maintenance Areas: Degreasing and Solvent Cleaning Operations; Rule R307-341, Ozone Nonattainment and Maintenance Areas: Cutback Asphalt; and, UAC R307-342, Ozone Nonattainment and Maintenance Areas: Qualification of Contractors and Test Procedures for Vapor Recovery Systems for Gasoline Delivery Tanks. Effective January 16, 2007 as published in the Utah State Bulletin on October 1, 2006 in proposed form and February 1, 2007 as finally adopted.
(ii) Additional materials.
(A) Utah State Implementation Plan, Section IX, Part D, 8-Hour Ozone Maintenance Provisions for Salt Lake and Davis Counties, with the following exceptions: Subsection 5.a.(3)(b), paragraphs 2, 3, and 4, beginning with “The State of Utah . . .” and ending with “. . . (Stratospheric Ozone).” on pages 17 and 18; subsection 5.b.(1), beginning in paragraph 1 at “On April 3, 2002 . . .” and ending with “the ozone maintenance plan.” at the end of paragraph 2 on page 18; subsection 5.g., Control Measure Carried Forward from the 1-hour Ozone Plan, on page 20; subsection 6.d., first bullet, Alert Day Enhancements, on page 22; subsection 6.d., third bullet, Heavy Equipment Emission Control Program, on page 22; subsection 6.d., fourth bullet, phrase “Request voluntary commitments or” on page 23; subsection 6.d., fifth bullet, Identification of High-Polluting Vehicles, on page 23; and, subsection 6.d., sixth bullet, Establish an Offset Ratio for NOX, on page 23. Adopted by the Air Quality Board on January 3, 2007.
(74) On August 16, 2012 the State of Utah submitted as a SIP revision a revised version of its breakdown rule, Utah Administrative Code (UAC) R307-107, which replaces the prior version of UAC R307-107.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Title R307 of the Utah Administrative Code, Environmental Quality, Air Quality, Rule R307-107, General Requirements: Breakdowns. Effective July 31, 2012; as published in the Utah State Bulletin on March 1, 2012, modified on July 1, 2012, and August 15, 2012. Note: The August 15, 2012 publication contains a typographical error in the title of Rule R307-107.
(75) On September 15, 2006, the Governor submitted revisions to the Utah State Implementation Plan (SIP) permitting rules. The September 15, 2006 submittal contains new, amended and renumbered rules in Utah Administrative Code (UAC) Title R-307 that pertain to the issuance of Utah air quality permits. EPA is approving the following rules or parts of rules from the September 15, 2006 submittal: R307-401-1 through 6; R307-401-8; R307-401-9 (except for paragraph (b) and the portions of paragraph (c) that reference paragraph (b)); R307-401-10 through 11; R307-401-13; R307-401-17 through 20; and R307-410-1 through 4. EPA is disapproving the following rules or parts of rules from the September 15, 2006 submittal: R307-401-7; R307-401-9(b) and the portions of 9(c) that reference (9)(b); R307-401-12; and R307-410-5. EPA is limitedly approving and limitedly disapproving R307-410-6 from the September 15, 2006 submittal - this means EPA is approving this rule because it will strengthen the SIP but is simultaneously disapproving it because it does not fully comply with applicable requirements. EPA is not acting on the revisions to UAC R307-101-2 because the revisions have been superseded by later revisions to the rule, which EPA approved at §52.2320(c)(67) (see 73 FR 51222). EPA is not acting on R307-401-14 through 16 because EPA previously acted on such provisions (notice of final rulemaking signed October 19, 2012).
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Title R307 of the Utah Administrative Code, Environmental Quality, Air Quality, Rule R307-401, Permits: New and Modified Sources, Rule R307-401-1, Purpose; Rule R307-401-2, Definitions; Rule R307-401-3, Applicability; Rule R307-401-4, General Requirements; Rule R307-401-5, Notice of Intent; Rule R307-401-6, Review Period; Rule R307-401-8, Approval Order; R307-401-9, Small Source Exemption except for R307-401-9(1)(b) and the phrase “or (b)” in R307-401-9(1)(c); Rule R307-401-10, Source Category Exemptions; Rule R307-401-11, Replacement-in-Kind Equipment; Rule R307-401-13, Plantwide Applicability Limits; Rule R307-401-17, Temporary Relocation; Rule R307-401-18, Eighteen Month Review; Rule R307-401-19, Analysis of Alternatives; and Rule R307-401-20, Relaxation of Limitations. Title R307 of the Utah Administrative Code, Environmental Quality, Air Quality, Rule R307-410, Permits: Emissions Impact Analysis, Rule R307-410-1, Purpose; Rule R307-410-2, Definitions; Rule R307-410-3, Use of Dispersion Models; R307-410-4, Modeling of Criteria Pollutant Impacts in Attainment Areas; and R307-410-6, Stack Heights and Dispersion Techniques. Effective June 16, 2006, as published in the Utah State Bulletin on December 1, 2005, modified on April 1, 2006, and July 15, 2006. Note: The July 15, 2006 publication contains a typographical error in the title for Rule R307-410.
(76) On April 14, 2011 the State of Utah submitted revisions to its State Implementation Plan (SIP) that contained revised rules, submitted in their entirety, pertaining to regulation of Greenhouse Gases (GHGs) under the State's Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) program.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Title R307 of the Utah Administrative Code (UAC), Environmental Quality, Air Quality, R307-401, Permit: New and Modified Sources, R307-401-9, Small Source Exemption, (5); and R307-405, Permits: Major Sources in Attainment or Unclassified Areas (PSD), R307-405-3, Definitions, except (2)(a), (b), (f), (5), and (6); effective January 1, 2011, as published in the Utah State Bulletin on September 15, 2010 and December 15, 2010.
(77) On February 6, 1996, Utah submitted as a revision to its State Implementation Plan (SIP) a “Diesel Inspection and Maintenance Program,” Section XXI of the Utah SIP. EPA is disapproving the Utah Diesel Inspection and Maintenance Program as submitted on February 6, 1996. On September 20, 1999 the State of Utah submitted revisions to its SIP that revised the numbering and format of the Utah Administrative Code rules within Utah's SIP. From the September 20, 1999 submittal, EPA is approving R307-110-16, “Section IX, Control Measures for Area and Point Sources, Part G, Fluoride,” and disapproving R307-110-29, “Section XXI, Diesel Inspection and Maintenance Program,” which incorporated Utah's Diesel Inspection and Maintenance Program by reference into Utah's rules. EPA has previously acted on other provisions from the September 20, 1999 submittal.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Title R307 of the Utah Administrative Code, Environmental Quality, Air Quality, R307-110, General Requirements: State Implementation Plan, R307-110-16, Section IX, Control Measures for Area and Point Sources, Part G, Fluoride; effective September 15, 1998; as published in the Utah State Bulletin on June 1, 1998 and October 1, 1998.
(78) On April 17, 2008 the State of Utah submitted revisions to the Utah Administrative Code (UAC) R307-401-14, Used Oil Fuel Burned for Energy Recovery. On September 15, 2006 the State of Utah submitted revisions to the UAC R307-401-15, Air Strippers and Soil Venting Projects, and R307-401-16, De minimis Emissions From Soil Aeration Projects.
(i) Incorporation by Reference
(A) Title R307 of the Utah Administrative Code, Environmental Quality, Air Quality, Rule R307-401-14, Used Oil Fuel Burned for Energy Recovery. Effective February 8, 2008; as published in the Utah State Bulletin on December 1, 2007 and March 1, 2008.
(B) Title R307 of the Utah Administrative Code, Environmental Quality, Air Quality, R307-401-15, Air Strippers and Soil Venting Projects, and R307-401-16, De minimis Emissions From Soil Aeration Projects. Effective June 16, 2006; as published in the Utah State Bulletin on December 1, 2005 and July 15, 2006.
(79) Revisions to the Utah State Implementation Plan involving Utah Rule R307-311; Utah County: Trading of Emission Budgets for Transportation Conformity. The Utah Air Quality Board adopted this SIP revision on March 4, 2015, it became state effective on March 5, 2015, and was submitted by the Governor to EPA by a letter dated March 9, 2015.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Utah Rules R307, Environmental Quality, Air Quality, R307-311, Utah County: Trading of Emission Budgets for Transportation Conformity. Effective March 5, 2015, as proposed in the Utah State Bulletin on January 1, 2015 and published on April 1, 2015 as effective.
(80) Revisions to the Utah State Implementation Plan involving Section X, Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program, Part A, General Requirements and Applicability, and Utah Rules R307-110-1 and R307-110-31. The Utah Air Quality Board (UAQB) adopted these SIP revisions on December 5, 2012, they became state effective on December 6, 2012, and were submitted by the Governor to EPA by a letter dated January 10, 2013. In addition, revisions to the Utah State Implementation Plan involving; Section X, Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program, Part F, Cache County and Utah Rule R307-110-36 were submitted for Agency action. These SIP revisions were adopted by the UAQB November 6, 2013, they became State effective on November 7, 2013, and were submitted by the Governor to EPA by a letter dated January 28, 2014.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A)(1) Utah Rules R307, Environmental Quality, Air Quality, R307-110, General Requirements: State Implementation Plan, R307-110-1, Incorporation by Reference, and R307-110-31, Section X, Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program, Part A, General Requirements and Applicability; effective December 6, 2012, as proposed in the Utah State Bulletin on October 1, 2012, and published as adopted in the Utah State Bulletin on January 1, 2013.
(2) Section X, Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program, Part A, General Requirements and Applicability, adopted by the Utah Air Quality Board on December 5, 2012.
(B)(1) Utah Rule R307, Environmental Quality, Air Quality, R307-110, General Requirements: State Implementation Plan, R307-110-36, Section X, Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program, Part F, Cache County; effective November 7, 2013, as proposed in the Utah State Bulletin on September 1, 2013, and published as adopted in the Utah State Bulletin on December 1, 2013.
(2) Section X, Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program Part F, Cache County, adopted by the Utah Air Quality Board on November 6, 2013.
(81) On February 25, 2013, August 5, 2013, and March 5, 2014, the Governor submitted revisions to the Utah State Implementation Plan (SIP) rules. The February 25, 2013 submittal renumbers Interstate Transport to R307-110-37. The August 5, 2013 SIP revisions give the Director of the Division of Air Quality the authority to make regulatory decisions that were previously made by either the Air Quality Board or the Executive Secretary of the Air Quality Board. The March 5, 2014 submittal establishes a 30-day public comment period for the public notice and comment period for all actions for new or modified sources. EPA is approving these revisions.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Title R307 of the Utah Administrative Code, Environmental Quality, Air Quality, R307-110, General Requirements: State Implementation Plan, R307-110-37, Section XXIII, Interstate Transport; effective December 6, 2012, as proposed in the Utah State Bulletin on October 1, 2012, and published as effective in the Utah State Bulletin on January 1, 2013.
(B) Title R307 of the Utah Administrative Code, Environmental Quality, Air Quality, R307-401, Permit: New and Modified Sources, R307-401-7, Public Notice; effective October 3, 2013, as proposed in the Utah State Bulletin on August 1, 2013, and published as effective in the Utah State Bulletin on November 1, 2013.
(C) Title R307 of the Utah Administrative Code, Environmental Quality, Air Quality, R307-101, General Requirements; effective November 8, 2012, as proposed in the Utah State Bulletin on September 1, 2012, and published as effective in the Utah State Bulletin on December 1, 2012.
(D) Title R307 of the Utah Administrative Code, Environmental Quality, Air Quality, R307-102, General Requirements: Broadly Applicable Requirements; effective November 8, 2012, as proposed in the Utah State Bulletin on September 1, 2012, and published as effective in the Utah State Bulletin on December 1, 2012.
(E) Title R307 of the Utah Administrative Code, Environmental Quality, Air Quality, R307-307, Davis, Salt Lake, and Utah Counties: Road Salting and Sanding; effective November 8, 2012, as proposed in the Utah State Bulletin on September 1, 2012, and published as effective in the Utah State Bulletin on December 1, 2012.
(82) On January 28, 2010, September 16, 2010, June 18, 2013, November 4, 2013 and August 29, 2014, the Governor submitted revisions to the Utah State Implementation Plan (SIP). We are approving the January 28, 2010 revisions to R307-405-2, with the exception of the proposed change to the incorporation by reference date, and approving all of the revisions to R307-102. We are approving the June 18, 2013 SIP revisions, with the exception of the non-substantive change to re-number R307-410-5(1)[(d)] to R307-410-5(1)(c)(i)(C). The August 29, 2014 submittal's newly amended rule supersedes and replaces all previous versions of submittals of R307-101-3, General Requirements, Version of Code of Federal Regulations Incorporated by Reference. EPA is approving the August 29, 2014 revisions. Previous submittals of R307-101-3 were received on January 28, 2010, September 16, 2010, April 26, 2012 and November 4, 2013. No further EPA action is required on these earlier submittals.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Title R307 of the Utah Administrative Code, Environmental Quality, Air Quality, R307-101, General Requirements, R307-101-2, Definitions; effective December 2, 2009 as proposed in the Utah State Bulletin on October 1, 2009, and published as effective in the Utah State Bulletin on January 1, 2010.
(B) Title R307 of the Utah Administrative Code, Environmental Quality, Air Quality, R307-101, General Requirements, R307-101-3, Version of Code of Federal Regulations Incorporated by Reference; effective August 7, 2014, as proposed in the Utah State Bulletin on June 1, 2014, and published as effective in the Utah State Bulletin on September 1, 2014.
(C) Title R307 of the Utah Administrative Code, Environmental Quality, Air Quality, R307-401, Permit: New and Modified Sources, R307-401-15, Air Strippers and Soil Venting Projects; effective February 7, 2013, as proposed in the Utah State Bulletin on December 1, 2012, and published as effective in the Utah State Bulletin on March 1, 2013.
(D) Title R307 of the Utah Administrative Code, Environmental Quality, Air Quality, R307-405, Permits: Major Sources in Attainment or Unclassified Areas (PSD), R307-405-2, Applicability; effective February 5, 2009, as proposed in the Utah State Bulletin on November 1, 2008, and published as effective in the Utah State Bulletin on March 1, 2009.
(83) On February 2, 2012, May 9, 2013, June 8, 2013, February 18, 2014, April 17, 2014, May 20, 2014, July 10, 2014, August 6, 2014, and December 9, 2014, the Governor submitted revisions to the Utah State Implementation Plan (SIP) rules. The EPA is approving the repeal of R307-340 and R307-342. The EPA is approving the submitted revisions and associated nonsubstantive changes to the following rules: R307-307, R307-351-2, R307-351-4, and R307-355-5. The EPA is conditionally approving the submitted revisions to the following rules: R307-101 (including nonsubstantive changes to R307-101-2), R307-312-5(2)(a), and R307-328-4(6). The EPA is approving the submitted revisions to the following rules: R307-303, R307-307, R307-312 (except R307-312-5(2)(a) which is conditionally approved), R307-328 (except R307-328-4(6) which is conditionally approved), R307-335, R307-342, R307-343, R307-344, R307-345, R307-346, R307-347, R307-348, R307-349, R307-350, R307-351 (except R307-351-2 which is approved with nonsubstantive changes), R307-352, R307-353, R307-354, R307-355 (except R307-355-5 which is approved with nonsubstantive changes), R307-356, R307-357, R307-357-4, and R307-361.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Title R307 of the Utah Administrative Code, Environmental Quality, Air Quality, R307-101, General Requirements, R307-101-2, Definitions; effective February 1, 2013, as proposed in the Utah State Bulletin on October 1, 2012, and published as effective in the Utah State Bulletin on February 15, 2013.
(B) Title R307 of the Utah Administrative Code, Environmental Quality, Air Quality, R307-303, Commercial Cooking; effective April 10, 2013, as proposed in the Utah State Bulletin on August 1, 2012, December 1, 2012 and March 1, 2013 and published as effective in the Utah State Bulletin on May 1, 2013.
(C) Title R307 of the Utah Administrative Code, Environmental Quality, Air Quality, R307-328, Gasoline Transfer and Storage; effective June 7, 2011, as proposed in the Utah State Bulletin on February 1, 2011 and May 1, 2011, and published as effective in the Utah State Bulletin on June 15, 2011.
(D) Title R307 of the Utah Administrative Code, Environmental Quality, Air Quality, R307-335, Degreasing and Solvent Cleaning Operations; effective January 1, 2013, as proposed in the Utah State Bulletin on August 1, 2012 and December 1, 2012, and published as effective in the Utah State Bulletin on January 15, 2013.
(E)(1) Title R307 of the Utah Administrative Code, Environmental Quality, Air Quality, R307-342, Adhesives and Sealants; effective August 1, 2013, as proposed in the Utah State Bulletin on March 1, 2013 and July 1, 2013, and published as effective in the Utah State Bulletin on August 15, 2013.
(2) Title R307 of the Utah Administrative Code, Environmental Quality, Air Quality, R307-357, Consumer Products (except R307-357-4, Standards); effective August 1, 2013, as proposed in the Utah State Bulletin on March 1, 2013 and July 1, 2013, and published as effective in the Utah State Bulletin on August 15, 2013.
(F)(1) Title R307 of the Utah Administrative Code, Environmental Quality, Air Quality, R307-343, Emissions Standards for Wood Furniture Manufacturing Operations; effective May 1, 2013, as proposed in the Utah State Bulletin on October 1, 2012, January 1, 2013 and April 1, 2013, and published as effective in the Utah State Bulletin on May 15, 2013.
(2) Title R307 of the Utah Administrative Code, Environmental Quality, Air Quality, R307-353, Plastic Parts Coatings; effective May 1, 2013, as proposed in the Utah State Bulletin on October 1, 2012, January 1, 2013 and April 1, 2013, and published as effective in the Utah State Bulletin on May 15, 2013.
(G)(1) Title R307 of the Utah Administrative Code, Environmental Quality, Air Quality, R307-312, Aggregate Processing Operations for PM2.5Nonattainment Areas; effective February 1, 2013, as proposed in the Utah State Bulletin on October 1, 2012 and January 1, 2013, and published as effective in the Utah State Bulletin on February 15, 2013.
(2) Title R307 of the Utah Administrative Code, Environmental Quality, Air Quality, R307-344, Paper, Film and Foil Coatings; effective February 1, 2013, as proposed in the Utah State Bulletin on October 1, 2012 and January 1, 2013, and published as effective in the Utah State Bulletin on February 15, 2013.
(3) Title R307 of the Utah Administrative Code, Environmental Quality, Air Quality, R307-345, Fabric and Vinyl Coatings; effective February 1, 2013, as proposed in the Utah State Bulletin on October 1, 2012 and January 1, 2013, and published as effective in the Utah State Bulletin on February 15, 2013.
(4) Title R307 of the Utah Administrative Code, Environmental Quality, Air Quality, R307-346, Metal Furniture Surface Coatings; effective February 1, 2013, as proposed in the Utah State Bulletin on October 1, 2012 and January 1, 2013, and published as effective in the Utah State Bulletin on February 15, 2013.
(5) Title R307 of the Utah Administrative Code, Environmental Quality, Air Quality, R307-347, Large Appliance Surface Coatings; effective February 1, 2013, as proposed in the Utah State Bulletin on October 1, 2012 and January 1, 2013, and published as effective in the Utah State Bulletin on February 15, 2013.
(6) Title R307 of the Utah Administrative Code, Environmental Quality, Air Quality, R307-348, Magnet Wire Coatings; effective February 1, 2013, as proposed in the Utah State Bulletin on October 1, 2012 and January 1, 2013, and published as effective in the Utah State Bulletin on February 15, 2013.
(7) Title R307 of the Utah Administrative Code, Environmental Quality, Air Quality, R307-349, Flat Wood Panel Coatings; effective February 1, 2013, as proposed in the Utah State Bulletin on October 1, 2012 and January 1, 2013, and published as effective in the Utah State Bulletin on February 15, 2013.
(8) Title R307 of the Utah Administrative Code, Environmental Quality, Air Quality, R307-352, Metal Container, Closure and Coil Coatings; effective February 1, 2013, as proposed in the Utah State Bulletin on October 1, 2012 and January 1, 2013, and published as effective in the Utah State Bulletin on February 15, 2013.
(9) Title R307 of the Utah Administrative Code, Environmental Quality, Air Quality, R307-354, Automotive Refinishing Coatings; effective February 1, 2013, as proposed in the Utah State Bulletin on October 1, 2012 and January 1, 2013, and published as effective in the Utah State Bulletin on February 15, 2013.
(H) Title R307 of the Utah Administrative Code, Environmental Quality, Air Quality, R307-350, Miscellaneous Metal Parts and Products Coatings; effective December 3, 2013, as proposed in the Utah State Bulletin on August 1, 2013 and November 1, 2013, and published as effective in the Utah State Bulletin on January 1, 2014.
(I) Title R307 of the Utah Administrative Code, Environmental Quality, Air Quality, R307-356, Appliance Pilot Light; effective January 1, 2013, as proposed in the Utah State Bulletin on August 15, 2012, and December 1, 2012, and published as effective in the Utah State Bulletin on January 15, 2013.
(J) Title R307 of the Utah Administrative Code, Environmental Quality, Air Quality, R307-357, Consumer Products, R307-357-4, Consumer Products, Standards; effective May 8, 2014, as proposed in the Utah State Bulletin on April 1, 2014, and published as effective in the Utah State Bulletin on June 1, 2014.
(K) Title R307 of the Utah Administrative Code, Environmental Quality, Air Quality, R307-361, Architectural Coatings; effective October 31, 2013, as proposed in the Utah State Bulletin on July 1, 2013 and October 1, 2013, and published as effective in the Utah State Bulletin on November 15, 2013.
(L) Title R307 of the Utah Administrative Code, Environmental Quality, Air Quality, R307-307, Road Salting and Sanding; effective February 1, 2013, as proposed in the Utah State Bulletin on October 1, 2012 and January 1, 2013, and published as effective in the Utah State Bulletin on February 15, 2013.
(M) Title R307 of the Utah Administrative Code, Environmental Quality, Air Quality, R307-351, Graphic Arts; effective February 1, 2013, as proposed in the Utah State Bulletin on October 1, 2012 and January 1, 2013, and published as effective in the Utah State Bulletin on February 15, 2013.
(N) Title R307 of the Utah Administrative Code, Environmental Quality, Air Quality, R307-355, Control of Emissions from Aerospace Manufacture and Rework Facilities; effective February 1, 2013, as proposed in the Utah State Bulletin on October 1, 2012 and January 1, 2013, and published as effective in the Utah State Bulletin on February 15, 2013.
[37 FR 10898, May 31, 1972, as amended at 79 FR 27193, May 13, 2014; 81 FR 4958, 4961, Jan. 29, 2016; 81 FR 9345, Feb. 25, 2016. Redesignated and amended at 81 FR 39200, June 16, 2016]
§§52.2325-52.2330 [Reserved]
§52.2331 Attainment dates for national standards.
The attainment date for the secondary NAAQS for sulfur dioxide for Salt Lake County and portions of Tooele County is December 31, 1994.
[61 FR 16062, Apr. 11, 1996]
§52.2332 Control Strategy: Ozone.
(a) Determinations. EPA is determining that, as of July 18, 1995, the Salt Lake and Davis Counties ozone nonattainment area has attained the ozone standard based on air quality monitoring data from 1992, 1993, and 1994, and that the reasonable further progress and attainment demonstration requirements of section 182(b)(1) and related requirements of section 172(c)(9) of the Clean Air Act do not apply to the area for so long as the area does not monitor any violations of the ozone standard. If a violation of the ozone NAAQS is monitored in the Salt Lake and Davis Counties ozone nonattainment area, these determinations shall no longer apply.
(b) Determination. Effective November 7, 2022, EPA is determining that the Southern Wasatch Front, Utah Marginal nonattainment area attained the 2015 8-hour ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) by the applicable attainment date of August 3, 2021, based upon complete quality-assured and certified data for the calendar years 2018-2020.
[60 FR 36729, July 18, 1995; 87 FR 60913, Oct. 7, 2022]
§52.2333 Legal authority.
(a) The requirements of §51.230(f) of this chapter are not met since section 26-24-16 of the Utah Code Annotated (1953), may preclude the release of emission data, as correlated with applicable emission limitations, under certain circumstances.
[37 FR 15090, July 27, 1972, as amended at 51 FR 40676, Nov. 7, 1986]
§§52.2334-52.2335 [Reserved]
§52.2336 [Reserved]
[81 FR 43923, July 5, 2016; 85 FR 75874, Nov. 27, 2020]
§§52.2337-52.2345 [Reserved]
§52.2346 Significant deterioration of air quality.
(a) The Utah plan, as submitted, is approved as meeting the requirements of Part C, Title I, of the Clean Air Act, except that it does not apply to sources proposing to construct on Indian Reservations.
(b) Regulation for prevention of significant deterioration of air quality. The provisions of §52.21 except paragraph (a)(1) are hereby incorporated and made a part of the Utah State implementation plan and are applicable to proposed major stationary sources or major modifications to be located on Indian Reservations.
(c) The State of Utah has clarified the generalized language contained in the Utah Air Conservation Regulations on the use of the “Guidelines on Air Quality Models.” In a letter to Douglas M. Skie, EPA, dated May 26, 1989, F. Burnell Cordner, Director of the Bureau of Air Quality, stated:
* * * The language in section 3.7 of the Utah Air Conservation Regulations on the use of “Guidelines on Air Quality Models” means that all PSD permit reviews will comply with the use of the “Guideline on Air Quality Models (Revised)”, EPA 450/2-78-027R, and any future supplements approved by EPA.
(d) On March 14, 2012 the State of Utah submitted revisions to the State Implementation Plan that incorporated the required elements of the 2008 PM2.5 NSR Implementation Rule and the 2010 PM2.5 Increment Rule. The following provisions are approved into the State Implementation Plan.
(1) Major source baseline date means:
(i) In the case of PM10 and sulfur dioxide, January 6, 1975;
(ii) In the case of nitrogen dioxide, February 8, 1988; and
(iii) In the case of PM2.5, October 20, 2010.
(2) Minor source baseline date means the earliest date after the trigger date on which a major stationary source or a major modification subject to 40 CFR 52.21 or to regulations approved pursuant to 40 CFR 51.166 submits a complete application under the relevant regulations. The trigger date is:
(i) In the case of PM10 and sulfur dioxide, August 7, 1977;
(ii) In the case of nitrogen dioxide, February 8, 1988; and
(iii) In the case of PM2.5, October 20, 2011.
(3) The baseline date is established for each pollutant for which increments or other equivalent measures have been established if:
(i) The area in which the proposed source or modification would construct is designated as attainment or unclassifiable under section 107(d)(1)(A)(ii) or (iii) of the Act for the pollutant on the date of its complete application under 40 CFR 52.21 or under regulations approved pursuant to 40 CFR 51.166; and
(ii) In the case of a major stationary source, the pollutant would be emitted in significant amounts, or in the case of a major modification, there would be a significant net emissions increase of the pollutant.
(4) Baseline area means any intrastate area (and every part thereof) designated as attainment or unclassifiable under section 107(d)(1)(A)(ii) or (iii) of the Act in which the major source or major modification establishing the minor source baseline date would construct or would have an air quality impact for the pollutant for which the baseline date is established, as follows: equal to or greater than 1 µg/m 3 (annual average) for SO2, NO2, or PM10; or equal or greater than 0.3 µg/m 3 (annual average) for PM2.5.
(5) Area redesignations under section 107(d)(1)(A)(ii) or (iii) of the Act cannot intersect or be smaller than the area of impact of any major stationary source or major modification which:
(i) Establishes a minor source baseline date; or
(ii) Is subject to 40 CFR 52.21 or [Utah Administrative Code (UAC)] R307-405 and would be constructed in the same state as the state proposing the redesignation.
(6) Significant means, in reference to a net emissions increase or the potential of a source to emit any of the following pollutants, a rate of emissions that would equal or exceed any of the following rates:
(i) Carbon monoxide: 100 tons per year (tpy).
(ii) Nitrogen oxides: 40 tpy.
(iii) Sulfur dioxide: 40 tpy.
(iv) Particulate matter: 25 tpy of particulate matter emissions.
(v) PM10: 15 tpy.
(vi) PM2.5: 10 tpy of direct PM2.5 emissions; 40 tpy of sulfur dioxide emissions; 40 tpy of nitrogen oxide emissions unless demonstrated not to be a PM2.5 precursor under 40 CFR 52.21(b)(50).
(vii) Ozone: 40 tpy of volatile organic compounds or nitrogen oxides.
(viii) Lead: 0.6 tpy.
(ix) Fluorides: 3 tpy.
(x) Sulfuric acid mist: 7 tpy.
(xi) Hydrogen sulfide (H2S): 10 tpy.
(xii) Total reduced sulfur (including H2S): 10 tpy.
(xiii) Reduced sulfur compounds (including H2S): 10 tpy.
(xiv) Municipal waste combustor organics (measured as total tetra-through octa-chlorinated diebenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans): 3.2 × 10 M6 megagrams per year (3.5 × 10 M6 tons per year).
(xv) Municipal waste combustor metals (measured as particulate matter): 14 megagrams per year (15 tons per year).
(xvi) Municipal waste combustor acid gases (measured as sulfur dioxide and hydrogen chloride): 36 megagrams per year (40 tons per year).
(xvii) Municipal solid waste landfills emissions (measured as nonmethane organic compounds): 45 megagrams per year (50 tons per year).
(7) Regulated NSR pollutant, for purposes of this section means the following:
(i) Any pollutant for which a national ambient air quality standard has been promulgated and any pollutant identified under 40 CFR 52.21(b)(50)(i) as a constituent or precursor for such pollutant. Precursors identified by the EPA Administrator for purposes of NSR are the following:
(A) Volatile organic compounds and nitrogen oxides are precursors to ozone in all attainment and unclassifiable areas.
(B) Sulfur dioxide is a precursor to PM2.5 in all attainment and unclassifiable areas.
(C) Nitrogen oxides are presumed to be precursors to PM2.5 in all attainment and unclassifiable areas, unless the State demonstrates to the EPA Administrator's satisfaction or EPA demonstrates that emissions of nitrogen oxides from sources in a specific area are not a significant contributor to that area's ambient PM2.5 concentrations.
(D) Volatile organic compounds are presumed not to be precursors to PM2.5 in any attainment or unclassifiable area, unless the State demonstrates to the EPA Administrator's satisfaction or EPA demonstrates that emissions of volatile organic compounds from sources in a specific area are a significant contributor to that area's ambient PM2.5 concentrations.
(ii) Any pollutant that is subject to any standard promulgated under section 111 of the Act;
(iii) Any Class I or II substance subject to a standard promulgated under or established by title VI of the Act;
(iv) Any pollutant that otherwise is subject to regulation under the Act.
(v) Notwithstanding 40 CFR 52.21(b)(50)(i) through (iv), the term regulated NSR pollutant shall not include any or all hazardous air pollutant either listed in section 112 of the Act, or added to the list pursuant to section 112(b)(2) of the Act, and which have not been delisted pursuant to section 122(b)(3) of the Act, unless the listed hazardous air pollutant is also regulated as a constituent or precursor of a general pollutant listed under section 108 of the Act.
(vi) Participate matter (PM) emissions, PM2.5 emissions and PM10 emissions shall include gaseous emissions from a source or activity which condense to form particulate matter at ambient temperatures. On or after January 1, 2011 (or any earlier date established in the upcoming rulemaking codifying test methods), such condensable particulate matter shall be accounted for in applicability determinations and in establishing emissions limitations for PM, PM2.5 and PM10 in PSD permits. Compliance with emissions limitations for PM, PM2.5 and PM10 issued prior to this date shall not be based on condensable particular matter unless required by the terms and conditions of the permit or the applicable implementation plan. Applicability determinations made prior to this date without accounting for condensable particular matter shall not be considered in violation of this section unless the applicable implementation plan required condensable particular matter to be included.
(8) Ambient air increments. (i) In areas designated as Class I, II, or III, increases in pollutant concentration over the baseline concentration shall be limited to the following:
Pollutant | Maximum allowable increase (micrograms per cubic meter) |
Class I Area | |
PM2.5: | |
Annual arithmetic mean | 1 |
24-hr maximum | 2 |
PM10: | |
Annual arithmetic mean | 4 |
24-hr maximum | 8 |
Sulfur dioxide: | |
Annual arithmetic mean | 2 |
24-hr maximum | 5 |
3-hr maximum | 25 |
Nitrogen dioxide Annual arithmetic mean | 2.5 |
Class II Area | |
PM2.5: | |
Annual arithmetic mean | 4 |
24-hr maximum | 9 |
PM10: | |
Annual arithmetic mean | 17 |
24-hr maximum | 30 |
Sulfur dioxide: | |
Annual arithmetic mean | 20 |
24-hr maximum | 91 |
3-hr maximum | 512 |
Nitrogen dioxide Annual arithmetic mean | 25 |
Class III Area | |
PM2.5: | |
Annual arithmetic mean | 8 |
24-hr maximum | 18 |
PM10: | |
Annual arithmetic mean | 34 |
24-hr maximum | 60 |
Sulfur dioxide: | |
Annual arithmetic mean | 40 |
24-hr maximum | 182 |
3-hr maximum | 700 |
Nitrogen dioxide Annual arithmetic mean | 50 |
(ii) For any period other than an annual period the applicable maximum allowable increase may be exceeded during one such period per year at any one location.
[47 FR 6428, Feb. 12, 1982, as amended at 54 FR 27881, July 3, 1989; 68 FR 11324, Mar. 10, 2003; 68 FR 74490, Dec. 24, 2003; 78 FR 63886, Oct. 25, 2013]
§52.2347 Stack height regulations.
The State of Utah has committed to revise its stack height regulations should EPA complete rulemaking to respond to the decision in NRDC v. Thomas, 838 F. 2d 1224 (D.C. Cir. 1988). In a letter to Douglas M. Skie, EPA, dated May 27, 1988, F. Burnell Cordner, Director, Bureau of Air Quality, stated:
* * * We are submitting this letter to allow EPA to continue to process our current SIP submittal with the understanding that if the EPA's response to the NRDC remand modifies the July 8, 1985 regulations, the EPA will notify the State of the rules that must be changed to comply with the EPA's modified requirements. The State of Utah agrees to process appropriate changes.
[54 FR 24341, June 7, 1989]
§52.2348 National Highway Systems Designation Act Motor Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance (I/M) Programs.
(a) On March 15, 1996 the Governor of Utah submitted a revised I/M program for Utah County which included a credit claim, a basis in fact for the credit claimed, a description of the County's program, draft County ordinances, and authorizing legislation for the program. Approval is granted on an interim basis for a period of 18 months, under the authority of section 348 of the National Highway Systems Designation Act of 1995. If Utah County fails to start its program by November 15, 1997 at the latest, this approval will convert to a disapproval after EPA sends a letter to the State. At the end of the eighteen month period, the approval will lapse. At that time, EPA must take final rulemaking action upon the State's SIP, under the authority of section 110 of the Clean Air Act. Final action on the State/County's plan will be taken following EPA's review of the State/County's credit evaluation and final regulations (State and County) as submitted to EPA.
(b) On May 20, 1999, the State of Utah submitted an evaluation of the Utah County inspection and maintenance program. On December 7, 2001, the Governor of Utah submitted Rule R307-110-34 and Section X, Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program, Part D, Utah County. These submittals satisfy the interim approval requirements specified under section 348 of the National Highway Systems Designation Act of 1995 (62 FR 31351, 63 FR 414). Under the authority of section 110 of the Clean Air Act, EPA is removing the interim status of Utah County's improved inspection and maintenance program and granting Utah County full final approval of their improved inspection and maintenance program.
[62 FR 31351, June 9, 1997, as amended at 67 FR 57748, Sept. 12, 2002]
§52.2350 Emission inventories.
(a) The Governor of the State of Utah submitted the 1990 base year emission inventory of ozone precursors, which are volatile organic compounds, nitrogen oxides, and carbon monoxide, for the Salt Lake and Davis Counties ozone nonattainment area on January 13, 1995, as a revision to the State Implementation Plan (SIP). This inventory addresses emissions from point, area, non-road, on-road mobile, and biogenic sources. This Governor's submittal was followed by the submittal of corrections to the inventory, on April 20, 1995, from Russell Roberts, Director, Division of Air Quality, Utah Department of Environmental Quality. The ozone maintenance plan for Salt Lake and Davis Counties that the Governor submitted on February 19, 1997, incorporates by reference the corrected 1990 base year ozone emission inventory as background material. The 1990 ozone base year emission inventory requirement of section 182(a)(1) of the Clean Air Act, as amended in 1990, has been satisfied for the Salt Lake and Davis Counties area.
(b) On November 12, 1997, the Governor of Utah submitted the 1993 Carbon Monoxide Periodic Emission Inventories for Ogden City and Utah County as revisions to the Utah State Implementation Plan. These inventories address carbon monoxide emissions from stationary point, area, non-road, and on-road mobile sources.
(c) On June 14, 1999, the Governor of Utah submitted the 1996 Carbon Monoxide Periodic Emission Inventory for Utah County as a revision to the Utah State Implementation Plan. The inventory addresses carbon monoxide emissions from stationary point, area, non-road mobile, and on-road mobile sources.
[62 FR 38217, July 17, 1997, as amended at 63 FR 18124, Apr. 14, 1998; 65 FR 63548, Oct. 24, 2000]
§52.2351 Area-wide nitrogen oxides (NOX) exemption.
On May 2, 1997, Ursula Trueman, Director, Division of Air Quality, Utah Department of Environmental Quality, submitted, on behalf of the State of Utah and pursuant to section 182(f)(2)(A) of the Clean Air Act as amended in 1990, a section 182(f)(2) NOX Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT) exemption request for major stationary sources of NOX in the Salt Lake and Davis Counties ozone nonattainment area other than the Pacificorp Gadsby and Kennecott Utah Copper Utah Power Plants. The exemption request was based on ambient air quality monitoring data which demonstrated that the ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) had been attained in the Salt Lake and Davis Counties ozone nonattainment area for the years 1990 through 1996. EPA approved this NOX RACT exemption request on July 2, 1997.
[62 FR 38217, July 17, 1997]
§52.2352 Change to approved plan.
(a) Utah Air Conservation Regulation R307-18-1, New Source Performance Standards, is removed from the approved plan. On June 10, 2002, we issued a letter delegating responsibility for all sources located, or to be located, in the State of Utah subject to the NSPS in 40 CFR part 60. See the table in 40 CFR 60.4 for the status of NSPS delegated to the state of Utah.
(b) Utah Administrative Code (UAC) rule R307-1-8, Asbestos Work Practices, Contractor Certification, AHERA Accreditation and AHERA Implementation, is removed from Utah's approved State Implementation Plan (SIP). This rule language pertains to the regulation of asbestos and is generally not related to attainment of the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) and therefore it is not appropriate to be in Utah's SIP.
(c) Utah Administrative Code (UAC) rule R307-1-4.12, National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAPs), is removed from Utah's approved State Implementation Plan (SIP). Utah has delegation of authority for NESHAPs in 40 CFR part 61 (49 FR 36368), pursuant to 110(k)(6) of the Act.
(d) Utah Administrative Code (UAC) rule R307-1-6, Eligibility of Pollution Control Expenditures for Sales Tax Exemption, is removed from Utah's approved State Implementation Plan (SIP). This rule language pertains to State Sales Tax Exemptions for Pollution Control Expenditures and is not generally related to attainment of the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) and is therefore not appropriate to be in Utah's SIP.
(e) Utah Administrative Code (UAC) rule R307-102-3, Administrative Procedures and Hearings, and R307-414-3, Request for Review, are removed from Utah's approved State Implementation Plan (SIP). These provisions are not required by the CAA and are, therefore, not required to be in Utah's SIP. These provisions were last approved in 40 CFR 52.2320(c)(59)(i)(A).
(f) Utah Administrative Code (UAC) rule R307-1-4.06, Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems Program (CEMSP), is removed from Utah's approved State Implementation Plan (SIP). This rule has been superseded and replaced by rule R307-170, Continuous Emission Monitoring Program.
[67 FR 59000, Sept. 19, 2002, as amended at 71 FR 7682, Feb. 14, 2006; 72 FR 4645, Feb. 1, 2007; 72 FR 19385, Apr. 18, 2007]
§52.2353 Control strategy: Carbon monoxide.
Determination. EPA has determined that the Provo carbon monoxide “moderate” nonattainment area attained the carbon monoxide national ambient air quality standard by December 31, 1995. This determination is based on air quality monitoring data from 1994 and 1995.
[67 FR 59168, Sept. 20, 2002]
§52.2354 Interstate transport.
(a) CAA Section 110(a)(2)(D)(i) requirements for the 1997 8-hour ozone and PM2.5 standards. Section XXIII, Interstate Transport, of the Utah SIP submitted by the Utah Governor on March 22, 2007, satisfies the requirements of the Clean Air Act Section 110(a)(2)(D)(i) for the 8-hour ozone and PM2.5 NAAQS promulgated by EPA in July 1997. Section XXIII, Interstate Transport, was adopted by the UAQB on February 9, 2007. The March 22, 2007 Governor's letter included as an attachment a set of replacement pages for the Interstate Transport text. The new pages reflect correctly that the Interstate Transport declaration is under Section XXIII of the Utah SIP and not under Section XXII as incorrectly indicated in the pages submitted with the Administrative Documentation for the adoption of this SIP section.
(b) Addition to the Utah State Implementation Plan regarding the 2008 Pb Standard for CAA section 110(a)(2)(D)(i) prongs 1, 2 and 4, submitted to EPA on January 19, 2012, and addition to the Utah SIP regarding the 2010 SO2 Standard for CAA section 110(a)(2)(D)(i) prong 4, submitted to EPA on June 2, 2013.
(c) Addition to the Utah State Implementation Plan regarding the 2008 ozone Standard for CAA section 110(a)(2)(D)(i)(I) prong 1 submitted to EPA on January 31, 2013 and supplemented on December 22, 2015.
(d) Addition to the Utah State Implementation Plan regarding the 2010 NO2, 2010 SO2, and 2012 PM2.5 Standards for Clean Air Act section 110(a)(2)(D)(i)(I) prongs 1 and 2, submitted to EPA on January 31, 2013, June 2, 2013, December 22, 2015, and May 8, 2018.
[73 FR 16547, Mar. 28, 2008, as amended at 81 FR 71997, Oct. 19, 2016; 82 FR 9158, Feb. 3, 2017; 84 FR 47895, Sept. 11, 2019]
§52.2355 Section 110(a)(2) infrastructure requirements.
(a) On December 3, 2007 Jon L. Huntsman, Jr., Governor, State of Utah, submitted a certification letter which provides the State of Utah's SIP provisions which meet the requirements of CAA Section 110(a)(1) and (2) relevant to the 1997 Ozone NAAQS. On December 21, 2009 M. Cheryl Heying, Director, Utah Division of Air Quality, Department of Environmental Quality for the State of Utah, submitted supporting documentation which provides the State of Utah's SIP provisions which meet the requirements of CAA Section 110(a)(1) and (2) relevant to the 1997 Ozone NAAQS.
(b) On December 3, 2007, Jon L. Huntsman, Jr. Governor, State of Utah, provided a submission to meet the infrastructure requirements for the State of Utah for the 1997 PM2.5 NAAQS. On April 17, 2008, M. Cheryl Heying, Director, Utah Department of Environmental Quality, provided a second submission to meet the infrastructure requirements for the State of Utah for the 1997 PM2.5 NAAQS. On September 21, 2010, M. Cheryl Heying, Director, Utah Department of Environmental Quality, provided a submission to meet the infrastructure requirements for the State of Utah for the 2006 PM2.5 NAAQS. The State's Infrastructure SIP is approved with respect to the 1997 and 2006 PM2.5 NAAQS with respect to CAA section 110(a)(1) and the following elements of section 110(a)(2): (A), (B), (C) with respect to PSD and minor NSR requirements, (D)(i)(II) with respect to PSD requirements, (E)(i), (E)(iii), (F), (G), (H), (J), (K), (L), and (M).
(c) Gary R. Herbert, Governor, State of Utah, provided submissions to meet the infrastructure requirements for the State of Utah for the 1997 PM2.5 NAAQS on December 3, 2007; 2006 PM2.5 NAAQS on September 21, 2010; 2008 Pb NAAQS on January 19, 2012; 2008 ozone NAAQS on January 31, 2013; 2010 NO2 NAAQS on January 31, 2013; 2010 SO2 NAAQS on June 2, 2013; and 2012 PM2.5 on December 4, 2015. The State's Infrastructure SIP is approved with respect to the 1997 and 2006 PM2.5 NAAQS with respect to CAA Section 110(a)(1) and element (D)(ii) of Section 110(a)(2). The State's Infrastructure SIP is approved with respect to the 2008 ozone NAAQS with respect to CAA Section 110(a)(1) and the following elements of Section 110(a)(2): (A), (B), (C), (D)(i)(II) prong 3, (D)(ii), (E), (F), (G), (H), (J), (K), (L), and (M). The State's Infrastructure SIP is approved with respect to the 2008 Pb, 2010 SO2, 2010 NO2, and 2012 PM2.5 NAAQS with respect to CAA Section 110(a)(1) and the following elements of Section 110(a)(2): (A), (C), (D)(i)(II) prong 3, (D)(ii), (E), (F), (G), (H), (J), (K), (L), and (M).
(d) The Utah Department of Environmental Quality submitted certification of Utah's infrastructure SIP for the 2008 Pb NAAQS on January 19, 2012; 2010 NO2 NAAQS on January 31, 2013; 2010 SO2 NAAQS on June 2, 2013; and 2012 PM2.5 on December 4, 2015. Utah's infrastructure certifications demonstrate how the State, where applicable, has plans in place that meet the requirements of section 110 for the 2008 Pb, 2010 NO2, 2010 SO2 and 2012 PM2.5 NAAQS. The State's Infrastructure SIP for 2008 Pb, 2010 NO2, 2010 SO2 and 2012 PM2.5 NAAQS is approved with respect to 110(a)(2)(B).
(e) Gary R. Herbert, Governor, State of Utah, provided submissions to meet the infrastructure requirements for the State of Utah for the 2015 ozone NAAQS on January 29, 2020. The State's Infrastructure SIP is approved with respect to the 2015 ozone NAAQS for the following CAA section 110(a)(2) infrastructure elements: (A), (B), (C), (D)(i)(II) Prong 3, (D)(ii), (E), (F), (G), (H), (J), (K), (L), and (M).
[76 FR 43905, July 22, 2011, as amended at 78 FR 63887, Oct. 25, 2013; 81 FR 50628, Aug. 2, 2016; 83 FR 47567, Sept. 22, 2018; 85 FR 57733, Sep. 16, 2020]
§52.2356 Interstate pollutant transport provisions; What are the FIP requirements for decreases in emissions of nitrogen oxides?
[Editor’s Note: This section is added effective August 4, 2023.][Change Notice]
(a)(1) The owner and operator of each source and each unit located in the State of Utah and Indian country within the borders of the State and for which requirements are set forth under the CSAPR NO X Ozone Season Group 3 Trading Program in subpart GGGGG of part 97 of this chapter must comply with such requirements with regard to emissions occurring in 2023 and each subsequent year. The obligation to comply with such requirements with regard to sources and units in the State and areas of Indian country within the borders of the State subject to the State's SIP authority will be eliminated by the promulgation of an approval by the Administrator of a revision to Utah's State Implementation Plan (SIP) as correcting the SIP's deficiency that is the basis for the CSAPR Federal Implementation Plan (FIP) under §52.38(b)(1) and (b)(2)(iii) for those sources and units, except to the extent the Administrator's approval is partial or conditional. The obligation to comply with such requirements with regard to sources and units located in areas of Indian country within the borders of the State not subject to the State's SIP authority will not be eliminated by the promulgation of an approval by the Administrator of a revision to Utah's SIP.
(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (a)(1) of this section, if, at the time of the approval of Utah's SIP revision described in paragraph (a)(1) of this section, the Administrator has already started recording any allocations of CSAPR NO X Ozone Season Group 3 allowances under subpart GGGGG of part 97 of this chapter to units in the State and areas of Indian country within the borders of the State subject to the State's SIP authority for a control period in any year, the provisions of subpart GGGGG of part 97 of this chapter authorizing the Administrator to complete the allocation and recordation of CSAPR NO X Ozone Season Group 3 allowances to such units for each such control period shall continue to apply, unless provided otherwise by such approval of the State's SIP revision.
(b) The owner and operator of each source located in the State of Utah and Indian country within the borders of the State and for which requirements are set forth in §52.40 and §52.41, §52.42, §52.43, §52.44, §52.45, or §52.46 must comply with such requirements with regard to emissions occurring in 2026 and each subsequent year.
[88 FR 36894, June 5, 2023]