(a) Notifications. You must submit notifications according to paragraphs (a)(1) and (2) of this section if you own or operate one or more of the designated facilities specified in §60.5386c for which you commenced construction, modification, or reconstruction on or before December 6, 2022. You must submit the notification in paragraph (a)(4) of this section if you undertake well closure activities as specified in §60.5397c(l).
(1) Notification of Compliance Report. For each designated facility subject to the requirements specified under this subpart, an owner or operator is required to submit a statement of compliance with the applicable requirements of this subpart on or before 60 days after the state plan compliance date. Where a designated facility's compliance status is consistent with what was specified in the final compliance plan increment of progress report, the notification of compliance report would include a statement indicating that compliance is consistent with what was specified in the designated facility's final compliance plan. Where a designated facility's compliance status differs from what was specified in the final compliance plan increment of progress report, the notification of compliance report would indicate how the designated facility's status differs from what was stated in the final compliance plan.
(2) Notifications. If you own or operate a process unit equipment designated facility located at an onshore natural gas processing plant, you must submit the notifications required in §§60.7(a)(1), (3), and (4) and 60.15(d). If you own or operate a well, centrifugal compressor, reciprocating compressor, process controller, pump, storage vessel, collection of fugitive emissions components at a well site, or collection of fugitive emissions components at a compressor station designated facility, you are not required to submit the notifications required in §§60.7(a)(1), (3), and (4) and 60.15(d).
(3) Notification to Administrator. An owner or operator who commences well closure activities must submit the following notices to the Administrator according to the schedule in paragraph (a)(4)(i) and (ii) of this section. The notification shall include contact information for the owner or operator; the United States Well Number; the latitude and longitude coordinates for each well at the well site in decimal degrees to an accuracy and precision of five (5) decimals of a degree using the North American Datum of 1983. You must submit notifications in portable document format (PDF) following the procedures specified in paragraph (d) of this section.
(i) You must submit a well closure plan to the Administrator within 30 days of the cessation of production from all wells located at the well site.
(ii) You must submit a notification of the intent to close a well site 60 days before you begin well closure activities.
(b) Reporting requirements. You must submit annual reports containing the information specified in paragraphs (b)(1) through (13) of this section following the procedure specified in paragraph (b)(14) of this section. You must submit performance test reports as specified in paragraph (b)(11) or (12) of this section, if applicable. The initial annual report is due no later than 90 days after the end of the initial compliance period as determined according to §60.5410c. Subsequent annual reports are due no later than the same date each year as the initial annual report. If you own or operate more than one designated facility, you may submit one report for multiple designated facilities provided the report contains all of the information required as specified in paragraphs (b)(1) through (13) of this section. Annual reports may coincide with title V reports as long as all the required elements of the annual report are included. You may arrange with the Administrator a common schedule on which reports required by this part may be submitted as long as the schedule does not extend the reporting period. You must submit the information in paragraph (b)(1)(v) of this section, as applicable, for your well designated facility which undergoes a change of ownership during the reporting period, regardless of whether reporting under (b)(2) through (3) of this section is required for the well designated facility.
(1) The general information specified in paragraphs (b)(1)(i) through (v) of this section is required for all reports.
(i) The company name, facility site name associated with the designated facility, U.S. Well ID or U.S. Well ID associated with the designated facility, if applicable, and address of the designated facility. If an address is not available for the site, include a description of the site location and provide the latitude and longitude coordinates of the site in decimal degrees to an accuracy and precision of five (5) decimals of a degree using the North American Datum of 1983.
(ii) An identification of each designated facility being included in the annual report.
(iii) Beginning and ending dates of the reporting period.
(iv) A certification by a certifying official of truth, accuracy, and completeness. This certification shall state that, based on information and belief formed after reasonable inquiry, the statements and information in the document are true, accurate, and complete. If your report is submitted via CEDRI, the certifier's electronic signature during the submission process replaces the requirement in this paragraph (b)(1)(iv).
(v) Identification of each well designated facility for which ownership changed due to sale or transfer of ownership including the United States Well Number; the latitude and longitude coordinates of the well designated facility in decimal degrees to an accuracy and precision of five (5) decimals of a degree using the North American Datum of 1983; and the information in paragraph (b)(1)(v)(A) or (B) of this section, as applicable.
(A) The name and contact information, including the phone number, email address, and mailing address, of the owner or operator to which you sold or transferred ownership of the well designated facility identified in paragraph (b)(1)(v) of this section.
(B) The name and contact information, including the phone number, email address, and mailing address, of the owner or operator from whom you acquired the well designated facility identified in paragraph (b)(1)(v) of this section.
(2) For each well designated facility that is subject to §60.5390c(a)(1) or (2), your annual report is required to include the information specified in paragraphs (b)(2)(i) and (ii) of this section, as applicable.
(i) For each well designated facility where all gas well liquids unloading operations comply with §60.5390c(a)(1), your annual report must include the information specified in paragraphs (b)(2)(i)(A) through (C) of this section, as applicable.
(A) Identification of each well designated facility (U.S. Well ID or U.S. Well ID associated with the well designated facility) that conducts a gas well liquid unloading operation during the reporting period using a method that does not vent to the atmosphere and the technology or technique used. If more than one non-venting technology or technique is used, you must identify all of the differing non-venting liquids unloading methods used during the reporting period.
(B) Number of gas well liquids unloading operations conducted during the year where the well designated facility identified in (b)(2)(i)(A) had unplanned venting to the atmosphere and best management practices were conducted according to your best management practice plan, as required by §60.5390c(c). If no venting events occurred, the number would be zero. Other reported information required to be submitted where unplanned venting occurs is specified in paragraphs (b)(2)(i)(B)(1) and (2) of this section.
(1) Log of best management practice plan steps used during the unplanned venting to minimize emissions to the maximum extent possible.
(2) The number of liquids unloading events during the year where deviations from your best management practice plan occurred, the date and time the deviation began, the duration of the deviation in hours, documentation of why best management practice plan steps were not followed, and what steps, in lieu of your best management practice plan steps, were followed to minimize emissions to the maximum extent possible.
(C) The number of liquids unloading events where unplanned emissions are vented to the atmosphere during a gas well liquids unloading operation where you complied with best management practices to minimize emissions to the maximum extent possible.
(ii) For each well designated facility where all gas well liquids unloading operations comply with §60.5390c(b) and (c) best management practices, your annual report must include the information specified in paragraphs (b)(2)(ii)(A) through (E) of this section.
(A) Identification of each well designated facility that conducts a gas well liquids unloading during the reporting period.
(B) Number of liquids unloading events conducted during the reporting period.
(C) Log of best management practice plan steps used during the reporting period to minimize emissions to the maximum extent possible.
(D) The number of liquids unloading events during the year that best management practices were conducted according to your best management practice plan.
(E) The number of liquids unloading events during the year where deviations from your best management practice plan occurred, the date and time the deviation began, the duration of the deviation in hours, documentation of why best management practice plan steps were not followed, and what steps, in lieu of your best management practice plan steps, were followed to minimize emissions to the maximum extent possible.
(3) For each associated gas well at your well designated facility that is subject to §60.5391c, your annual report is required to include the applicable information specified in paragraphs (b)(3)(i) through (v) of this section, as applicable.
(i) For each associated gas well at your well designated facility that complies with §60.5391c(a)(1), (2), (3), or (4) your annual report is required to include the information specified in paragraphs (b)(3)(i)(A) and (B) of this section.
(A) An identification of each existing associated gas well that complies with §60.5391c(a)(1), (2), (3), or (4).
(B) The information specified in paragraphs (b)(3)(i)(B)(1) through (3) of this section for each incident when the associated gas was temporarily routed to a flare or control device in accordance with §60.5377c(c).
(1) The reason in §60.5377c(c)(1), (2), (3), or (4) for each incident.
(2) The start date and time of each incident of routing associated gas to the flare or control device, along with the total duration in hours of each incident.
(3) Documentation that all CVS requirements specified in §60.5411c(a) and (c) and all applicable flare or control device requirements specified in §60.5412c were met during each period when the associated gas is routed to the flare or control device.
(ii) For all instances where you temporarily vent the associated gas in accordance with §60.5391c(d), you must report the information specified in paragraphs (b)(3)(ii)(A) through (D) of this section. This information is required to be reported if you are routinely complying with §60.5391c(a) or §60.5391c(b) or temporarily complying with §60.5391c(c). In addition to this information for each incident, you must report the cumulative duration in hours of venting incidents and the cumulative VOC and methane emissions in pounds for all incidents in the calendar year.
(A) The reason in §60.5377c(d)(1), (2), or (3) for each incident.
(B) The start date and time of each incident of venting the associated gas, along with the total duration in hours of each incident.
(C) The methane emissions in pounds that were emitted during each incident.
(D) The total duration of venting for all incidents in the year, along with the cumulative methane emissions in pounds that were emitted.
(iii) For each associated gas well at your well designated facility that complies with the requirements of §60.5391c(b) by routing your associated gas to a control device that reduces methane emissions by at least 95.0 percent, your annual report must include the information specified in paragraphs (b)(3)(iii)(A) through (C) of this section, and paragraph (D) or (E) of this section. The information in paragraphs (b)(3)(iii)(A) and (B) of this section is only required in the initial annual report.
(A) Identification of the associated gas well using the control device and the information in paragraphs (b)(10)(v) of this section.
(B) The information specified in paragraphs (b)(10)(i) through (iv) of this section.
(C) Identification of each instance when associated gas was vented and not routed to a control device that reduces methane emissions by at least 95.0 percent in accordance with paragraph (c)(3)(ii) of this section.
(D) For each associated gas well that complies with the requirements of §60.5391c(b) because it has demonstrated that annual methane emissions are 40 tons per year or less, provide records of the calculation of annual methane emissions determined in accordance with §60.5391c(e)(1).
(E) For each associated gas well facility that complies with the requirements of §60.5391c(c) because it has demonstrated that it is not feasible to comply with §60.5391c(a)(1), (2), (3), or (4) due to technical reasons, provide each annual demonstration and certification of the technical reason that it is not feasible to comply with §60.5377c(a)(1), (2), (3), and (4) in accordance with §60.5377c(b)(2)(i), (ii), and (iii).
(iv) If you comply with an alternative GHG standard under §60.5398c, in lieu of the information specified in paragraphs (b)(10)(i) and (ii) of this section, you must provide the information specified in §60.5424c.
(v) For each deviation recorded as specified in paragraph (c)(2)(iii) of this section, the date and time the deviation began, the duration of the deviation in hours, and a description of the deviation. If no deviations occurred during the reporting period, you must include a statement that no deviations occurred during the reporting period.
(4) For each centrifugal compressor equipped with a wet seal (including self-contained wet seal centrifugal compressors) and centrifugal compressor equipped with sour seal oil separator and capture system that is a designated facility, the information specified in paragraphs (b)(4)(i) through (vii) of this section, as applicable. For each centrifugal compressor equipped with a dry seal that is a designated facility, the information specified in paragraphs (b)(4)(i) through (xi) of this section.
(i) An identification of each centrifugal compressor.
(ii) For each deviation that occurred during the reporting period and recorded as specified in paragraph (c)(3) of this section, the date and time the deviation began, the duration of the deviation in hours, and a description of the deviation. If no deviations occurred during the reporting period, you must include a statement that no deviations occurred during the reporting period.
(iii) If complying with §60.5392c(a)(1) and (2) wet and dry seal centrifugal compressor requirements, the cumulative number of hours of operation since initial startup, since 36 months after the state plan submittal deadline (as specified in §60.5362c(c)), or since the previous volumetric flow rate measurement, as applicable, which have elapsed prior to conducting your volumetric flow rate measurement or emissions screening.
(iv) A description of the method used and the results of the volumetric emissions measurement or emissions screening, as applicable.
(v) If required to comply with §60.5392c(a)(5), the information specified in paragraphs (b)(10)(i) through (iv) of this section.
(vi) If complying with §60.5392c(a)(4) with a control device, identification of the centrifugal compressor with the control device and the information in paragraph (b)(10)(v) of this section.
(vii) If you comply with an alternative GHG standard under §60.5398c, in lieu of the information specified in paragraphs (b)(10)(i) and (ii) of this section, you must provide the information specified in §60.5424c.
(viii) Number and type of seals on delay of repair and explanation for each delay of repair.
(ix) Date of planned shutdown(s) that occurred during the reporting period if there are any seals that have been placed on delay of repair.
(5) For each reciprocating compressor designated facility, the information specified in paragraphs (b)(5)(i) through (vii) of this section, as applicable.
(i) The cumulative number of hours of operation since initial startup, since 36 months after the state plan submittal deadline (as specified in §60.5362c(c)), since the previous volumetric flow rate measurement, or since the previous reciprocating compressor rod packing replacement, as applicable, which have elapsed prior to conducting your volumetric flow rate measurement or emissions screening. Alternatively, a statement that emissions from the rod packing are being routed to a process or control device through a closed vent system.
(ii) If applicable, for each deviation that occurred during the reporting period and recorded as specified in paragraph (c)(4)(i) of this section, the date and time the deviation began, duration of the deviation in hours and a description of the deviation. If no deviations occurred during the reporting period, you must include a statement that no deviations occurred during the reporting period.
(iii) A description of the method used and the results of the volumetric flow rate measurement or emissions screening, as applicable.
(iv) If complying with §60.5393c(d), the information in paragraphs (b)(10)(i) through (v) of this section.
(v) Number and type of rod packing replacements/repairs on delay of repair and explanation for each delay of repair.
(vi) Date of planned shutdown(s) that occurred during the reporting period if there are any rod packing replacements/repairs that have been placed on delay of repair.
(vii) If you comply with an alternative GHG standard under §60.5398c, in lieu of the information specified in paragraphs (b)(10)(i) and (ii) of this section, you must provide the information specified in §60.5424c.
(6) For each process controller designated facility, the information specified in paragraphs (b)(6)(i) through (iii) of this section in your initial annual report and in subsequent annual reports for each process controller designated facility that is constructed, modified, or reconstructed during the reporting period. Each annual report must contain the information specified in paragraphs (b)(6)(iv) through (x) of this section for each process controller designated facility.
(i) An identification of each existing process controller that is driven by natural gas, as required by §60.5394c(d), that allows traceability to the records required in paragraph (c)(5)(i) of this section.
(ii) For each process controller in the designated facility complying with §60.5394c(a), you must report the information specified in paragraphs (b)(6)(ii)(A) and (B) of this section, as applicable.
(A) An identification of each process controller complying with §60.5394c(a)(1) by routing the emissions to a process.
(B) An identification of each process controller complying with §60.5394c(a)(1) by using a self-contained natural gas-driven process controller.
(iii) For each process controller designated facility located at a site in Alaska that does not have access to electrical power and that complies with §60.5394c(b), you must report the information specified in paragraphs (b)(6)(iii)(A), (B), or (C) of this section, as applicable.
(A) For each process controller complying with §60.5394c(b)(1) process controller bleed rate requirements, you must report the information specified in paragraphs (b)(6)(iii)(A)(1) and (2) of this section.
(1) The identification of process controllers designed and operated to achieve a bleed rate less than or equal to 6 scfh.
(2) Where necessary to meet a functional need, the identification and demonstration of why it is necessary to use a process controller with a natural gas bleed rate greater than 6 scfh.
(B) An identification of each intermittent vent process controller complying with the requirements in paragraph §60.5394c(b)(2).
(C) An identification of each process controller complying with the requirements in §60.5394c(b) by routing emissions to a control device in accordance with §60.5394c(b)(3).
(iv) Identification of each process controller which changes its method of compliance during the reporting period and the applicable information specified in paragraphs (b)(6)(v) through (ix) of this section for the new method of compliance.
(v) For each process controller in the designated facility complying with the requirements of §60.5394c(a) by routing the emissions to a process, you must report the information specified in paragraphs (b)(10)(i) through (iii) of this section.
(vi) For each process controller in the designated facility complying with the requirements of §60.5394c(a) by using a self-contained natural gas-driven process controller, you must report the information specified in paragraphs (b)(6)(vi)(A) and (B) of this section.
(A) Dates of each inspection required under §60.5416c(b); and
(B) Each defect or leak identified during each natural gas-driven-self-contained process controller system inspection, and the date of repair or date of anticipated repair if repair is delayed.
(vii) For each process controller in the designated facility complying with the requirements of §60.5394c(b)(2), you must report the information specified in paragraphs (b)(6)(vii)(A) and (B) of this section.
(A) Dates and results of the intermittent vent process controller monitoring required by §60.5394c(b)(2)(ii).
(B) For each instance in which monitoring identifies emissions to the atmosphere from an intermittent vent controller during idle periods, the date of repair or replacement or the date of anticipated repair or replacement if the repair or replacement is delayed, and the date and results of the re-survey after repair or replacement.
(viii) For each process controller designated facility complying with §60.5394c(b)(3) by routing emissions to a control device, you must report the information specified in paragraph (b)(10) of this section.
(ix) For each deviation that occurred during the reporting period, the date and time the deviation began, the duration of the deviation in hours, and a description of the deviation. If no deviations occurred during the reporting period, you must include a statement that no deviations occurred during the reporting period.
(x) If you comply with an alternative GHG standard under §60.5398c, in lieu of the information specified in paragraphs (b)(6)(ii)(B) and (b)(10)(i) and (ii) of this section, you must provide the information specified in §60.5424c.
(7) For each storage vessel designated facility, the information in paragraphs (b)(7)(i) through (x) of this section.
(i) An identification, including the location, of each existing storage vessel designated facility. The location of the storage vessel designated facility shall be in latitude and longitude coordinates in decimal degrees to an accuracy and precision of five (5) decimals of a degree using the North American Datum of 1983.
(ii) Documentation of the methane emission rate determination according to §60.5386c(e)(1) for each tank battery that became a designated facility during the reporting period or is returned to service during the reporting period.
(iii) For each deviation that occurred during the reporting period and recorded as specified in paragraph (c)(6)(iii) of this section, the date and time the deviation began, duration of the deviation in hours and a description of the deviation. If no deviations occurred during the reporting period, you must include a statement that no deviations occurred during the reporting period.
(iv) For each storage vessel designated facility complying with §60.5396c(a)(2) with a control device, report the identification of the storage vessel designated facility with the control device and the information in paragraph (b)(10)(v) of this section.
(v) If you comply with an alternative GHG standard under §60.5398c, in lieu of the information specified in paragraphs (b)(10)(i) and (ii) of this section, you must provide the information specified in §60.5424c.
(vi) If required to comply with §60.5396c(b)(1), the information in paragraphs (b)(10)(i) through (iv) of this section.
(vii) You must identify each storage vessel designated facility that is removed from service during the reporting period as specified in §60.5396c(c)(1)(ii), including the date the storage vessel designated facility was removed from service. You must identify each storage vessel that that is removed from service from a storage vessel designated facility during the reporting period as specified in §60.5396c(c)(2)(iii), including identifying the impacted storage vessel designated facility and the date each storage vessel was removed from service.
(viii) You must identify each storage vessel designated facility or portion of a storage vessel designated facility returned to service during the reporting period as specified in §60.5396c(c)(4), including the date the storage vessel designated facility or portion of a storage vessel designated facility was returned to service.
(ix) You must identify each storage vessel designated facility that no longer complies with §60.5396c(a)(3) and instead complies with §60.5396c(a)(2). You must identify whether the change in the method of compliance was due to fracturing or refracturing or whether the change was due to an increase in the monthly emissions determination. If the change was due to an increase in the monthly emissions determination, you must provide documentation of the emissions rate. You must identify the date that you complied with §60.5396c(a)(2) and must submit the information in (b)(7)(iii) through (vii) of this section.
(x) You must submit a statement that you are complying with §60.112b(a)(1) or (2), if applicable, in your initial annual report.
(8) For the fugitive emissions components designated facility, report the information specified in paragraphs (b)(8)(i) through (iv) of this section, as applicable.
(i)(A) Designation of the type of site (i.e., well site, centralized production facility, or compressor station) at which the fugitive emissions components designated facility is located.
(B) For the fugitive emissions components designated facility at a well site or centralized production facility that became a designated facility during the reporting period, you must include the date of the startup of production or the date of the first day of production after modification. For the fugitive emissions components designated facility at a compressor station that became a designated facility during the reporting period, you must include the date of startup or the date of modification.
(C) For the fugitive emissions components designated facility at a well site, you must specify what type of well site it is (i.e., single wellhead only well site, small wellsite, multi-wellhead only well site, or a well site with major production and processing equipment).
(D) For the fugitive emissions components designated facility at a well site where during the reporting period you complete the removal of all major production and processing equipment such that the well site contains only one or more wellheads, you must include the date of the change to status as a wellhead only well site.
(E) For the fugitive emissions components designated facility at a well site where you previously reported under paragraph (b)(8)(i)(D) of this section the removal of all major production and processing equipment and during the reporting period major production and processing equipment is added back to the well site, the date that the first piece of major production and processing equipment is added back to the well site.
(F) For the fugitive emissions components designated facility at a well site where during the reporting period you undertake well closure requirements, the date of the cessation of production from all wells at the well site, the date you began well closure activities at the well site, and the dates of the notifications submitted in accordance with paragraph (a)(5) of this section.
(ii) For each fugitive emissions monitoring survey performed during the annual reporting period, the information specified in paragraphs (b)(8)(ii)(A) through (G) of this section.
(A) Date of the survey.
(B) Monitoring instrument or, if the survey was conducted by visual, audible, or olfactory methods, notation that AVO was used.
(C) Any deviations from the monitoring plan elements under §60.5397c(c)(1), (2), and (7), (c)(8)(i), or (d) or a statement that there were no deviations from these elements of the monitoring plan.
(D) Number and type of components for which fugitive emissions were detected.
(E) Number and type of fugitive emissions components that were not repaired as required in §60.5397c(h).
(F) Number and type of fugitive emission components (including designation as difficult-to-monitor or unsafe-to-monitor, if applicable) on delay of repair and explanation for each delay of repair.
(G) Date of planned shutdown(s) that occurred during the reporting period if there are any components that have been placed on delay of repair.
(iii) For well closure activities which occurred during the reporting period, the information in paragraphs (b)(8)(iii)(A) and (B) of this section.
(A) A status report with dates for the well closure activities schedule developed in the well closure plan. If all steps in the well closure plan are completed in the reporting period, the date that all activities are completed.
(B) If an OGI survey is conducted during the reporting period, the information in paragraphs (b)(8)(iii)(B)(1) through (3) of this section.
(1) Date of the OGI survey.
(2) Monitoring instrument used.
(3) A statement that no fugitive emissions were found, or if fugitive emissions were found, a description of the steps taken to eliminate those emissions, the date of the resurvey, the results of the resurvey, and the date of the final resurvey which detected no emissions.
(iv) If you comply with an alternative GHG standard under §60.5398c, in lieu of the information specified in paragraphs (b)(10)(i) and (ii) of this section, you must provide the information specified in §60.5424c.
(9) For each pump designated facility, the information specified in paragraphs (b)(9)(i) through (iv) of this section in your initial annual report. Each annual report must contain the information specified in paragraphs (b)(9)(v) through (ix) of this section for each pump designated facility.
(i) The identification of each of your pumps that are driven by natural gas, as required by §60.5395c(a) that allows traceability to the records required by paragraph (c)(14)(i) of this section.
(ii) For each pump designated facility for which there is a control device on site but it does not achieve a 95.0 percent emissions reduction, the certification that there is a control device available on site but it does not achieve a 95.0 percent emissions reduction required under §60.5395c(b)(5). You must also report the emissions reduction percentage the control device is designed to achieve.
(iii) For each pump designated facility for which there is no control device or vapor recovery unit on site, the certification required under §60.5395c(b)(6) that there is no control device or vapor recovery unit on site.
(iv) For each pump designated facility for which it is technically infeasible to route the emissions to a process or control device, the certification of technically infeasibility required under §60.5395c(b)(7).
(v) For any pump designated facility which has previously reported as required under paragraphs (b)(9)(i) through (iv) of this section and for which a change in the reported condition has occurred during the reporting period, provide the identification of the pump designated facility and the date that the pump designated facility meets one of the change conditions described in paragraphs (b)(9)(v)(A) through (C) of this section.
(A) If you install a control device or vapor recovery unit, you must report that a control device or vapor recovery unit has been added to the site and that the pump designated facility now is required to comply with §60.5395c(b)(1) or (3), as applicable.
(B) If your pump designated facility previously complied with §60.5395c(b)(1) or (3), as applicable. by routing emissions to a process or a control device and the process or control device is subsequently removed from the site or is no longer available such that there is no ability to route the emissions to a process or control device at the location, or that it is not technically feasible to capture and route the emissions to another control device or process located on site, report that you are no longer complying with the applicable requirements of §60.5395c(b)(1) or (3) and submit the information provided in paragraphs (b)(9)(v)(B)(1) or (2) of this section.
(1) Certification that there is no control device or vapor recovery unit on site.
(2) Certification of the engineering assessment that it is technically infeasible to capture and route the emissions to another control device or process located on site.
(C) If any pump affected facility or individual natural gas-driven pump changes its method of compliance during the reporting period other than for the reasons specified in paragraphs (b)(9)(v)(A) and (B) of this section, identify the new compliance method for each natural gas-driven pump within the affected facility which changes its method of compliance during the reporting period and provide the applicable information specified in paragraphs (b)(9)(ii) through (iv) and (vi) through (viii) of this section for the new method of compliance.
(vi) For each pump designated facility complying with the requirements of §60.5395c(a) or (b)(2) by routing the emissions to a process, you must report the information specified in paragraphs (b)(11)(i) through (iv) of this section.
(vii) For each pump designated facility complying with the requirements of §60.5395c(b)(3) by routing the emissions to a control device, you must report the information required under paragraph (b)(11) of this section.
(viii) For each deviation that occurred during the reporting period, the date and time the deviation began, the duration of the deviation in hours, and a description of the deviation. If no deviations occurred during the reporting period, you must include a statement that no deviations occurred during the reporting period.
(ix) If you comply with an alternative GHG standard under §60.5398c, in lieu of the information specified in paragraphs (b)(10)(i) and (ii) of this section, you must provide the information specified in §60.5424c.
(10) For each well, centrifugal compressor, reciprocating compressor, storage vessel, process controller, pump, or process unit equipment designated facility which uses a closed vent system routed to a control device to meet the emissions reduction standard, you must submit the information in paragraphs (b)(10)(i) through (v) of this section. For each centrifugal compressor, reciprocating compressor, process controller, pump, storage vessel, or process unit equipment which uses a closed vent system to route to a process, you must submit the information in paragraphs (b)(10)(i) through (iv) of this section. For each centrifugal compressor and storage vessel equipped with a cover, you must submit the information in paragraphs (b)(10)(i) and (ii).
(i) Dates of each inspection required under §60.5416c(a) and (b).
(ii) Each defect or emissions identified during each inspection and the date of repair or the date of anticipated repair if the repair is delayed.
(iii) Date and time of each bypass alarm or each instance the key is checked out if you are subject to the bypass requirements of §60.5416c(a)(4).
(iv) You must submit the certification signed by the qualified professional engineer or in-house engineer according to §60.5411c(c) for each closed vent system routing to a control device or process in the reporting year in which the certification is signed.
(v) If you comply with the emissions standard for your well, centrifugal compressor, reciprocating compressor, storage vessel, process controller, pump, or process unit equipment designated facility with a control device, the information in paragraphs (b)(10)(v)(A) through (L) of this section, unless you use an enclosed combustion device or flare using an alternative test method approved under §60.5412c(d). If you use an enclosed combustion device or flare using an alternative test method approved under §60.5412c(d), the information in paragraphs (b)(10)(v)(A) through (C) and (L) through (P) of this section.
(A) Identification of the control device.
(B) Make, model, and date of installation of the control device.
(C) Identification of the designated facility controlled by the device.
(D) For each continuous parameter monitoring system used to demonstrate compliance for the control device, a unique continuous parameter monitoring system identifier and the make, model number, and date of last calibration check of the continuous parameter monitoring system.
(E) For each instance where there is a deviation of the control device in accordance with §60.5417c(g)(1) through (3) or (5) through (7) include the date and time the deviation began, the duration of the deviation in hours, the type of the deviation (e.g., NHV operating limit, lack of pilot or combustion flame, condenser efficiency, bypass line flow, visible emissions), and cause of the deviation.
(F) For each instance where there is a deviation of the continuous parameter monitoring system in accordance with §60.5417c(g)(4) include the date and time the deviation began, the duration of the deviation in hours, and cause of the deviation.
(G) For each visible emissions test following return to operation from a maintenance or repair activity, the date of the visible emissions test or observation of the video surveillance output, the length of the observation in minutes, and the number of minutes for which visible emissions were present.
(H) If a performance test was conducted on the control device during the reporting period, provide the date the performance test was conducted. Submit the performance test report following the procedures specified in paragraph (b)(11) of this section.
(I) If a demonstration of the NHV of the inlet gas to the enclosed combustion device or flare was conducted during the reporting period in accordance with §60.5417c(d)(8)(iii), an indication of whether this is a re-evaluation of vent gas NHV and the reason for the re-evaluation; the applicable required minimum vent gas NHV; if twice daily samples of the vent stream were taken, the number of hourly average NHV values that are less than 1.2 times the applicable required minimum NHV; if continuous NHV sampling of the vent stream was conducted, the number of hourly average NHV values that are less than the required minimum vent gas NHV; if continuous combustion efficiency monitoring was conducted using an alternative test method approved under §60.5412c(d), the number of values of the combustion efficiency that were less than 95.0 percent; the resulting determination of whether NHV monitoring is required or not in accordance with §60.5417c(d)(8)(iii)(D) or (H); and an indication of whether the enclosed combustion device or flare has the potential to receive inert gases, and if so, whether the sampling included periods where the highest percentage of inert gases were sent to the enclosed combustion device or flare.
(J) If a demonstration was conducted in accordance with §60.5417c(d)(8)(iv) that the maximum potential pressure of units manifolded to an enclosed combustion device or flare cannot cause the maximum inlet flow rate established in accordance with §60.5417c(f)(1) or a flare tip velocity limit of 18.3 meter/second (60 feet/second) to be exceeded, an indication of whether this is a re-evaluation of the gas flow and the reason for the re-evaluation; the demonstration conducted; and applicable engineering calculations.
(K) For each periodic sampling event conducted under §60.5417c(d)(8)(iii)(G), provide the date of the sampling, the required minimum vent gas NHV, and the NHV value for each vent gas sample.
(L) For each flare and enclosed combustion device, provide the date each device is observed with OGI in accordance with §60.5415c(e)(x) and whether uncombusted emissions were present. Provide the date each device was visibly observed during an AVO inspection in accordance with §60.5415c(e)(x), whether the pilot or combustion flame was lit at the time of observation, and whether the device was found to be operating properly.
(M) An identification of the alternative test method used.
(N) For each instance where there is a deviation of the control device in accordance with §60.5417c(i)(6)(i) or (iii) through (v) include the date and time the deviation began, the duration of the deviation in hours, the type of the deviation (e.g., NHV cz operating limit, lack of pilot or combustion flame, visible emissions), and cause of the deviation.
(O) For each instance where there is a deviation of the data availability in accordance with §60.5417c(i)(6)(ii) include the date of each operating day when monitoring data are not available for at least 75 percent of the operating hours.
(P) If no deviations occurred under paragraphs (b)(11)(v)(N) or (O) of this section, a statement that there were no deviations for the control device during the annual report period.
(Q) Any additional information required to be reported as specified by the Administrator as part of the alternative test method approval under §60.5412c(d).
(11) Within 60 days after the date of completing each performance test (see §60.8) required by this subpart, except testing conducted by the manufacturer as specified in §60.5413c(d), you must submit the results of the performance test following the procedures specified in paragraph (d) of this section. Data collected using test methods that are supported by the EPA's Electronic Reporting Tool (ERT) as listed on the EPA's ERT website (https://www.epa.gov/electronic-reporting-air-emissions/electronic-reporting-tool-ert) at the time of the test must be submitted in a file format generated using the EPA's ERT. Alternatively, you may submit an electronic file consistent with the extensible markup language (XML) schema listed on the EPA's ERT website. Data collected using test methods that are not supported by the EPA's ERT as listed on the EPA's ERT website at the time of the test must be included as an attachment in the ERT or alternate electronic file.
(12) For combustion control devices tested by the manufacturer in accordance with §60.5413c(d), an electronic copy of the performance test results required by §60.5413c(d) shall be submitted via email to Oil__and__Gas__PT@EPA.GOV unless the test results for that model of combustion control device are posted at the following website: https://www.epa.gov/controlling-air-pollution-oil-and-natural-gas-industry .
(13) If you had a super-emitter event during the reporting period, the start date of the super-emitter event, the duration of the super-emitter event in hours, and the designated facility associated with the super-emitter event, if applicable.
(14) You must submit your annual report using the appropriate electronic report template on the Compliance and Emissions Data Reporting Interface (CEDRI) website for this subpart and following the procedure specified in paragraph (d) of this section. If the reporting form specific to this subpart is not available on the CEDRI website at the time that the report is due, you must submit the report to the Administrator at the appropriate address listed in §60.4. Once the form has been available on the CEDRI website for at least 90 calendar days, you must begin submitting all subsequent reports via CEDRI. The date reporting forms become available will be listed on the CEDRI website. Unless the Administrator or delegated state agency or other authority has approved a different schedule for submission of reports, the report must be submitted by the deadline specified in this subpart, regardless of the method in which the report is submitted.
(c) Recordkeeping requirements. You must maintain the records identified as specified in §60.7(f) and in paragraphs (c)(1) through (14) of this section. All records required by this subpart must be maintained either onsite or at the nearest local field office for at least 5 years. Any records required to be maintained by this subpart that are submitted electronically via the EPA's CEDRI may be maintained in electronic format. This ability to maintain electronic copies does not affect the requirement for facilities to make records, data, and reports available upon request to a delegated air agency or the EPA as part of an on-site compliance evaluation.
(1) For each gas well liquids unloading operation at your well designated facility that is subject to §60.5390c(a)(1) or (2), the records of each gas well liquids unloading operation conducted during the reporting period, including the information specified in paragraphs (c)(1)(i) through (iii) of this section, as applicable.
(i) For each gas well liquids unloading operation that complies with §60.5390c(a)(1) by performing all liquids unloading events without venting of methane emissions to the atmosphere, comply with the recordkeeping requirements specified in paragraphs (c)(1)(i)(A) and (B) of this section.
(A) Identification of each well (i.e., U.S. Well ID or U.S. Well ID associated with the well designated facility) that conducts a gas well liquids unloading operation during the reporting period without venting of methane emissions and the non-venting gas well liquids unloading method used. If more than one non-venting method is used, you must maintain records of all the differing non-venting liquids unloading methods used at the well designated facility complying with §60.5376c(a)(1).
(B) Number of events where unplanned emissions are vented to the atmosphere during a gas well liquids unloading operation where you complied with best management practices to minimize emissions to the maximum extent possible.
(ii) For each gas well liquids unloading operation that complies with §60.5390c(b) and (c) best management practices, maintain records documenting information specified in paragraphs (c)(1)(ii)(A) through (D) of this section.
(A) Identification of each well designated facility that conducts liquids unloading during the reporting period that employs best management practices to minimize emissions to the maximum extent possible.
(B) Documentation of your best management practice plan developed under paragraph §60.5390c(c). You may update your best management practice plan to include additional steps which meet the criteria in §60.5390c(c).
(C) A log of each best management practice plan step taken minimize emissions to the maximum extent possible for each gas well liquids unloading event.
(D) Documentation of each gas well liquids unloading event where deviations from your best management practice plan steps occurred, the date and time the deviation began, the duration of the deviation, documentation of best management practice plans steps were not followed, and the steps taken in lieu of your best management practice plan steps during those events to minimize emissions to the maximum extent possible.
(iii) For each well designated facility that reduces methane emissions from well designated facility gas wells that unload liquids by 95.0 percent by routing emissions to a control device through closed vent system under §60.5390c(g), you must maintain the records in paragraphs (c)(1)(iii)(A) through (E) of this section.
(A) If you comply with the emission reduction standard with a control device, the information for each control device in paragraph (c)(10) of this section.
(B) Records of the closed vent system inspection as specified paragraph (c)(7) of this section.
(C) Records of the cover inspections as specified in paragraph (c)(8) of this section.
(D) If applicable, the records of bypass monitoring as specified in paragraph (c)(9) of this section.
(E) Records of the closed vent system assessment as specified in paragraph (c)(11) of this section.
(2) For each associated gas well, you must maintain the applicable records specified in paragraphs (c)(2)(i) or (ii) and (vi) of this section, as applicable.
(i) For each associated gas well that complies with the requirements of §60.5391c(a)(1), (2), (3), or (4), you must keep the records specified in paragraphs (c)(2)(i)(A) and (B) of this section.
(A) Documentation of the specific method(s) in §60.5391c(a)(1), (2), (3), or (4) that was used.
(B) For instances where you temporarily route the associated gas to a flare or control device in accordance with §60.5377c(c), you must keep the records specified in paragraphs (c)(2)(i)(B)(1) through (3) of this section.
(1) The reason in §60.5377c(c)(1), (2), (3), or (4) for each incident.
(2) The date of each incident, along with the times when routing the associated gas to the flare or control device started and ended, along with the total duration of each incident.
(3) Documentation that all CVS requirements specified in §60.5411c(a) and (c) and all applicable flare or control device requirements specified in §60.5412c are met during each period when the associated gas is routed to the flare or control device.
(ii) For instances where you temporarily vent the associated gas in accordance with §60.5377c(d), you must keep the records specified in paragraphs (c)(2)(ii)(A) through (D) of this section. These records are required if you are routinely complying with §60.5391c(a) or §60.5391c(b) or temporarily complying with §60.5391c(c).
(A) The reason in §60.5391c(d)(1), (2), or (3) for each incident.
(B) The date of each incident, along with the times when venting the associated gas started and ended, along with the total duration of each incident.
(C) The methane emissions that were emitted during each incident.
(D) The cumulative duration of venting incidents and methane emissions for all incidents in each calendar year.
(iii) For each associated gas well that complies with the requirements of §60.5391c(b) because it has demonstrated that annual methane emissions are 40 tons per year or less at the initial compliance date, maintain records of the calculation of annual methane emissions determined in accordance with §60.5391c(e)(1).
(iv) For each associated gas well at your well that complies with the requirements of §60.5391c(b) because it has demonstrated that it is not feasible to comply with §60.5391c(a)(1), (2), (3), or (4) due to technical reasons, records of each annual demonstration and certification of the technical reason that it is not feasible to comply with §60.5377c(a)(1), (2), (3), and (4) in accordance with §60.5377c(b)(2)(i), (ii), and (iii), as well as the records required by paragraph (c)(2)(v) of this section.
(v) For each associated gas well that complies with the requirements of §60.5391c(b) by routing your associated gas to a flare or control device that achieves a 95.0 reduction in methane emissions, the records in paragraphs (c)(2)(v)(A) through (E) of this section.
(A) Identification of each instance when associated gas was vented and not routed to a control device that reduces methane emissions by at least 95.0 percent in accordance with paragraph (c)(2)(iii) of this section.
(B) If you comply with the emission reduction standard in §60.5392c with a control device, the information for each control device in paragraph (c)(10) of this section.
(C) Records of the closed vent system inspection as specified paragraph (c)(7) of this section. If you comply with an alternative GHG standard under §60.5398c, in lieu of the information specified in paragraphs (c)(7) of this section, you must maintain records of the information specified in §60.5424c.
(D) If applicable, the records of bypass monitoring as specified in paragraph (c)(9) of this section.
(E) Records of the closed vent system assessment as specified in paragraph (c)(11) of this section.
(vi) Records of each deviation, the date and time the deviation began, the duration of the deviation, and a description of the deviation.
(3) For each centrifugal compressor designated facility, you must maintain the records specified in paragraphs (c)(3)(i) through (iii) of this section.
(i) For each centrifugal compressor designated facility, you must maintain records of deviations in cases where the centrifugal compressor was not operated in compliance with the requirements specified in §60.5392c, including a description of each deviation, the date and time each deviation began and the duration of each deviation.
(ii) For each wet seal compressor complying with the emissions reduction standard in §60.5392c(a)(3) and (4), you must maintain the records in paragraphs (c)(3)(ii)(A) through (F) of this section. For each wet seal compressor complying with the alternative standard in §60.5392c(a)(3) and (5) by routing the closed vent system to a process, you must maintain the records in paragraphs (c)(3)(ii)(C) through (E) of this section.
(A) If you comply with the emission reduction standard in with a control device, the information for each control device in paragraph (c)(10) of this section.
(B) Records of the closed vent system inspection as specified paragraph (c)(7) of this section. If you comply with an alternative GHG standard under §60.5398c, in lieu of the information specified in paragraphs (c)(7) of this section, you must maintain records of the information specified in §60.5424c.
(C) Records of the cover inspections as specified in paragraph (c)(8) of this section. If you comply with an alternative GHG standard under §60.5398c, in lieu of the information specified in paragraph (c)(8) of this section, you must maintain the information specified in §60.5424c.
(D) If applicable, the records of bypass monitoring as specified in paragraph (c)(9) of this section.
(E) Records of the closed vent system assessment as specified in paragraph (c)(11) of this section.
(iii) For each centrifugal compressor designated facility using dry seals or wet seals and each self-contained wet seal centrifugal compressor and complying with the standard in §60.5392c(a)(1) and (2), you must maintain the records specified in paragraphs (c)(3)(iii)(A) through (H) of this section.
(A) Records of the cumulative number of hours of operation since initial startup, since 36 months after the state plan submittal deadline (as specified in §60.5362c(c)), or since the previous volumetric flow rate measurement, as applicable.
(B) A description of the method used and the results of the volumetric flow rate measurement or emissions screening, as applicable.
(C) Records for all flow meters, composition analyzers and pressure gauges used to measure volumetric flow rates as specified in paragraphs (c)(3)(iii)(C)(1) through (7) of this section.
(1) Description of standard method published by a consensus-based standards organization or industry standard practice.
(2) Records of volumetric flow rate emissions calculations conducted according to §60.5392c(a)(2), as applicable.
(3) Records of manufacturer operating procedures and measurement methods.
(4) Records of manufacturer's recommended procedures or an appropriate industry consensus standard method for calibration and results of calibration, recalibration and accuracy checks.
(5) Records which demonstrate that measurements at the remote location(s) can, when appropriate correction factors are applied, reliably and accurately represent the actual temperature or total pressure at the flow meter under all expected ambient conditions. You must include the date of the demonstration, the data from the demonstration, the mathematical correlation(s) between the remote readings and actual flow meter conditions derived from the data, and any supporting engineering calculations. If adjustments were made to the mathematical relationships, a record and description of such adjustments.
(6) Record of each initial calibration or a recalibration which failed to meet the required accuracy specification and the date of the successful recalibration.
(D) Date when performance-based volumetric flow rate is exceeded.
(E) The date of successful repair of the compressor seal, including follow-up performance-based volumetric flow rate measurement to confirm successful repair.
(F) Identification of each compressor seal placed on delay of repair and explanation for each delay of repair.
(G) For each compressor seal or part needed for repair placed on delay of repair because of replacement seal or part unavailability, the operator must document: the date the seal or part was added to the delay of repair list, the date the replacement seal or part was ordered, the anticipated seal or part delivery date (including any estimated shipment or delivery date provided by the vendor), and the actual arrival date of the seal or part.
(H) Date of planned shutdowns that occur while there are any seals or parts that have been placed on delay of repair.
(4) For each reciprocating compressor designated facility, you must maintain the records in paragraphs (c)(4)(i) through (vi), (7), (9) and (11) of this section, as applicable. If you comply with an alternative GHG standard under §60.5398c, in lieu of the information specified in paragraph (c)(7) of this section, you must provide the information specified in §60.5424c.
(i) For each reciprocating compressor designated facility, you must maintain records of deviations in cases where the reciprocating compressor was not operated in compliance with the requirements specified in §60.5393c, including a description of each deviation, the date and time each deviation began and the duration of each deviation in hours.
(ii) Records of the date of installation of a rod packing emissions collection system and closed vent system as specified in §60.5393c(d).
(iii) Records of the cumulative number of hours of operation since initial startup, since 36 months after the state plan submittal deadline (as specified in §60.5362c(c)), or since the previous volumetric flow rate measurement, as applicable. Alternatively, a record that emissions from the rod packing are being routed to a process through a closed vent system.
(iv) A description of the method used and the results of the volumetric flow rate measurement or emissions screening, as applicable.
(v) Records for all flow meters, composition analyzers and pressure gauges used to measure volumetric flow rates as specified in paragraphs (c)(4)(v)(A) through (F) of this section.
(A) Description of standard method published by a consensus-based standards organization or industry standard practice.
(B) Records of volumetric flow rate calculations conducted according to paragraphs §60.5393c(b) or (c), as applicable.
(C) Records of manufacturer's operating procedures and measurement methods.
(D) Records of manufacturer's recommended procedures or an appropriate industry consensus standard method for calibration and results of calibration, recalibration and accuracy checks.
(E) Records which demonstrate that measurements at the remote location(s) can, when appropriate correction factors are applied, reliably and accurately represent the actual temperature or total pressure at the flow meter under all expected ambient conditions. You must include the date of the demonstration, the data from the demonstration, the mathematical correlation(s) between the remote readings and actual flow meter conditions derived from the data, and any supporting engineering calculations. If adjustments were made to the mathematical relationships, a record and description of such adjustments.
(F) Record of each initial calibration or a recalibration which failed to meet the required accuracy specification and the date of the successful recalibration.
(vi) Date when performance-based volumetric flow rate is exceeded.
(vii) The date of successful replacement or repair of reciprocating compressor rod packing, including follow-up performance-based volumetric flow rate measurement to confirm successful repair.
(viii) Identification of each reciprocating compressor placed on delay of repair because of rod packing or part unavailability and explanation for each delay of repair.
(ix) For each reciprocating compressor that is placed on delay of repair because of replacement rod packing or part unavailability, the operator must document: the date the rod packing or part was added to the delay of repair list, the date the replacement rod packing or part was ordered, the anticipated rod packing or part delivery date (including any estimated shipment or delivery date provided by the vendor), and the actual arrival date of the rod packing or part.
(x) Date of planned shutdowns that occur while there are any reciprocating compressors that have been placed on delay of repair due to the unavailability of rod packing or parts to conduct repairs.
(5) For each process controller designated facility, you must maintain the records specified in paragraphs (c)(5)(i) through (vii) of this section.
(i) Records identifying each process controller that is driven by natural gas and that does not function as an emergency shutdown device.
(ii) For each process controller designated facility complying with §60.5394c(a), you must maintain records of the information specified in paragraphs (c)(5)(ii)(A) and (B) of this section, as applicable.
(A) If you are complying with §60.5390c(a) by routing process controller vapors to a process through a closed vent system, you must report the information specified in paragraphs (c)(5)(ii)(A)(1) and (2) of this section.
(1) An identification of all the natural gas-driven process controllers in the process controller designated facility for which you collect and route vapors to a process through a closed vent system.
(2) The records specified in paragraphs (c)(7), (9), and (11) of this section. If you comply with an alternative GHG standard under §60.5398c, in lieu of the information specified in paragraph (c)(7) of this section, you must provide the information specified in §60.5424c.
(B) If you are complying with §60.5394c(a) by using a self-contained natural gas-driven process controller, you must report the information specified in paragraphs (c)(5)(ii)(B)(1) through (3) of this section.
(1) An identification of each process controller complying with §60.5394c(a) by using a self-contained natural gas-driven process controller;
(2) Dates of each inspection required under §60.5416c(b); and
(3) Each defect or leak identified during each natural gas-driven-self-contained process controller system inspection, and date of repair or date of anticipated repair if repair is delayed.
(iii) For each process controller designated facility complying with §60.5394c(b)(1) process controller bleed rate requirements, you must maintain records of the information specified in paragraphs (c)(5)(iii)(A) and (B) of this section.
(A) The identification of process controllers designed and operated to achieve a bleed rate less than or equal to 6 scfh and records of the manufacturer's specifications indicating that the process controller is designed with a natural gas bleed rate of less than or equal to 6 scfh.
(B) Where necessary to meet a functional need, the identification of the process controller and demonstration of why it is necessary to use a process controller with a natural gas bleed rate greater than 6 scfh.
(iv) For each intermittent vent process controller in the designated facility complying with the requirements in §60.5394c(b)(2), you must keep records of the information specified in paragraphs (c)(5)(iv)(A) through (C) of this section.
(A) The identification of each intermittent vent process controller.
(B) Dates and results of the intermittent vent process controller monitoring required by §60.5394c(b)(2)(ii).
(C) For each instance in which monitoring identifies emissions to the atmosphere from an intermittent vent controller during idle periods, the date of repair or replacement, or the date of anticipated repair or replacement if the repair or replacement is delayed and the date and results of the re-survey after repair or replacement.
(v) For each process controller designated facility complying with §60.5394c(b)(3), you must maintain the records specified in paragraphs (c)(5)(v)(A) and (B) of this section.
(A) An identification of each process controller for which emissions are routed to a control device.
(B) Records specified in paragraphs (c)(7) and (9) through (12) of this section. If you comply with an alternative GHG standard under §60.5398c, in lieu of the information specified in paragraphs (c)(7) of this section, you must provide the information specified in §60.5424c.
(vi) Records of each change in compliance method, including identification of each natural gas-driven process controller which changes its method of compliance, the new method of compliance, and the date of the change in compliance method.
(vii) Records of each deviation, the date and time the deviation began, the duration of the deviation, and a description of the deviation.
(6) For each storage vessel designated facility, you must maintain the records identified in paragraphs (c)(6)(i) through (vii) of this section.
(i) You must maintain records of the identification and location in latitude and longitude coordinates in decimal degrees to an accuracy and precision of five (5) decimals of a degree using the North American Datum of 1983 of each storage vessel designated facility.
(ii) Records of each methane emissions determination for each storage vessel designated facility made under §60.5396c(e) including identification of the model or calculation methodology used to calculate the methane emission rate.
(iii) For each instance where the storage vessel was not operated in compliance with the requirements specified in §60.5396c, a description of the deviation, the date and time each deviation began, and the duration of the deviation.
(iv) If complying with the emissions reduction standard in §60.5396c(a)(1), you must maintain the records in paragraphs (c)(6)(iv)(A) through (E) of this section.
(A) If you comply with the emission reduction standard with a control device, the information for each control device in paragraph (c)(10) of this section.
(B) Records of the closed vent system inspection as specified paragraph (c)(7) of this section. If you comply with an alternative GHG standard under §60.5398c, in lieu of the information specified in paragraph (c)(7) of this section, you must provide the information specified in §60.5424c.
(C) Records of the cover inspections as specified in paragraph (c)(8) of this section. If you comply with an alternative GHG standard under §60.5398c, in lieu of the information specified in paragraph (c)(8) of this section, you must provide the information specified in §60.5424c.
(D) If applicable, the records of bypass monitoring as specified in paragraph (c)(9) of this section.
(E) Records of the closed vent system assessment as specified in paragraph (c)(11) of this section.
(v) For storage vessels that are skid-mounted or permanently attached to something that is mobile (such as trucks, railcars, barges, or ships), records indicating the number of consecutive days that the vessel is located at a site in the crude oil and natural gas source category. If a storage vessel is removed from a site and, within 30 days, is either returned to the site or replaced by another storage vessel at the site to serve the same or similar function, then the entire period since the original storage vessel was first located at the site, including the days when the storage vessel was removed, will be added to the count towards the number of consecutive days.
(vi) Records of the date that each storage vessel designated facility or portion of a storage vessel designated facility is removed from service and returned to service, as applicable.
(vii) Records of the date that liquids from the well following fracturing or refracturing are routed to the storage vessel designated facility; or the date that you comply with paragraph §60.5396c(a)(2), following a monthly emissions determination which indicates that methane emissions increase to 14 tpy or greater and the increase is not associated with fracturing or refracturing of a well feeding the storage vessel designated facility, and records of the methane emissions rate and the model or calculation methodology used to calculate the methane emission rate.
(7) Records of each closed vent system inspection required under §60.5416c(a)(1) and (2) and (b) for your well, centrifugal compressor, reciprocating compressor, process controller, pump, storage vessel, and process unit equipment designated facility as required in paragraphs (c)(7)(i) through (iv) of this section.
(i) A record of each closed vent system inspection or no identifiable emissions monitoring survey. You must include an identification number for each closed vent system (or other unique identification description selected by you), the date of the inspection, and the method used to conduct the inspection (i.e., visual, AVO, OGI, Method 21 of appendix A–7 to this part).
(ii) For each defect or emissions detected during inspections required by §60.5416c(a)(1) and (2), or (b) you must record the location of the defect or emissions; a description of the defect; the maximum concentration reading obtained if using Method 21 of appendix A–7 to this part; the indication of emissions detected by AVO if using AVO; the date of detection; the date of each attempt to repair the emissions or defect; the corrective action taken during each attempt to repair the defect; and the date the repair to correct the defect or emissions is completed.
(iii) If repair of the defect is delayed as described in §60.5416c(b)(6), you must record the reason for the delay and the date you expect to complete the repair.
(iv) Parts of the closed vent system designated as unsafe to inspect as described in §60.5416c(b)(7) or difficult to inspect as described in §60.5416c(b)(8), the reason for the designation, and written plan for inspection of that part of the closed vent system.
(8) A record of each cover inspection required under §60.5416c(a)(3) for your centrifugal compressor, reciprocating compressor, or storage vessel as required in paragraphs (c)(8)(i) through (iv) of this section.
(i) A record of each cover inspection. You must include an identification number for each cover (or other unique identification description selected by you), the date of the inspection, and the method used to conduct the inspection (i.e., AVO, OGI, Method 21 of appendix A–7 to this part).
(ii) For each defect detected during the inspection you must record the location of the defect; a description of the defect; the date of detection; the maximum concentration reading obtained if using Method 21 of appendix A–7 to this part; the indication of emissions detected by AVO if using AVO; the date of each attempt to repair the defect; the corrective action taken during each attempt to repair the defect; and the date the repair to correct the defect is completed.
(iii) If repair of the defect is delayed as described in §60.5416c(b)(5), you must record the reason for the delay and the date you expect to complete the repair.
(iv) Parts of the cover designated as unsafe to inspect as described in §60.5416c(b)(7) or difficult to inspect as described in §60.5416c(b)(8), the reason for the designation, and written plan for inspection of that part of the cover.
(9) For each bypass subject to the bypass requirements of §60.5416c(a)(4), you must maintain a record of the following, as applicable: readings from the flow indicator; each inspection of the seal or closure mechanism; the date and time of each instance the key is checked out; date and time of each instance the alarm is sounded.
(10) Records for each control device used to comply with the emission reduction standard in §60.5391c(b) for associated gas wells, §60.5392c(a)(4) for centrifugal compressor designated facilities, §60.5393c(d)(2) for reciprocating compressor designated facilities, §60.5394c(b)(3) for your process controller designated facility in Alaska, §60.5395c(b)(1) for your pump designated facility, §60.5396c(a)(2) for your storage vessel designated facility, §60.5390c(f) for well designated facility gas well liquids unloading, or §60.5400c(f) or 60.5401c(e) for your process equipment designated facility, as required in paragraphs (c)(10)(i) through (viii) of this section. If you use an enclosed combustion device or flare using an alternative test method approved under §60.5412c(d), keep records of the information in paragraphs (c)(10)(ix) of this section, in lieu of the records required by paragraphs (c)(10)(i) through (iv) and (vi) through (viii) of this section.
(i) For a control device tested under §60.5413c(d) which meets the criteria in §60.5413c(d)(11) and (e), keep records of the information in paragraphs (c)(10)(i)(A) through (E) of this section, in addition to the records in paragraphs (c)(10)(ii) through (ix) of this section, as applicable.
(A) Serial number of purchased device and copy of purchase order.
(B) Location of the designated facility associated with the control device in latitude and longitude coordinates in decimal degrees to an accuracy and precision of five (5) decimals of a degree using the North American Datum of 1983.
(C) Minimum and maximum inlet gas flow rate specified by the manufacturer.
(D) Records of the maintenance and repair log as specified in §60.5413c(e)(4), for all inspection, repair, and maintenance activities for each control device failing the visible emissions test.
(E) Records of the manufacturer's written operating instructions, procedures, and maintenance schedule to ensure good air pollution control practices for minimizing emissions.
(ii) For all control devices, keep records of the information in paragraphs (c)(10)(ii)(A) through (G) of this section, as applicable.
(A) Make, model, and date of installation of the control device, and identification of the designated facility controlled by the device.
(B) Records of deviations in accordance with §60.5417c(g)(1) through (7), including a description of the deviation, the date and time the deviation began, the duration of the deviation, and the cause of the deviation.
(C) The monitoring plan required by §60.5417c(c)(2).
(D) Make and model number of each continuous parameter monitoring system.
(E) Records of minimum and maximum operating parameter values, continuous parameter monitoring system data (including records that the pilot or combustion flame is present at all times), calculated averages of continuous parameter monitoring system data, and results of all compliance calculations.
(F) Records of continuous parameter monitoring system equipment performance checks, system accuracy audits, performance evaluations, or other audit procedures and results of all inspections specified in the monitoring plan in accordance with §60.5417c(c)(2). Records of calibration gas cylinders, if applicable.
(G) Periods of monitoring system malfunctions, repairs associated with monitoring system malfunctions and required monitoring system quality assurance or quality control activities Records of repairs on the monitoring system.
(iii) For each carbon adsorption system, records of the schedule for carbon replacement as determined by the design analysis requirements of §60.5413c(c)(2) and (3) and records of each carbon replacement as specified in §60.5412c(c)(1) and §60.5415c(e)(1)(viii).
(iv) For enclosed combustion devices and flares, records of visible emissions observations as specified in paragraph (c)(10)(iv)(A) or (B) of this section.
(A) Records of observations with Method 22 of appendix A–7 to this part, including observations required following return to operation from a maintenance or repair activity, which include: company, location, company representative (name of the person performing the observation), sky conditions, process unit (type of control device), clock start time, observation period duration (in minutes and seconds), accumulated emission time (in minutes and seconds), and clock end time. You may create your own form including the above information or use Figure 22–1 in Method 22 of appendix A–7 to this part.
(B) If you monitor visible emissions with a video surveillance camera, location of the camera and distance to emission source, records of the video surveillance output, and documentation that an operator looked at the feed daily, including the date and start time of observation, the length of observation, and length of time visible emissions were present.
(v) For enclosed combustion devices and flares, video of the OGI inspection conducted in accordance with §60.5415c(e)(x). Records documenting each enclosed combustion device and flare was visibly observed during each inspection conducted under §60.5397c using AVO in accordance with §60.5415c(e)(x).
(vi) For enclosed combustion devices and flares, records of each demonstration of the NHV of the inlet gas to the enclosed combustion device or flare conducted in accordance with §60.5417c(d)(8)(iii). For each re-evaluation of the NHV of the inlet gas, records of process changes and explanation of the conditions that led to the need to re-evaluation the NHV of the inlet gas. For each demonstration, record information on whether the enclosed combustion device or flare has the potential to receive inert gases, and if so, the highest percentage of inert gases that can be sent to the enclosed combustion device or flare and the highest percent of inert gases sent to the enclosed combustion device or flare during the NHV demonstration. Records of periodic sampling conducted under §60.5417c(d)(8)(iii)(G).
(vii) For enclosed combustion devices and flares, if you use a backpressure regulator valve, the make and model of the valve, date of installation, and record of inlet flow rating. Maintain records of the engineering evaluation and manufacturer specifications that identify the pressure set point corresponding to the minimum inlet gas flow rate, the annual confirmation that the backpressure regulator valve set point is correct and consistent with the engineering evaluation and manufacturer specifications, and the annual confirmation that the backpressure regulator valve fully closes when not in open position.
(viii) For enclosed combustion devices and flares, records of each demonstration required under §60.5417c(d)(8)(iv).
(ix) If you use an enclosed combustion device or flare using an alternative test method approved under §60.5412c(d), keep records of the information in paragraphs (c)(10)(ix)(A) through (H) of this section, in lieu of the records required by paragraphs (c)(10)(i) through (iv) and (vi) through (viii) of this section.
(A) An identification of the alternative test method used.
(B) Data recorded at the intervals required by the alternative test method.
(C) Monitoring plan required by §60.5417c(i)(2).
(D) Quality assurance and quality control activities conducted in accordance with the alternative test method.
(E) If required by §60.5412c(d)(4) to conduct visible emissions observations, records required by paragraph (c)(10)(iv) of this section.
(F) If required by §60.5412c(d)(5) to conduct pilot or combustion flame monitoring, record indicating the presence of a pilot or combustion flame and periods when the pilot or combustion flame is absent.
(G) For each instance where there is a deviation of the control device in accordance with §60.5417c(i)(6)(i) through (v), the date and time the deviation began, the duration of the deviation in hours, and cause of the deviation.
(H) Any additional information required to be recorded as specified by the Administrator as part of the alternative test method approval under §60.5412c(d).
(11) For each closed vent system routing to a control device or process, the records of the assessment conducted according to §60.5411c(c):
(i) A copy of the assessment conducted according to §60.5411c(c)(1); and
(ii) A copy of the certification according to §60.5411c(c)(1)(i) and (ii).
(12) A copy of each performance test submitted under paragraphs (b)(11) or (12) of this section.
(13) For the fugitive emissions components designated facility, maintain the records identified in paragraphs (c)(13)(i) through (vii) of this section.
(i) The date of the startup of production or the date of the first day of production after modification for the fugitive emissions components designated facility at a well site and the date of startup or the date of modification for the fugitive emissions components designated facility at a compressor station.
(ii) For the fugitive emissions components designated facility at a well site, you must maintain records specifying what type of well site it is (i.e., single wellhead only well site, small wellsite, multi-wellhead only well site, or a well site with major production and processing equipment.)
(iii) For the fugitive emissions components designated facility at a well site where you complete the removal of all major production and processing equipment such that the well site contains only one or more wellheads, record the date the well site completes the removal of all major production and processing equipment from the well site, and, if the well site is still producing, record the well ID or separate tank battery ID receiving the production from the well site. If major production and processing equipment is subsequently added back to the well site, record the date that the first piece of major production and processing equipment is added back to the well site.
(iv) The fugitive emissions monitoring plan as required in §60.5397c(b), (c), and (d).
(v) The records of each monitoring survey as specified in paragraphs (c)(13)(v)(A) through (I) of this section.
(A) Date of the survey.
(B) Beginning and end time of the survey.
(C) Name of operator(s), training, and experience of the operator(s) performing the survey.
(D) Monitoring instrument or method used.
(E) Fugitive emissions component identification when Method 21 of appendix A–7 to this part is used to perform the monitoring survey.
(F) Ambient temperature, sky conditions, and maximum wind speed at the time of the survey. For compressor stations, operating mode of each compressor (i.e., operating, standby pressurized, and not operating-depressurized modes) at the station at the time of the survey.
(G) Any deviations from the monitoring plan or a statement that there were no deviations from the monitoring plan.
(H) Records of calibrations for the instrument used during the monitoring survey.
(I) Documentation of each fugitive emission detected during the monitoring survey, including the information specified in paragraphs (c)(13)(v)(I)(1) through (9) of this section.
(1) Location of each fugitive emission identified.
(2) Type of fugitive emissions component, including designation as difficult-to-monitor or unsafe-to-monitor, if applicable.
(3) If Method 21 of appendix A–7 to this part is used for detection, record the component ID and instrument reading.
(4) For each repair that cannot be made during the monitoring survey when the fugitive emissions are initially found, a digital photograph or video must be taken of that component or the component must be tagged for identification purposes. The digital photograph must include the date that the photograph was taken and must clearly identify the component by location within the site (e.g., the latitude and longitude of the component or by other descriptive landmarks visible in the picture). The digital photograph or identification (e.g., tag) may be removed after the repair is completed, including verification of repair with the resurvey.
(5) The date of first attempt at repair of the fugitive emissions component(s).
(6) The date of successful repair of the fugitive emissions component, including the resurvey to verify repair and instrument used for the resurvey.
(7) Identification of each fugitive emission component placed on delay of repair and explanation for each delay of repair.
(8) For each fugitive emission component placed on delay of repair for reason of replacement component unavailability, the operator must document: the date the component was added to the delay of repair list, the date the replacement fugitive component or part thereof was ordered, the anticipated component delivery date (including any estimated shipment or delivery date provided by the vendor), and the actual arrival date of the component.
(9) Date of planned shutdowns that occur while there are any components that have been placed on delay of repair.
(vi) For well closure activities, you must maintain the information specified in paragraphs (c)(13)(vi)(A) through (G) of this section.
(A) The well closure plan developed in accordance with §60.5397c(l) and the date the plan was submitted.
(B) The notification of the intent to close the well site and the date the notification was submitted.
(C) The date of the cessation of production from all wells at the well site.
(D) The date you began well closure activities at the well site.
(E) Each status report for the well closure activities reported in paragraph (b)(8)(iv)(A) of this section.
(F) Each OGI survey reported in paragraph (b)(8)(iv)(B) of this section including the date, the monitoring instrument used, and the results of the survey or resurvey.
(G) The final OGI survey video demonstrating the closure of all wells at the site. The video must include the date that the video was taken and must identify the well site location by latitude and longitude.
(vii) If you comply with an alternative GHG standard under §60.5398c, in lieu of the information specified in paragraphs (c)(13)(iv) and (v) of this section, you must maintain the records specified in §60.5424c.
(14) For each pump designated facility, you must maintain the records identified in paragraphs (c)(14)(i) through (viii) of this section.
(i) Identification of each pump that is driven by natural gas and that is in operation 90 days or more per calendar year.
(ii) If you are complying with §60.5395c(a) or (b)(1) by routing pump vapors to a process through a closed vent system, identification of all the natural gas-driven pumps in the pump designated facility for which you collect and route vapors to a process through a closed vent system and the records specified in paragraphs (c)(7), (9), and (11) of this section. If you comply with an alternative GHG and VOC standard under §60.5398c, in lieu of the information specified in paragraph (c)(7) of this section, you must provide the information specified in §60.5424c.
(iii) If you are complying with §60.5395c(b)(1) by routing pump vapors to control device achieving a 95.0 percent reduction in methane emissions, you must keep the records specified in paragraphs (c)(7) and (c)(9) through (c)(12) of this section. If you comply with an alternative GHG and VOC standard under §60.5398c, in lieu of the information specified in paragraph (c)(7) of this section, you must provide the information specified in §60.5424c.
(iv) If you are complying with §60.5395c(b)(3) by routing pump vapors to a control device achieving less than a 95.0 percent reduction in methane emissions, you must maintain records of the certification that there is a control device on site but it does not achieve a 95.0 percent emissions reduction and a record of the design evaluation or manufacturer's specifications which indicate the percentage reduction the control device is designed to achieve.
(v) If you have less than three natural gas-driven diaphragm pumps in the pump designated facility, and you do not have a vapor recovery unit or control device installed on site by the compliance date, you must retain a record of your certification required under §60.5395c(b)(4), certifying that there is no vapor recovery unit or control device on site. If you subsequently install a control device or vapor recovery unit, you must maintain the records required under paragraphs (c)(14)(ii) and (iii) or (iv) of this section, as applicable.
(vi) If you determine, through an engineering assessment, that it is technically infeasible to route the pump designated facility emissions to a process or control device, you must retain records of your demonstration and certification that it is technically infeasible as required under §60.5395c(b)(7).
(vii) If the pump is routed to a process or control device that is subsequently removed from the location or is no longer available such that there is no option to route to a process or control device, you are required to retain records of this change and the records required under paragraph (c)(14)(vi) of this section.
(viii) Records of each change in compliance method, including identification of each natural gas-driven pump which changes its method of compliance, the new method of compliance, and the date of the change in compliance method.
(ix) Records of each deviation, the date and time the deviation began, the duration of the deviation, and a description of the deviation.
(d) Electronic reporting. If you are required to submit notifications or reports following the procedure specified in this paragraph (d), you must submit notifications or reports to the EPA via CEDRI, which can be accessed through the EPA's Central Data Exchange (CDX) (https://cdx.epa.gov/). The EPA will make all the information submitted through CEDRI available to the public without further notice to you. Do not use CEDRI to submit information you claim as CBI. Although we do not expect persons to assert a claim of CBI, if you wish to assert a CBI claim for some of the information in the report or notification, you must submit a complete file in the format specified in this subpart, including information claimed to be CBI, to the EPA following the procedures in paragraphs (g)(1) and (2) of this section. Clearly mark the part or all of the information that you claim to be CBI. Information not marked as CBI may be authorized for public release without prior notice. Information marked as CBI will not be disclosed except in accordance with procedures set forth in 40 CFR part 2. All CBI claims must be asserted at the time of submission. Anything submitted using CEDRI cannot later be claimed CBI. Furthermore, under CAA section 114(c), emissions data is not entitled to confidential treatment, and the EPA is required to make emissions data available to the public. Thus, emissions data will not be protected as CBI and will be made publicly available. You must submit the same file submitted to the CBI office with the CBI omitted to the EPA via the EPA's CDX as described earlier in this paragraph (d).
(1) The preferred method to receive CBI is for it to be transmitted electronically using email attachments, File Transfer Protocol, or other online file sharing services. Electronic submissions must be transmitted directly to the OAQPS CBI Office at the email address oaqpscbi@epa.gov, and as described above, should include clear CBI markings. ERT files should be flagged to the attention of the Group Leader, Measurement Policy Group; all other files should be flagged to the attention of the Oil and Natural Gas Sector Lead. If assistance is needed with submitting large electronic files that exceed the file size limit for email attachments, and if you do not have your own file sharing service, please email oaqpscbi@epa.gov to request a file transfer link.
(2) If you cannot transmit the file electronically, you may send CBI information through the postal service to the following address: U.S. EPA, Attn: OAQPS Document Control Officer, Mail Drop: C404–02, 109 T.W. Alexander Drive, P.O. Box 12055, RTP, NC 27711. ERT files should be sent to the secondary attention of the Group Leader, Measurement Policy Group, and all other files should be sent to the secondary attention of the Oil and Natural Gas Sector Lead. The mailed CBI material should be double wrapped and clearly marked. Any CBI markings should not show through the outer envelope.
(e) Claims of EPA system outage. If you are required to electronically submit a notification or report through CEDRI in the EPA's CDX, you may assert a claim of EPA system outage for failure to timely comply with that requirement. To assert a claim of EPA system outage, you must meet the requirements outlined in paragraphs (e)(1) through (7) of this section.
(1) You must have been or will be precluded from accessing CEDRI and submitting a required report within the time prescribed due to an outage of either the EPA's CEDRI or CDX systems.
(2) The outage must have occurred within the period of time beginning five business days prior to the date that the submission is due.
(3) The outage may be planned or unplanned.
(4) You must submit notification to the Administrator in writing as soon as possible following the date you first knew, or through due diligence should have known, that the event may cause or has caused a delay in reporting.
(5) You must provide to the Administrator a written description identifying:
(i) The date(s) and time(s) when CDX or CEDRI was accessed and the system was unavailable;
(ii) A rationale for attributing the delay in reporting beyond the regulatory deadline to EPA system outage;
(iii) A description of measures taken or to be taken to minimize the delay in reporting; and
(iv) The date by which you propose to report, or if you have already met the reporting requirement at the time of the notification, the date you reported.
(6) The decision to accept the claim of EPA system outage and allow an extension to the reporting deadline is solely within the discretion of the Administrator.
(7) In any circumstance, the report must be submitted electronically as soon as possible after the outage is resolved.
(f) Claims of force majeure. If you are required to electronically submit a report or notification through CEDRI in the EPA's CDX, you may assert a claim of force majeure for failure to timely comply with that requirement. To assert a claim of force majeure, you must meet the requirements outlined in paragraphs (f)(1) through (5) of this section.
(1) You may submit a claim if a force majeure event is about to occur, occurs, or has occurred or there are lingering effects from such an event within the period of time beginning five business days prior to the date the submission is due. For the purposes of this section, a force majeure event is defined as an event that will be or has been caused by circumstances beyond the control of the designated facility, its contractors, or any entity controlled by the designated facility that prevents you from complying with the requirement to submit a report electronically within the time period prescribed. Examples of such events are acts of nature (e.g., hurricanes, earthquakes, or floods), acts of war or terrorism, or equipment failure or safety hazard beyond the control of the designated facility (e.g., large scale power outage).
(2) You must submit notification to the Administrator in writing as soon as possible following the date you first knew, or through due diligence should have known, that the event may cause or has caused a delay in reporting.
(3) You must provide to the Administrator:
(i) A written description of the force majeure event;
(ii) A rationale for attributing the delay in reporting beyond the regulatory deadline to the force majeure event;
(iii) A description of measures taken or to be taken to minimize the delay in reporting; and
(iv) The date by which you propose to report, or if you have already met the reporting requirement at the time of the notification, the date you reported.
(4) The decision to accept the claim of force majeure and allow an extension to the reporting deadline is solely within the discretion of the Administrator.
(5) In any circumstance, the reporting must occur as soon as possible after the force majeure event occurs.
[89 FR 17140, Mar. 8, 2024]
You must maintain a record of each equipment leak monitoring inspection and each leak identified under §60.5400c and §60.5401c as specified in paragraphs (b)(1) through (16) of this section. The record must be maintained either onsite or at the nearest local field office for at least 5 years. Any records required to be maintained that are submitted electronically via the EPA's CEDRI may be maintained in electronic format. This ability to maintain electronic copies does not affect the requirement for facilities to make records, data, and reports available upon request to a delegated air agency or the EPA as part of an on-site compliance evaluation.
(a) You may comply with the recordkeeping requirements for multiple process unit equipment designated facilities in one recordkeeping system if the system identifies each record by each facility.
(b) You must maintain the monitoring inspection records specified in paragraphs (b)(1) through (16) of this section.
(1) Note that connectors need not be individually identified if all connectors in a designated area or length of pipe subject to the provisions of this subpart are identified as a group, and the number of connectors subject is indicated.
(2) Date and start and end times of the monitoring inspection.
(3) Inspector name.
(4) Leak determination method used for the monitoring inspection (i.e., OGI, Method 21, or AVO).
(5) Monitoring instrument identification (OGI and Method 21 only).
(6) Type of equipment monitored.
(7) Process unit identification.
(8) The records specified in Section 12 of appendix K to this part, for each monitoring inspection conducted with OGI.
(9) The records in paragraph (b)(9)(i) through (vii) of this section, for each monitoring inspection conducted with Method 21 of appendix A–7 to this part.
(i) Instrument reading.
(ii) Date and time of instrument calibration and initials of operator performing the calibration.
(iii) Calibration gas cylinder identification, certification date, and certified concentration.
(iv) Instrument scale used.
(v) A description of any corrective action taken if the meter readout could not be adjusted to correspond to the calibration gas value in accordance with section 10.1 of Method 21 of appendix A–7 to this part.
(vi) Results of the daily calibration drift assessment.
(vii) If you make your own calibration gas, a description of the procedure used.
(10) For visual inspections of pumps in light liquid service, keep the records specified in paragraphs (b)(10)(i) through (iii) of this section, for each monitored equipment:
(i) Date of inspection.
(ii) Inspector name.
(iii) Result of inspection (i.e., visual indications of liquids dripping from the pump seal or no visual indications of liquids dripping from the pump seal).
(11) For each leak detected, the records specified in paragraphs (b)(11)(i) through (v) of this section:
(i) The instrument and operator identification numbers and the process unit and equipment identification numbers. For leaks identified via visual, olfactory, audible methods, enter the specific sensory method for instrument identification number.
(ii) The date the leak was detected.
(iii) For each attempt to repair the leak, record:
(A) The date.
(B) The repair method applied.
(C) Indication of whether a leak was still detected following each attempt to repair the leak.
(vi) The date of successful repair of the leak and the method of monitoring used to confirm the repair, as specified in paragraph (b)(11)(vi)(A) through (C) of this section.
(A) If Method 21 of appendix A–7 to this part is used to confirm the repair, maintain a record of the maximum instrument reading measured by Method 21 of appendix A–7 to this part.
(B) If OGI conducted in accordance with appendix K to this part is used to confirm the repair, maintain a record of video footage of the repair confirmation.
(C) If the leak is repaired by eliminating AVO indications of a leak, maintain a record of the specific sensory method used to confirm that the evidence of the leak is eliminated.
(v) For each repair delayed beyond 15 calendar days after detection of the leak, record:
(A) “Repair delayed” and the reason for the delay.
(B) The signature of the certifying official who made the decision that repair could not be completed without a process shutdown.
(C) The expected date of successful repair of the leak.
(D) Dates of process unit shutdowns that occur while the equipment is unrepaired.
(12) A list of identification numbers for equipment that are designated for no detectable emissions complying with the provisions of §60.5401c.
(13) A list of identification numbers for valves, pumps, and connectors that are designated as unsafe-to-monitor, an explanation for each valve, pump, or connector stating why the valve, pump, or connector is unsafe-to-monitor, and the plan for monitoring each valve, pump, or connector.
(14) A list of identification numbers for valves that are designated as difficult-to-monitor, an explanation for each valve stating why the valve is difficult-to-monitor, and the schedule for monitoring each valve.
(15) A list of identification numbers for equipment that is in vacuum service.
(16) A list of identification numbers for equipment you designate as having the potential to emit methane less than 300 hr/yr.
(17) A list of identification numbers for valves where it was infeasible to replace leaking valves with low-e valves or repack existing valves with low-e packing technology, including the reasoning for why it was infeasible.
[89 FR 17140, Mar. 8, 2024]
(a) You must submit semiannual reports using the appropriate electronic report template on the CEDRI website for this subpart and following the procedure specified in §60.5420c(d). If the reporting form specific to this subpart is not available on the CEDRI website at the time that the report is due, submit the report to the Administrator at the appropriate address listed in §60.4. Once the form has been available on the CEDRI website for at least 90 calendar days, you must begin submitting all subsequent reports via CEDRI. The date reporting forms become available will be listed on the CEDRI website. Unless the Administrator or delegated state agency or other authority has approved a different schedule for submission of reports, the report must be submitted within 45 days after the end of the semiannual reporting period, regardless of the method in which the report is submitted.
(b) The initial semiannual report must include the following information:
(1) The general information specified in paragraph (c)(1) of this section.
(2) For each process unit:
(i) Process unit identification.
(ii) Number of valves subject to the monitoring requirements of §60.5400c(b) and §60.5401c(f).
(iii) Number of pumps subject to the monitoring requirements of §60.5400c(b) and §60.5401c(b).
(iv) Number of connectors subject to the monitoring requirements of §60.5400c(b) and §60.5401c(h).
(v) Number of pressure relief devices subject to the monitoring requirements of §60.5400c(b) and §60.5401c(c).
(vi) The information in paragraphs (c)(3) and (4) of this section.
(c) All subsequent semiannual reports must include the following information:
(1) The general information specified in paragraphs (c)(1)(i) through (iii) of this section.
(i) The company name, facility site name, and address of the designated facility.
(ii) Beginning and ending dates of the reporting period.
(iii) A certification by a certifying official of truth, accuracy, and completeness. This certification shall state that, based on information and belief formed after reasonable inquiry, the statements and information in the document are true, accurate, and complete. If your report is submitted via CEDRI, the certifier's electronic signature during the submission process replaces the requirement in this paragraph (c)(1)(iii).
(2) Process unit identification for each process unit.
(3) For each month during the semiannual reporting period for each process unit report:
(i) Number of valves for which leaks were detected as described in §60.5400c(b) or §60.5401c(f).
(ii) Number of valves for which leaks were not repaired as required in §60.5400c(h) or §60.5401c(i) and the number of instances where it was technically infeasible to replace leaking valves with low-e valves or repack existing valves with low-e packing technology, including the reasoning for why it was technically infeasible.
(iii) Number of pumps for which leaks were detected as described §60.5400c(b) or §60.5401c(b).
(iv) Number of pumps for which leaks were not repaired as required in §60.5400c(h) or §60.5401c(i).
(v) Number of connectors for which leaks were detected as described in §60.5400c(b) or §60.5401c(h).
(vi) Number of connectors for which leaks were not repaired as required in §60.5400c(h) or §60.5401c(i).
(vii) Number of pressure relief devices for which leaks were detected as described in §60.5400c(b) or §60.5401c(c).
(viii) Number of pressure relief devices for which leaks were not repaired as required in §60.5400c(h) or §60.5401c(i).
(ix) Number of open-ended valves or lines for which leaks were detected as described in §60.5400c(e) of §60.5401c(d).
(x) Number of open-ended valves or lines for which leaks were not repaired as required in §60.5400c(h) or §60.5401c(i).
(xi) Number of pumps, valves, or connectors in heavy liquid service or pressure relief device in light liquid or heavy liquid service for which leaks were detected as described in §60.5400c(g) or §60.5401c(g).
(xii) Number of pumps, valves, or connectors in heavy liquid service or pressure relief device in light liquid or heavy liquid service for which leaks were not repaired as required in §60.5400c(h) or §60.5401c(i).
(xiii) The facts that explain each delay of repair and, where appropriate, why a process unit shutdown was technically infeasible.
(4) Dates of process unit shutdowns which occurred within the semiannual reporting period.
(5) Revisions to items reported according to paragraph (b) of this section if changes have occurred since the initial report or subsequent revisions to the initial report.
[89 FR 17140, Mar. 8, 2024]
This section provides notification, reporting, and recordkeeping requirements for owners and operators who choose to comply with an alternative GHG standard as specified in §60.5398c for fugitive emissions components designated facilities and the alternative continuous inspection and monitoring requirements for covers and closed vent systems. You must submit an annual report in accordance with the schedule in §60.5420c(b) which includes the information in paragraphs (a)(1), (b), and (d) of this section, as applicable. You must submit the notification in paragraph (a)(2) of this section and maintain the records in paragraphs (c) and (e) of this section, as applicable.
(a) Notifications. If you choose to comply with an alternative GHG standard as specified in §60.5398c for fugitive emissions components designated facilities and the alternative continuous inspection and monitoring requirements for covers and closed vent systems, you must submit the notification in paragraph (a)(1) of this section. If you are required by §60.5398c(c)(8) to develop a mass emission rate reduction plan, you must submit the notification in paragraph (a)(2) of this section.
(1) A notification to the Administrator of adoption of the alternative standards in the annual report required by §60.5420c(b)(3) through (10).
(2) A notification, which includes the submittal of the mass emission rate reduction plan required by §60.5398c(c)(8). You must submit the mass emission rate reduction plan to the Administrator within 60 days of the initial exceedance of the action level.
(b) If you comply with the periodic screening requirements of §60.5398c(b), you must submit the information in paragraphs (b)(1) through (6) of this section in the annual report required by §60.5420c(b)(3) through (10).
(1) Date of each periodic screening during the reporting period and date that results of the periodic screening were received.
(2) Alternative test method and technology used for each screening and the spatial resolution of the technology (i.e., facility-level, area-level, or component level).
(3) Any deviations from the monitoring plan developed under §60.5398c(b)(1) or a statement that there were no deviations from the monitoring plan.
(4) Results from each periodic screening during the reporting period. If the results of the periodic screening indicate a confirmed detection of emissions from a designated facility, you must submit the information in paragraphs (b)(4)(i) through (iv) of this section.
(i) The date that the monitoring survey of your entire or the required portion of your fugitive emissions components designated facility was conducted.
(ii) The date that you completed the instrument inspections of all required covers and closed vent systems(s).
(iii) The date that you conducted the visual inspection for emissions of all required closed vent systems and covers.
(iv) For each fugitive emission from a fugitive emissions components designated facility and all emissions or defects of each cover and closed vent system, you must submit the information in paragraphs (b)(4)(iv)(A) through (D) of this section.
(A) Number and type of components for which fugitive emissions were detected.
(B) Each emission or defect identified during the inspection for each cover and closed vent system.
(C) Date of repair for each fugitive emission from a fugitive emissions components designated facility or each emission or defect for each cover and closed vent system.
(D) Number and type of fugitive emission components and identification of each cover or closed vent system placed on delay of repair and an explanation for each delay of repair.
(5) The information in paragraphs (b)(5)(i) through (iv) of this section if you are required to conduct OGI surveys in accordance with §60.5398c(b)(1)(i) or if you replace a periodic screening event with an OGI survey in accordance with §60.5398c(b)(1)(iv).
(i) The date of the OGI survey.
(ii) Number and type of components for which fugitive emissions were detected.
(iii) Number and type of fugitive emissions components that were not repaired as required in §60.5397c(h).
(iv) Number and type of fugitive emission components placed on delay of repair and an explanation for each delay of repair.
(6) Any additional information regarding the performance of the periodic screening technology as specified by the Administrator, as part of the alternative test method approval described in §60.5398b(d).
(c) If you comply with the periodic screening requirements of §60.5398c(b), you must maintain the records in paragraphs (c)(1) through (11) of this section in addition to the records as specified in §60.5420c(c)(2) through (8) and (c)(13) and (14).
(1) The monitoring plan as required in §60.5398c(b)(2).
(2) Date of each periodic screening and date that results of the periodic screening were received.
(3) Name of screening operator.
(4) Alternative test method and technology used for screening, as well as the aggregate detection threshold for the technology and the spatial resolution of the technology (i.e., facility-level, area-level, or component-level).
(5) Records of calibrations for technology used during the screening, if calibration is required by the alternative test method approved in accordance with §60.5398b(d).
(6) Results from periodic screening. If the results of the periodic screening indicate a confirmed detection of emissions from a designated facility, you must maintain the records in paragraphs (c)(6)(i) through (v) of this section.
(i) The date of the inspection of the fugitive emissions components and inspection of covers and closed vent system, as specified in §60.5398c(b)(5).
(ii) Name of operator(s) performing the survey or inspection.
(iii) For surveys and instrument inspections, identification of the monitoring instrument(s) used.
(iv) Records of calibrations for the instrument(s) used during the survey or instrument inspection, as applicable.
(v) For each fugitive emission from a fugitive emissions components designated facility and each leak or defect for each cover and closed vent system inspection, you must maintain the records in paragraphs (c)(6)(v)(A) through (F) of this section.
(A) The location of the fugitive emissions identified using a unique identifier for the source of the emissions and the type of fugitive emissions component.
(B) The location of the emission or defect from a cover or closed vent system using a unique identifier for the source of the emission or defect.
(C) If a defect of a closed vent system, cover, or control device is identified, a description of the defect.
(D) The date of repair for each fugitive emission from a fugitive emissions components designated facility or each emission or defect for each cover and closed vent system.
(E) Number and type of fugitive emission components and identification of each cover or closed vent system placed on delay of repair and an explanation for each delay of repair.
(F) For each fugitive emission component placed on delay of repair for reason of replacement component unavailability, the operator must document: the date the component was added to the delay of repair list, the date the replacement fugitive component or part thereof was ordered, the anticipated component delivery date (including any estimated shipment or delivery date provided by the vendor), and the actual arrival date of the component.
(7) The date the investigative analysis was initiated, and the result of the investigative analysis conducted in accordance with §60.5398c(b)(5)(vi) and (vii), as applicable.
(8) Dates of implementation and completion of action(s) taken as a result of the investigative analysis and a description of the action(s) taken in accordance with §60.5398c(b)(5)(vi) and (vii), as applicable.
(9) The information in paragraphs (c)(9)(i) through (vii) of this section if you are required to conduct OGI surveys in accordance with §60.5398c(b)(1)(i) or if you replace a periodic screening event with an OGI survey in accordance with §60.5398c(b)(1)(iv).
(i) The date of the OGI survey.
(ii) Location of each fugitive emission identified.
(iii) Type of fugitive emissions component for which fugitive emissions were detected.
(iv) The date of first attempt at repair of the fugitive emissions component(s).
(v) The date of successful repair of the fugitive emissions component(s), including the resurvey to verify the repair.
(vi) Identification of each fugitive emissions component placed on delay of repair and an explanation for each delay of repair.
(vii) For each fugitive emission component placed on delay of repair for reason of replacement component unavailability, the operator must document: the date the component was added to the delay of repair list, the date the replacement fugitive component or part thereof was ordered, the anticipated component delivery date (including any estimated shipment or delivery date provided by the vendor), and the actual arrival date of the component.
(10) Any deviations from the monitoring plan or a statement that there were no deviations from the monitoring plan.
(11) All records required by the alternative approved in accordance with §60.5398b(d).
(d) If you comply with the continuous monitoring system requirements of §60.5398c(c), you must submit the information in paragraphs (d)(1) through (6) of this section in the annual report required by §60.5420c(b)(3) through (10).
(1) The start date and end date for each period where the emissions rate determined in accordance with §60.5398c(c)(6) exceeded one of the action levels determined in accordance with §60.5398c(c)(4). Include which action level was exceeded (the 7-day or 90-day rolling average), the numerical value of the action level, and the mass emission rate calculated by the continuous monitoring system in the report.
(2) The date the investigative analysis was initiated, and the result of the investigative analysis conducted in accordance with §60.5398c(c)(7), as applicable.
(3) Dates of implementation and completion of action(s) taken to reduce the mass emission rate and a description of the action(s) taken in accordance with §60.5398c(c)(7), as applicable.
(4) If there are no instances reported under paragraph (d)(1) of this section, report your numerical action levels and the highest 7-day rolling average and highest 90-day rolling average determined by your continuous monitoring system during the reporting period.
(5) The start date for each instance where the 12-month rolling average operational downtime of the system exceeded 10 percent and the value of the 12-month rolling average operational downtime during the period. If there were no instances during the reporting period where the 12-month rolling average operational downtime of the system exceeded 10 percent, report the highest value of the 12-month rolling average operational downtime during the reporting period.
(6) Any additional information regarding the performance of the continuous monitoring system as specified by the Administrator, as part of the alternative test method approval described in §60.5398b(d).
(e) If you comply with the continuous monitoring system requirements of §60.5398c(c), you must maintain the records in paragraphs (e)(1) through (15) of this section.
(1) The monitoring plan required by §60.5398c(c)(2).
(2) Date of commencement of continuous monitoring with your continuous monitoring system.
(3) The detection threshold of the continuous monitoring system.
(4) The results of checks for power and function in accordance with §60.5398c(c)(1)(ii).
(5) The beginning and end of each period of operational downtime for the system.
(6) Each rolling 12-month average operational downtime for the system, calculated in accordance with §60.5398c(c)(1)(ii)(D).
(7) The 7-day rolling average and 90-day rolling average action levels for the site determined in accordance with §60.5398c(c)(4).
(8) The information in paragraphs (e)(8)(i) through (v) of this section each time you establish site-specific baseline emissions in accordance with §60.5398c(c)(5).
(i) Records of inspections of fugitive emissions components, covers, and closed vent systems required by §60.5398c(c)(5)(i), including the date of inspection, location of each emission or defect identified, date of successful repair of each fugitive emissions component, cover, or closed vent system.
(ii) Records of inspections of control devices required by §60.5398c(c)(5)(ii), including the date of the inspection and the results of the inspection.
(iii) The start date and time and end date and time of any maintenance activities that occurred during the 30 operating day period.
(iv) The site-level emission rate for each day during the 30 operating day period.
(v) The calculated site-specific baseline emission rate.
(9) Each methane mass emission rate reading determined by the system.
(10) Each daily, 7-day, and 90-day average mass emission rate which was determined in accordance with §60.5398c(c)(6). If you exceed the 90-day action level, you must also keep records of the 30-day average mass emission rate following completion of the initial actions to reduce the average mass emission rate, in accordance with §60.5398c(c)(8)(i).
(11) The results of each comparison of the emissions rate determined in accordance with §60.5398c(c)(6) to the action level determined in accordance with §60.5398c(c)(4).
(12) The date the investigative analysis was initiated, and the result of the investigative analysis conducted in accordance with §60.5398c(c)(7), as applicable.
(13) Dates of implementation and completion of action(s) taken to reduce the mass emission rate below the action level and a description of the action(s) taken in accordance with §60.5398c(c)(7), as applicable.
(14) Each mass emission rate reduction plan developed in accordance with §60.5398c(c)(8), as applicable. You must keep records of the actions taken in accordance with the plan and the date such actions are taken.
(15) Any additional information regarding the performance of the continuous monitoring technology as specified by the Administrator, as part of the alternative test method approval described in §60.5398b(d).
[89 FR 17140, Mar. 8, 2024]