['Air Programs']
['Air Quality']
You are subject to the applicable provisions of this subpart if you are the owner or operator of one or more of the onshore designated facilities listed in paragraphs (a) through (h) of this section, that is located within the Crude Oil and Natural Gas source category, as defined in §60.5430c, for which you commence construction, modification, or reconstruction on or before December 6, 2022. Facilities located inside and including the Local Distribution Company (LDC) custody transfer station are not subject to this subpart.
(a) Each well designated facility, which is a single well drilled for the purpose of producing oil or natural gas.
(b) Each centrifugal compressor designated facility, which is a single centrifugal compressor. A centrifugal compressor located at a well site is not a designated facility under this subpart. A centrifugal compressor located at a centralized production facility is a designated facility under this subpart.
(c) Each reciprocating compressor designated facility, which is a single reciprocating compressor. A reciprocating compressor located at a well site is not a designated facility under this subpart. A reciprocating compressor located at a centralized production facility is a designated facility under this subpart.
(d) Each process controller designated facility, which is the collection of natural gas-driven process controllers at a well site, centralized production facility, onshore natural gas processing plant, or a compressor station. Natural gas-driven process controllers that function as emergency shutdown devices and process controllers that are not driven by natural gas are exempt from the designated facility.
(e)(1) Each storage vessel designated facility, which is a tank battery that has the potential for methane emissions equal to or greater than 20 tpy as specified in paragraph (e)(2) of this section. A tank battery with the potential for methane emissions below 20 tpy is not a storage vessel designated facility provided the owner or operator keeps records of the potential for emissions calculation for the life of the storage vessel or until such time the tank battery becomes a storage vessel designated facility because the potential for methane emissions meets or exceeds 20 tpy.
(2) The potential for methane emissions must be calculated as the cumulative emissions from all storage vessels within the tank battery as specified by the applicable requirements in paragraphs (e)(2)(i) through (iii) of this section. The determination may take into account requirements under a legally and practicably enforceable limit in an operating permit or other requirement established under a Federal, state, local, or Tribal authority.
(i) For purposes of determining the applicability of a storage vessel tank battery as a designated facility, a legally and practicably enforceable limit must include the elements provided in paragraphs (e)(2)(i)(A) through (F) of this section.
(A) A quantitative production limit and quantitative operational limit(s) for the equipment, or quantitative operational limits for the equipment;
(B) An averaging time period for the production limit in (e)(2)(i)(A), if a production-based limit is used, that is equal to or less than 30 days;
(C) Established parametric limits for the production and/or operational limit(s) in (e)(1)(i)(A), and where a control device is used to achieve an operational limit, an initial compliance demonstration (i.e., performance test) for the control device that establishes the parametric limits;
(D) Ongoing monitoring of the parametric limits in (e)(2)(i)(C) that demonstrates continuous compliance with the production and/or operational limit(s) in (e)(2)(i)(A);
(E) Recordkeeping by the owner or operator that demonstrates continuous compliance with the limit(s) in (e)(2)(i)(A) through (D); and
(F) Periodic reporting that demonstrates continuous compliance.
(ii) For each tank battery located at a well site or centralized production facility, you must determine the potential for methane emissions within 60 days after the effective date of the approved state or Tribal plan, except as provided in paragraph (e)(4)(iv) of this section. The potential for methane emissions must be calculated using a generally accepted model or calculation methodology that accounts for flashing, working, and breathing losses, based on the maximum average daily throughput to the tank battery determined for a 30-day period of production.
(iii) For each tank battery not located at a well site or centralized production facility, including each tank battery located at a compressor station or onshore natural gas processing plant, you must determine the potential for methane emissions within 60 days after the effective date of the approved state or Tribal plan, using either method described in paragraph (e)(2)(iii)(A) or (B) of this section.
(A) Determine the potential for methane emissions using a generally accepted model or calculation methodology that accounts for flashing, working, and breathing losses, and based on the throughput to the tank battery established in a legally and practicably enforceable limit in an operating permit or other requirement established under a Federal, state, local, or Tribal authority; or
(B) Determine the potential for methane emissions using a generally accepted model or calculation methodology that accounts for flashing, working and breathing losses, based on projected maximum average daily throughput. Maximum average daily throughput is determined using a generally accepted engineering model (e.g., volumetric condensate rates from the tank battery based on the maximum gas throughput capacity of each producing facility) to project the maximum average daily throughput for the tank battery.
(3) A storage vessel designated facility that subsequently has its potential for methane emissions decrease to less than 20 tpy shall remain a designated facility under this subpart.
(4) For storage vessels not subject to a legally and practicably enforceable limit in an operating permit or other requirement established under Federal, state, local, or Tribal authority, any vapor from the storage vessel that is recovered and routed to a process through a vapor recovery unit designed and operated as specified in this section is not required to be included in the determination of potential for methane emissions for purposes of determining designated facility status, provided you comply with the requirements of paragraphs (e)(4)(i) through (iv) of this section.
(i) You meet the cover requirements specified in §60.5411c(b).
(ii) You meet the closed vent system requirements specified in §60.5411c(a)(2) through (4) and (c).
(iii) You must maintain records that document compliance with paragraphs (e)(4)(i) and (ii) of this section.
(iv) In the event of removal of apparatus that recovers and routes vapor to a process, or operation that is inconsistent with the conditions specified in paragraphs (e)(4)(i) and (ii) of this section, you must determine the storage vessel's potential for methane emissions according to this section within 30 days of such removal or operation.
(5) The requirements of this paragraph (e)(5) apply to each storage vessel designated facility immediately upon return to service. A storage vessel designated facility or portion of a storage vessel designated facility that is reconnected to the original source of liquids remains a storage vessel designated facility subject to the same requirements that applied before being removed from service. Any storage vessel that is used to replace a storage vessel designated facility or portion of a storage vessel designated facility, or used to expand a storage vessel designated facility assumes the designated facility status of the storage vessel designated facility being replaced or expanded.
(6) A storage vessel with a capacity greater than 100,000 gallons used to recycle water that has been passed through two stage separation is not a storage vessel designated facility.
(f) Each process unit equipment designated facility, which is the group of all equipment within a process unit at an onshore natural gas processing plant is a designated facility. Equipment associated with a compressor station, dehydration unit, sweetening unit, underground storage vessel, field gas gathering system, or liquefied natural gas unit is covered by §§60.5400c, 60.5401c, 60.5402c, 60.5421c, and 60.5422c if it is located at an onshore natural gas processing plant. Equipment not located at the onshore natural gas processing plant site is exempt from the provisions of §§60.5400c, 60.5401c, 60.5402c, 60.5421c, and 60.5422c.
(g) Each pump designated facility, which is the collection of natural gas-driven diaphragm and piston pumps at a well site, centralized production facility, onshore natural gas processing plant, or a compressor station. Pumps that are not driven by natural gas and that are not in operation 90 days or more per calendar year are not included in the pump designated facility.
(h) Each fugitive emissions components designated facility, which is the collection of fugitive emissions components at a well site, centralized production facility, or a compressor station.
[89 FR 17140, Mar. 8, 2024]
['Air Programs']
['Air Quality']
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