These interstate carriers are “for-hire” carriers, transporting goods listed as “exempt” from Federal economic regulation under 49 USC 13506. This means they do not have to obtain federal operating authority from the FMCSA.
These operations and commodities are designated as exempt from Federal regulation in the United States Code (49 USC 13506) and Administrative Ruling number 107.
Regulatory citations
- None
Key definitions
- Exempt motor carrier: A person engaged in transportation exempt from economic regulation by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA, formerly the Interstate Commerce Commission).
Summary of requirements
Section 372.115 provides a list of commodities that are not exempt, by law, from economic regulation under the FMCSA.
Exempt carriers should note that commodities considered “exempt” from Federal economic regulation may not be considered exempt in intrastate transportation. Many states have authority registration requirements for operation by interstate and intrastate exempt carriers.
Also, “exempt” applies only to federal operating authority; all carriers of exempt commodities are fully subject to U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) safety regulations, size and weight limits, vehicle licensing and fuel tax requirements.
Unified Carrier Registration (UCR)
For-hire carriers of passengers, private and for-hire carriers of property (including those operating as “exempt” carriers), freight forwarders, leasing companies and brokers are all subject to UCRA registration annually.
Carriers who are based in non-participating states, or who operate wholly in non-participating states are subject to Unified Carrier Registration Agreement (UCRA) registration. Canada and Mexico domiciled carriers operating in the United States are also subject to UCR.
The UCRA does not issue a paper credential to be carried in the vehicle. Proof of registration under the UCRA is available to roadside enforcement via FMCSA electronic information systems by accessing the carrier US DOT number.
UCRA registration does not replace or change the requirements for registration of vehicles under the International Registration Plan (IRP) or fuel use tax reporting under the International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA).
Electronic registration and information is available at www.ucr.gov/.
Also see Unified Carrier Registration.
Interstate and intrastate carriers. Interstate carriers also engaged in intrastate motor carriage must comply with any state requirements for initial application for intrastate authority and submit any necessary fees. Such carriers will not be subject to annual renewal of the intrastate authority as long as they are legally registered with the UCR.
Intrastate carriers. Solely intrastate carriers (never crossing state lines, never engaging in interstate commerce) are not subject to the UCRA. A state may choose to include their intrastate only carriers within the UCRA, or the state may continue the intrastate registration process already in place.