['Operating Authority']
['Exempt Carrier Authority']
Bureau of Motor Carriers, Interstate Commerce Commission March 19, 1958
Commodity list
Alfalfa, see Feeds
Animal fats - Not exempt - Bureau opinion
Animals, see Livestock
Bagged commodities - Placing exempt commodities - Case 1 in bags
does not affect their exempt status.
Bananas - Not exempt - Law Ruling
Bark, see Forest Products
Barley, see Grains
Bees - Exempt - Case 1
Beeswax, crude, in cakes and slabs - Exempt - Bureau opinion
Beet pulp, see Feeds
Beets, sugar - Exempt - Case 1
Berries, see Fruits
Bran, see Feeds
Broom corn, threshed and baled - Exempt - Bureau opinion
Bulbs, see Horticulture Commodities
Butter - Not exempt - Case 20
Buttermilk - Exempt - Case 20
Canned fruits and vegetables - Not exempt - Case 20
Carnauba wax as imported in slabs or chunks - Not exempt - Bureau
Castor beans - Exempt - Case 1
Cattle, live, see Livestock
Cattle, slaughtered - Not exempt - Case 20
Charcoal - Not exempt - Bureau opinion
Cheese - Not exempt - Case 1
Cheese, cottage - Not exempt - Case 20
Cheese, cream - Not exempt - Case 20
Christmas trees, plain, sprayed, or coated - Exempt - Bureau
Citrus fruits, see Fruits
Coal - Not exempt - Bureau opinion
Coca beans - Not exempt - Law -
Ruling 110
Coffee beans - Not exempt - Law -
Ruling 110
Coffee beans, roasted - Not exempt - Bureau opinion
Coffee beans, instant - Not exempt - Bureau opinion
Containers, crates, and boxes which have been used in the movement
of exempt commodities and are being returned for reuse - Exempt -
Case 8
Containers, new for use in shipping exempt commodities - Not exempt
- Case 8
Copra meal - Not exempt - Case 6
Corn, see Grain
Corn cobs - Exempt - Case 1
Corn cobs, ground - Exempt - Bureau opinion, Note 4
Corn fodder - Exempt - Case 1
Cottage cheese, see Cheese
Cotton, carded but not spun, woven, or knitted - Exempt - Bureau
opinion - Note 5
Cotton, ginned or unginned - Exempt - Case 1
Cotton linters - Exempt - Case 20
Cotton waste, consisting of scraps of cotton fibre not spun,
woven or knitted - Exempt - Bureau opinion, Note 5
Cotton yarn - Not exempt - Bureau opinion
Cottonseed, whole - Exempt - Case 1
Cottonseed cake - Not exempt - Bureau opinion
Cottonseed, dehulled - Exempt - Bureau
Cottonseed hulls - Exempt - Case 20 1
Cottonseed meal - Not exempt - Case 20
Crates, see Containers
Cream, see Milk
Cream cheese, see Cheese
- Albumen, fresh, liquid - Exempt - Case 5
Dried - Exempt - Case 20
Frozen - Exempt - Case 20
In shell - Exempt - Case 1
Liquid, whole or separated - Exempt - Case 5
Oiled - Exempt - Case 1
Powder, dried - Exempt - Case 20
Shelled - Exempt - Case 5
Yolks, dried - Exempt - Case 20
Yolks, fresh, liquid - Exempt - Case 5
Fats, animal - Not exempt - Bureau opinion
Feathers - Exempt - Case 20
- 1 Alfalfa meal - Not exempt - Bureau
1 Alfalfa pellets - Not exempt - Bureau opinion
1 Beet pulp - Not exempt - Case 6
1 Bran shorts - Not exempt - Case 6
1 Copra meal - Not exempt - Case 6
1 Corn Gluten - Not exempt - Bureau opinion
Cottonseed products, see Cottonseed
1 Distilled corn grain residues, with or without solubles added - Not exempt - Case 6
1 Fish meal - Not exempt - Case 6
1 Hominy feed - Not exempt - Bureau opinion
Middlings - Not exempt - Case 6
Oat hulls, ground - Exempt - Bureau opinion, Note 4
1 Pelletized ground refuse screenings - Not exempt - Case 6
Rice bran - Exempt - Bureau opinion - Compare Case 12
Screenings, feed - Exempt - Case 6
1 Wheat bran - Not exempt - Bureau opinion
Wheat shorts - Not exempt - Bureau opinion
3 Fertilizer, commercial - Not exempt - Bureau opinion
Fish (including shell fish):
- General: Frozen, quick frozen, and unfrozen fish and shell fish
in the various forms in which it is shipped, such as live fish,
fish in the round, beheaded, and gutted fish, filleted fish,
beheaded shrimp, and oysters, clams, crabs, and lobsters, with or
without shells, including crab meat and lobster meat - Exempt -
Case 11
Breaded, uncooked, frozen or unfrozen - Exempt - Administrative Ruling No. 98, November 28, 1995
Cakes, codfish - cooked or uncooked, frozen or fresh - Exempt - Law-Ruling 110; Case No. 24
Clam juice or broth - cooked or uncooked, frozen or fresh - Exempt - Law-Ruling 110; Case No. 24
Cooked or partially cooked fish or shellfish - frozen or fresh - Exempt - Law-Ruling 110; Case No. 24
Croquettes, salmon, cooked or uncooked, frozen or fresh - Exempt - Law-Ruling 110; Case No. 24
Deviled crabs, clams, or lobsters, cooked or uncooked, frozen or fresh - Exempt - Law-Ruling 110; Case No. 24
Dinners cooked or uncooked, frozen or fresh - Exempt - Law-Ruling 110; Case No. 24
Fried fish fillets, oysters, or scallops, frozen or fresh - Exempt - Law-Ruling 110; Case No. 24
Frogs, live or dressed - Exempt - Bureau opinion
Frozen, see General above, and individual listings
Hermetically sealed in containers as a treatment for preserving - Not exempt - Case 11
Hermetically sealed in containers for cleanliness only, preservation attained by refrigeration - Exempt - Bureau opinion
Meal - Not exempt - Case 6 Offal (inedible portions of fish not further processed) - Exempt - Bureau opinion
Oil from fishes - Not exempt - Bureau opinion
Preserved, or treated for preserving, such as smoked, salted, pickled, spiced, corned or kippered - Not exempt - Case 11
4 Shells, oyster, moving to market for use in button making - Not exempt - Case 16
Stew, consisting of raw oysters or clams, milk, and seasoning, frozen but uncooked - Exempt - Bureau opinion
Sticks, cooked or uncooked, frozen or fresh - Exempt - Law-Ruling 110
Sticks, frozen, cooked, breaded - Exempt - Case No. 5
Turtles, sea or fresh water - Exempt - Bureau opinion
Whale meat, fresh - Exempt - Bureau opinion
Flagstone - Not exempt - Bureau opinion
Flax fiber - Exempt - Case 1
Flaxseed, whole - Exempt - Case 1
Flaxseed meal - Not exempt - Bureau opinion
Flour - Not exempt - Bureau opinion
Flowers and flower plants, see Horticultural commodities
Fodder, corn and sorghum - Exempt - Case 1
Forage, see Hay
Forest products:
- Bark - Exempt - Case 1
Bark, boiled to clean and soften - Exempt - Bureau opinion
Blankets of pine and spruce boughs - Exempt - Bureau opinion
Greenery - Exempt - Case 1
Holly sprigs and cuttings - Exempt - Bureau opinion
Leaves - Exempt - Case 1
Leaves, sisal, husks, and moisture removed - Exempt - Bureau opinion
Mistletoe - Exempt - Bureau opinion
Myrobalons, as imported in natural state - Exempt - Bureau opinion
Palmyra stalk fibers (fronds from palm leaves) - Exempt - Bureau opinion
Peat moss, dried, shredded, baled - Exempt - Case 22
Resin crude - Exempt - Case 1
Resin products, such as turpentine - Not exempt - Administrative Ruling No. 62, August 3, 1937
Roots, natural or dried - Exempt - Bureau opinion
Sap, maple - Exempt - Case 1
Spanish moss - Exempt - Case 1
Sphagnum moss - Exempt - Bureau opinion
Spices, see separate listing: Spices
Trees, see separate listing: Trees
Valonia, as imported in natural state - Exempt - Bureau opinion
Wreaths of holly or other natural material with small amount of foundation or decorative material - Exempt - Bureau opinion
Frogs, see fish
Frozen, see commodity name: Fruits, Vegetables, Fish, Poultry,
Fruits and Berries:
- Bagged - Exempt - Case 1
Canned - Not exempt - Case 20
Citrus fruit sections, fresh cold-packed, semi-frozen, or frozen - Exempt - Bureau opinion, Note 2
Citrus fruit sections, frozen - Not exempt - Law - Ruling 110
Color added - Exempt - Case 1
Dates, pitted, dried - Exempt - Bureau opinion
Dehydrated - Exempt - Bureau opinion, Note 3
Dried, naturally or artificially - Exempt - Cases 1 and 20
Figs, dried, halved or quartered - Exempt - Bureau opinion
Frozen, fresh - Exempt - Case 20
Frozen - Not exempt - Law -ruling 110
Fumigated - Exempt - Case 1
Graded - Exempt - Case 1
Hulls of oranges after juice extractions - Not exempt - Bureau opinion
In brine, to retain freshness - Exempt - Bureau opinion
Juice, orange or other citrus - Not exempt - Case 17
Juice, fruit, plain or concentrated - Not exempt - Bureau opinion
Kernels - Exempt - Bureau opinion
Oiled apples - Exempt - Case 1
Peaches, peeled, pitted, and put in cold storage in unsealed containers - Exempt - Case 20
Quick frozen - Not exempt - Law - Ruling 110
Pies, frozen - Not exempt - Case 14
Preserved, such as jam - Not exempt - Bureau opinion
Purees, strawberry and other, frozen - Not exempt - Case 7, Note 6
Raisins, seeded or unseeded - Exempt - Bureau opinion
Sliced, frozen - Not exempt - Law - Ruling 110
Strawberries, in syrup and unsealed containers in cold storage - Exempt - Case 20
- Artificially dried - Exempt - Case 1
Barley, rolled - Exempt - Case 20
Barley, whole - Exempt - Case 1
Corn, cracked - Exempt - Bureau opinion
Corn, shelled - Exempt - Case 1
Corn, whole - Exempt - Case 1
Feeds, see separate heading: Feeds
Hulls, see Feeds
Milo maize - Exempt - Bureau opinion
Oats, whole - Exempt - Case 1
Oil extracted from grain - Not exempt - Bureau opinion
Popcorn, popped - Not exempt - Bureau opinion
Popcorn, unpopped, shelled, in sealed or unsealed containers - Exempt - Bureau opinion
Rice bran - Exempt - Bureau opinion - Compare Case 12
Rice, brewers - Exempt - Bureau opinion
Rice, clean - Exempt - Cases 12 and 20
Rice, polish - Exempt - Case 20
Rice, precooked - Not exempt - Bureau opinion
Rice, whole - Exempt - Case 1
Rye, whole - Exempt - Case 1
Sorghum grains, whole - Exempt - Case 1
Wheat germ - Not exempt - Bureau opinion
Wheat, whole - Exempt - Case 1
Grass sod - Exempt - Bureau opinion
Gravel - Not exempt - Bureau opinion
Greenery, see Forest products
Grinding, see
Note 4
Hair, alpaca, camel or goat, clipped from animal - Exempt -
Bureau opinion
Hair, hog or other animal, product of slaughter of animal - Not
exempt - Bureau opinion
Hay and forage, dried naturally or artificially - Exempt - Case
Hay, chopped - Exempt - Case 20
Hay, dehydrated - Exempt - Case 1
Hay, salt (from salt marshes) - Exempt - Bureau opinion
1 Hay, sweetened with 3% molasses
by weight - Not exempt - Bureau opinion
Hemp - Not exempt - Law-Ruling 110
"Hemp" specifically made not exempt by amendment of Section
203(b)(6) means true hemp (cannabis sativa) or its fiber, and does
not embrace similar plants or fibers commonly referred to by name.
Case No. 3
Herbs, see Spices
Hides, green and salted - Not exempt - Cases 1 and 23
Honey, in the comb or strained - Exempt - Case 1
Honey, heat treated to retard granulation - Exempt - Bureau
Hops - Exempt - Case 1
Horticulture commodities:
- Bulbs - Exempt - Bureau opinion
Flowers, growing or cut - Exempt - Bureau opinion
Leaves, natural or dried - Exempt - Bureau opinion
Nursery stock - Exempt - Bureau opinion
Plants, vegetables and flower - Exempt - Bureau opinion
Roots, rhubarb, asparagus, mint, etc. - Exempt - Bureau opinion
Trees, growing, balled in earth - Exempt - Bureau opinion
Wreaths, holly or other natural material, with small amount of foundation or decorative material - Exempt - Bureau opinion
Humus, of a nature similar to peat moss - Exempt - Bureau opinion
Ice for cooling subsequent shipments of exempt commodities - Exempt - Administrative Ruling No. 63, August 3, 1937 Imported commodities - Have same status as domestic - Cases 1(b) and 22 Insecticides - Not exempt - Bureau opinion
See Fruits
Jute fiber, in bales - Exempt - Bureau opinion
Kelp, dried, ground - Exempt - Bureau opinion, Note 4
Latex, see Rubber
Leaves, see Forest products, Horticultural commodities, and
- Exhibit animals, such as those of 4-H club members, which though
showed for a few days, are chiefly valuable for slaughter - Exempt
- Bureau opinion
Medical use animals, such as ordinary healthy swine for serum manufacture - Exempt - Bureau opinion
Monkeys - Not exempt - Bureau opinion
Ordinary, i.e., all cattle, swine, sheep, goats, horses, and mules, except such as are chiefly valuable for breeding, racing, show purposes, and other special uses - Exempt - Case 1
Race horses - Not exempt - Case 1
Registered or purebred cattle for ordinary farm or ranch uses, not chiefly valuable for breeding, race, show, or other special purposes - Exempt - Bureau opinion
Show horses - Not exempt - Case 1
Zoo animals - Not exempt - Bureau opinion
Limestone, agricultural - Not exempt - Bureau opinion
Linseed meal, see Meal
Lumber, rough sawed or planed - Not exempt - Cases 1 and 9
Manure, in natural state - Exempt - Case 1
Manure, dried or dehydrated, bagged - Exempt - Bureau opinion
Maple sap - Exempt - Case 1
Maple syrup - Not exempt - Bureau opinion
Meal, alfalfa - Not exempt - Bureau opinion
Meal, copra - Not exempt - Case 6
Meal, cottonseed - Not exempt - Case 20
Meal, fish - Not exempt - Case 6
Meal, flaxseed - Not exempt - Bureau opinion
Meal, linseed - Not exempt - Bureau opinion
Meal, peanut - Not exempt - Bureau opinion
Meal, soybean - Not exempt - Bureau opinion
Meat and meat products, fresh, frozen or canned - Not exempt -
Cases 1 and 20
Milk and Cream:
- Buttermilk - Exempt - Case 20
Chocolate - Not exempt - Case 1
Condensed - Not exempt - Case 20
Frozen - Exempt - Case 20
Homogenized - Exempt Case 1
Pasteurized - Exempt - Cases 1 and 20
Powdered - Exempt - Case 20
Raw - Exempt - Case 1
Skim - Exempt - Cases 1 and 20
Skim, with two-thirds of water removed, in bulk or unsealed containers - Exempt - Bureau opinion
Standardized - Exempt - Case 1
Sterilized in hermetically sealed cans - Not exempt - Bureau opinion
Vitamin “A” - Exempt - Cases 1 and 20
Milo, see Grains
Mohair, raw, cleaned, or scoured - Exempt - Case 1(a)
Molasses - Not exempt - Bureau opinion
Moss, see Forest products
Mushrooms, fresh - Exempt - Case 4
Nursery stock, see Horticultural commodities
Nuts, (including peanuts):
- 1 Peanut meal - Not exempt - Bureau
Peanut shells, ground - Exempt - Case 20, Note 4
Polished - Exempt - Bureau opinion
Raw, shelled or unshelled - Exempt - Cases 1, 3, and 18
Roasted or boiled - Not exempt - Bureau opinion
Shelled, raw - Exempt - Cases 3 and 18
Shells - Exempt - Bureau opinion
Shells, ground peanut - Exempt - Case 20, Note 4
Unshelled, raw - Exempt - Case 1
Oats, see Grains
Oil, mint - Not exempt - Case 1
Oil, extracted from vegetables, grain, seed, fish or other commodity - Not exempt - Bureau opinion
Packaged commodities - Packaging exempt commodities does not
affect their exempt status - Case 1
Peanuts, see Nuts
Peat moss, see Forest products
feeds, see Feeds
Pelts, - Not exempt - Case 1
Pies, frozen - Not exempt - Case 14
Pigeons, racing - Not exempt - Case 13
Plants, vegetable or flower, see Horticultural commodities
Poles, see Trees
Popcorn, see Grains
Poultry, dressed, fresh or frozen - Exempt - Case 19
Poultry, feathers - Exempt - Case 20
Poultry, frozen - Exempt - Case 19
Poultry, live - Exempt - Case 1
Poultry, picked - Exempt - Case 20
Poultry, stuffed and frozen - Exempt - Bureau opinion
Pulp, beet - Not exempt - Case 6
Pulp, sugarcane - Not exempt - Bureau opinion
Purees, see Fruits
Rabbits, dressed - Exempt - Bureau opinion
Raisins, see Fruits
Ramie Fiber - Exempt - Case 1
Resin, see Forest products
Rice, see Grains
Rock - Not exempt -(Except natural
crushed, vesicular rock to be used for decorative purposes) -
Bureau opinion
Roots, see Forest products, Horticultural commodities
Rubber, crude in bales - Not exempt - Bureau opinion
Rubber, latex, natural, liquid, from which water has been extracted
and to which ammonia has been added - Not exempt - Case 15
Rye, see Grains
Sand - Not exempt - Bureau opinion
Sap, see Forest products
Sawdust, from lumber mills - Exempt - Case No.
- Cotton, see Cottonseed
Deawned - Exempt - Case 20
Flax, see Flaxseed
Inoculated - Exempt - Case 1
Meal made from seeds, see Meal
Natural - Exempt - Case 1
Oil extracted from seeds - Not exempt - Case 1
Packets or boxes of seeds in display racks - Exempt - Bureau opinion
Scarified - Exempt - Case 20
Screened or sized - Exempt - Case 2
Spice, see Spices
Sprayed for disease control - Exempt - Case 2
Seaweed, dried, ground - Exempt - Bureau opinion, Note 4
Shells, nut, see Nuts
Shells, oyster, see Fish
Shingle bolts, see Trees
Skins, animal - Not exempt - Cases 1 and 23
Sliced, see commodity name: Fruits, Vegetables. etc.
Soil, potting - Not exempt - Bureau opinion
Soil, top - Not exempt - Bureau opinion
Sorghum fodder - Exempt - Case 1
Sorghum grains - Exempt - Case 1
Soup, frozen - Not exempt - Bureau opinion
Spices and herbs, unground, whether seeds, berries,
leaves, bark, or roots - Exempt - Bureau opinion
Spices and herbs, ground but not further processed - Exempt -
Bureau opinion, Note 4
Stover - Exempt - Case 1
Straw - Exempt - Case 1
Sugar - Not exempt - Case 1
Sugar beets - Exempt - Case 1
Sugar cane - Exempt - Case 1
1 Sugar cane pulp - Not exempt -
Bureau opinion
Sugar, raw - Not exempt - Bureau opinion
Syrup, cane - Not exempt - Case 1
Syrup, maple - Not exempt - Bureau opinion
Tea - Not exempt - Law-Ruling
Telephone poles, see Trees
Textile waste, see Cotton waste
- Chopped leaf - Exempt - Bureau opinion
Cigars and cigarettes - Not exempt - Bureau opinion
Homogenized - Not exempt - Bureau opinion
Leaf - Exempt - Case 1
Redried leaf - Exempt - Case 1(a)
Smoking - Not exempt - Bureau opinion
Stemmed leaf - Exempt - Bureau opinion
Stems - Exempt - Bureau opinion
Top Soil - Not exempt - Bureau opinion
- Bolts for making shingles - Exempt - Bureau opinion
Brush, mesquite, twigs, and debris burned off - Exempt - Bureau opinion
Christmas, plain, sprayed, or coated - Exempt - Bureau opinion
Cut to length, peeled, or split - Exempt - Case 1
Growing, see Horticultural commodities
Sawed into lumber - Not exempt - Case 1
Shingle bolts - Exempt - Bureau opinion
Telephone poles, not creosoted - Exempt - Bureau opinion
Turtles, see Fish
- Bagged - Exempt - Case 1
Beans, dried artificially and packed in small container - Exempt - Case 20
Candied sweet potatoes, frozen - Not exempt - Case 7, Note 6
Canned - Not exempt - Case 20
Cooked - Not exempt - Bureau opinion
Cucumbers, salt cured - Exempt - Case 1(b), Note 1
Cured - Exempt - Case 1
Cut up, fresh, in cellophane bags - Exempt - Case 20
Dried, naturally or artificially - Exempt - Cases 1 and 20
Dehydrated - Exempt - Bureau opinion, Note 3
French fried potatoes - Not exempt - Case 10
Frozen - Not exempt - Law - Ruling 110
Garlic powder - Exempt - Bureau opinion, Notes 3 and 4
Graded - Exempt - Case 1
Oil extracted from vegetables - Not exempt - Bureau opinion
Onion powder - Exempt - Bureau opinion - Notes 3 and 4
Onion chips and flakes, dried - Exempt - Bureau opinion, Note 3
Peas, split - Exempt - Bureau opinion
Peeled, uncooked - Exempt - Bureau opinion
Powder, onion and garlic - Exempt - Bureau opinion, Notes 3 and 4
Quick frozen - Not exempt - Law - Ruling 110
Shelled - Exempt - Bureau opinion
Soup, frozen - Not exempt - Bureau opinion
Soybean meal - Not exempt - Bureau opinion
Washed, fresh, in cellophane bags - Exempt - Case 20
Whale meat, see Fish
Wheat, see Grains
Wheat products, see Feeds, Flour
Wood chips - including those for
making wood pulp, or wood residues from primary manufacturing
plants such as slabs, trimmings, shavings, sawdust, edgings, and
hogged fuel - Exempt - Case No. 31
Wool, raw, cleaned, or scoured - Exempt - Case 1(a)
Wool grease, as obtained from cleaning or scouring process - Exempt
- Bureau opinion
Wool - Imported from any foreign
country - Not exempt - Law-ruling 110
Wool tops and noils - Not exempt - Bureau opinion, Note
Wool waste, carded, spun, woven or
knitted - Not exempt - Law-Ruling 110
Wool Yarn - Not exempt - Bureau opinion
Wreaths, see Forest products
1 Exempt if used as a livestock or poultry feed or feed ingredient and transported to a business enterprise engaged in the sale to agricultural procedures of goods used in agricultural production. - Motor Carrier Act of 1980 - Amendment to Section 10526(a )(6) by addition of (E ). - Case No. 33
2 Exempt except those used in the transportation of motor vehicles or parts of motor vehicle .- Motor Carrier Act of 1980 - Amendment to Section 10526(a) by addition of subsection (11).
3 Exempt if fertilizer is a fish or shellfish by product not intended for human consumption. - Motor carrier Act of 1980. Amendment to Section 10526(a )(6)(D).
4 Exempt if fish or shellfish by product, such as fish meal, fertilizer and pet food, not intended for human consumption. - Motor carrier Act of 1980. Amendment to Section 10526(a )(6)(D).
Case list
- Determination of Exempted Agricultural Commodities, 5 M.C.C. 511
- Determination of Exempted Agricultural Commodities, 62 M.C.C. 87
- Determination of Exempted Agricultural Commodities, MC-C-968, First Supplemental Report, decided February 11, 1958
- Blythe Common Carrier Application, 66 M.C.C. 560
- Bonney Motor Express, Inc., Extension, 69 M.C.C. 480
- Dougherty Common Carrier Application, 31 M.C.C. 793
- Erickson Transport Corp., Extension - Madison, South Dakota, decided December 31, 1957, MC-113908 Sub 21
- Herrett Trucking Co., Inc., Extension - Feeds, 69 M.C.C. 487
- Hughes Extension - Frozen Foods, 71 M.C.C. 457
- Karst Extension - Containers, 62 M.C.C. 579
- Lewis Common Carrier Application, 69 M.C.C. 603
- Midwest Coast Transport, Inc., Extension - Montana MC-111812 Sub 27, decided December 31, 1957
- Monark Egg Corp., Contract Carrier Application 52 M.C.C. 576
- Penn-Dixie Lines, Inc., Extension - Rice 72 M.C.C. 797
- Prang Extension - Homing Pigeons, 53 M.C.C. 223
- Refrigerated Transport Co., Inc., Extension, Frozen Foods, 72 M.C.C. 459
- Shipley Transfer, Inc., Extension - Liquid Latex, 52 M.C.C. 806 (Not printed)
- Sprofera Common Carrier Application, 66 M.C.C. 123
- Watkins Motor Lines, Inc., Interpretation, 64 M.C.C. 455
Court Listing
- Consolidated Truck Service, Inc. vs. U.S. and I.C.C., 144 F. Supp. 814
- East Texas Motor Freight Lines, Inc. vs. Frozen Food Express, 351 U.S. 49
- Frozen Food Express vs. U.S. and I.C.C. 148 F. Supp. 399, affirmed without opinion, 355 U.S. 6
- Home Transfer & Storage Co. vs. U.S. and I.C.C., 141 F. Supp. 599, affirmed without opinion, 352 U.S. 884
- Premier Peat Moss Corp. vs. U.S., 147 F. Supp.169
- Southwestern Trading Co. vs. U.S., 208 F. 2d 708
Note 1.
The report in Determination of Exempted Agricultural Commodities, MC-C-968, First Supplemental Report, decided February 11, 1958 was served on February 14, 1958. Whether any petitions for reconsideration will be filed is not known at this time.
Note 2.
In Penn-Dixie, 68 M.C.C. 29, Division 1 of the Commission held fresh citrus fruit sections not to be within the exemption. However, this decision was rendered prior to the affirmance, by the U.S. Supreme Court of the court decisions in I.C.C. vs. Home Transfer & Storage Co., 141 F. Supp. 599, 352 U.S. 884 and in Frozen Food Express vs. U.S., U.S. 148 F. Supp. 399 U.S. 6. In the former case peeled and sliced frozen peaches were held to be within the exemption, and in the latter case cut up vegetables and peeled and pitted peaches were held to be within the exemption.
Note 3.
In the Determination case, 52 M.C.C. 511, the Commission held that dehydrated vegetables do not come within the exemption. However, that position would seem no longer valid in view of the recent holding in Frozen Food Express vs. U.S. 148 F. Supp. 399 that dried egg powder, dried egg yolks and powdered milk are within the exemption, which holding was affirmed by the U.S. Supreme Court in 355 U.S. 6.
Note 4.
It is rather clear from the Determination case, 52 M.C.C. 511, that the Commission considered grinding to be manufacturing, though it did not specifically so hold. The Bureau until recently considered all ground commodities to be not exempt. In Herrett, 69 M.C.C. 487, (January 29, 1957) the Commission, Division 1, held ground oat hulls not within the exemption. This, however, was prior to the expiration of the date for appeal in Frozen Food Express vs. U.S. and I.C.C., 148 F. Supp. 399, in which the court held, among other things, that ground peanut shells, dried egg powder, and powdered milk are within the exemption. No appeal was taken as to ground peanut shells, and on appeal the U.S. Supreme Court affirmed the decision as to the two powdered commodities. The Court opinion does not describe the grinding and powdering processes there involved, but in an early Commission case, Harris and Callis, 4 M.C.C. 169, it was said that ground peanut shells are produced by pulverization in a hammer mill.
In view of the Court holdings, which now are final, the Bureau no longer considers that grinding alone removes a commodity from the exemption. However, manufacturing which follows or precedes grinding may have this effect. Thus the bolting which produces flour would make that commodity non-exempt. Also meals produced by grinding commodities from which the oil has been extracted are considered not within the exemption. Thus in the Frozen Food case, mentioned above, the court held cottonseed meal not to be within the exemption.
Note 5.
In view of the "substantial identity" test of the U.S. Supreme Court in East Texas Motor Freight Lines, Inc. vs. Frozen Food Express, 351 U.S. 49, the Bureau takes the view that the exemption includes cotton or wool which has been combed or carded but not spun, woven or knitted. Thus wool tops and noils are now considered within the exemption. Also considered within the exemption is waste which consists of scraps or discards of cotton or wool fibers resulting from the handling or thread, yard, or cloth.
Note 6.
This holding was made in Hughes, 71 M.C.C. 457, which proceeding later was reopened for further hearing. Pending final determination of the proceeding the holding cannot be considered an authoritative decision of the Commission. However, these same commodities were held not exempt in Bureau opinions rendered previous to the decision. Compare Administrative Ruling No. 98.
['Operating Authority']
['Exempt Carrier Authority']
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