Subpart E—Standards for Used Oil Transporter and Transfer Facilities RegSenseUnderground Storage TanksWaste/HazWasteCFR SubpartCFR RegulationsWasteEnvironmental Protection Agency (EPA)Waste TransportersOil Spill PreventionOil Spill PreventionEnvironmentalUsed OilSolid WasteFocus AreaEnglishTank SystemsUSA
§279.40 Applicability.§279.41 Restrictions on transporters who are not also processors or re-refiners.§279.42 Notification.§279.43 Used oil transportation.§279.44 Rebuttable presumption for used oil.§279.45 Used oil storage at transfer facilities.§279.46 Tracking.§279.47 Management of residues.READ MORESHOW LESS['Oil Spill Prevention', 'Waste', 'Tank Systems']['Used Oil', 'Solid Waste', 'Waste Transporters', 'Oil Spill Prevention', 'Underground Storage Tanks']