(2) The material is available from the sources listed in this section and as follows:
(i) The material listed in paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section (CDC and EPA) is available at this permanent weblink hosted by OSHA: www.osha.gov/coronavirus/ets/ibr.
(ii) The material listed in paragraph (d) of this section (ISEA) is available from the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), 25 West 43rd Street, 4th Floor, New York, NY 10036; telephone: 212-642-4900; fax: 212-398-0023; website: http://www.ansi.org.
(b) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): 1600 Clifton Road, Atlanta, GA 30329; websites: https://www.cdc.gov/, https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/communication/guidance.html, and https://www.cdc.gov/infectioncontrol/guidelines/.
(1) Cleaning and Disinfecting Guidance. COVID-19: Cleaning and Disinfecting Your Facility; Every Day and When Someone is Sick, updated April 5, 2021, IBR approved for §1910.502(j).
(2) COVID-19 Infection Prevention and Control Recommendations. COVID-19: Interim Infection Prevention and Control Recommendations for Healthcare Personnel During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic, updated February 23, 2021, IBR approved for §§1910.502(d) and (j).
(3) Guidelines for Isolation Precautions. 2007 Guideline for Isolation Precautions: Preventing Transmission of Infectious Agents in Healthcare Settings, updated July 2019, IBR approved for §§1910.502(e) and (f).
(4) Guidelines for Environmental Infection Control. Guidelines for Environmental Infection Control in Health-Care Facilities, updated July 2019, IBR approved for §1910.502(j).
(5) Isolation Guidance. COVID-19: Isolation If You Are Sick; Separate yourself from others if you have COVID-19, updated February 18, 2021, IBR approved for §1910.502(l).
(6) Return to Work Healthcare Guidance. COVID-19: Return to Work Criteria for Healthcare Personnel with SARS-CoV-2 Infection (Interim Guidance), updated February 16, 2021, IBR approved for §1910.502(l).
(c) U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA): 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20460; website: https://www.epa.gov/.
(1) List N. Pesticide Registration List N: Disinfectants for Coronavirus (COVID-19), updated April 9, 2021, IBR approved for §1910.502(b).
(2) [Reserved]
(d) International Safety Equipment Association (ISEA): 1901 North Moore Street, Suite 808, Arlington, VA 22209; website: www.safetyequipment.org
(1) ANSI/ISEA Z87.1-2010, American National Standard for Occupational and Educational Personal Eye and Face Protection Devices, ANSI-approved April 13, 2010, IBR approved for §1910.502(b).
(2) ANSI/ISEA Z87.1-2015, American National Standard for Occupational and Educational Personal Eye and Face Protection Devices, ANSI-approved May 28, 2015, IBR approved for §1910.502(b).
(3) ANSI/ISEA Z87.1-2020, American National Standard for Occupational and Educational Personal Eye and Face Protection Devices, ANSI-approved March 11, 2020, IBR approved for §1910.502(b).
[86 FR 32620, June 21, 2021; 86 FR 61554, Nov. 5, 2021; 87 FR 3929, Jan. 26, 2022]