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Information collected for a worksite analysis

['Workplace Violence']
Information collected for a worksite analysis
  • Records should be reviewed, analyzed, and tracked to spot preventable patterns and implement appropriate controls.
  • The job hazard analysis examines the relationship between the employee, the task, the tools, and the work environment, making worker participation essential.
  • Employee questionnaires or surveys help identify and correct risks and should include feedback and follow-up reports.

Records analysis and tracking

Records review is important to identify patterns of assaults or near misses that could be prevented or reduced through the implementation of appropriate controls. Records review should include medical, safety, specific threat assessments, workers’ compensation, and insurance records.

The review should also include the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Log of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses (OSHA Form 300) if the employer is required to maintain one. In addition, incident/near-miss logs, a facility’s general event or daily log, and police reports should be reviewed to identify assaults relative to particular:

  • Locations,
  • Work areas,
  • Job titles,
  • Activities—such as cashiers, and
  • Time of day.

Job hazard analysis

A job hazard analysis is an assessment that focuses on job tasks to identify hazards. The job hazard analysis examines the relationship between the employee, the task, the tools, and the work environment.

Reviewing procedures and operations connected to specific tasks or positions helps identify if those tasks contribute to hazards related to workplace violence. These tasks can then be modified to reduce the likelihood of future violence.

Worker participation is an essential component of the analysis. As noted in OSHA’s publication on job hazard analyses, priority should be given to specific types of job. For example, priority should be given to:

  • Jobs with high assault rates due to workplace violence,
  • Jobs that are new to an operation or have undergone procedural changes that may increase the potential for workplace violence, and
  • Jobs that require written instructions.

After an incident or near miss, the analysis should focus on:

  • Analyzing those positions that were affected;
  • Identifying if existing procedures and operations were followed, and if not, identify why (in some instances, not following procedures could result in more effective protections);
  • Identifying if staff were adequately qualified and/or trained for the tasks required; and
  • Developing, if necessary, new procedures and operations to improve staff safety and security.

Employee surveys

Employee questionnaires or surveys are effective ways for employers to identify potential hazards that may lead to violent incidents, identify the types of problems workers face in their daily activities, and assess the effects of changes in work processes.

Detailed baseline screening surveys can help pinpoint tasks that put workers at risk. Periodic surveys — conducted at least annually or whenever operations change/incidents of workplace violence occur — help identify new or previously unnoticed risk factors and deficiencies or failures in work practices.

The periodic review process should also include feedback and follow-up. Questions for the review process may include:

  • What daily activities, if any, expose you to the greatest risk of violence?
  • What, if any, work activities make you feel unprepared to respond to a violent action?
  • Can you recommend any changes or additions to the workplace violence prevention training you received?