['Air Programs']
['Hazardous Air Pollutants']
Table 1 to Subpart XXXX of Part 63 - Emission Limits for Tire Production Affected Sources
As stated in §63.5984, you must comply with the emission limits for each new, reconstructed, or existing tire production affected source in the following table:
For each . . . | You must meet the following emission limits. |
1. Option 1 - HAP constituent option | a. Emissions of each HAP in Table 16 to this subpart must not exceed 1,000 grams HAP per megagram (2 pounds per ton) of total cements and solvents used at the tire production affected source, and b. Emissions of each HAP not in Table 16 to this subpart must not exceed 10,000 grams HAP per megagram (20 pounds per ton) of total cements and solvents used at the tire production affected source. |
2. Option 2 - production-based option | Emissions of HAP must not exceed 0.024 grams per megagram (0.00005 pounds per ton) of rubber used at the tire production affected source. |
Table 2 to Subpart XXXX of Part 63 - Emission Limits for Tire Cord Production Affected Sources
As stated in §63.5986, you must comply with the emission limits for tire cord production affected sources in the following table:
For each . . . | You must meet the following emission limits. |
1. Option 1.a (production-based option) - Existing tire cord production affected source | Emissions must not exceed 280 grams HAP per megagram (0.56 pounds per ton) of fabric processed at the tire cord production affected source. |
2. Option 1.b (production-based option) - New or reconstructed tire cord production affected source | Emissions must not exceed 220 grams HAP per megagram (0.43 pounds per ton) of fabric processed at the tire cord production affected source. |
3. Option 2 (HAP constituent option) - Existing, new or reconstructed tire cord production affected source | a. Emissions of each HAP in Table 16 to this subpart must not exceed 1,000 grams HAP per megagram (2 pounds per ton) of total coatings used at the tire cord production affected source, and
b. Emissions of each HAP not in Table 16 to this subpart must not exceed 10,000 grams HAP per megagram (20 pounds per ton) of total coatings used at the tire cord production affected source. |
Table 3 to Subpart XXXX of Part 63 - Emission Limits for Puncture Sealant Application Affected Sources
As stated in §63.5988(a), you must comply with the emission limits for puncture sealant application affected sources in the following table:
For each . . . | You must meet the following emission limit. |
1. Option 1.a (percent reduction option) - Existing puncture sealant application spray booth | Reduce spray booth HAP (measured as volatile organic compounds (VOC)) emissions by at least 86 percent by weight. |
2. Option 1.b (percent reduction option) - New or reconstructed puncture sealant application spray booth | Reduce spray booth HAP (measured as VOC) emissions by at least 95 percent by weight. |
3. Option 2 (HAP constituent option) Existing, new or reconstructed puncture sealant application spray booth | a. Emissions of each HAP in Table 16 to this subpart must not exceed 1,000 grams HAP per megagram (2 pounds per ton) of total puncture sealants used at the puncture sealant affected source, and
b. Emissions of each HAP not in Table 16 to this subpart must not exceed 10,000 grams HAP per megagram (20 pounds per ton) of total puncture sealants used at the puncture sealant affected source. |
Table 4 to Subpart XXXX of Part 63 - Operating Limits for Puncture Sealant Application Control Devices
As stated in §63.5988(b), you must comply with the operating limits for puncture sealant application affected sources in the following table unless you are meeting Option 2 (HAP constituent option) limits in Table 3 to this subpart:
For each . . . | You must . . . |
1. Thermal oxidizer to which puncture sealant application spray booth emissions are ducted | Maintain the daily average firebox secondary chamber temperature within the operating range established during the performance test. |
2. Carbon adsorber (regenerative) to which puncture sealant application spray booth emissions are ducted | a. Maintain the total regeneration mass, volumetric flow, and carbon bed temperature at the operating range established during the performance test.
b. Reestablish the carbon bed temperature to the levels established during the performance test within 15 minutes of each cooling cycle. |
3. Other type of control device to which puncture sealant application spray booth emissions are ducted | Maintain your operating parameter(s) within the range(s) established during the performance test and according to your monitoring plan. |
4. Permanent total enclosure capture system | a. Maintain the face velocity across any NDO at least at the levels established during the performance test.
b. Maintain the size of NDO, the number of NDO, and their proximity to HAP emission sources consistent with the parameters established during the performance test. |
5. Other capture system | Maintain the operating parameters within the range(s) established during the performance test and according to your monitoring plan. |
Table 5 to Subpart XXXX of Part 63 - Requirements for Performance Tests
As stated in §63.5993, you must comply with the requirements for performance tests in the following table:
If you are using . . . | You must . . . | Using . . . | According to the following requirements . . . |
1. A thermal oxidizer | a. Measure total HAP emissions, determine destruction efficiency of the control device, and establish a site-specific firebox secondary chamber temperature limit at which the emission limit that applies to the affected source is achieved | i. Method 25 or 25A performance test and data from the temperature monitoring system | (1). Measure total HAP emissions and determine the destruction efficiency of the control device using Method 25 (40 CFR part 60, appendix A). You may use Method 25A (40 CFR part 60, appendix A) if: an exhaust gas volatile organic matter concentration of 50 parts per million (ppmv) or less is required to comply with the standard; the volatile organic matter concentration at the inlet to the control system and the required level of control are such that exhaust volatile organic matter concentrations are 50 ppmv or less; or because of the high efficiency of the control device exhaust, is 50 ppmv or less, regardless of the inlet concentration.
(2). Collect firebox secondary chamber temperature data every 15 minutes during the entire period of the initial 3-hour performance test, and determine the average firebox temperature over the 3-hour performance test by computing the average of all of the 15-minute reading. |
2. A carbon adsorber (regenerative) | a. Measure total organic HAP emissions, establish the total regeneration mass or volumetric flow, and establish the temperature of the carbon bed within 15 minutes of completing any cooling cycles. The total regeneration mass, volumetric flow, and carbon bed temperature must be those at which the emission limit that applies to the affected source is achieved | i. Method 25 or Method 25A performance test and data from the carbon bed temperature monitoring device | (1). Measure total HAP emissions using Method 25. You may use Method 25A, if an exhaust gas volatile organic matter concentration of 50 ppmv or less; or because of the high efficiency of the control device, exhaust is 50 ppmv or less is required to comply with the standard; the volatile organic matter concentration (VOMC) at the inlet to the control system and the required level of control are such that exhaust VOMCs are 50 ppmv or less; or because of the high efficiency of the control device, exhaust is 50 ppmv or less, regardless of the inlet concentration.
(2). Collect carbon bed total regeneration mass or volumetric flow for each carbon bed regeneration cycle during the performance test. (3). Record the maximum carbon bed temperature data for each carbon bed regeneration cycle during the performance test. (4). Record the carbon bed temperature within 15 minutes of each cooling cycle during the performance test. (5). Determine the average total regeneration mass or the volumetric flow over the 3-hour performance test by computing the average of all of the readings. (6). Determine the average maximum carbon bed temperature over the 3-hour performance test by computing the average of all of the readings. (7). Determine the average carbon bed temperature within 15 minutes of the cooling cycle over the 3-hour performance test. |
3. Any control device other than a thermal oxidizer or carbon adsorber | Determine control device efficiency and establish operating parameter limits with which you will demonstrate continuous compliance with the emission limit that applies to the affected source | EPA-approved methods and data from the continuous parameter monitoring system | Conduct the performance test according to the site-specific plan submitted according to §63.7(c)(2)(i). |
4. All control devices | a. Select sampling ports' location and the number of traverse ports | Method 1 or 1A of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A | Locate sampling sites at the inlet and outlet of the control device and prior to any releases to the atmosphere. |
b. Determine velocity and volumetric flow rate | Method 2, 2A, 2C, 2D, 2F, or 2G of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A | ||
c. Conduct gas analysis | Method 3, 3A, or 3B of 40 CFR part 60 appendix A | ||
d. Measure moisture content of the stack gas | Method 4 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A | ||
5. A permenent total enclosure (PTE) | Measure the face velocity across natural draft openings and document the design features of the enclosure | Method 204 of CFR part 51, appendix M | Capture efficiency is assumed to be 100 percent if the criteria are met |
6. Temporary total enclosure (TTE) | Construct a temporarily installed enclosure that allows you to determine the efficiency of your capture system and establish operating parameter limits | Method 204 and the appropriate combination of Methods 204A-204F of 40 CFR part 51, appendix M |
Table 6 to Subpart XXXX of Part 63 - Initial Compliance With the Emission Limits for Tire Production Affected Sources
As stated in §63.5996, you must show initial compliance with the emission limits for tire production affected sources according to the following table:
For . . . | For the following emission limit . . . | You have demonstrated initial compliance if . . . |
1. Sources complying with the purchase compliance alternative in §63.5985(a) | The HAP constituent option in Table 1 to this subpart, option 1 | You demonstrate for each monthly period that no cements and solvents were purchased and used at the affected source containing HAP in amounts above the composition limits in Table 1 to this subpart, option 1, determined according to the procedures in §63.5994(a) and (b)(1). |
2. Sources complying with the monthly average compliance alternative without using a control device in §63.5985(b) | The HAP constituent option in Table 1 to this subpart, option 1 | You demonstrate that the monthly average HAP emissions for each monthly operating period do not exceed the emission limits in Table 1 to this subpart, option 1, determined according to the applicable procedures in §63.5994(a) and (b)(2). |
3. Sources complying with the monthly average compliance alternative using a control device in §63.5985(c) | The HAP constituent option in Table 1 to this subpart, option 1 | You demonstrate that the monthly average HAP emissions for each monthly operating period do not exceed the emission limits in Table 1 to this subpart, option 1, determined according to the applicable procedures in §63.5994(a), (b)(3) and (4), and (d) through (f). |
4. Sources complying with the monthly average compliance alternative without use of a control device in §63.5985(b) | The production-based option in Table 1 to this subpart, option 2 | You demonstrate that the monthly average HAP emissions for each monthly operating period do not exceed the emission limits in Table 1 to this subpart, option 2, determined according to the applicable procedures in §63.5994(c)(1) through (3). |
5. Sources complying with the monthly average compliance alternative using a control device in §63.5985(c) | The production-based option in Table 1 to this subpart, option 2 | You demonstrate that the monthly average HAP emissions for each monthly operating period do not exceed the emission limits in Table 1 to this subpart, option 2, determined according to the applicable procedures in §63.5994(c)(1) and (2), (4) and (5), and (d) through (f). |
Table 7 to Subpart XXXX of Part 63 - Initial Compliance With the Emission Limits for Tire Cord Production Affected Sources
As stated in §63.5999, you must show initial compliance with the emission limits for tire cord production affected sources according to the following table:
For . . . | For the following emission limit . . . | You have demonstrated initial compliance if . . . |
1. Sources complying with the monthly average alternative without using an add-on control device according to §63.5987(a) | The production-based option in Table 2 to this subpart, option 1 | You demonstrate that the monthly average HAP emissions for each monthly operating period do not exceed the emission limits in Table 2 to this subpart, option 1, determined according to the procedures in §63.5997(a), (b)(1) and (2). |
2. Sources complying with the monthly average alternative using an add-on control device according to §63.5987(b) | The production-based option in Table 2 to this subpart, option 1 | You demonstrate that the monthly average HAP emissions for each monthly operating period do not exceed the emission limits in Table 2 to this subpart, option 1, determined according to the procedures in §63.5997(a), (b)(1) and (3) through (4), and (d) through (f). |
3. Sources complying with the monthly average alternative without using an add-on control device according to §63.5987(a) | The HAP constituent option in Table 2 to this subpart, option 2 | You demonstrate that the monthly average HAP emissions for each monthly operating period do not exceed the HAP constituent emission limits in Table 2 to this subpart, option 2, determined according to the applicable procedures in §63.5997(a) and (c)(1) and (2). |
4. Sources complying with the monthly average alternative using an add-on control device according to §63.5987(b) | The HAP constituent option in Table 2 to this subpart, option 2 | You demonstrate that the monthly average HAP emissions for each monthly operating period do not exceed the HAP constituent emission limits in Table 2 to this subpart, option 2, determined according to the applicable procedures in §63.5997(c)(1) and (3) through (4), and (d) through (f). |
Table 8 to Subpart XXXX of Part 63 - Initial Compliance With the Emission
As stated in §63.6002, you must show initial compliance with the emission limits for puncture sealant application affected sources according to the following table:
For . . . | For the following emission limit . . . | You have demonstrated initial compliance if . . . |
1. Sources complying with the overall control efficiency alternative in §63.5989(a) | The percent reduction option in Table 3 to this subpart, option 1 | You demonstrate that you conducted the performance tests, determined the overall efficiency of your control system, demonstrated that the applicable limits in Table 3 to this subpart, option 1, have been achieved, and established the operating limits in Table 4 of this subpart for your equipment according to the applicable procedures in §63.6000(b). |
2. Sources complying with the permanent total enclosure and control device efficiency alternative in §63.5989(b) | The percent reduction option in Table 3 to this subpart, option 1 | You demonstrate that you conducted the performance tests, determined the individual efficiencies of your capture and control systems, demonstrated that the applicable limits in Table 3 to this subpart, option 1, have been achieved, and established the operating limits in Table 4 of this subpart for your equipment according to the applicable procedures in §63.6000(b). |
3. Sources complying with the monthly average alternative in §63.5989(c) without using an add-on control device | The HAP constituent option in Table 3 to this subpart, option 2 | You demonstrate that the monthly average HAP emissions for each monthly operating period do not exceed the HAP constituent emission limits in Table 3 to this subpart, option 2, determined according to the applicable procedures in §63.6000(c) and (d)(1). |
4. Sources complying with the HAP constituent alternative in §63.5989(d) by using an add-on control device | The HAP constituent option in Table 3 to this subpart, option 2 | You demonstrate that the monthly average HAP emissions for each monthly operating period do not exceed the HAP constituent emission limits in Table 3 to this subpart, option 2, determined according to the applicable procedures in §63.6000(c), (d)(2) and (3), and (e) through (f). |
Table 9 to Subpart XXXX of Part 63 - Minimum Data for Continuous Compliance With the Emission Limits for Tire Production Affected Sources
As stated in §63.6003, you must maintain minimum data to show continuous compliance with the emission limits for tire production affected sources according to the following table:
For . . . | You must maintain . . . |
1. Sources complying with purchase compliance alternative in §63.5985(a) that are meeting the HAP constituent emission limit (option 1) in Table 1 to this subpart | a. A list of each cement and solvent as purchased and the manufacturer or supplier of each.
b. A record of Method 311 (40 CFR part 60, appendix A), or approved alternative method, test results indicating the mass percent of each HAP for each cement and solvent as purchased. |
2. Sources complying with the monthly average compliance alternative without using a control device according to §63.5985(b) that are meeting emission limits in Table 1 to this subpart | a. A record of Method 311, or approved alternative method, test results, indicating the mass percent of each HAP for each cement and solvent, as purchased.
b. The mass of each cement and solvent used each monthly operating period. c. The total mass of rubber used each monthly operating period (if complying with the production-based emission limit, option 2, in Table 1 to this subpart). d. All data and calculations used to determine the monthly average mass percent for each HAP for each monthly operating period. e. Monthly averages of emissions in the appropriate emission limit format. |
3. Sources complying with the monthly average compliance alternative using a control device according to §63.5985(c) that are meeting emission limits in Table 1 to this subpart | a. The same information as sources complying with the monthly average alternative without using a control device.
b. Records of operating parameter values for each operating parameter that applies to you. |
Table 10 to Subpart XXXX of Part 63 - Continuous Compliance With the Emission Limits for Tire Production Affected Sources
As stated in §63.6004, you must show continuous compliance with the emission limits for tire production affected sources according to the following table:
For . . . | For the following emission limit . . . | You must demonstrate continuous compliance by . . . |
1. Sources complying with purchase compliance alternative in §63.5985(a) | The HAP constituent option in Table 1 to this subpart, option 1 | Demonstrating for each monthly period that no cements and solvents were purchased and used at the affected source containing HAP in amounts above the composition limits in Table 1 to this subpart, option 1, determined according to the procedures in §63.5994(a) and (b)(1). |
2. Sources complying with the monthly average compliance alternative without using a control device according to §63.5985(b) | The HAP constituent option in Table 1 to this subpart, option 1 | Demonstrating that the monthly average HAP emissions for each monthly operating period do not exceed the emission limits in Table 1 to this subpart, option 1, determined according to the applicable procedures in §63.5994(a) and (b)(2). |
3. Sources complying with the monthly average compliance alternative using a control device according to §63.5985(c) | The HAP constituent option in Table 1 to this subpart, option 1 | Demonstrating that the monthly average HAP emissions for each monthly operating period do not exceed the emission limits in Table 1 to this subpart, option 1, determined according to the applicable procedures in §63.5994(a), (b)(3) and (4), and (d) through (f). |
4. Sources complying with the monthly average compliance alternative without using a control device according to §63.5985(b) | The production-based option in Table 1 to this subpart, option 2 | Demonstrating that the monthly average HAP emissions for each monthly operating period do not exceed the emission limits in Table 1 to this subpart, option 2, determined according to the applicable procedures in §63.5994(c)(1) through (3). |
5. Sources complying with the monthly average compliance alternative using a control device according to §63.5985(c) | The production-based option in Table 1 to this subpart, option 2 | Demonstrating that the monthly average HAP emissions for each monthly operating period do not exceed the emission limits in Table 1 to this subpart, option 2, determined according to the applicable procedures in §63.5994(c)(1) and (2), (4) and (5), and (d) through (f). |
Table 11 to Subpart XXXX of Part 63 - Minimum Data for Continuous Compliance With the Emission Limits for Tire Cord Production Affected Sources
As stated in §63.6005, you must maintain minimum data to show continuous compliance with the emission limits for tire cord production affected sources according to the following table:
For . . . | You must maintain . . . |
1. Sources complying with the monthly average alternative without using an add-on control device according to §63.5987(a) that are meeting emission limits in Table 2 to this subpart | a. A record of Method 311 (40 CFR part 63, appendix A), or approved alternative method, test results, indicating the mass percent of each HAP for coating used.
b. The mass of each coating used each monthly operating period. c. The total mass of fabric processed each monthly operating period (if complying with the production-based option in Table 2 to this subpart, option 1). d. All data and calculations used to determine the monthly average mass percent for each HAP for each monthly operating period. e. Monthly averages of emissions in the appropriate emission emission limit format. |
2. Sources complying with the monthly average alternative using an add-on control device according to §63.5987(b) that are meeting emission limits in Table 2 to this subpart | a. The same information as sources complying with the monthly average alternative without using a control device.
b. Records of operating parameter values for each operating parameter that applies to you. |
Table 12 to Subpart XXXX of Part 63 - Continuous Compliance With the Emission Limits for Tire Cord Production Affected Sources
As stated in §63.6006, you must show continuous compliance with the emission limits for tire cord production affected sources according to the following table:
For . . . | For the following emission limit . . . | You must demonstrate continuous compliance by . . . |
1. Sources complying with the monthly average compliance alternative without using an add-on control device according to §63.5987(a) | In Table 2 to this subpart | a. Demonstrating that the monthly average HAP emissions for each monthly operating period do not exceed the emission limits in Table 2 to this subpart, option 1, determined according to the applicable procedures in §63.5997(a) and (b)(1) and (2).
b. Demonstrating that the monthly average HAP emissions for each monthly operating period do not exceed the HAP constituent emission limits in Table 2 to this subpart, option 2, determined according to the applicable procedures in §63.5997(a) and (c)(1) and (2). |
2. Sources complying with the monthly average compliance alternative using an add-on control device according to §63.5987(b) | In Table 2 to this subpart | a. Demonstrating that the monthly average HAP emissions for each monthly operating period do not exceed the emission limits in Table 2 to this subpart, option 1, determined according to the applicable procedures in §63.5997(a), (b)(1) and (3) through (4), and (d) through (f).
b. Demonstrating that the monthly HAP emissions for each monthly operating period do not exceed the HAP constituent emission limits in Table 2 to this subpart, option 2, determined according to the applicable procedures in §63.5997(c)(1) and (3) through (4), and (d) through (f). |
Table 13 to Subpart XXXX of Part 63 - Minimum Data for Continuous Compliance With the Emission Limitations for Puncture Sealant Application Affected Sources
As stated in §63.6007, you must maintain minimum data to show continuous compliance with the emission limitations for puncture sealant application affected sources according to the following table:
For . . . | You must maintain . . . |
1. Sources complying with the control efficiency alternatives in §63.5989(a) or (b) that are meeting the percent reduction emission limits in Table 3 to this subpart, option 1, using a thermal oxidizer to reduce HAP emissions so that they do not exceed the operating limits in Table 4 to this subpart | Records of the secondary chamber firebox temperature for 100 percent of the hours during which the process was operated. |
2. Sources complying with the control efficiency alternatives in §63.5989(a) or (b) that are meeting the percent reduction emission limits in Table 3 to this subpart, option 1, using a carbon adsorber to reduce HAP emissions so that they do not exceed the operating limits in Table 4 to this subpart | Records of the total regeneration stream mass or volumetric flow for each regeneration cycle for 100 percent of the hours during which the process was operated, and a record of the carbon bed temperature after each regeneration, and within 15 minutes of completing any cooling cycle for 100 percent of the hours during which the process was operated. |
3. Sources complying with the control efficiency alternatives in §63.5989(a) or (b) that are meeting the percent reduction emission limits in Table 3 to this subpart, option 1, using any other type of control device to which puncture sealant application spray booth HAP emissions are ducted so that they do not exceed the operating limits in Table 4 to this subpart | Records of operating parameter values for each operating parameter that applies to you. |
4. Sources complying with the permanent total enclosure compliance alternative in §63.5989(b) that are meeting the percent reduction emission limits in Table 3 to this subpart, option 1, using a permanent total enclosure capture system to capture HAP emissions so that they do not exceed the operating limits in Table 4 to this subpart | Records of the face velocity across any NDO, the size of NDO, the number of NDO, and their proximity to HAP emission sources. |
5. Sources complying with the overall control efficiency alternative in §63.5989(a) that are meeting the percent reduction emission limits in Table 3 to this subpart, option 1, using any other capture system to capture HAP emissions so that they do not exceed the operating limits in Table 4 to this subpart | Records of operating parameter values for each operating parameter that applies to you. |
6. Sources complying with the monthly average alternative without using an add-on control device according to §63.5988(a) that are meeting the HAP constituent emission limits in Table 3 to this subpart, option 2 | a. A record of Method 311 (40 CFR part 63, appendix A), or approved alternative method, test results, indicating the mass percent of each HAP for puncture sealant used.
b. The mass of each puncture sealant used each monthly operating period. c. All data and calculations used to determine the monthly average mass percent for each HAP for each monthly operating period. d. Monthly averages of emissions in the appropriate emission limit format. |
7. Sources complying with the monthly average alternative using an add-on control device according to §63.5988(a) that are meeting the HAP constituent emission limits in Table 3 to this subpart, option 2 | a. The same information as sources complying with the monthly average alternative that are not using a control device.
b. Records of operating parameter values for each operating parameter that applies to you. |
Table 14 to Subpart XXXX of Part 63 - Continuous Compliance With the Emission Limitations for Puncture Sealant Application Affected Sources
As stated in §63.6008, you must show continuous compliance with the emission limitations for puncture sealant application affected sources according to the following table:
For . . . | You must demonstrate continuous compliance by . . . |
1. Each carbon adsorber used to comply with the operating limits in Table 4 to this subpart | a. Monitoring and recording every 15 minutes the total regeneration stream mass or volumetric flow, and the carbon bed temperature after each regeneration, and within 15 minutes of completing any cooling cycle, and
b. Maintaining the total regeneration stream mass or volumetric flow, and the carbon bed temperature after each regeneration, and within 15 minutes of completing any cooling cycle within the operating levels established during your performance test. |
2. Each thermal oxidizer used to comply with operating limits in Table 4 to this subpart | a. Continuously monitoring and recording the firebox temperature every 15 minutes, and
b. Maintaining the daily average firebox temperature within the operating level established during your performance test. |
3. Other “add-on” control or capture system hardware used to comply with the operating limits in Table 4 to this subpart | Continuously monitoring and recording specified parameters identified through compliance testing and identified in the Notification of Compliance Status report. |
4. Sources complying with the monthly average compliance alternative without using an add-on control device according to §63.5989(c) that are meeting the HAP constituent emission limits in Table 3 to this subpart, option 2 | Demonstrating that the monthly average HAP emissions for each monthly operating period do not exceed the HAP constituent emission limits in Table 3 to this subpart, option 2, determined according to the applicable procedures in §63.6000(c) and (d)(1). |
5. Sources complying with the monthly average compliance alternative by using an add-on control device according to §63.5989(d) that are the HAP constituent emission limits in Table 3 to this subpart, option 2 | Demonstrating that the monthly average HAP emissions for each monthly operating period do not exceed the HAP constituent emission limits in Table 3 to this subpart, option 2, determined according to the applicable procedures in §63.6000(c), (d)(2) and (3), and (e) through (g). |
Table 15 to Subpart XXXX of Part 63 - Requirements for Reports
As stated in§63.6010, you must submit each report that applies to you according to the following table
You must submit a(n) | The report must contain . . . | You must submit the report . . . |
1. Compliance report | a. If there are no deviations from any emission limitations that apply to you, a statement that there were no deviations from the emission limitations during the reporting period. If there were no periods during which the CPMS was out-of-control as specified in §63.8(c)(7), a statement that there were no periods during which the CPMS was out-of-control during the reporting period | Semiannually according to the requirements in §63.6010(b), unless you meet the requirements for annual reporting in §63.6010(f). |
b. If you have a deviation from any emission limitation during the reporting period at an affected source where you are not using a CPMS, the report must contain the information in §63.6010(d). If the deviation occurred at a source where you are using a CMPS or if there were periods during which the CPMS were out-of-control as specified in §63.8(c)(7), the report must contain the information required by §63.5990(f)(3) | Semiannually according to the requirements in §63.6010(b), unless you meet the requirements for annual reporting in §63.6010(f). | |
c. Before January 21, 2021, If you had a startup, shutdown, and malfunction during the reporting period and you took actions consistent with your startup, shutdown, and malfunction plan, the compliance report must include the information in §63.10(d)(5)(i). After January 20, 2021, this information is no longer required | Before January 21, 2021, semiannually according to the requirements in §63.6010(b), unless you meet the requirements for annual reporting in §63.6010(f). After January 20, 2021, this information is no longer required. | |
2. Before January 21, 2021, immediate startup, shutdown, and malfunction report if you had a startup, shutdown, and malfunction during the reporting period that is not consistent with your startup, shutdown, and malfunction plan. After January 20, 2021, this report is no longer required | a. Before January 21, 2021, actions taken for the event. After January 20, 2021, this report is no longer required | Before January 21, 2021, by fax or telephone within 2 working days after starting actions inconsistent with the plan. After January 20, 2021, this report is no longer required. |
b. Before January 21, 2021, the information in §63.10(d)(5)(ii). After January 20, 2021, this report is no longer required | Before January 21, 2021, by letter within 7 working days after the end of the event unless you have made alternative arrangements with the permitting authority (§63.10(d)(5)(ii)). After January 20, 2021, this report is no longer required. | |
3. Performance Test Report | If you use a control system (add-on control device and capture system) to meet the emission limitations | Conduct a performance test at least once every 5 years following your initial compliance demonstration according to the requirements in §63.5993. |
[85 FR 44765, July 24, 2020]
Table 16 to Subpart XXXX of Part 63 - Selected Hazardous Air Pollutants
You must use the information listed in the following table to determine which emission limit in the HAP constituent options in Tables 1 through 3 to this subpart is applicable to you:
CAS No. | Selected hazardous air pollutants |
50000 | Formaldehyde |
51796 | Ethyl carbamate (Urethane) |
53963 | 2-Acetylaminofluorene |
56235 | Carbon tetrachloride |
57147 | 1,1-Dimethyl hydrazine |
57578 | beta-Propiolactone |
58899 | Lindane (all isomers) |
59892 | N-Nitrosomorpholine |
60117 | Dimethyl aminoazobenzene |
62759 | N-Nitrosodimethylamine |
64675 | Diethyl sulfate |
67663 | Chloroform |
67721 | Hexachloroethane |
71432 | Benzene (including benzene from gasoline) |
75014 | Vinyl chloride |
75070 | Acetaldehyde |
75092 | Methylene chloride (Dichloromethane) |
75218 | Ethylene oxide |
75558 | 1,2-Propylenimine (2-Methyl aziridine) |
75569 | Propylene oxide |
77781 | Dimethyl sulfate |
79061 | Acrylamide |
79447 | Dimethyl carbamoyl chloride |
79469 | 2-Nitropropane |
88062 | 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol |
91941 | 3,3-Dichlorobenzidene |
92671 | 4-Aminobiphenyl |
92875 | Benzidine |
95534 | o-Toluidine |
95807 | 2,4-Toluene diamine |
96128 | 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane |
96457 | Ethylene thiourea |
98077 | Benzotrichloride |
101144 | 4,4-Methylene bis(2-chloroaniline) |
101779 | 4,4-Methylenedianiline |
106467 | 1,4-Dichlorobenzene(p) |
106898 | Epichlorohydrin (l-Chloro-2,3-epoxypropane) |
106934 | Ethylene dibromide (Dibromoethane) |
106990 | 1,3-Butadiene |
107062 | Ethylene dichloride (1,2-Dichloroethane) |
107131 | Acrylonitrile |
107302 | Chloromethyl methyl ether |
117817 | Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP) |
118741 | Hexachlorobenzene |
119904 | 3,3-Dimethoxybenzidine |
119937 | 3,3-Dimethyl benzidine |
122667 | 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine |
123911 | 1,4-Dioxane (1,4-Diethyleneoxide) |
127184 | Tetrachloroethylene (Perchloroethylene) |
140885 | Ethyl acrylate |
302012 | Hydrazine |
542756 | 1,3-Dichloropropene |
542881 | Bis(chloromethyl)ether |
680319 | Hexamethylphosphoramide |
684935 | N-Nitroso-N-methylurea |
1120714 | 1,3-Propane sultone |
1332214 | Asbestos |
1336363 | Polychlorinated biphenyls (Aroclors) |
1746016 | 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin |
8001352 | Toxaphene (chlorinated camphene) |
Arsenic Compounds | |
Chromium Compounds | |
Coke Oven Emissions |
Table 17 to Subpart XXXX of Part 63 - Applicability of General Provisions to This Subpart XXXX
Before January 21, 2021, as stated in §63.6013, you must comply with the applicable General Provisions (GP) requirements according to the following table:
Citation | Subject | Brief description of applicable sections | Applicable to Subpart XXXX? | |
Using a control device | Not using a control device | |||
§63.1 | Applicability | Initial applicability determination; applicability after standard established; permit requirements; extensions; notifications | Yes | Yes. |
§63.2 | Definitions | Definitions for part 63 standards | Yes | Yes. |
§63.3 | Units and Abbreviations | Units and abbreviations for part 63 standards | Yes | Yes. |
§63.4 | Prohibited Activities | Prohibited activities; compliance date; circumvention; severability | Yes | Yes. |
§63.5 | Construction/Reconstruction | Applicability; applications; approvals | Yes | Yes. |
§63.6(a) | Applicability | GP apply unless compliance extension; GP apply to area sources that become major | Yes | Yes. |
§63.6(b)(1)-(4) | Compliance Dates for New and Reconstructed Sources | Standards apply at effective date; 3 years after effective date; upon startup; 10 years after construction or reconstruction commences for CAA section 112(f) | Yes | Yes. |
§63.6(b)(5) | Notification | Must notify if commenced construction or reconstruction after proposal | Yes | Yes. |
§63.6(b)(6) | [Reserved] | |||
§63.6(b)(7) | Compliance Dates for New and Reconstructed Area Sources that Become Major | No | No. | |
§63.6(c)(1)-(2) | Compliance Dates for Existing Sources | Comply according to date in subpart, which must be no later than 3 years after effective date; for CAA section 112(f) standards, comply within 90 days of effective date unless compliance extension | Yes | Yes. |
§63.6(c)(3)-(4) | [Reserved] | |||
§63.6(c)(5) | Compliance Dates for Existing Area Sources that Become Major | Area sources that become major must comply with major source standards by date indicated in subpart or by equivalent time period (for example, 3 years) | Yes | Yes. |
§63.6(d) | [Reserved] | |||
§63.6(e)(1)-(2) | Operation & Maintenance | Operate to minimize emissions at all times; correct malfunctions as soon as practicable; and operation and maintenance requirements independently enforceable; information Administrator will use to determine if operation and maintenance requirements were met | Yes | Yes. |
§63.6(e)(3) | Startup, Shutdown, and Malfunction Plan | Yes | No. | |
§63.6(f)(1) | Compliance Except During Startup, Shutdown, and Malfunction | No. See §63.5990(a) | No. | |
§63.6(f)(2)-(3) | Methods for Determining Compliance | Compliance based on performance test; operation and maintenance plans; records; inspection | Yes | Yes. |
§63.6(g)(1)-(3) | Alternative Standard | Procedures for getting an alternative standard | Yes | Yes. |
§63.6(h) | Opacity/Visible Emission (VE) Standards | No | No. | |
§63.6(i) | Compliance Extension | Procedures and criteria for Administrator to grant compliance extension | Yes | Yes. |
§63.6(j) | Presidential Compliance Exemption | President may exempt source category from requirement to comply with rule | Yes | Yes. |
§63.7(a)(1)-(2) | Performance Test Dates | No | No. | |
§63.7(a)(3) | CAA section 114 Authority | Administrator may require a performance test under CAA section 114 at any time | Yes | No. |
§63.7(b)(1) | Notification of Performance Test | Must notify Administrator 60 days before the test | Yes | No. |
§63.7(b)(2) | Notification of Rescheduling | If rescheduling a performance test is necessary, must notify Administrator 5 days before scheduled date of rescheduled date | Yes | No. |
§63.7(c) | Quality Assurance/Test Plan | Requirement to submit site-specific test plan 60 days before the test or on date Administrator agrees with: test plan approval procedures; performance audit requirements; and internal and external quality assurance procedures for testing | Yes | No. |
§63.7(d) | Testing Facilities | Requirements for testing facilities | Yes | No. |
§63.7(e)(1) | Conditions for Conducting Performance Tests | Performance tests must be conducted under representative conditions; cannot conduct performance tests during startup, shutdown, and malfunction; not a violation to exceed standard during startup, shutdown, and malfunction | Yes | No. |
§63.7(e)(2) | Conditions for Conducting Performance Tests | Must conduct according to rule and the EPA test methods unless Administrator approves alternative | Yes | No. |
§63.7(e)(3) | Test Run Duration | Must have three test runs of at least 1 hour each; compliance is based on arithmetic mean of three runs; and conditions when data from an additional test run can be used | Yes | No. |
§63.7(f) | Alternative Test Method | Procedures by which Administrator can grant approval to use an alternative test method | Yes | No. |
§63.7(g) | Performance Test Data Analysis | Must include raw data in performance test report; must submit performance test data 60 days after end of test with the Notification of Compliance Status report; and keep data for 5 years | Yes | No. |
§63.7(h) | Waiver of Tests | Procedures for Administrator to waive performance test | Yes | No. |
§63.8(a)(1) | Applicability of Monitoring Requirements | Subject to all monitoring requirements in standard | Yes | Yes. |
§63.8(a)(2) | Performance Specifications | Performance Specifications in appendix B of 40 CFR part 60 apply | Yes | No. |
§63.8(a)(3) | [Reserved] | |||
§63.8(a)(4) | Monitoring with Flares | No | No. | |
§63.8(b)(1) | Monitoring | Must conduct monitoring according to standard unless Administrator approves alternative | Yes | Yes. |
§63.8(b)(2)-(3) | Multiple Effluents and Multiple Monitoring Systems | Specific requirements for installing monitoring systems; must install on each effluent before it is combined and before it is released to the atmosphere unless Administrator approves otherwise; if more than one monitoring system on an emission point, must report all monitoring system results, unless one monitoring system is a backup | Yes | Yes. |
§63.8(c)(1) | Monitoring System Operation and Maintenance | Maintain monitoring system in a manner consistent with good air pollution control practices | Applies as modified by §63.5990(e) and (f) | No. |
§63.8(c)(1)(i) | Routine and Predictable Startup, Shutdown, and Malfunction | No | No. | |
§63.8(c)(1)(ii) | Startup, Shutdown, and Malfunction not in Startup, Shutdown, and Malfunction Plan | No | No. | |
§63.8(c)(1)(iii) | Compliance with Operation and Maintenance Requirements | How Administrator determines if source complying with operation and maintenance requirements; review of source operation and maintenance procedures, records, manufacturer's instructions, recommendations, and inspection of monitoring system | Yes | Yes. |
§63.8(c)(2)-(3) | Monitoring System Installation | Must install to get representative emission and parameter measurements; must verify operational status before or at performance test | Yes | No. |
§63.8(c)(4) | CMS Requirements | Applies as modified by §63.5990(f) | No. | |
§63.8(c)(5) | Continuous Opacity Monitoring Systems Minimum Procedures | No | No. | |
§63.8(c)(6) | CMS Requirements | Applies as modified by §63.5990(e) | No. | |
§63.8(c)(7)-(8) | CMS Requirements | Out-of-control periods, including reporting | Yes | No. |
§63.8(d) | CMS Quality Control | Applies as modified by §63.5990(e) and (f) | No. | |
§63.8(e) | CMS Performance Evaluation | No | No. | |
§63.8(f)(1)-(5) | Alternative Monitoring Method | Procedures for Administrator to approve alternative monitoring | Yes | Yes. |
§63.8(f)(6) | Alternative to Relative Accuracy Test | No | No. | |
§63.8(g) | Data Reduction | Applies as modified by §63.5990(f) | No. | |
§63.9(a) | Notification Requirements | Applicability and state delegation | Yes | Yes. |
§63.9(b)(1)-(5) | Initial Notifications | Submit notification 120 days after effective date; notification of intent to construct/reconstruct, notification of commencement of construct/reconstruct, notification of startup; and contents of each | Yes | Yes. |
§63.9(c) | Request for Compliance Extension | Can request if cannot comply by date or if installed best available control technology or lowest achievable emission rate | Yes | Yes. |
§63.9(d) | Notification of Special Compliance Requirements for New Source | For sources that commence construction between proposal and promulgation and want to comply 3 years after effective date | Yes | Yes. |
§63.9(e) | Notification of Performance Test | Notify Administrator 60 days prior | Yes | No. |
§63.9(f) | Notification of VE/Opacity Test | No | No | |
§63.9(g) | Additional Notifications When Using CMS | No | No | |
§63.9(h) | Notification of Compliance Status | Contents; due 60 days after end of performance test or other compliance demonstration, except for opacity/VE, which are due 30 days after; when to submit to Federal vs. State authority | Yes | Yes. |
§63.9(i) | Adjustment of Submittal Deadlines | Procedures for Administrator to approve change in when notifications must be submitted | Yes | Yes. |
§63.9(j) | Change in Previous Information | Must submit within 15 days after the change | Yes | Yes. |
§63.9(k) | Notification | Electronic reporting procedures | Yes, as specified in §63.9(j) | Yes, as specified in §63.9(j). |
§63.10(a) | Recordkeeping/Reporting | Applies to all, unless compliance extension; when to submit to Federal vs. State authority; procedures for owners of more than 1 source | Yes | Yes. |
§63.10(b)(1) | Recordkeeping/Reporting | General Requirements; keep all records readily available; and keep for 5 years. | Yes | Yes. |
§63.10(b)(2)(i)-(iv) | Records related to Startup, Shutdown, and Malfunction | Yes | No | |
§63.10(b)(2)(vi) and (x)-(xi) | CMS Records | Malfunctions, inoperative, out-of-control; calibration checks; adjustments, maintenance | Yes | No. |
§63.10(b)(2)(vii)-(ix) | Records | Measurements to demonstrate compliance with emission limitations; -performance test, performance evaluation, and VE observation results; and measurements to determine conditions of performance tests and performance evaluations | Yes | Yes. |
§63.10(b)(2)(xii) | Records | Records when under waiver | Yes | Yes. |
§63.10(b)(2)(xiii) | Records | No | No. | |
§63.10(b)(2)(xiv) | Records | All documentation supporting Initial Notification and Notification of Compliance Status | Yes | Yes. |
§63.10(b)(3) | Records | Applicability determinations | Yes | Yes. |
§63.10(c) | Records | No | No. | |
§63.10(d)(1) | General Reporting Requirements | Requirement to report | Yes | Yes. |
§63.10(d)(2) | Report of Performance Test Results | When to submit to Federal or State authority | Yes | No. |
§63.10(d)(3) | Reporting Opacity or VE Observations | No | No. | |
§63.10(d)(4) | Progress Reports | Must submit progress reports on schedule if under compliance extension | Yes | Yes. |
§63.10(d)(5) | Startup, Shutdown, and Malfunction Reports | Yes | No. | |
§63.10(e) | Additional CMS Reports | No | No. | |
§63.10(f) | Waiver for Recordkeeping/Reporting | Procedures for Administrator to waive | Yes | Yes. |
§63.11 | Flares | No | No. | |
§63.12 | Delegation | State authority to enforce standards | Yes | Yes. |
§63.13 | Addresses | Addresses where reports, notifications, and requests are sent | Yes | Yes. |
§63.14 | Incorporation by Reference | Test methods incorporated by reference | Yes | Yes. |
§63.15 | Availability of Information | Public and confidential information | Yes | Yes. |
After January 20, 2021, as stated in §63.6013, you must comply with the applicable General Provisions (GP) requirements according to the following table:
Citation | Subject | Brief description of applicable sections | Applicable to Subpart XXXX? | |
Using a control device | Not using a control device | |||
§63.1 | Applicability | Initial applicability determination; applicability after standard established; permit requirements; extensions; notifications | Yes | Yes. |
§63.2 | Definitions | Definitions for part 63 standards | Yes | Yes. |
§63.3 | Units and Abbreviations | Units and abbreviations for part 63 standards | Yes | Yes. |
§63.4 | Prohibited Activities | Prohibited activities; compliance date; circumvention; severability | Yes | Yes. |
§63.5 | Construction/Reconstruction | Applicability; applications; approvals | Yes | Yes. |
§63.6(a) | Applicability | GP apply unless compliance extension; GP apply to area sources that become major | Yes | Yes. |
§63.6(b)(1)-(4) | Compliance Dates for New and Reconstructed Sources | Standards apply at effective date; 3 years after effective date; upon startup; 10 years after construction or reconstruction commences for CAA section 112(f) | Yes | Yes. |
§63.6(b)(5) | Notification | Must notify if commenced construction or reconstruction after proposal | Yes | Yes. |
§63.6(b)(6) | [Reserved] | |||
§63.6(b)(7) | Compliance Dates for New and Reconstructed Area Sources that Become Major | No | No. | |
§63.6(c)(1)-(2) | Compliance Dates for Existing Sources | Comply according to date in subpart, which must be no later than 3 years after effective date; for CAA section 112(f) standards, comply within 90 days of effective date unless compliance extension | Yes | Yes. |
§63.6(c)(3)-(4) | [Reserved] | |||
§63.6(c)(5) | Compliance Dates for Existing Area Sources that Become Major | Area sources that become major must comply with major source standards by date indicated in subpart or by equivalent time period (for example, 3 years) | Yes | Yes. |
§63.6(d) | [Reserved] | |||
§63.6(e)(1)(i)-(ii) | Operations and Maintenance | No | No. | |
§63.6(e)(1)(iii)-(2) | Operation and Maintenance | Operate to minimize emissions at all times; correct malfunctions as soon as practicable; and operation and maintenance requirements independently enforceable; information Administrator will use to determine if operation and maintenance requirements were met | Yes | Yes. |
§63.6(e)(3) | Startup, Shutdown, and Malfunction Plan | No | No. | |
§63.6(f)(1) | Startup, Shutdown, and Malfunction Exemption | No. See §63.5990(a) | No. | |
§63.6(f)(2)-(3) | Methods for Determining Compliance | Compliance based on performance test; operation and maintenance plans; records; inspection | Yes | Yes. |
§63.6(g)(1)-(3) | Alternative Standard | Procedures for getting an alternative standard | Yes | Yes. |
§63.6(h) | Opacity/Visible Emissions (VE) Standards | No | No. | |
§63.6(i) | Compliance Extension | Procedures and criteria for Administrator to grant compliance extension | Yes | Yes. |
§63.6(j) | Presidential Compliance Exemption | President may exempt source category from requirement to comply with rule | Yes | Yes. |
§63.7(a)(1)-(2) | Performance Test Dates | No | No. | |
§63.7(a)(3) | CAA section 114 Authority | Administrator may require a performance test under CAA section 114 at any time | Yes | No. |
§63.7(b)(1) | Notification of Performance Test | Must notify Administrator 60 days before the test | Yes | No. |
§63.7(b)(2) | Notification of Rescheduling | If rescheduling a performance test is necessary, must notify Administrator 5 days before scheduled date of rescheduled date | Yes | No. |
§63.7(c) | Quality Assurance/Test Plan | Requirement to submit site-specific test plan 60 days before the test or on date Administrator agrees with: test plan approval procedures; performance audit requirements; and internal and external quality assurance procedures for testing | Yes | No. |
§63.7(d) | Testing Facilities | Requirements for testing facilities | Yes | No. |
§63.7(e)(1) | Conditions for Conducting Performance Tests | Performance tests must be conducted under representative conditions; cannot conduct performance tests during startup, shutdown, and malfunction | No | No. |
§63.7(e)(2) | Conditions for Conducting Performance Tests | Must conduct according to rule and the EPA test methods unless Administrator approves alternative | Yes | No. |
§63.7(e)(3) | Test Run Duration | Must have three test runs of at least 1 hour each; compliance is based on arithmetic mean of three runs; and conditions when data from an additional test run can be used | Yes | No. |
§63.7(f) | Alternative Test Method | Procedures by which Administrator can grant approval to use an alternative test method | Yes | No. |
§63.7(g) | Performance Test Data Analysis | Must include raw data in performance test report; must submit performance test data 60 days after end of test with the Notification of Compliance Status report; and keep data for 5 years | Yes | No. |
§63.7(h) | Waiver of Tests | Procedures for Administrator to waive performance test | Yes | No. |
§63.8(a)(1) | Applicability of Monitoring Requirements | Subject to all monitoring requirements in standard | Yes | Yes. |
§63.8(a)(2) | Performance Specifications | Performance Specifications in appendix B of 40 CFR part 60 apply | Yes | No. |
§63.8(a)(3) | [Reserved] | |||
§63.8(a)(4) | Monitoring with Flares | No | No. | |
§63.8(b)(1) | Monitoring | Must conduct monitoring according to standard unless Administrator approves alternative | Yes | Yes. |
§63.8(b)(2)-(3) | Multiple Effluents and Multiple Monitoring Systems | Specific requirements for installing monitoring systems; must install on each effluent before it is combined and before it is released to the atmosphere unless Administrator approves otherwise; if more than one monitoring system on an emission point, must report all monitoring system results, unless one monitoring system is a backup | Yes | Yes. |
§63.8(c)(1) | Monitoring System Operation and Maintenance | Maintain monitoring system in a manner consistent with good air pollution control practices | Applies as modified by §63.5990(e) and (f) | No. |
§63.8(c)(1)(i) | Routine and Predictable Startup, Shutdown, and Malfunction | No | No. | |
§63.8(c)(1)(ii) | Startup, Shutdown, and Malfunction not in Startup, Shutdown, and Malfunction Plan | No | No. | |
§63.8(c)(1)(iii) | Compliance with Operation and Maintenance Requirements | How the Administrator determines if source complying with operation and maintenance requirements; review of source operation and maintenance procedures, records, manufacturer's instructions, recommendations, and inspection of monitoring system | No | No. |
§63.8(c)(2)-(3) | Monitoring System Installation | Must install to get representative emission and parameter measurements; must verify operational status before or at performance test | Yes | No. |
§63.8(c)(4) | CMS Requirements | Applies as modified by §63.5990(f) | No. | |
§63.8(c)(5) | Continuous Opacity Monitoring Systems Minimum Procedures | No | No. | |
§63.8(c)(6) | CMS Requirements | Applies as modified by §63.5990(e) | No. | |
§63.8(c)(7)-(8) | CMS Requirements | Out-of-control periods, including reporting | Yes | No. |
§63.8(d) | CMS Quality Control | Applies as modified by §63.5990(e) and (f) | No. | |
§63.8(d)(3) | Written Procedures for CMS | No | No. | |
§63.8(e) | CMS Performance Evaluation | No | No. | |
§63.8(f)(1)-(5) | Alternative Monitoring Method | Procedures for Administrator to approve alternative monitoring | Yes | Yes. |
§63.8(f)(6) | Alternative to Relative Accuracy Test | No | No. | |
§63.8(g) | Data Reduction | Applies as modified by §63.5990(f) | No. | |
§63.9(a) | Notification Requirements | Applicability and state delegation | Yes | Yes. |
§63.9(b)(1)-(5) | Initial Notifications | Submit notification 120 days after effective date; notification of intent to construct/reconstruct, notification of commencement of construct/reconstruct, notification of startup; and contents of each | Yes | Yes. |
§63.9(c) | Request for Compliance Extension | Can request if cannot comply by date or if installed best available control technology or lowest achievable emission rate | Yes | Yes. |
§63.9(d) | Notification of Special Compliance Requirements for New Source | For sources that commence construction between proposal and promulgation and want to comply 3 years after effective date | Yes | Yes. |
§63.9(e) | Notification of Performance Test | Notify Administrator 60 days prior | Yes | No. |
§63.9(f) | Notification of VE/Opacity Test | No | No. | |
§63.9(g) | Additional Notifications When Using CMS | No | No. | |
§63.9(h) | Notification of Compliance Status | Contents; due 60 days after end of performance test or other compliance demonstration, except for opacity/VE, which are due 30 days after; when to submit to Federal vs. State authority | Yes | Yes. |
§63.9(i) | Adjustment of Submittal Deadlines | Procedures for Administrator to approve change in when notifications must be submitted | Yes | Yes. |
§63.9(j) | Change in Previous Information | Must submit within 15 days after the change | Yes | Yes. |
§63.10(a) | Recordkeeping/Reporting | Applies to all, unless compliance extension; when to submit to Federal vs. State authority; procedures for owners of more than 1 source | Yes | Yes. |
§63.10(b)(1) | Recordkeeping/Reporting | General Requirements; keep all records readily available; and keep for 5 years | Yes | Yes. |
§63.10(b)(2)(i) and (iv-v) | Records related to Startup, Shutdown, and Malfunction | No | No. | |
§63.10(b)(2)(ii) | Recordkeeping of failures to meet a standard | No. See 63.6010 for recordkeeping of (1) date, time and duration; (2) listing of affected source or equipment, and an estimate of the quantity of each regulated pollutant emitted over the standard; and (3) actions to minimize emissions and correct the failure | ||
§63.10(b)(2)(iii), (vi), and (x)-(xi) | CMS Records | Malfunctions, inoperative, out-of-control; calibration checks; adjustments, maintenance | Yes | No. |
§63.10(b)(2)(vii)-(ix) | Records | Measurements to demonstrate compliance with emission limitations; performance test, performance evaluation, and VE observation results; and measurements to determine conditions of performance tests and performance evaluations | Yes | Yes. |
§63.10(b)(2)(xii) | Records | Records when under waiver | Yes | Yes. |
§63.10(b)(2)(xiii) | Records | No | No. | |
§63.10(b)(2)(xiv) | Records | All documentation supporting Initial Notification and Notification of Compliance Status | Yes | Yes. |
§63.10(b)(3) | Records | Applicability determinations | Yes | Yes. |
§63.10(c) | Records | No | No. | |
§63.10(d)(1) | General Reporting Requirements | Requirement to report | Yes | Yes. |
§63.10(d)(2) | Report of Performance Test Results | When to submit to Federal or State authority | Yes | No. |
§63.10(d)(3) | Reporting Opacity or VE Observations | No | No. | |
§63.10(d)(4) | Progress Reports | Must submit progress reports on schedule if under compliance extension | Yes | Yes. |
§63.10(d)(5) | Startup, Shutdown, and Malfunction Reports | No | No. | |
§63.10(e) | Additional CMS Reports | No | No. | |
§63.10(f) | Waiver for Recordkeeping/Reporting | Procedures for Administrator to waive | Yes | Yes. |
§63.11 | Flares | No | No. | |
§63.12 | Delegation | State authority to enforce standards | Yes | Yes. |
§63.13 | Addresses | Addresses where reports, notifications, and requests are sent | Yes | Yes. |
§63.14 | Incorporation by Reference | Test methods incorporated by reference | Yes | Yes. |
§63.15 | Availability of Information | Public and confidential information | Yes | Yes. |
[85 FR 44765, July 24, 2020; 85 FR 73911, Nov. 19, 2020]
Source: 67 FR 45598, July 9, 2002, unless otherwise noted.
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