Subpart T—Comparison study for validating a new performance-based decontamination solvent under §761.79(d)(4) RegSenseToxic Substances Control Act - EPAToxic Substance ControlToxic Subtances Control Act - EPACFR SubpartToxic Substances - EPACFR RegulationsEnvironmental Protection Agency (EPA)EnvironmentalEnglishPolychlorinated BiphenylsFocus AreaUSA
§761.380 Background.§761.383 Applicability.§761.386 Required experimental conditions for the validation study and subsequent use during decontamination.§761.389 Testing parameter requirements.§761.392 Preparing validation study samples.§761.395 A validation study.§761.398 Reporting and recordkeeping.[63 FR 35462 June 29, 1998]READ MORESHOW LESS['Toxic Substances Control Act - EPA']['Polychlorinated Biphenyls', 'Toxic Substances - EPA', 'Toxic Subtances Control Act - EPA']