Subpart S—Double wash/rinse method for decontaminating non-porous surfaces RegSenseToxic Substances Control Act - EPAToxic Substance ControlToxic Subtances Control Act - EPACFR SubpartToxic Substances - EPACFR RegulationsEnvironmental Protection Agency (EPA)EnvironmentalEnglishPolychlorinated BiphenylsFocus AreaUSA
§761.360 Background.§761.363 Applicability.§761.366 Cleanup equipment.§761.369 Pre-cleaning the surface.§761.372 Specific requirements for relatively clean surfaces.§761.375 Specific requirements for surfaces coated or covered with dust, dirt, grime, grease, or another absorbent material.§761.378 Decontamination, reuse, and disposal of solvents, cleaners, and equipment.[63 FR 35462 June 29, 1998]READ MORESHOW LESS['Toxic Substances Control Act - EPA']['Polychlorinated Biphenyls', 'Toxic Substances - EPA', 'Toxic Subtances Control Act - EPA']