Subpart M—Significant new uses for specific microorganisms RegSenseToxic Substances Control Act - EPAToxic Substance ControlToxic Subtances Control Act - EPACFR SubpartCFR RegulationsToxic Substances - EPAEnvironmental Protection Agency (EPA)EnvironmentalEnglishFocus AreaUSA
§725.1000 Scope.§725.1075 Burkholderia cepacia complex.§725.1079 Arsenic detecting strain of E. coli with extra-chromosomal elements, including an intergeneric screening marker (generic).§725.1080 Trichoderma reesei (generic).§725.1081 Trichoderma reesei modified (generic).READ MORESHOW LESS['Toxic Substances Control Act - EPA']['Toxic Subtances Control Act - EPA', 'Toxic Substances - EPA']