Subpart G—PCB spill cleanup policy RegSenseToxic Substances Control Act - EPAToxic Substance ControlToxic Subtances Control Act - EPACFR SubpartToxic Substances - EPACFR RegulationsEnvironmental Protection Agency (EPA)EnvironmentalEnglishPolychlorinated BiphenylsFocus AreaUSA
Source: 52 FR 10705, Apr. 2, 1987, unless otherwise noted.§761.120 Scope.§761.123 Definitions.§761.125 Requirements for PCB spill cleanup.§761.130 Sampling requirements.§761.135 Effect of compliance with this policy and enforcement.READ MORESHOW LESS['Toxic Substances Control Act - EPA']['Polychlorinated Biphenyls', 'Toxic Substances - EPA', 'Toxic Subtances Control Act - EPA']