['Water Programs']
['Water Quality', 'Point Sources']
§421.20 Applicability: description of the primary aluminum smelting subcategory.
The provisions of this subpart are applicable to discharges resulting from the production of aluminum from alumina in the Hall-Heroult process.
§421.21 Specialized definitions.
For the purpose of this subpart:
(a) Except as provided below, the general definitions, abbreviations and methods of analysis set forth in part 401 of this chapter, shall apply to this subpart.
(b) The term product shall mean hot aluminum metal.
(c) If a permittee chooses to analyze for benzo(a)pyrene using any EPA-approved method, any “non-detected” measurements shall be considered zeroes for the purpose of determining compliance with this regulation.
[49 FR 8792, Mar. 8, 1984, as amended at 52 FR 25556, July 7, 1987]
§421.22 Effluent limitations guidelines representing the degree of effluent reduction attainable by the application of the best practicable control technology currently available.
Except as provided in 40 CFR 125.30 through 125.32, any existing point source subject to this subpart shall achieve the following effluent limitations representing the degree of effluent reduction attainable by the application of the best practicable technology currently available (BPT):
Pollutant or pollutant property | Maximum for any 1 day | Maximum for monthly average |
1 Within the range of 6 to 9 at all times. | ||
Metric units - kg/kkg of product | ||
English units - lbs/thousand lbs of product | ||
Fluoride | 2.0 | 1.0 |
Total Suspended solids | 3.0 | 1.5 |
pH | ( 1) | ( 1) |
[49 FR 8792, Mar. 8, 1984; 49 FR 29794, July 24, 1984]
§421.23 Effluent limitations guidelines representing the degree of effluent reduction attainable by the application of the best available technology economically achievable.
Except as provided in 40 CFR 125.30 through 125.32, any existing point source subject to this subpart shall achieve the following effluent limitations representing the degree of effluent reduction attainable by the application of the best available technology economically achievable:
(a) Subpart B - Anode and Cathode Paste Plant Wet Air Pollution Control
Pollutant or pollutant property | Maximum for any 1 day | Maximum for monthly average |
mg/kg (pounds per million pounds) of paste produced | ||
Benzo(a)pyrene | 0.005 | 0.002 |
Antimony | .263 | .117 |
Nickel | .075 | .050 |
Aluminum | .831 | .369 |
Fluoride | 8.092 | 3.591 |
(b) Subpart (B) - Anode Contact Cooling and Briquette Quenching.
Pollutant or pollutant property | Maximum for any 1 day | Maximum for monthly average |
mg/kg (pounds per million pounds) of anodes cast | ||
Benzo(a)pyrene | 0.007 | 0.003 |
Antimony | .403 | .180 |
Nickel | .115 | .077 |
Aluminum | 1.277 | .566 |
Fluoride | 12.440 | 5.518 |
(c) Subpart (B) - Anode Bake Plant Wet Air Pollution Control (Closed Top Ring Furnace).
Pollutant or pollutant property | Maximum for any 1 day | Maximum for monthly average |
mg/kg (pounds per million pounds) of anodes baked | ||
Benzo(a)pyrene | 0.146 | 0.067 |
Antimony | 8.346 | 3.719 |
Nickel | 2.378 | 1.600 |
Aluminum | 26.420 | 11.720 |
Fluoride | 257.300 | 114.200 |
(d) Subpart B - Anode Bake Plant Wet Air Pollution Control (Open Top Ring Furnace With Spray Tower Only).
Pollutant or pollutant property | Maximum for any 1 day | Maximum for monthly average |
mg/kg (pounds per million pounds) of anodes baked | ||
Benzo(a)pyrene | 0.002 | 0.001 |
Antimony | .097 | .043 |
Nickel | .028 | .019 |
Aluminum | .306 | .136 |
Fluoride | 2.975 | 1.320 |
(e) Subpart B - Anode Bake Plant Wet Air Pollution Control (Open Top Ring Furnace With Wet Electrostatic Precipitator and Spray Tower).
Pollutant or pollutant property | Maximum for any 1 day | Maximum for monthly average |
mg/kg (pounds per million pounds) of anodes baked | ||
Benzo(a)pyrene | 0.025 | 0.011 |
Antimony | 1.409 | .628 |
Nickel | .402 | .270 |
Aluminum | 4.461 | 1.979 |
Fluoride | 43.440 | 19.270 |
(f) Subpart B - Anode Bake Plant Wet Air Pollution Control (Tunnel Kiln).
Pollutant or pollutant property | Maximum for any 1 day | Maximum for monthly average |
mg/kg (pounds per million pounds) of anodes baked | ||
Benzo(a)pyrene | 0.038 | 0.018 |
Antimony | 2.197 | .979 |
Nickel | .626 | .421 |
Aluminum | 6.953 | 3.084 |
Fluoride | 67.710 | 30.050 |
(g) Subpart B - Cathode Reprocessing (Operated With Dry Potline Scrubbing and Not Commingled With Other Process or Nonprocess Waters).
Pollutant or pollutant property | Maximum for any 1 day | Maximum for monthly average |
mg/kg (pounds per million pounds) of cryolite recovered | ||
Benzo(a)pyrene | 1.181 | 0.547 |
Antimony | 420.400 | 189.200 |
Cyanide | 157.600 | 70.060 |
Nickel | 80.570 | 35.030 |
Aluminum | 273.200 | 122.600 |
Fluoride | 29,430.000 | 13,310.000 |
(h) Subpart B - Cathode Reprocessing (Operated With Dry Potline Scrubbing and Commingled With Other Process or Nonprocess Waters).
Pollutant or pollutant property | Maximum for any 1 day | Maximum for monthly average |
mg/kg (pounds per million pounds) of cryolite recovered | ||
Benzo(a)pyrene | 1.181 | 0.547 |
Antimony | 67.610 | 30.120 |
Cyanide | 157.600 | 70.060 |
Nickel | 19.270 | 12.960 |
Aluminum | 214.000 | 94.930 |
Fluoride | 2,084.000 | 924.800 |
(i) Subpart B - Cathode Reprocessing (Operated With Wet Potline Scrubbing).
Pollutant or pollutant property | Maximum for any 1 day | Maximum for monthly average |
mg/kg (pound per million pounds) of cryolite recovered | ||
Benzo(a)pyrene | .000 | |
Antimony | .000 | .000 |
Cyanide | .000 | .000 |
Nickel | .000 | .000 |
Aluminum | .000 | .000 |
Fluoride | .000 | .000 |
(j) Subpart B - Potline Wet Air Pollution Control (Operated Without Cathode Reprocessing).
Pollutant or pollutant property | Maximum for any 1 day | Maximum for monthly average |
mg/kg (pound per million pounds) of aluminum produced from electrolytic reduction | ||
Benzo(a)pyrene | 0.028 | 0.013 |
Antimony | 1.618 | .721 |
Nickel | .461 | .310 |
Aluminum | 5.120 | 2.271 |
Fluoride | 49.860 | 22.130 |
(k) Subpart B - Potline Wet Air Pollution Control (Operated With Cathode Reprocessing and Not Commingled With Other Process or Nonprocess Waters).
Pollutant or pollutant property | Maximum for any 1 day | Maximum for monthly average |
mg/kg (pound per million pounds) of aluminum produced from electrolytic reduction | ||
Benzo(a)pyrene | 0.028 | 0.013 |
Antimony | 10.060 | 4.525 |
Cyanide | 3.771 | 1.676 |
Nickel | 1.928 | .838 |
Aluminum | 6.537 | 2.933 |
Fluoride | 703.900 | 318.500 |
(l) Potline Wet Air Pollution Control Cooperated With Cathode Reprocessing and Commingled With Other Process or Nonprocess Wastewaters).
Pollutant or pollutant property | Maximum for any 1 day | Maximum for monthly average |
mg/kg (pound per million pounds) of aluminum produced from electrolytic reduction | ||
Benzo(a)pyrene | 0.028 | 0.013 |
Antimony | 1.618 | .721 |
Cyanide | 3.771 | 1.676 |
Nickel | 0.461 | .310 |
Aluminum | 5.120 | 2.271 |
Fluoride | 49.860 | 22.130 |
(m) Subpart B - Potroom Wet Air Pollution Control.
Pollutant or pollutant property | Maximum for any 1 day | Maximum for monthly average |
mg/kg (pound per million pounds) of aluminum produced from electrolytic reduction | ||
Benzo(a)pyrene | 0.056 | 0.026 |
Antimony | 3.204 | 1.428 |
Nickel | .913 | .614 |
Aluminum | 10.140 | 4.499 |
Fluoride | 98.770 | 43.830 |
(n) Subpart B - Potline SO2 Emissions Wet Air Pollution Control.
Pollutant or pollutant property | Maximum for any 1 day | Maximum for monthly average |
mg/kg (pound per million pounds) of aluminum produced from electrolytic reduction | ||
Benzo(a)pyrene | 0.045 | 0.021 |
Antimony | 2.588 | 1.153 |
Nickel | .738 | .496 |
Aluminum | 8.194 | 3.634 |
Fluoride | 79.790 | 35.400 |
(o) Subpart B - Degassing Wet Air Pollution Control.
Pollutant or pollutant property | Maximum for any 1 day | Maximum for monthly average |
mg/kg (pound per million pounds) of aluminum produced from electrolytic reduction | ||
Benzo(a)pyrene | ( 1) | ( 1) |
Antimony | 5.036 | 2.244 |
Nickel | 1.435 | .965 |
Aluminum | 15.940 | 7.071 |
Fluoride | 155.300 | 68.880 |
1 There shall be no discharge allowance for this pollutant. |
(p) Subpart B - Pot Repair and Pot Soaking.
Pollutant or pollutant property | Maximum for any 1 day | Maximum for monthly average |
mg/kg (pound per million pounds) of aluminum produced from electrolytic reduction | ||
Benzo(a)pyrene | .000 | |
Antimony | .000 | .000 |
Nickel | .000 | .000 |
Aluminum | .000 | .000 |
Fluoride | .000 | .000 |
(q) Subpart B - Direct Chill Casting Contact Cooling.
Pollutant or pollutant property | Maximum for any 1 day | Maximum for monthly average |
mg/kg (pound per million pounds) of aluminum product from direct chill casting | ||
Benzo(a)pyrene | ( 1) | ( 1) |
Antimony | 2.565 | 1.143 |
Nickel | .731 | .492 |
Aluminum | 8.120 | 3.602 |
Fluoride | 79.080 | 35.090 |
1 There shall be no discharge allowance for this pollutant. |
(r) Subpart B - Continuous Rod Casting Contact Cooling.
Pollutant or pollutant property | Maximum for any 1 day | Maximum for monthly average |
mg/kg (pound per million pounds) of aluminum product from rod casting | ||
Benzo(a)pyrene | ( 1) | ( 1) |
Antimony | .201 | .089 |
Nickel | .057 | .038 |
Aluminum | .636 | .282 |
Fluoride | 6.188 | 2.746 |
1 There shall be no discharge allowance for this pollutant. |
(s) Subpart B - Stationary Casting or Shot Casting Contact Cooling.
Pollutant or pollutant property | Maximum for any 1 day | Maximum for monthly average |
mg/kg (pound per million pounds) of aluminum product from stationary casting or shot casting | ||
Benzo(a)pyrene | .000 | |
Antimony | .000 | .000 |
Nickel | .000 | .000 |
Aluminum | .000 | .000 |
Fluoride | .000 | .000 |
[49 FR 8792, Mar. 8, 1984, as amended at 52 FR 25556, July 7, 1987]
§421.24 Standards of performance for new sources.
Any new source subject to this subpart shall achieve the following new source performance standards:
(a) Subpart B - Anode and Cathode Paste Plant Wet Air.
Pollutant or pollutant property | Maximum for any 1 day | Maximum for monthly average |
mg/kg (pound per million pounds) of paste produced | ||
Benzo(a)pyrene | .000 | |
Antimony | .000 | .000 |
Nickel | .000 | .000 |
Aluminum | .000 | .000 |
Fluoride | .000 | .000 |
Oil and grease | .000 | .000 |
Total suspended solids | .000 | .000 |
pH | ( 1) | ( 1) |
1 Within the range of 7.0 to 10.0 at all times. |
(b) Subpart B - Anode Contact Cooling and Briquette Quenching.
Pollutant or pollutant property | Maximum for any 1 day | Maximum for monthly average |
mg/kg (pound per million pounds) of anodes cast | ||
Benzo(a)pyrene | 0.007 | 0.003 |
Antimony | .403 | .180 |
Nickel | .115 | .077 |
Aluminum | 1.277 | .566 |
Fluoride | 12.440 | 5.518 |
Oil and grease | 2.090 | 2.090 |
Total suspended solids | 3.135 | 2.508 |
pH | ( 1) | ( 1) |
1 Within the range of 7.0 to 10.0 at all times. |
(c) Subpart B - Anode Bake Plant Wet Air Pollution Control.
Pollutant or pollutant property | Maximum for any 1 day | Maximum for monthly average |
mg/kg (pound per million pounds) of anodes baked | ||
Benzo(a)pyrene | .000 | |
Antimony | .000 | .000 |
Nickel | .000 | .000 |
Aluminum | .000 | .000 |
Fluoride | .000 | .000 |
Oil and grease | .000 | .000 |
Total suspended solids | .000 | .000 |
pH | ( 1) | ( 1) |
1 Within the range of 7.0 to 10.0 at all times. |
(d) Subpart B - Cathode Reprocessing (Operated With Dry Potline Scrubbing and Not Commingled With Other Process or Nonprocess Waters).
Pollutant or pollutant property | Maximum for any 1 day | Maximum for monthly average |
mg/kg (pound per million pounds) of cryolite recovered | ||
Benzo(a)pyrene | 1.181 | 0.547 |
Antimony | 420.400 | 189.200 |
Cyanide | 157.600 | 70.060 |
Nickel | 80.570 | 35.030 |
Aluminum | 273.200 | 122.600 |
Fluoride | 29,430.000 | 13,310.000 |
Oil and grease | 350.300 | 350.300 |
Total suspended solids | 2,172.000 | 945.800 |
pH | ( 1) | ( 1) |
1 Within the range of 7.0 to 10.0 at all times. |
(e) Subpart B - Cathode Reprocessing (Operated With Dry Potline Scrubbing and Commingled With Other Process or Nonprocess Waters).
Pollutant or pollutant property | Maximum for any 1 day | Maximum for monthly average |
mg/kg (pound per million pounds) of cryolite recovered | ||
Benzo(a)pyrene | 1.181 | 0.547 |
Antimony | 67.610 | 30.120 |
Cyanide | 157.600 | 70.060 |
Nickel | 19.270 | 12.960 |
Aluminum | 214.000 | 94.930 |
Fluoride | 2,084.000 | 924.800 |
Oil and grease | 350.300 | 350.300 |
Total suspended solids | 2,172.000 | 945.800 |
pH | ( 1) | ( 1) |
1 Within the range of 7.0 to 10.0 at all times. |
(f) Subpart B - Potline Wet Air Pollution Control.
Pollutant or pollutant property | Maximum for any 1 day | Maximum for monthly average |
mg/kg (pound per million pounds) of aluminum produced from electrolytic reduction | ||
Benzo(a)pyrene | .000 | |
Antimony | .000 | .000 |
Nickel | .000 | .000 |
Aluminum | .000 | .000 |
Fluoride | .000 | .000 |
Oil and grease | .000 | .000 |
Total suspended solids | .000 | .000 |
pH | ( 1) | ( 1) |
1 Within the range of 7.0 to 10.0 at all times. |
(g) Subpart B - Potroom Wet Air Pollution Control.
Pollutant or pollutant property | Maximum for any 1 day | Maximum for monthly average |
mg/kg (pound per million pounds) of aluminum produced from electrolytic reduction | ||
Benzo(a)pyrene | .000 | |
Antimony | .000 | .000 |
Nickel | .000 | .000 |
Aluminum | .000 | .000 |
Fluoride | .000 | .000 |
Oil and grease | .000 | .000 |
Total suspended solids | .000 | .000 |
pH | ( 1) | ( 1) |
1 Within the range of 7.0 to 10.0 at all times. |
(h) Subpart B - Potline SO2 Emissions Wet Air Pollution Control.
Pollutant or pollutant property | Maximum for any 1 day | Maximum for monthly average |
mg/kg (pound per million pounds) aluminum produced from electrolytic reduction | ||
Benzo(a)pyrene | 0.045 | 0.021 |
Antimony | 2.588 | 1.153 |
Nickel | .738 | .496 |
Aluminum | 8.194 | 3.634 |
Fluoride | 79.790 | 35.400 |
Oil and grease | 13.410 | 13.410 |
Total suspended solids | 20.120 | 16.090 |
pH | ( 1) | ( 1) |
1 Within the range of 7.0 to 10.0 at all times. |
(i) Subpart B - Degassing Wet Air Pollution Control.
Pollutant or pollutant property | Maximum for any 1 day | Maximum for monthly average |
mg/kg (pound per million pounds) of aluminum produced from electrolytic reduction | ||
Benzo(a)pyrene | .000 | |
Antimony | .000 | .000 |
Nickel | .000 | .000 |
Aluminum | .000 | .000 |
Fluoride | .000 | .000 |
Oil and grease | .000 | .000 |
Total suspended solids | .000 | .000 |
pH | ( 1) | ( 1) |
1 Within the range of 7.0 to 10.0 at all times. |
(j) Subpart B - Pot Repair and Pot Soaking.
Pollutant or pollutant property | Maximum for any 1 day | Maximum for monthly average |
mg/kg (pound per million pounds) of aluminum produced from electrolytic reduction | ||
Benzo(a)pyrene | .000 | |
Antimony | .000 | .000 |
Nickel | .000 | .000 |
Aluminum | .000 | .000 |
Fluoride | .000 | .000 |
Oil and grease | .000 | .000 |
Total suspended solids | .000 | .000 |
pH | ( 1) | ( 1) |
1 Within the range of 7.0 to 10.0 at all times. |
(k) Subpart B - Direct Chill Casting Contact Cooling.
Pollutant or pollutant property | Maximum for any 1 day | Maximum for monthly average |
mg/kg (pound per million pounds) of aluminum product from direct chill casting | ||
Benzo(a)pyrene | ( 1) | ( 1) |
Antimony | 2.565 | 1.143 |
Nickel | .731 | .492 |
Aluminum | 8.120 | 3.602 |
Fluoride | 79.080 | 35.090 |
Oil and grease | 13.290 | 13.290 |
Total suspended solids | 19.940 | 15.950 |
pH | ( 2) | ( 2) |
1 There shall be no discharge allowance for this pollutant. 2 The pH shall be maintained within the range of 7.0 to 10.0 at all times except for those situations when this waste is discharged separately and without commingling with any other waste-water in which case the pH shall be within the range of 6.0 to 10.0 at all times. |
(l) Subpart B - Continuous Rod Casting Contact Cooling.
Pollutant or pollutant property | Maximum for any 1 day | Maximum for monthly average |
mg/kg (pound per million pounds) of aluminum product from rod casting | ||
Benzo(a)pyrene | ( 1) | ( 1) |
Antimony | .201 | .089 |
Nickel | .057 | .038 |
Aluminum | .636 | .282 |
Fluoride | 6.188 | 2.746 |
Oil and grease | 1.040 | 1.040 |
Total suspended solids | 1.560 | 1.248 |
pH | ( 2) | ( 2) |
1 There shall be no discharge allowance for this pollutant. 2 Within the range of 7.0 to 10.0 at all times. |
(m) Subpart B - Stationary Casting or Shot Casting Contact Cooling.
Pollutant or pollutant property | Maximum for any 1 day | Maximum for monthly average |
mg/kg (pounds per million pounds) of aluminum product from stationary casting or shot casting | ||
Benzo(a)pyrene | .000 | |
Antimony | .000 | .000 |
Nickel | .000 | .000 |
Aluminum | .000 | .000 |
Fluoride | .000 | .000 |
Oil and grease | .000 | .000 |
Total suspended solids | .000 | .000 |
pH | ( 1) | ( 1) |
1 Within the range of 7.0 to 10.0 at all times. |
[49 FR 8792, Mar. 8, 1984; 49 FR 26739, June 29, 1984, as amended at 52 FR 25558, July 7, 1987]
§421.25 [Reserved]
§421.26 Pretreatment standards for new sources.
Except as provided in 40 CFR 403.7, any new source subject to this subpart which introduces pollutants into a publicly owned treatment works must comply with 40 CFR part 403 and achieve the following pretreatment standards for new sources. The mass of wastewater pollutants in primary aluminum process wastewater introduced into a POTW shall not exceed the following values:
(a) Subpart B - Anode and Cathode Paste Plant Wet Air Pollution Control.
Pollutant or pollutant property | Maximum for any 1 day | Maximum for monthly average |
mg/kg (pounds per million pounds) of paste produced | ||
Benzo(a)pyrene | .000 | |
Nickel | .000 | .000 |
Fluoride | .000 | .000 |
(b) Subpart B - Anode Contact Cooling and Briquette Quenching.
Pollutant or pollutant property | Maximum for any 1 day | Maximum for monthly average |
mg/kg (pounds per million pounds) of anodes cast | ||
Benzo(a)pyrene | 0.007 | 0.003 |
Nickel | .115 | .077 |
Fluoride | 12.440 | 5.518 |
(c) Subpart B - Anode Bake Plant Wet Air Pollution Control.
Pollutant or pollutant property | Maximum for any 1 day | Maximum for monthly average |
mg/kg (pounds per million pounds) of anodes baked | ||
Benzo(a)pyrene | .000 | |
Nickel | .000 | .000 |
Fluoride | .000 | .000 |
(d) Subpart B - Cathode Reprocessing (Operated With Dry Potline Scrubbing and Not Commingled With Other Process or Nonprocess Waters).
Pollutant or pollutant property | Maximum for any 1 day | Maximum for monthly average |
mg/kg (pounds per million pounds) of cryolite recovered | ||
Benzo(a)pyrene | 1.181 | 0.547 |
Cyanide | 157.600 | 70.060 |
Nickel | 80.570 | 35.030 |
Fluoride | 29,430.000 | 13,310.000 |
(e) Subpart B - Cathode Reprocessing (Operated With Dry Potline Scrubbing and Commingled With Other Process or Nonprocess Waters).
Pollutant or pollutant property | Maximum for any 1 day | Maximum for monthly average |
mg/kg (pounds per million pounds) of cryolite recovered | ||
Benzo(a)pyrene | 1.181 | 0.547 |
Cyanide | 157.600 | 70.060 |
Nickel | 19.270 | 12.960 |
Fluoride | 2,084.000 | 924.800 |
(f) Subpart B - Potline Wet Air Pollution Control.
Pollutant or pollutant property | Maximum for any 1 day | Maximum for monthly average |
mg/kg (pounds per million pounds) of aluminum produced from electrolytic reduction | ||
Benzo(a)pyrene | .000 | |
Nickel | .000 | .000 |
Fluoride | .000 | .000 |
(g) Subpart B - Potroom Wet Air Pollution Control.
Pollutant or pollutant property | Maximum for any 1 day | Maximum for monthly average |
mg/kg (pounds per million pounds) of aluminum produced from electrolytic reduction | ||
Benzo(a)pyrene | .000 | |
Nickel | .000 | .000 |
Fluoride | .000 | .000 |
(h) Subpart B - Potline SO2 Emissions Wet Air Pollution Control.
Pollutant or pollutant property | Maximum for any 1 day | Maximum for monthly average |
mg/kg (pounds per million pounds) of aluminum produced from electrolytic reduction | ||
Benzo(a)pyrene | 0.045 | 0.021 |
Nickel | .738 | .496 |
Fluoride | 79.790 | 35.400 |
(i) Subpart B - Degassing Wet Air Pollution Control.
Pollutant or pollutant property | Maximum for any 1 day | Maximum for monthly average |
mg/kg (pounds per million pounds) of aluminum produced from electrolytic reduction | ||
Benzo(a)pyrene | .000 | |
Nickel | .000 | .000 |
Fluoride | .000 | .000 |
(j) Subpart B - Pot Repair and Pot Soaking.
Pollutant or pollutant property | Maximum for any 1 day | Maximum for monthly average |
mg/kg (pounds per million pounds) of aluminum produced from electrolytic reduction | ||
Benzo(a)pyrene | .000 | |
Nickel | .000 | .000 |
Fluoride | .000 | .000 |
(k) Subpart B - Direct Chill Casting Contact Cooling.
Pollutant or pollutant property | Maximum for any 1 day | Maximum for monthly average |
mg/kg (pounds per million pounds) of aluminum product from direct chill casting | ||
Benzo(a)pyrene | ( 1) | ( 1) |
Nickel | .731 | .492 |
Fluoride | 79.080 | 35.090 |
1 There shall be no discharge allowance for this pollutant. |
(l) Subpart B - Continuous Rod Casting Contact Cooling.
Pollutant or pollutant property | Maximum for any 1 day | Maximum for monthly average |
mg/kg (pound per million pounds) of aluminum product from rod casting | ||
Benzo(a)pyrene | ( 1) | ( 1) |
Nickel | .057 | .038 |
Fluoride | 6.188 | 2.746 |
1 There shall be no discharge allowance for this pollutant. |
(m) Subpart B - Stationary Casting or Shot Casting Contact Cooling.
Pollutant or pollutant property | Maximum for any 1 day | Maximum for monthly average |
mg/kg (pound per million pounds) of aluminum product from stationary casting or shot casting | ||
Benzo(a)pyrene | .000 | |
Nickel | .000 | .000 |
Fluoride | .000 | .000 |
[49 FR 8792, Mar. 8, 1984; 49 FR 26739, June 29, 1984, as amended at 52 FR 25559, July 7, 1987]
§421.27 [Reserved]
['Water Programs']
['Water Quality', 'Point Sources']
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