['Water Programs']
['Water Quality', 'Point Sources']
§421.310 Applicability: Description of the secondary tungsten and cobalt subcategory.
The provisions of this subpart are applicable to discharges resulting from the production of tungsten or cobalt at secondary tungsten and cobalt facilities processing tungsten or tungsten carbide scrap raw materials.
§421.311 Specialized definitions.
For the purpose of this subpart the general definitions, abbreviations, and methods of analysis set forth in 40 CFR part 401 shall apply to this subpart.
§421.312 Effluent limitations guidelines representing the degree of effluent reduction attainable by the application of the best practicable control technology currently available.
Except as provided in 40 CFR 125.30 through 125.32, any existing point source subject to this subpart shall achieve the following effluent limitations representing the degree of effluent reduction attainable by the application of the best practicable technology currently available:
(a) Tungsten detergent wash and rinse.
Pollutant or pollutant property | Maximum for any 1 day | Maximum for monthly average |
mg/kg (pounds per million pounds) of tungsten scrap washed | ||
Copper | 0.371 | 0.195 |
Nickel | 0.374 | 0.248 |
Ammonia (as N) | 25.990 | 11.430 |
Cobalt | 0.768 | 0.337 |
Tungsten | 1.357 | 0.542 |
Oil and grease | 3.900 | 2.340 |
Total suspended solids | 7.995 | 3.803 |
pH | ( 1) | ( 1) |
1 Within the range of 7.5 to 10.0 at all times. |
(b) Tungsten leaching acid.
Pollutant or pollutant property | Maximum for any 1 day | Maximum for monthly average |
mg/kg (pounds per million pounds) of tungsten produced | ||
Copper | 4.885 | 2.571 |
Nickel | 4.937 | 3.265 |
Ammonia (as N) | 342.700 | 150.700 |
Cobalt | 10.130 | 4.448 |
Tungsten | 17.890 | 7.147 |
Oil and grease | 51.420 | 30.850 |
Total suspended solids | 105.400 | 50.140 |
pH | ( 1) | ( 1) |
1 Within the range of 7.5 to 10.0 at all times. |
(c) Tungsten post-leaching wash and rinse.
Pollutant or pollutant property | Maximum for any 1 day | Maximum for monthly average |
mg/kg (pounds per million pounds) of tungsten produced | ||
Copper | 9.772 | 5.143 |
Nickel | 9.875 | 6.532 |
Ammonia (as N) | 685.600 | 301.400 |
Cobalt | 20.263 | 8.897 |
Tungsten | 35.800 | 14.300 |
Oil and grease | 102.900 | 61.720 |
Total suspended solids | 210.900 | 100.300 |
pH | ( 1) | ( 1) |
1 Within the range of 7.5 to 10.0 at all times. |
(d) Synthetic scheelite filtrate.
Pollutant or pollutant property | Maximum for any 1 day | Maximum for monthly average |
mg/kg (pounds per million pounds) of synthetic scheelite produced | ||
Copper | 31.660 | 16.660 |
Nickel | 31.990 | 21.160 |
Ammonia (as N) | 2,221.000 | 976.300 |
Cobalt | 65.644 | 28.824 |
Tungsten | 116.000 | 46.320 |
Oil and grease | 333.200 | 200.000 |
Total suspended solids | 683.100 | 324.900 |
pH | ( 1) | ( 1) |
1 Within the range of 7.5 to 10.0 at all times. |
(e) Tungsten carbide leaching wet air pollution control.
Pollutant or pollutant property | Maximum for any 1 day | Maximum for monthly average |
mg/kg (pounds per million pounds) of tungsten carbide scrap leached | ||
Copper | 3.327 | 1.751 |
Nickel | 3.362 | 2.224 |
Ammonia (as N) | 233.400 | 102.600 |
Cobalt | 6.899 | 3.029 |
Tungsten | 12.190 | 4.868 |
Oil and grease | 35.020 | 21.010 |
Total suspended solids | 71.790 | 34.150 |
pH | ( 1) | ( 1) |
1 Within the range of 7.5 to 10.0 at all times. |
(f) Tungsten carbide wash water.
Pollutant or pollutant property | Maximum for any 1 day | Maximum for monthly average |
mg/kg (pounds per million pounds) of tungsten carbide produced | ||
Copper | 15.830 | 8.333 |
Nickel | 16.000 | 10.580 |
Ammonia (as N) | 1,111.000 | 488.300 |
Cobalt | 32.832 | 14.416 |
Tungsten | 58.000 | 23.170 |
Oil and grease | 166.700 | 100.000 |
Total suspended solids | 341.700 | 162.500 |
pH | ( 1) | ( 1) |
1 Within the range of 7.5 to 10.0 at all times. |
(g) Cobalt sludge leaching wet air pollution control.
Pollutant or pollutant property | Maximum for any 1 day | Maximum for monthly average |
mg/kg (pounds per million pounds) of cobalt produced from cobalt sludge | ||
Copper | 67.990 | 35.780 |
Nickel | 68.700 | 45.440 |
Ammonia (as N) | 4,770.000 | 2,097.000 |
Cobalt | 140.977 | 61.901 |
Tungsten | 249.000 | 99.470 |
Oil and grease | 715.600 | 429.400 |
Total suspended solids | 1,467.000 | 697.700 |
pH | ( 1) | ( 1) |
1 Within the range of 7.5 to 10.0 at all times. |
(h) Crystallization decant.
Pollutant or pollutant property | Maximum for any 1 day | Maximum for monthly average |
mg/kg (pounds per million pounds) of cobalt produced | ||
Copper | 79.140 | 41.650 |
Nickel | 79.970 | 52.900 |
Ammonia (as N) | 5,552.000 | 2,441.000 |
Cobalt | 164.101 | 72.055 |
Tungsten | 289.900 | 115.800 |
Oil and grease | 833.000 | 499.800 |
Total suspended solids | 1,708.000 | 812.200 |
pH | ( 1) | ( 1) |
1 Within the range of 7.5 to 10.0 at all times. |
(i) Acid wash decant.
Pollutant or pollutant property | Maximum for any 1 day | Maximum for monthly average |
mg/kg (pounds per million pounds) of cobalt produced | ||
Copper | 36.220 | 19.060 |
Nickel | 36.600 | 24.210 |
Ammonia (as N) | 2,541.000 | 1,117.000 |
Cobalt | 75.104 | 32.977 |
Tungsten | 132.700 | 52.990 |
Oil and grease | 381.300 | 228.800 |
Total suspended solids | 781.600 | 371.700 |
pH | ( 1) | ( 1) |
1 Within the range of 7.5 to 10.0 at all times. |
(j) Cobalt hydroxide filtrate.
Pollutant or pollutant property | Maximum for any 1 day | Maximum for monthly average |
mg/kg (pounds per million pounds) of cobalt produced | ||
Copper | 107.600 | 56.650 |
Nickel | 108.800 | 71.940 |
Ammonia (as N) | 7,551.000 | 3,320.000 |
Cobalt | 223.189 | 97.999 |
Tungsten | 394.300 | 157.500 |
Oil and grease | 1,133.000 | 679.800 |
Total suspended solids | 2,323.000 | 1,105.000 |
pH | ( 1) | ( 1) |
1 Within the range of 7.5 to 10.0 at all times. |
(k) Cobalt hydroxide filter cake wash.
Pollutant or pollutant property | Maximum for any 1 day | Maximum for monthly average |
mg/kg (pounds per million pounds) of cobalt produced | ||
Copper | 207.200 | 109.100 |
Nickel | 209.400 | 138.500 |
Ammonia (as N) | 14,530.000 | 6,389.000 |
Cobalt | 429.598 | 188.631 |
Tungsten | 758.900 | 303.100 |
Oil and grease | 2,181.000 | 1,309.000 |
Total suspended solids | 4,471.000 | 2,126.000 |
pH | ( 1) | ( 1) |
1 Within the range of 7.5 to 10.0 at all times. |
[50 FR 38386, Sept. 20, 1985, as amended at 55 FR 31713, 31714, Aug. 3, 1990]
§421.313 Effluent limitations guidelines representing the degree of effluent reduction attainable by the application of the best available technology economically achievable.
Except as provided in 40 CFR 125.30 through 125.32, any existing point source subject to this subpart shall achieve the following effluent limitations representing the degree of effluent reduction attainable by the application of the best available technology economically achievable:
(a) Tungsten detergent wash and rinse.
Pollutant or pollutant property | Maximum for any 1 day | Maximum for monthly average |
mg/kg (pounds per million pounds) of tungsten scrap washed | ||
Copper | 0.250 | 0.119 |
Nickel | 0.107 | 0.072 |
Ammonia (as N) | 25.990 | 11.430 |
Cobalt | 0.538 | 0.236 |
Tungsten | 0.679 | 0.302 |
(b) Tungsten leaching acid.
Pollutant or pollutant property | Maximum for any 1 day | Maximum for monthly average |
mg/kg (pounds per million pounds) of tungsten produced | ||
Copper | 3.291 | 1.569 |
Nickel | 1.414 | 0.951 |
Ammonia (as N) | 342.700 | 150.700 |
Cobalt | 7.096 | 3.111 |
Tungsten | 8.947 | 3.985 |
(c) Tungsten post-leaching wash and rinse.
Pollutant or pollutant property | Maximum for any 1 day | Maximum for monthly average |
mg/kg (pounds per million pounds) of tungsten produced | ||
Copper | 6.583 | 3.137 |
Nickel | 2.829 | 1.903 |
Ammonia (as N) | 685.600 | 301.400 |
Cobalt | 14.194 | 6.223 |
Tungsten | 17.900 | 7.972 |
(d) Synthetic scheelite filtrate.
Pollutant or pollutant property | Maximum for any 1 day | Maximum for monthly average |
mg/kg (pounds per million pounds) of synthetic scheelite produced | ||
Copper | 21.330 | 10.170 |
Nickel | 9.164 | 6.165 |
Ammonia (as N) | 2,221.000 | 976.300 |
Cobalt | 45.984 | 20.160 |
Tungsten | 57.980 | 25.820 |
(e) Tungsten carbide leaching wet air pollution control.
Pollutant or pollutant property | Maximum for any 1 day | Maximum for monthly average |
mg/kg (pounds per million pounds) of tungsten carbide scrap leached | ||
Copper | 2.241 | 1.068 |
Nickel | 0.963 | 0.648 |
Ammonia (as N) | 233.400 | 102.600 |
Cobalt | 4.833 | 2.119 |
Tungsten | 6.093 | 2.714 |
(f) Tungsten carbide wash water.
Pollutant or pollutant property | Maximum for any 1 day | Maximum for monthly average |
mg/kg (pounds per million pounds) of tungsten carbide produced | ||
Copper | 10.670 | 5.083 |
Nickel | 4.583 | 3.083 |
Ammonia (as N) | 1,111.000 | 488.300 |
Cobalt | 22.999 | 10.083 |
Tungsten | 29.000 | 12.920 |
(g) Cobalt sludge leaching wet air pollution control.
Pollutant or pollutant property | Maximum for any 1 day | Maximum for monthly average |
mg/kg (pounds per million pounds) of cobalt produced from cobalt sludge | ||
Copper | 45.80 | 21.83 |
Nickel | 19.68 | 13.24 |
Ammonia (as N) | 4,770.00 | 2,097.00 |
Cobalt | 98.756 | 43.295 |
Tungsten | 124.50 | 55.46 |
(h) Crystallization decant.
Pollutant or pollutant property | Maximum for any 1 day | Maximum for monthly average |
mg/kg (pounds per million pounds) of cobalt produced | ||
Copper | 53,310 | 25.410 |
Nickel | 22.910 | 15.410 |
Ammonia (as N) | 5,552.000 | 2,441.000 |
Cobalt | 114.954 | 50.397 |
Tungsten | 144.900 | 64.560 |
(i) Acid wash decant.
Pollutant or pollutant property | Maximum for any 1 day | Maximum for monthly average |
mg/kg (pounds per million pounds) of cobalt produced | ||
Copper | 24.400 | 11.630 |
Nickel | 10.490 | 7.053 |
Ammonia (as N) | 2,541.000 | 1,117.000 |
Cobalt | 52.611 | 23.065 |
Tungsten | 66.340 | 29.550 |
(j) Cobalt hydroxide filtrate.
Pollutant or pollutant property | Maximum for any 1 day | Maximum for monthly average |
mg/kg (pounds per million pounds) of cobalt produced | ||
Copper | 72.510 | 34.560 |
Nickel | 31.160 | 20.960 |
Ammonia (as N) | 7,551.000 | 3,320.000 |
Cobalt | 156.346 | 68.543 |
Tungsten | 197.100 | 87.800 |
(k) Cobalt hydroxide filter cake wash.
Pollutant or pollutant property | Maximum for any 1 day | Maximum for monthly average |
mg/kg (pounds per million pounds) of cobalt produced | ||
Copper | 139.600 | 66.510 |
Nickel | 59.970 | 40.340 |
Ammonia (as N) | 14,530.000 | 6,389.000 |
Cobalt | 300.094 | 131.932 |
Tungsten | 379.400 | 169.000 |
[50 FR 38386, Sept. 20, 1985, as amended at 55 FR 31714, 31715, Aug. 3, 1990]
§421.314 Standards of performance for new sources.
Any new source subject to this subpart shall achieve the following new source performance standards:
(a) Tungsten detergent wash and rinse.
Pollutant or pollutant property | Maximum for any 1 day | Maximum for monthly average |
mg/kg (pounds per million pounds) of tungsten scrap washed | ||
Copper | 0.250 | 0.119 |
Nickel | 0.107 | 0.072 |
Ammonia (as N) | 25.990 | 11.430 |
Cobalt | 0.538 | 0.236 |
Tungsten | 0.679 | 0.302 |
Oil and grease | 1.950 | 1.950 |
Total suspended solids | 2.925 | 2.340 |
pH | ( 1) | ( 1) |
1 Within the range of 7.5 to 10.0 at all times. |
(b) Tungsten leaching acid.
Pollutant or pollutant property | Maximum for any 1 day | Maximum for monthly average |
mg/kg (pounds per million pounds) of tungsten produced | ||
Copper | 3.291 | 1.569 |
Nickel | 1.414 | 0.951 |
Ammonia (as N) | 342.700 | 150.700 |
Cobalt | 7.096 | 3.111 |
Tungsten | 8.947 | 3.985 |
Oil and grease | 25.710 | 25.710 |
Total suspended solids | 38.570 | 30.850 |
pH | ( 1) | ( 1) |
1 Within the range of 7.5 to 10.0 at all times. |
(c) Tungsten post-leaching wash and rinse.
Pollutant or pollutant property | Maximum for any 1 day | Maximum for monthly average |
mg/kg (pounds per million pounds) of tungsten produced | ||
Copper | 6.583 | 3.137 |
Nickel | 2.829 | 1.903 |
Ammonia (as N) | 685.600 | 301.400 |
Tungsten | 17.900 | 7.972 |
Cobalt | 14.194 | 6.223 |
Oil and grease | 51.430 | 51.430 |
Total suspended solids | 77.150 | 61.720 |
pH | ( 1) | ( 1) |
1 Within the range of 7.5 to 10.0 at all times. |
(d) Synthetic scheelite filtrate.
Pollutant or pollutant property | Maximum for any 1 day | Maximum for monthly average |
mg/kg (pounds per million pounds) of synthetic scheelite produced | ||
Copper | 21.330 | 10.170 |
Nickel | 9.164 | 6.165 |
Ammonia (as N) | 2,221.000 | 976.300 |
Cobalt | 45.984 | 20.160 |
Tungsten | 57.980 | 25.820 |
Oil and grease | 166.600 | 166.600 |
Total suspended solids | 249.900 | 199.900 |
pH | ( 1) | ( 1) |
1 Within the range of 7.5 to 10.0 at all times. |
(e) Tungsten carbide leaching wet air pollution control.
Pollutant or pollutant property | Maximum for any 1 day | Maximum for monthly average |
mg/kg (pounds per million pounds) of tungsten carbide scrap leached | ||
Copper | 2.241 | 1.068 |
Nickel | 0.963 | 0.648 |
Ammonia (as N) | 233.400 | 102.600 |
Cobalt | 4.833 | 2.119 |
Tungsten | 6.093 | 2.714 |
Oil and grease | 17.510 | 17.510 |
Total suspended solids | 26.270 | 21.010 |
pH | ( 1) | ( 1) |
1 Within the range of 7.5 to 10.0 at all times. |
(f) Tungsten carbide wash water.
Pollutant or pollutant property | Maximum for any 1 day | Maximum for monthly average |
mg/kg (pounds per million pounds) of tungsten carbide produced | ||
Copper | 10.670 | 5.083 |
Nickel | 4.583 | 3.083 |
Ammonia (as N) | 1,111.000 | 488.300 |
Cobalt | 22.999 | 10.083 |
Tungsten | 29.000 | 12.920 |
Oil and grease | 83.330 | 83.330 |
Total suspended solids | 125.000 | 100.000 |
pH | ( 1) | ( 1) |
1 Within the range of 7.5 to 10.0 at all times. |
(g) Cobalt sludge leaching wet air pollution control.
Pollutant or pollutant property | Maximum for any 1 day | Maximum for monthly average |
mg/kg (pounds per million pounds) of cobalt produced from cobalt sludge | ||
Copper | 45.80 | 21.83 |
Nickel | 19.68 | 13.24 |
Ammonia (as N) | 4,770.00 | 2,097.00 |
Cobalt | 98.756 | 43.295 |
Tungsten | 124.50 | 55.46 |
Oil and grease | 357.80 | 357.80 |
Total suspended solids | 536.70 | 429.40 |
pH | ( 1) | ( 1) |
1 Within the range of 7.5 to 10.0 at all times. |
(h) Crystallization decant.
Pollutant or pollutant property | Maximum for any 1 day | Maximum for monthly average |
mg/kg (pounds per million pounds) of cobalt produced | ||
Copper | 53.310 | 25.410 |
Nickel | 22.910 | 15.410 |
Ammonia (as N) | 5,552.000 | 2,441.000 |
Cobalt | 114.954 | 50.397 |
Tungsten | 144.900 | 64.560 |
Oil and grease | 416.500 | 416.500 |
Total suspended solids | 624.800 | 499.800 |
pH | ( 1) | ( 1) |
1 Within the range of 7.5 to 10.0 at all times. |
(i) Acid wash decant.
Pollutant or pollutant property | Maximum for any 1 day | Maximum for monthly average |
mg/kg (pounds per million pounds) of cobalt produced | ||
Copper | 24.400 | 11.630 |
Nickel | 10.490 | 7.053 |
Ammonia (as N) | 2,541.000 | 1,117.000 |
Cobalt | 52.611 | 23.065 |
Tungsten | 66.340 | 29.550 |
Oil and grease | 190.600 | 190.600 |
Total suspended solids | 285.900 | 228.700 |
pH | ( 1) | ( 1) |
1 Within the range of 7.5 to 10.0 at all times. |
(j) Cobalt hydroxide filtrate.
Pollutant or pollutant property | Maximum for any 1 day | Maximum for monthly average |
mg/kg (pounds per million pounds) of cobalt produced | ||
Copper | 72.510 | 34.560 |
Nickel | 31.160 | 20.960 |
Ammonia (as N) | 7,551.000 | 3,320.000 |
Cobalt | 156.346 | 68.543 |
Tungsten | 197.100 | 87.800 |
Oil and grease | 566.500 | 566.500 |
Total suspended solids | 849.700 | 679.800 |
pH | ( 1) | ( 1) |
1 Within the range of 7.5 to 10.0 at all times. |
(k) Cobalt hydroxide filter cake wash.
Pollutant or pollutant property | Maximum for any 1 day | Maximum for monthly average |
mg/kg (pounds per million pounds) of cobalt produced | ||
Copper | 139.600 | 66.510 |
Nickel | 59.970 | 40.340 |
Ammonia (as N) | 14,530.000 | 6,389.000 |
Cobalt | 300.094 | 131.932 |
Tungsten | 379.400 | 169.000 |
Oil and grease | 1,090.000 | 1,090.000 |
Total suspended solids | 1,636,000 | 1,308.000 |
pH | ( 1) | ( 1) |
1 Within the range of 7.5 to 10.0 at all times. |
[50 FR 38386, Sept. 20, 1985, as amended at 55 FR 31715, 31716, Aug. 3, 1990]
§421.315 Pretreatment standards for existing sources.
Except as provided in 40 CFR 403.7, any existing source subject to this subpart which introduces polutants into a publicly owned treatment works must comply with 40 CFR part 403 and achieve the following pretreatment standards for existing sources. The mass of wastewater pollutants in secondary tungsten and cobalt process wastewater introduced into a POTW shall not exceed the following values:
(a) Tungsten detergent wash and rinse.
Pollutant or pollutant property | Maximum for any 1 day | Maximum for monthly average |
mg/kg (pounds per million pounds) of tungsten scrap washed | ||
Copper | 0.250 | 0.119 |
Nickel | 0.107 | 0.072 |
Ammonia (as N) | 25.990 | 11.430 |
Cobalt | 0.538 | 0.236 |
Tungsten | 0.679 | 0.302 |
(b) Tungsten leaching acid.
Pollutant or pollutant property | Maximum for any 1 day | Maximum for monthly average |
mg/kg (pounds per million pounds) of tungsten produced | ||
Copper | 3.291 | 1.569 |
Nickel | 1.414 | 0.951 |
Ammonia (as N) | 342.700 | 150.700 |
Cobalt | 7.096 | 3.111 |
Tungsten | 8.947 | 3.985 |
(c) Tungsten post-leaching wash and rinse.
Pollutant or pollutant property | Maximum for any 1 day | Maximum for monthly average |
mg/kg (pounds per million pounds) of tungsten produced | ||
Copper | 6.583 | 3.137 |
Nickel | 2.829 | 1.903 |
Ammonia (as N) | 685.600 | 301.400 |
Cobalt | 14.194 | 6.223 |
Tungsten | 17.900 | 7.972 |
(d) Synthetic scheelite filtrate.
Pollutant or pollutant property | Maximum for any 1 day | Maximum for monthly average |
mg/kg (pounds per million pounds) of synthetic scheelite produced | ||
Copper | 21.330 | 10.170 |
Nickel | 9.164 | 6.165 |
Ammonia (as N) | 2,221.000 | 976.300 |
Cobalt | 45.984 | 20.160 |
Tungsten | 57.980 | 25.820 |
(e) Tungsten carbide leaching wet air pollution control.
Pollutant or pollutant property | Maximum for any 1 day | Maximum for monthly average |
mg/kg (pounds per million pounds) of tungsten carbide scrap | ||
Copper | 2.241 | 1.068 |
Nickel | 0.963 | 0.648 |
Ammonia (as N) | 233.400 | 102.600 |
Cobalt | 4.833 | 2.119 |
Tungsten | 6.093 | 2.714 |
(f) Tungsten carbide wash water.
Pollutant or pollutant property | Maximum for any 1 day | Maximum for monthly average |
mg/kg (pounds per million pounds) of tungsten carbide produced | ||
Copper | 10.670 | 5.083 |
Nickel | 4.583 | 3.083 |
Ammonia (as N) | 1,111.000 | 488.300 |
Cobalt | 22.999 | 10.083 |
Tungsten | 29.000 | 12.920 |
(g) Cobalt sludge leaching wet air pollution control.
Pollutant or pollutant property | Maximum for any 1 day | Maximum for monthly average |
mg/kg (pounds per million pounds) of cobalt produced from cobalt sludge | ||
Copper | 45.800 | 21.830 |
Nickel | 19.680 | 13.240 |
Ammonia (as N) | 4,770.000 | 2,097.000 |
Cobalt | 98.756 | 43.295 |
Tungsten | 124.500 | 55.460 |
(h) Crystallization decant.
Pollutant or pollutant property | Maximum for any 1 day | Maximum for monthly average |
mg/kg (pounds per million pounds) of cobalt produced | ||
Copper | 53.310 | 25.410 |
Nickel | 22.910 | 15.410 |
Ammonia (as N) | 5,552.000 | 2,441.000 |
Cobalt | 114.954 | 50.397 |
Tungsten | 144.9 | 64.56 |
(i) Acid wash decant.
Pollutant or pollutant property | Maximum for any 1 day | Maximum for monthly average |
mg/kg (pounds per million pounds) of cobalt produced | ||
Copper | 24.400 | 11.630 |
Nickel | 10.490 | 7.053 |
Ammonia (as N) | 2,541.000 | 1,117.000 |
Cobalt | 52.611 | 23.065 |
Tungsten | 66.34 | 29.55 |
(j) Cobalt hydroxide filtrate.
Pollutant or pollutant property | Maximum for any 1 day | Maximum for monthly average |
mg/kg (pounds per million pounds) of cobalt produced | ||
Copper | 72.510 | 34.560 |
Nickel | 31.160 | 20.960 |
Ammonia (as N) | 7,551.000 | 3,320.000 |
Cobalt | 156.346 | 68.543 |
Tungsten | 197.1 | 87.8 |
(k) Cobalt hydroxide filter cake wash.
Pollutant or pollutant property | Maximum for any 1 day | Maximum for monthly average |
mg/kg (pounds per million pounds) of cobalt produced | ||
Copper | 139.600 | 66.510 |
Nickel | 59.970 | 40.340 |
Ammonia (as N) | 14,530.000 | 6,389.000 |
Cobalt | 300.094 | 131.932 |
Tungsten | 379.400 | 169.000 |
[50 FR 38386, Sept. 20, 1985, as amended at 55 FR 31717, 31718, Aug. 3, 1990]
§421.316 Pretreatment standards for new sources.
Except as provided in 40 CFR 403.7, any new source subject to this subpart which introduces pollutants into a publicly owned treatment works must comply with 40 CFR part 403 and achieve the following pretreatment standards for new sources. The mass of wastewater pollutants in secondary tungsten and cobalt process wastewater introduced into a POTW shall not exceed the following values:
(a) Tungsten detergent wash and rinse.
Pollutant or pollutant property | Maximum for any 1 day | Maximum for monthly average |
mg/kg (pounds per million pounds) of tungsten scrap washed | ||
Copper | 0.250 | 0.119 |
Nickel | 0.107 | 0.072 |
Ammonia (as N) | 25.990 | 11.430 |
Cobalt | 0.538 | 0.236 |
Tungsten | 0.679 | 0.302 |
(b) Tungsten leaching acid.
Pollutant or pollutant property | Maximum for any 1 day | Maximum for monthly average |
mg/kg (pounds per million pounds) of tungsten produced | ||
Copper | 3.291 | 1.569 |
Nickel | 1.414 | 0.951 |
Ammonia (as N) | 342.700 | 150.700 |
Cobalt | 7.096 | 3.111 |
Tungsten | 8.947 | 3.985 |
(c) Tungsten post-leaching wash and rinse.
Pollutant or pollutant property | Maximum for any 1 day | Maximum for monthly average |
mg/kg (pounds per million pounds) of tungsten produced | ||
Copper | 6.583 | 3.137 |
Nickel | 2.829 | 1.903 |
Ammonia (as N) | 685.600 | 301.400 |
Cobalt | 14.194 | 6.223 |
Tungsten | 17.900 | 7.792 |
(d) Synthetic scheelite filtrate.
Pollutant or pollutant property | Maximum for any 1 day | Maximum for monthly average |
mg/kg (pounds per million pounds) of synthetic scheelite produced | ||
Copper | 21.330 | 10.170 |
Nickel | 9.164 | 6.165 |
Ammonia (as N) | 2,221.000 | 976.300 |
Cobalt | 45.984 | 20.160 |
Tungsten | 57.980 | 25.820 |
(e) Tungsten carbide leaching wet air pollution control.
Pollutant or pollutant property | Maximum for any 1 day | Maximum for monthly average |
mg/kg (pounds per million pounds) of tungsten carbide scrap leached | ||
Copper | 2.241 | 1.068 |
Nickel | 0.963 | 0.648 |
Ammonia (as N) | 233.400 | 102.600 |
Cobalt | 4.833 | 2.119 |
Tungsten | 6.093 | 2.714 |
(f) Tungsten carbide wash water.
Pollutant or pollutant property | Maximum for any 1 day | Maximum for monthly average |
mg/kg (pounds per million pounds) of tungsten carbide produced | ||
Copper | 10.670 | 5.083 |
Nickel | 4.583 | 3.083 |
Ammonia (as N) | 1,111.000 | 488.300 |
Cobalt | 22.999 | 10.083 |
Tungsten | 29.000 | 12.920 |
(g) Cobalt sludge leaching wet air pollution control.
Pollutant or pollutant property | Maximum for any 1 day | Maximum for monthly average |
mg/kg (pounds per million pounds) of cobalt produced from cobalt sludge | ||
Copper | 45.800 | 21.830 |
Nickel | 19.680 | 13.240 |
Ammonia (as N) | 4,770.000 | 2,097.000 |
Cobalt | 98.756 | 43.295 |
Tungsten | 124.500 | 55.460 |
(h) Crystallization decant.
Pollutant or pollutant property | Maximum for any 1 day | Maximum for monthly average |
mg/kg (pounds per million pounds) of cobalt produced | ||
Copper | 53.310 | 25.410 |
Nickel | 22.910 | 15.410 |
Ammonia (as N) | 5,552,000 | 2,441.000 |
Cobalt | 114.954 | 50.397 |
Tungsten | 144.900 | 64.560 |
(i) Acid wash decant.
Pollutant or pollutant property | Maximum for any 1 day | Maximum for monthly average |
mg/kg (pounds per million pounds) of cobalt produced | ||
Copper | 24.400 | 11.630 |
Nickel | 10.490 | 7.053 |
Ammonia (as N) | 2,541.000 | 1,117.000 |
Cobalt | 52.611 | 23.065 |
Tungsten | 66.340 | 29.550 |
(j) Cobalt hydroxide filtrate.
Pollutant or pollutant property | Maximum for any 1 day | Maximum for monthly average |
mg/kg (pounds per million pounds) of cobalt produced | ||
Copper | 72.510 | 34.560 |
Nickel | 31.160 | 20.960 |
Ammonia (as N) | 7,551.000 | 3,320.000 |
Cobalt | 156.346 | 68.543 |
Tungsten | 197.100 | 87.800 |
(k) Cobalt hydroxide filter cake wash.
Pollutant or pollutant property | Maximum for any 1 day | Maximum for monthly average |
mg/kg (pounds per million pounds) of cobalt produced | ||
Copper | 139.600 | 66.510 |
Nickel | 59.970 | 40.430 |
Ammonia (as N) | 14,530.000 | 6,389.000 |
Cobalt | 300.094 | 131.932 |
Tungsten | 379.400 | 169.000 |
[50 FR 38386, Sept. 20, 1985, as amended at 55 FR 31718, 31719, Aug. 3, 1990]
§421.317 [Reserved]
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['Water Quality', 'Point Sources']
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