§238.10 Purpose and applicability.
The purpose of this part is to require that plastic ring carriers be made of degradable materials as described in §§238.20 and 238.30. The requirements of this part apply to all processors and importers of plastic ring carriers in the United States as defined in §238.20.
§238.20 Definitions.
For the purpose of this part:
Percent elongation at break means the percent increase in length of the plastic material caused by a tensile load. Percent elongation at break shall be calculated by dividing the extension at the moment of rupture of the specimen by the initial gage length of the specimen and multiplying by 100.
Processor means the persons or entities that produce ring carriers ready for use as beverage carriers.
Ring carrier means any plastic ring carrier device that contains at least one hole greater than 1 3/4 inches in diameter which is made, used, or designed for the purpose of packaging, transporting, or carrying multipackaged cans or bottles.