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Injury and illness recordkeeping — Employee involvement (1904.35)
Employers must inform each employee:
How an employee is to report a work-related injury or illness to the employer;
Of the employer’s reasonable procedure for reporting work-related injuries and illnesses;
That employees have the right to report work-related injuries and illnesses; and
That employers are prohibited from discharging or in any manner discriminating against employees for reporting work-related injuries and illnesses.
Initially for new employees
What records:
Specific training documentation is not required
Trainer qualifications:
Scaffolding (1910.27)
Train employees who may use a rope descent system
What records:
Trainer qualifications:
Employers must ensure employees are trained by a qualified person. Qualified describes a person who, by possession of a recognized degree, certificate, or professional standing, or who by extensive knowledge, training, and experience has successfully demonstrated the ability to solve or resolve problems relating to the subject matter, the work, or the project. [1910.21(b)]
Duty to have fall protection and falling object protection (1910.28)
Train employees exposed to unprotected sides and edges when regular fall protection means are not feasible or create a greater hazard. Train employees engaged in outdoor advertising who climb without fall protection. Train employees or authorized employees according to 1910.30 where required (related to service pits, dockboards, and slaughtering platforms).
What records:
Trainer qualifications:
Employers must ensure employees are trained by a qualified person. Qualified describes a person who, by possession of a recognized degree, certificate, or professional standing, or who by extensive knowledge, training, and experience has successfully demonstrated the ability to solve or resolve problems relating to the subject matter, the work, or the project. [1910.21(b)]
Walking-working surfaces — Training (1910.30)
Fall hazards Each employee who uses personal fall protection systems or who is required to be trained as specified elsewhere in Subpart D. Equipment hazards Each employee who uses fall protection equipment, dockboards, rope descent systems, and designated areas.
Initially, before exposure to a fall hazard
Retraining, when employer has reason to believe employee is lacking understanding or skill, or when there are changes in the workplace or type of fall protection system used.
What records:
Trainer qualifications:
Employers must ensure employees are trained by a qualified person. Qualified describes a person who, by possession of a recognized degree, certificate, or professional standing, or who by extensive knowledge, training, and experience has successfully demonstrated the ability to solve or resolve problems relating to the subject matter, the work, or the project. [1910.21(b)]
Emergency Action Plans (1910.38)
Train employees who need to evacuate the facility in an emergency
When the employee’s responsibilities change
When the plan is changed
What records:
Keep written plan in the workplace
Trainer qualifications:
Fire prevention plans (1910.39)
Train employees who are exposed to fire hazards
What records:
Keep written plan in the workplace
Trainer qualifications:
Powered platforms for building maintenance (1910.66)
Train employees who operate powered platforms
What records:
Keep a training certificate that includes:
Employee’s name
Signature of the employer or trainer
Date of the training
Keep training records for the duration of employment
Trainer qualifications:
Training of employees in the operation and inspection of working platforms must be done by a competent person. Competent person means a person who, because of training and experience, is capable of identifying hazardous or dangerous conditions in powered platform installations and of training employees to identify such conditions. [1910.66(d)]
Vehicle-mounted elevating and rotating work platforms (1910.67)
Train employees who operate aerial lifts
What records:
Specific training documentation is not required
Trainer qualifications:
Training of employees in the operation and inspection of working platforms must be done by a competent person. Competent person means a person who, because of training and experience, is capable of identifying hazardous or dangerous conditions in powered platform installations and of training employees to identify such conditions. [1910.66(d)]
Occupational noise exposure (1910.95)*
Train employees who are exposed to noise at or above an 8-hour time-weighted average of 85 decibels
Initially, preceding exposure to noise level
Repeat annually
What records:
Specific training documentation is not required
Trainer qualifications:
Flammable liquids (1910.106)
Train storage tank station operators
Train emergency responders for storage tanks in flood-prone areas
Initially, or prior to taking part in emergency operations
What records:
Specific training documentation is not required
Trainer qualifications:
Explosives and blasting agents (1910.109)
Train motor vehicle operators who transport explosives
Initially, or prior to transporting any quantity of explosives
What records:
Drivers must have a valid motor vehicle operator’s license. Specific training documentation is not required
Trainer qualifications:
Storage and handling of liquefied petroleum gases (1910.110)
Train employees who install, remove, operate, and maintain LP gas systems
Train employees who perform a standard watch service for an area that includes an LP gas installation
Initially, or prior to assignment
What records:
Specific training documentation is not required
Trainer qualifications:
Storage and handling of anhydrous ammonia (1910.111)
Train employees responsible for tank car unloading operations
Initially, or prior to assignment
What records:
Specific training documentation is not required
Trainer qualifications:
Process safety management of highly hazardous chemicals (1910.119)
Train employees who operate a process
Inform contract employees of known potential fire, explosion, or toxic release hazards related to the contractor’s work and process
Repeat at least every three years
What records:
Keep a training certificate that includes:
Employee’s name
Date of the training
Method used to verify that training was understood
Written operating procedures are required
Trainer qualifications:
Hazardous waste operations and emergency response (1910.120)*
Certain employees, managers, and supervisors at hazardous waste cleanup sites
Employees at permitted hazardous waste treatment, storage, and disposal (TSD) facilities
Hazardous waste storage area workers that will perform emergency response
Employees that will participate in emergency response and/or post-emergency response to hazardous substance releases
Train hazardous waste site employees, managers, and supervisors initially before they participate in field activities, and repeat annually (see 1910.120(e))
Train TSD facility employees initially, and repeat annually (see 1910.120(p)(7))
Train hazardous waste storage area workers initially and annually if they will perform emergency response (see 1910.120(p)(8))
Train hazardous substance emergency responders initially (prior to taking part in emergency operations), and repeat annually (see 1910.120(q)(6) and (8))
Train post-emergency responders per 1910.120(q)(11)
What records:
Training certification is required per 1910.120(e), (p), and (q). However, under paragraph (e), instead of training certification, OSHA allows documentation or certification that an employee’s work experience and/or training has resulted in equivalent training. In addition, for annual refresher training, 1910.120(q)(8) requires a statement of the training or competency. A statement of competency, must include a record of the methodology used to demonstrate competency.
Trainer qualifications:
[1910.120(e)(5) - general] Trainers shall be qualified to instruct employees about the subject matter that is being presented in training. Such trainers shall have satisfactorily completed a training program for teaching the subjects they are expected to teach, or they shall have the academic credentials and instructional experience necessary for teaching the subjects. Instructors shall demonstrate competent instructional skills and knowledge of the applicable subject matter. [1910.120(p)(7)(iii) - for those training TSD facility employees]: Trainers who teach initial training shall have satisfactorily completed a training course for teaching the subjects they are expected to teach or they shall have the academic credentials and instruction experience necessary to demonstrate a good command of the subject matter of the courses and competent instructional skills. [1910.120(q)(7) - for those training hazardous substance emergency responders]: Trainers who teach any of the above training subjects [in paragraph (q)(6)] shall have satisfactorily completed a training course for teaching the subjects they are expected to teach, such as the courses offered by the U.S. National Fire Academy, or they shall have the training and/or academic credentials and instructional experience necessary to demonstrate competent instructional skills and a good command of the subject matter of the courses they are to teach.
Dipping and coating operations (1910.122-.126)
Train employees who work in and around open-surface tank operations in appropriate first aid procedures
What records:
Specific training documentation is not required
Trainer qualifications:
Personal Protective Equipment (1910.132)
Train employees who will use personal protective equipment
Retrain as necessary
What records:
Specific training documentation is not required
Trainer qualifications:
Eye and Face Protection (1910.133)
No specific training provision, but the employer must ensure that each employee uses appropriate eye and face protection where required. Eye and face protection equipment required by 29 CFR 1910 shall meet the requirements specified in the 2010, 2003, or 1989 (R-1998) editions of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) standard Z87.1, incorporated by reference in 1910.6. The ANSI standards call for eye and face protection users to be trained in the proper use and application of the equipment, its limitations, and inspection and maintenance, along with proper storage. The 2010 edition adds training in fitting the equipment.
No training time is specified
What records:
Specific training documentation is not required
Trainer qualifications:
Respiratory protection (1910.134)*
Train employees who will use a respirator
Initially, or before using a respirator
Repeat annually
Repeat whenever necessary to ensure safe use
What records:
Specific training documentation is not required
Documentation is required for medical evaluations and fit testing
Trainer qualifications:
Temporary labor camps (1910.142)
Train emergency first aid providers
Initially, or prior to responding to any emergency situation
What records:
Specific training documentation is not required
First aid facilities must be approved by a health authority
Trainer qualifications:
Specifications for accident prevention signs and tags (1910.145)
Instruct employees who work (a) in areas where DANGER or CAUTION signs are used to communicate hazards, and/or (b) in areas where tags are used to communicate hazards
Initially or prior to working in areas that use signage and/or tags
What records:
Specific training documentation is not required
Trainer qualifications:
Permit-required confined spaces (1910.146)*
Train employees who have roles in permit space entries
Employee rescue service personnel have to perform practice rescues at least annually
All employees who have permit-required confined space duties have to be trained:
When an employee’s duties change
When hazards in the space change
When there are deviations from the permit space entry procedures
When the employee’s knowledge of entry procedures are inadequate
What records:
Entry supervisors must fill out and sign an entry permit
Keep canceled entry permits at least one year
Keep training certificates that include:
Employee’s name
Signature or initials of the trainer
Date of training
Trainer qualifications:
Lockout/Tagout (1910.147)
Train employees:
Who perform service or maintenance on equipment that must be locked out or tagged
Who operate equipment that is locked out (affected employees)
Initially, or prior to performing service or maintenance on equipment or a system
As needed for employee proficiency
When there are new or revised procedures
What records:
Keep a training certificate that includes:
Employee’s name
Date of training
Trainer qualifications:
Medical services and first aid (1910.151)
Train employees designated as first aid providers
Initially, or prior to responding to first aid emergencies
What records:
Specific training documentation is not required
Trainer qualifications:
OSHA notes on its website that “First aid training is primarily received through the American Heart Association, American Red Cross, National Safety Council (NSC), and private institutions. The American Heart Association, American Red Cross and NSC offer standard and advanced first aid courses via their local chapter/training centers.” However, this is not an OSHA requirement.
Fire brigades (1910.156)*
Train fire brigade members
Initially, or prior to performing emergency activities
Repeat at least annually
Quarterly educational session for brigade members expected to fight interior structural fires
What records:
Keep written procedures, including training and education program information
Keep a copy of the workplace emergency action plan
Document previous training received as part of the community
Trainer qualifications:
Fire brigade leaders and training instructors must be provided with training and education which is more comprehensive than that provided to the general membership of the fire brigade.
Portable fire extinguishers (1910.157)*
Train employees when there are portable fire extinguishers for employee use
Train employees who are designated to use fire fighting equipment as part of an emergency action plan
Repeat at least annually
What records:
Specific training documentation is not required
Trainer qualifications:
Standpipe and hose systems (1910.158)
Train employees who will conduct inspections on standpipe and hose systems
Initially, or prior to assignment
What records:
Specific training documentation is not required
Trainer qualifications:
Fixed extinguishing systems, general (1910.160)*
Train employees who will inspect, maintain, operate, or repair fixed extinguishing systems
Initially, or prior to assignment
Review annually to keep employees’ performance up-to-date
What records:
Specific training documentation is not required
Trainer qualifications:
Fire detection systems (1910.164)
Train employees who will service, maintain, test, clean, and make sensitivity adjustments to automatic fire detection systems.
Initially, or prior to assignment
What records:
Specific training documentation is not required
Trainer qualifications:
Employee alarm systems (1910.165)
Train employees who service, maintain, and test alarm systems
Train employees on how to report emergencies
Initially, or prior to assignment
What records:
Specific training documentation is not required
Trainer qualifications:
Servicing single piece and multi-piece rim wheels (1910.177)
Train employees who service multi-piece rim wheels on the hazards involved and safe practice to follow
Initially, or prior to assignment
Repeat whenever necessary to ensure employee proficiency
What records:
Specific training documentation is not required
Trainer qualifications:
Powered industrial trucks (1910.178)
Train and evaluate employees who operate powered industrial trucks
Initially, or prior to operating a vehicle without direct supervision
Refresher training is required when:
The vehicle is operated unsafely
After an accident or near-miss
When an evaluation shows retraining is needed
When assigned to a different type of vehicle
When changes in the workplace affect safe truck operation
Evaluate at least every three years
What records:
Certify that the operator has been trained and evaluated
Training documentation must include:
Operator’s name
Dates of the training and evaluation
Name of the trainer/Evaluator
Trainer qualifications:
All operator training and evaluation must be conducted by persons who have the knowledge, training, and experience to train powered industrial truck operators and evaluate their competence. In a letter of interpretation, OSHA says that the trainer must have at some point operated the type of equipment they are training potential operators on, so that they can provide adequate instruction to trainees on how the equipment works, feels, etc.
Overhead and gantry cranes (1910.179)
Train crane operators to use portable fire extinguishers
A qualified person must be responsible for operations when two or more cranes are used to lift a load
Initially, or prior to assignment
What records:
Specific training documentation is not required
Trainer qualifications:
Crawler locomotive and truck cranes (1910.180)
Train operating and maintenance employees to use portable fire extinguishers
Initially, or prior to assignment
What records:
Specific training documentation is not required
Trainer qualifications:
Mechanical power presses (1910.217)*
Train employees:
Who operate power presses
Who are assigned to care for, inspect, and maintain power presses
Operators of part revolution power presses used in the PSDI mode:
Initially, or prior to operating the equipment
At least annually thereafter
Power press operators prior to initial assignment
Maintenance employees:
Initially or prior to assignment
Periodically thereafter
What records:
Training certificate required for operators of part revolution power presses used in the PSDI mode that includes:
Name of the employee
Signature of the employer or the person conducting the training
Date of the training
Keep certification record for the duration of employment
Specific training documentation is not required for:
Operators of other types of power presses
Power press maintenance personnel
Trainer qualifications:
Forging machines (1910.218)
Train employees assigned to inspection and maintenance activities
Initially, or prior to assignment
What records:
No specific training documentation is required
Certification is required for inspections
Trainer qualifications:
Welding, cutting, and brazing (1910.252)
Train cutters, welders, and their supervisors in safe equipment operation
Train fire watchers to use fire extinguishing equipment
Initially, or prior to assignment
What records:
No specific training documentation is required
Trainer qualifications:
Oxygen-fuel gas welding and cutting (1910.253)
Train employees in charge of the oxygen or fuel-gas supply equipment
Initially, and judged competent prior to assignment
What records:
No specific training documentation is required
Trainer qualifications:
Arc welding and cutting (1910.254)
Train employees who will operate arc welding equipment
Initially, or prior to assignment
What records:
No specific training documentation is required
Trainer qualifications:
Resistance welding (1910.255)
Train employees who will operate resistance welding equipment
Initially, or prior to assignment
What records:
No specific training documentation is required
Trainer qualifications:
Pulp, paper, and paperboard mills (1910.261)
Train employees exposed to chlorine gas during bleaching operations
Industry consensus standards have additional training requirements
Initially, or prior to assignment
Industry consensus standards have refresher training requirements
What records:
No specific training documentation is required
Industry consensus standards may have documentation requirements
Trainer qualifications:
Laundry machinery and operations (1910.264)
Train employees exposed to laundry operations and machinery hazards
Initially, or prior to assignment
What records:
No specific training documentation is required
Trainer qualifications:
Sawmills (1910.265)
Train employees exposed to sawmill operations, excluding those involving the manufacture of plywood, cooperage, and veneer
Industry consensus standards and applicable OSHA regulations may have additional training requirements
Initially, or prior to assignment
Industry consensus standards and applicable OSHA regulations may require refresher training
What records:
No specific training documentation is required
Industry consensus standards and applicable OSHA regulations may require documentation
Trainer qualifications:
Logging operations (1910.266)
Train employees and supervisors exposed to logging operations
Initially, or prior to assignment
When assigned new tasks, tools, equipment, machines, or vehicles
When demonstrating unsafe job performance
Current certification in first aid and CPR is required
New employees who have been previously trained do not need to be retrained in those elements prior to initial assignment
What records:
Training certification record must include:
Name of employee
Date of training
Signature of trainer
Signature of employer
Date of acceptance of applicable prior training
Retain the most recent certification record
Trainer qualifications:
All training must be conducted by a designated person. This is defined at 1910.266(c) as an employee who has the requisite knowledge, training, and experience to perform specific duties.
Telecommunications (1910.268)
Train employees exposed to hazards involving telecommunication work
Prior to participating in telecommunications activities
What records:
A written description of the training program
Document employee training
Retain training certification record for each employee during the period of employment
Trainer qualifications:
Electric power generation, transmission, and distribution (1910.269)
Train all employees performing electric power generation, transmission, and distribution work, to include safety practices and procedures for their assignments and applicable emergency procedures.
Training can be either classroom or on-the-job.
Train each employee in other safety practices, including emergency procedures (such as pole-top and manhole rescue), not specifically addressed but are necessary for safety.
The degree of training is determined by the risk to the employee.
Qualified employees must be trained and competent in distinguishing exposed live parts, determining nominal voltage, minimum approach distances, use of precautionary techniques, PPE, insulating and shielding materials, insulated tools, and recognition of electrical hazards.
The training must address selection of a proper working position.
Non-qualified line-clearance tree trimmers must also be trained in distinguishing exposed live parts, determining nominal voltage, and minimum approach distances.
Employer must determine through supervision and inspection conducted annually that each employee is complying with the safety-related work practices required.
Host/contractor information transfer.
First-aid training in some circumstances.
Daily job briefings by the employee in charge of the job.
Lockout/tagout, enclosed space, and confined-space training, as applicable.
Test area employees must be trained upon initial assignment to the test area.
Training for employees performing live-line barehand work on energized circuits.
Training for coal- or ash-handling conveyor operation, as applicable.
Training for line-clearance tree trimmers must include the special techniques and hazards involved.
Qualified persons must be knowledgeable in the construction and operation of the electric power generation, transmission, and distribution equipment involved, along with the associated hazards.
Before exposure.
Train or retrain if the supervision determines a deficiency or if new technology, new equipment, or changes in procedures require the use of safety-related work practices that are different from those normally used.
Require each employee to demonstrate proficiency in the work practices required.
Retrain when tasks are performed less than once per year.
What records:
Though they are not required, employment records that indicate that an employee has successfully completed the required electrical training are one way of keeping track of when an employee has demonstrated proficiency. Certification of lockout/tagout training is required to include name and dates of training, confined space training certification must also include trainer’s signature or initials. For an employee with previous training, an employer may determine that the employee has demonstrated the proficiency required using the following process:
Confirm that the employee has the training required,
Use an examination or interview to make an initial determination that the employee understands the relevant safety-related work practices before the employee performs any work, and
Supervise the employee closely until that employee has demonstrated proficiency as required.
Trainer qualifications:
Grain handling facilities (1910.272)*
Train employees involved in grain handling operations
Initially, or prior to assignment
When new job assignments expose the employee to different hazards
At least annually
What records:
No specific training documentation is required
Trainer qualifications:
Electrical training (1910.332)
Train employees:
Exposed to electric shock
Who work on or near exposed energized parts
Prior to exposure (classroom or on-the-job)
What records:
No specific training documentation is required
Trainer qualifications:
Commercial diving (1910.410)
Train employees who are commercial dive team members
Prior to conducting any tasks on the dive team
What records:
No specific training documentation is required
Trainer qualifications:
Asbestos (1910.1001)*
Train employees who are exposed to airborne concentrations of asbestos at or above the action level
Initially, or prior to assignment
At least annually thereafter
What records:
Document employee training
Keep training certification record for one year beyond the employee’s last day of employment
Trainer qualifications:
13 Carcinogens (1910.1003 through 1910.1016)*
Train authorized employees (those assigned to work where a regulated carcinogen is manufactured, processed, used, repackaged, released, handled, or stored)
Train employees who wear respirators according to 1910.134
Prior to being authorized to enter a regulated area
At least annually thereafter
What records:
No specific training documentation is required
Trainer qualifications:
Vinyl chloride (1910.1017)*
Train employees:
Who work in covered vinyl chloride or polyvinyl chloride operations
Who wear respirators according to 1910.134
Initially, or prior to assignment
At least annually thereafter
What records:
No specific training documentation is required
Trainer qualifications:
Inorganic arsenic (1910.1018)*
Train employees exposed to inorganic arsenic:
Above the action level (without regard to respirator use)
When the possibility of skin or eye irritation exists in covered operations
Train employees who clean or launder contaminated protective clothing
At least annually thereafter
Within 15 working days after receiving exposure results, notify each employee in writing of those results
What records:
Provide specific information to physicians who conduct medical surveillance
Provide each employee with a copy of the physician’s written opinion
Provide all materials relating to the employee information and training program to OSHA and NIOSH
Provide a copy of 1910.1018 and its appendices to covered employees
Retain exposure monitoring and medical surveillance records for at least 40 years or the duration of employment plus 20 years, whichever is longer
Trainer qualifications:
Access to employee exposure and medical records(1910.1020)*
Inform all employees covered by this section of:
The existence, location, and availability of any records covered by this section;
The person responsible for maintaining and providing access to records; and
Each employee’s rights of access to these records.
Initially, at the time of hire
At least annually thereafter
What records:
No specific training documentation is required
Provide copies of 1910.1020 and its appendices to all employees
Trainer qualifications:
Beryllium (1910.1024)*
Train employees:
Who have, or can reasonably be expected to have, airborne exposure to or dermal contact with beryllium
Who use respirators according to 1910.134
Initially, or prior to assignment
At least annually thereafter
Within 15 working days after receiving exposure results, notify each employee in writing of their exposure level
Editor’s note: A July 14, 2020, final rule revised the training obligations at 1910.1024(m) and the training record requirements at 1910.1024(n), effective September 14, 2020. State Plan States that cover the private sector are expected to review their state standards and adopt amendments at least as effective as the latest amendments to the federal regulation.
What records:
Training records must be prepared indicating:
The name and job classification of employee
Date of training
Topic of training
Records must be kept for three years after the training. Editor’s note: Effective September 14, 2020, OSHA removed the requirement from 1910.1024(n) to keep the social security number (SSN) of the employee in the training record. However, OSHA has decided not to require employers to delete employee SSNs from existing records relating to beryllium or to use an alternative employee identifier. The agency allows employers the option to still use SSNs or to use some other alternative employee identifier system.
Trainer qualifications:
Lead (1910.1025)*
Train employees:
With potential exposure to airborne lead
Exposed to airborne lead at or above the action level
Who are at risk of skin or eye irritation
Who use respirators according to 1910.134
Who clean or launder contaminated protective clothing
Initially, or prior to assignment
At least annually thereafter
Within 15 working days after receiving exposure results, notify each employee in writing of the exposure level; within 5 working days after receiving biological monitoring results, notify each employee in writing if blood level is at or above 40 μg/100 g
What records:
Provide specific information to physicians who conduct medical examinations
Provide each employee with a copy of the physician’s written opinion
Provide all materials relating to the employee information and training program to OSHA and NIOSH upon request
Provide a copy of 1910.1025 and its appendices to covered employees
Retain exposure monitoring and medical surveillance records for at least 40 years or the duration of employment plus 20 years, whichever is longer
Trainer qualifications:
Chromium (VI) (1910.1026)
Train employees who are exposed to chromium (VI)
In addition to the requirements of the Hazard Communication standard at 1910.1200(h), the employer has to:
Ensure that each employee can demonstrate knowledge of at least the contents of the 1910.1026 Chromium (VI) standard, and the purpose and a description of the medical surveillance program.
Provide respiratory protection when engineering and work practice controls do not reduce chromium exposures at or below the PEL and for emergency situations. Where respirators are required, employees need to be trained to use the equipment properly according to 1910.134(k).
Additionally, when employees have to wear protective clothing and equipment to protect them from skin and eye contact with chromium (VI), training in the proper use must be provided according to 1910.132(f).
What records:
A copy of the Chromium (VI) standard has to be made available at no cost to all affected employees.
Trainer qualifications:
Cadmium (1910.1027)*
Train employees:
With potential exposure to cadmium
Who use respirators according to 1910.134
With exposure to hazardous substances according to 1910.1200
Who clean or launder contaminated protective clothing about exposure hazards
Initially, or prior to assignment
At least annually thereafter
Within 15 working days after receiving exposure results, notify each employee in writing of the exposure level and post the results
Within 30 days of an employee request, provide the information that was given to the physician
Within two weeks of receipt, provide each employee with a copy of the physician’s written opinion
What records:
Provide specific information to physicians who conduct medical examinations
Provide all materials relating to the employee information and training program to OSHA upon request
Make a copy of 1910.1027 and its appendices available to affected employees
Retain exposure monitoring for at least 30 years, and retain medical surveillance records for at least the duration of employment plus 30 years
Trainer qualifications:
Benzene (1910.1028)*
Train employees who are exposed to airborne concentrations of benzene at or above the action level.
Initially, or prior to assignment
At least annually thereafter
What records:
No specific training documentation is required
Trainer qualifications:
Coke oven emissions (1910.1029)*
Train employees:
Assigned to work in a regulated area
Who use respirators according to 1910.134
Who refuse to participate in the medical surveillance program of the possible health consequences
Initially, or prior to assignment
At least annually thereafter
Within 15 working days after receiving exposure results, notify each employee in writing of the exposure level
What records:
Provide specific information to physicians who conduct medical examinations
Provide each employee with a copy of the physician’s written opinion
Obtain signed statements from employees who refuse to participate in the medical surveillance program that they understand the risks involved
Maintain records of the training program content
Provide all materials relating to the employee information and training program to OSHA and NIOSH upon request
Post appropriate procedures and schedules in the regulated area
Make a copy of 1910.1029 and its appendices available to covered employees
Retain exposure monitoring and medical surveillance records for the duration of employment plus 30 years
Trainer qualifications:
Bloodborne pathogens (1910.1030)*
Train employees with occupational exposure to bloodborne pathogens
Prior to initial exposure to bloodborne pathogens
At least annually thereafter
What records:
Maintain for three years specific training records including:
Training content
Names and qualifications of trainers
Names and job titles of those trained
Trainer qualifications:
The person conducting the training must be knowledgeable in the subject matter covered by the elements contained in the training program as it relates to the workplace that the training will address.
Cotton dust (1910.1043)*
Train employees:
Exposed to cotton dust in covered operations
Who use respirators according to 1910.134
Initially, or prior to assignment
At least annually thereafter
When job assignments or work processes change
When performance indicates a need for retraining
Within 15 working days after receiving exposure results, notify each employee in writing of the exposure level
What records:
Provide specific information to physicians who conduct medical examinations
Provide each employee with a copy of the physician’s written opinion
Post a copy of 1910.1043 and its appendices, and make copies available to employees upon request
Maintain a record of the training program contents
Provide all materials relating to the employee information and training program to OSHA and NIOSH upon request
Retain exposure monitoring and medical surveillance records for the duration of employment plus 30 years
Trainer qualifications:
1,2-dibromo-3-chloropropane (1910.1044)*
Train employees:
Who are occupationally exposed to 1,2-dibromo-3-chloropropane (DBCP)
Who use respirators according to 1910.134
Who clean or launder contaminated protective clothing about exposure hazards
Annually inform employees of the information in Appendix A of 1910.1044
Within 15 working days after receiving monitoring results, notify each employee in writing of the exposure level
What records:
Provide specific information to physicians who conduct medical examinations
Provide each employee with a copy of the physician’s written opinion
Maintain a record of the training program contents
Provide all materials relating to the employee information and training program to OSHA and NIOSH upon request
Make a copy of 1910.1044 and its appendices available to affected employees
Retain exposure monitoring and medical surveillance records for the duration of employment plus 30 years
Trainer qualifications:
Acrylonitrile (1910.1045)*
Train employees:
Who are occupationally exposed to acrylonitrile (AN)
Who use personal protective equipment according to 1910.132
Who use respirators according to 1910.134
Who clean or launder contaminated protective clothing of the hazards of exposure
At the time of initial assignment
At least annually thereafter
Within 15 working days after receiving monitoring results, notify each employee in writing of the exposure level
What records:
Provide specific information to physicians who conduct medical examinations
Provide each employee with a copy of the physician’s written opinion
Maintain a record of the training program contents, including a certificate under 1910.132
Provide all materials relating to the employee information and training program to OSHA and NIOSH upon request
Make a copy of 1910.1045 and its appendices available to affected employees
Retain exposure monitoring and medical surveillance records for the duration of employment plus 30 years
Trainer qualifications:
Ethylene oxide (1910.1047)*
Train employees:
Who have potential exposure to Ethylene oxide (EtO) at or above the action level, or above the excursion limit
Who use personal protective equipment according to 1910.132
Who use respirators according to 1910.134
In emergency action procedures according to 1910.38
At the time of initial assignment
At least annually thereafter
Within 15 working days after receiving monitoring results, notify each employee of the exposure level either individually in writing or by posting the results
Within 15 days of receipt, provide each employee with a copy of the physician’s written opinion
What records:
Provide specific information to physicians who conduct medical examinations
Make a copy of 1910.1047 and its appendices available to employees
Maintain a training certificate according to 1910.132
Retain exposure monitoring and medical surveillance records for the duration of employment plus 30 years
Trainer qualifications:
Formaldehyde (1910.1048)*
Train employees:
Assigned to workplaces with exposure to formaldehyde at or above 0.1 ppm
Who use personal protective equipment according to 1910.132
Who use respirators according to 1910.134
Who clean or launder contaminated protective clothing about exposure hazards
At the time of initial assignment
At least annual thereafter
Whenever a new exposure to formaldehyde is introduced
Within 15 days of receipt, provide each employee with a copy of the physician’s written opinion
Within 15 working days after receiving monitoring results, notify each employee of the exposure level either individually in writing or by posting the results
What records:
Provide specific information to physicians who conduct medical examinations
Maintain a record of the training program contents, including records under 1910.132 and 1910.134
Provide all materials relating to the program to employees and to OSHA upon request
Retain exposure monitoring and medical surveillance records for the duration of employment plus 30 years
Trainer qualifications:
Methylenedianiline (1910.1050)*
Train employees:
Who may be exposed to airborne Methylenedianiline (MDA) at or above its action level or where dermal exposure to MDA can occur
Who use personal protective equipment according to 1910.132
Who use respirators according to 1910.134
In emergency action procedures according to 1910.38
Who clean or launder contaminated protective clothing about exposure hazards
At the time of initial assignment
At least annually thereafter
Within 15 working days after receiving monitoring results, notify each employee of the exposure level either individually in writing or by posting the results.
Within 15 days of receipt, provide each employee with a copy of the physician’s written opinion
What records:
Maintain a record of the training program contents
Provide specific information physicians who conduct medical surveillance
Provide all materials relating to the program to employees and to OSHA and NIOSH upon request
Make a copy of 1910.1050 and its appendices available to employees.
Retain exposure monitoring and medical surveillance records for the duration of employment plus 30 years
Trainer qualifications:
1,3-butadiene (BD) (1910.1051)*
Train employees with occupational exposure to 1,3-butadiene
At or before the time of initial assignment
At least annually thereafter when employees are exposed over the action level or STEL
What records:
Maintain records according to 1910.1200
Establish and maintain objective data records relevant to BD exemption
Trainer qualifications:
Methylene chloride (MC) (1910.1052)
Train employees potentially exposed to methylene chloride
Initially, or prior to assignment
Retrain on an as-needed basis
What records:
No recordkeeping requirements are specified
Trainer qualifications:
Respirable crystalline silica (1910.1053)
Train and provide information to employees potentially exposed to respirable crystalline silica.
Initially, or prior to exposure
Retrain on an as-needed basis
What records:
Make a copy of the OSHA 1910.1053 Silica standard readily available without cost to each employee covered by the standard.
Trainer qualifications:
Ionizing radiation (1910.1096)*
Per 1910.1096(i), employees working in or frequenting any portion of a radiation area shall be:
Informed of the occurrence of radioactive materials or of radiation in such portions of the radiation area;
Instructed in the safety problems associated with exposure to such materials or radiation and in precautions or devices to minimize exposure;
Instructed in the applicable provisions of this section for the protection of employees from exposure to radiation or radioactive materials; and
Advised of reports of radiation exposure which employees may request pursuant to 1910.1096.
The above instruction must be reinforced by posting the following in a conspicuous location(s) or keeping such documents available for examination of employees upon request:
A current copy of 29 CFR 1910.1096; and
A copy of the operating procedures applicable to the work.
Initially. However, the employer is not required by 1910.1096 to provide the above specified employee instruction and postings if the employer is regulated by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s 10 CFR 20 standard or if the employer is in in a state named at 1910.1096(p)(3) governed by the ionizing radiation laws and regulations of that state.
What records:
No records specifically required for the instruction of employees. However, the employer must post a copy of the regulation along with copies of operating procedures, or keep these documents available for employees upon request.
Employee exposure records must be maintained for 30 years, according to 29 CFR 1910.1020.
Maintain records in the same units used in tables in 1910.1096(b) and appendix B to 10 CFR 20.
Trainer qualifications:
Per 1910.1096(m)(2), where an employer is required to report an overexposure to OSHA, then the worker(s) that suffer the exposure to radiation or to concentrations of radioactive material must be notified in writing.
When the employer is required to report to OSHA any exposure of an individual to radiation or to concentrations of radioactive material. However, the employer is not required by 1910.0196 to provide the above notification if the employee is protected:
By the Nuclear Regulatory Commission by means of 10 CFR 20;
Under 1910.1096(p)(2); or
Under the requirements of the laws and regulations of states named in 1910.1096(p)(3).
What records:
Notify such individual in writing of the nature and extent of exposure. Such notice shall contain the following statement, “You should preserve this report for future reference.”
Employee exposure records must be maintained for at least 30 years, according to 29 CFR 1910.1020.
Maintain records in the same units used in tables in 1910.1096(b) and appendix B to 10 CFR 20.
Employee medical records must be maintained for the duration of employment plus 30 years, according to 29 CFR 1910.1020.
Trainer qualifications:
Per 1910.1096(n)(1), employees for whom personnel monitoring is required under 1910.1096(d) must be advised of their individual exposure.
At least annually advise each employee (whom personnel monitoring is required) of the individual’s exposure.
What records:
Maintain records of the radiation exposure of all employees for whom personnel monitoring is required under 1910.1096(d). No duration is specified in 1910.1096, but 1910.1020 says unless a standard provides a different period of time, each employer shall retain exposure records for at least 30 years, with a few exceptions.
Maintain records in the same units used in tables in 1910.1096(b) and appendix B to 10 CFR 20.
At the request of a former employee an employer shall furnish to the employee a report of the employee’s exposure to radiation as shown in records maintained by the employer pursuant to 1910.1096(n)(1). Such report shall be furnished within 30 days from the time the request is made, and shall cover each calendar quarter of the individual’s employment involving exposure to radiation or such lesser period as may be requested by the employee. The report shall also include the results of any calculations and analysis of radioactive material deposited in the body of the employee. The report shall be in writing and contain the following statement: “You should preserve this report for future reference.”
Trainer qualifications:
Hazard communication (1910.1200)
Train employees with exposure or potential exposure to hazardous chemicals
Prior to initial exposure
When a new chemical hazard is introduced
What records:
No specific training documentation is required
Occupational exposure to hazardous chemicals in laboratories (1910.1450)
Train employees of laboratory facilities where hazardous chemicals, or those which cause health problems in exposed employees, are used
At the time of initial assignment to a covered work area
Before assignment to new exposure situations
Refresher training as determined by employer
What records:
No specific training documentation is required
Trainer qualifications:
['Safety and Health Programs and Training', 'Bloodborne Pathogens', 'HAZWOPER', 'Signs and Markings']
['Bloodborne Pathogens Training Requirements', 'Hazardous Waste Cleanup Operations', 'Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage, and/or Disposal', 'HAZWOPER', 'HAZWOPER Emergency Response', 'Safety and Health Programs and Training', 'Bloodborne Pathogens', 'Signs and Markings']