Part 372—Toxic chemical release reporting: Community Right-To-Know RegSenseToxic/Hazardous Substance ReleasesSuperfundCERCLA, SARA, EPCRA CERCLA, SARA, EPCRASARA ComplianceEPCRA Trade SecretsToxics Release Inventory ReportingCommunity Right to KnowRelease NotificationsCFR RegulationsCFR PartEnglishFocus AreaUSA
Authority: 42 U.S.C. 11013 and 11028.Subpart A—General ProvisionsSubpart B—Reporting requirementsSubpart C—Supplier Notification RequirementSubpart D—Specific toxic chemical listingsSubpart E—Forms and instructionsSource: 53 FR 4525, Feb. 16, 1988, unless otherwise noted.READ MORESHOW LESS['CERCLA, SARA, EPCRA']['Community Right to Know', 'Release Notifications', 'CERCLA, SARA, EPCRA', 'Toxic/Hazardous Substance Releases', 'Toxics Release Inventory Reporting', 'EPCRA Trade Secrets', 'SARA Compliance', 'Superfund']