['Size and Weight Limits']
['Weights and dimensions']
When a permit is required
Operators of vehicles that exceed the legal size and weight limitations must obtain a special permit from Alberta’s Transportation Routing and Vehicle Information System (TRAVIS) service prior to making any movement in Alberta. TRAVIS Multi-Jurisdiction (TRAVIS-MJ) can be used to obtain single trip permits that cover both provincial highways and local municipal roads.
There are special exemptions in place for haulers of overwidth and overheight loads of hay and straw when movement is for distances of 50 kilometres or less. However, if the load is more than four metres wide or five metres high, a permit will be required regardless of distance traveled.
Alberta will issue permits for overweight steer axles on liquid natural gas (LNG) powered vehicles. Contact the Central Permit Office in Red Deer for more details.
There are also special provisions for log haulers. Contact Transport Services for specifics of these regulations.
LCV permits are available; see www.transportation.alberta.ca/3191.htm.
Application procedure
Overweight/Overdimensional Permits are issued for non-divisible loads through TRAVIS. Applications will be accepted by phone and fax, but requests must go through TRAVIS agents.
Overloads must be routed on highways and bridges where damage will not occur. Where axle or licensed weights are exceeded, Overload Permits are required for travel on public roads.
Scale of fees
Fees for Overload Permits
The fees payable in respect of overload permits are as follows:
- In the case of a standard Overload Permit, a fee of $.024 per tonne per kilometre on the gross weight, plus the component for axle overload;
- The minimum fee payable for any overload permit is $15 for each
trip. For the purpose of calculating the amount of a fee payable in
respect of an overload permit, the following applies:
- Weight shall be rounded off to the next lower tonne;
- The fee payable shall be rounded off to the nearest dollar; and
- The distance is calculated on distance traveled.
Fees for Permits other than a Registration Permit
The fee for a single trip license permit is $2.50 for each 500 kilograms of net load being transported that is in excess of the amount of weight that the public vehicle is registered in Alberta to carry.
The minimum fee payable under this section is $15.
The following fees are payable in respect of permits for the operation of overdimensional vehicles and their loads:
- Single Trip Dimensional Permit, $15
- Annual Dimensional Permit, $60
- Long Combination Vehicle Permit, $300
Insurance requirements
The Province requires a minimum of $500,000 PL & PD, and in most cases cargo insurance, for oversize/overweight movements. However, as a condition for obtaining a special permit the owner, operator, driver or mover of a vehicle and load must agree to be responsible for all damages which may be caused to the highways if the vehicle and load is operated outside the conditions of the permit.
Permitted vehicle limitations
Permits must be obtained for all loads in excess of legal dimensions allowed for vehicles.
Annual dimensional permits can be obtained depending on the type of commodity carried.
Width - up to 4.45 metres
Height - up to 5.0 metres
Length - 25.0 metres or up to 30.5 metres
Weight - Non-divisible loads can be permitted at seasonal axle weights which increase progressively from early June to freeze-up, Special single trip permits can be obtained for dimensions in excess of those allowed on an annual basis dependent on route and equipment.
Sign requirements
When a vehicle or its load is more than 3.05 metres in width, or if the vehicle is less than 26 metres in length, the vehicle must be equipped with two “D” signs, two “OVERSIZE LOAD” signs, or two “WIDE LOAD” signs. One sign must be displayed at the front of the vehicle or mounted on the cab, visible to traffic approaching on a 2-lane highway, and the other sign must be displayed at the extreme rear of the vehicle or its load (whichever is further to the rear), clearly visible to traffic approaching from the rear.
When a mobile home exceeds a width of 3.05 metres, the same type of dimensional sign must be displayed at the front, either mounted on the top of the cab of the towing vehicle, or on the front of the towing unit and clearly visible to vehicles approaching from the opposite direction.
A dimensional sign is required on loads over 25.0 metres long. Maximum overhang is 6.0 metres, measured from center of rearmost axle to end of load.
The dimensional sign required above must meet the specifications described below:
- Sign or rigid area must be 2.40 to 2.45 metres by 0.3 metres;
- Letter “D” must be white and must be 20 centimetres high, Series E;
- White portions of the sign or rigid area must have good reflective quality; and
- Red portions of the sign or rigid area must be painted with the transparent red paint used for stop signs.
The WIDE LOAD sign must be displayed only when appropriate for the vehicle load; such signs must be covered, folded, or removed from the vehicle when not actually engaged in the movement of a wide load.
Flags and lighting requirements
Vehicles or loads more than 2.6 metres in width must be equipped with warning flags if operated during daytime, displayed on each side at the widest part of the vehicle or load.
House trailers or mobile home combinations that are overwidth or those exceeding 20.0 metres in overall length must display red, orange, or yellow warning flags at least 400 millimetres square in size. Such flags are to be mounted on brackets or standards or otherwise attached to the four corners of the mobile home so as to be clearly visible by approaching or passing traffic. Warning flags must be clean and in good repair and no less than two corners of each warning flag shall be attached to the bracket or standard. Maximum length for mobile homes is 27.75 metres, including towing unit.
Vehicles over 2.6 metres in width and operating under a special permit must also display warning lights during night time or adverse weather conditions. Such lights must show amber to the front and red to the rear and must be visible at a distance of 150 meters in normal darkness.
Vehicles more than 3.35 metres in width shall, in addition to being equipped with appropriate dimensional signs, warning lights, and flags, be equipped with one or more rotating amber flashing lights.
Escort and flagperson requirements
Vehicles more than 3.85 metres in width must be accompanied by a pilot vehicle or a trail vehicle or both, unless the special permit provides otherwise. Requirements vary depending upon highway type:
- Two-lane highway:
- Vehicles up to 4.45 metres wide must be accompanied by a pilot vehicle; and
- Vehicles over 4.45 metres wide must be accompanied by a pilot vehicle and a trail vehicle;
- Multi-lane highway:
- Vehicles up to 5.5 metres wide must be accompanied by a trail vehicle; and
- Vehicles over 5.5 metres wide must be accompanied by a pilot vehicle and a trail vehicle.
An additional pilot vehicle is required whenever a load reduces the surface width available for passing vehicles to less than 10 feet (3.05 metres).
A pilot vehicle and/or trail vehicle is required for movement of overwidth mobile homes on two-lane highways. A trail car is required for a 4.45 metres wide mobile home movement on multi-lane highways.
If pilot or trail vehicles are required, two-way radio communication must be maintained at all times between all vehicles involved in the oversize movement. Pilot vehicles must precede an overwidth vehicle at a distance of 300 to 1000 metres; trail vehicles should follow at a distance of 100 to 300 metres.
Any required pilot vehicles or trail vehicles shall be equipped with a dimensional sign as shown in Schedules 3 or 4 mounted on top of the cab. The sign must be kept in good repair and be clean and legible. The sign must be covered, folded or removed when not in use with an overwidth load.
- BOX: 180 X 35 X 10 centimetres constructed of mild steel material with inside and outside surfaces of baked white enamel; 8 lamps must be mounted in the box and spaced to give even lighting of the sign background; box must shelter all wire connectors, switches, flashers, etc.
- SIGN: 3 millimetres thick, white plexiglass background with red bars painted with transparent red paint; white “D” letter 20 centimetres high, Series E
- OUTBOARD LIGHTS: two 175 millimetres (minimum) amber lights with reflectors, rated at 12.5 volts, 3 amps and 0.50 candela with rated life of 300 hours
- INBOARD LIGHTS: two standard 203 millimetre rotating amber lights with two sealed beam units per lamp.
Sign is designed to be mounted on top of vehicle, carrier or equivalent surface and has two positions: upright when in use or folded flat when not in use. Outboard lights should be used under normal weather and highway conditions, but inboard lights on this sign must be used in adverse weather or highway conditions, when turning or flagging and in case of mechanical breakdown.
- BOX: 180 x 35 x 10 centimetres and constructed of mild steel material with inside and outside surfaces of baked white enamel; 8 lamps must be mounted in the box and spaced to give even lighting of the sign background; box must shelter all wire connectors, switches, flashers, etc.
- SIGN: 3 millimetres thick, yellow plexiglass background with 28 centimetres high black letters of a 38 millimetres stroke
- LAMPS: two 175 millimetres (minimum) amber lights with reflectors, flashed simultaneously at 60 to 90 flashes per minute, rated at 12.5 volts, 3 amps and 0.50 candela with a rated life of 300 hours.
This sign is designed to be mounted on top of the vehicle, carrier or equivalent surface. It has two positions: upright when in use and folded flat on the carrier when not in use. The flashing lights should be used under all weather and highway conditions, when turning or flagging and during any breakdown which might occur.
When flag personnel are required and are outside of the vehicle, they must wear reflective vests and make use of warning flags or flashlights to give directions to traffic.
Equipment for escort vehicles
The escort vehicle must be in safe operating condition and be capable of displaying signs and other warning devices specified on the permit.
Pilot vehicles, trail vehicles (or the overdimensional vehicle itself if escorts are not required) must carry the following emergency equipment as a minimum requirement:
- An advance warning triangle;
- Three warning flags for traffic marking;
- One warning flag per crew member for flagging;
- One reflective vest per crew member; and
- One flashlight equipped with signal tube per crew member.
It is also recommended that safety equipment such as a first aid kit, fire extinguisher, hard hat, etc., be carried for emergencies.
Warning devices include red flares or lamps, lanterns, reflectors, or advance warning triangles.
Travel restrictions
For the transportation of loads in excess of 3.85 metres, no movement is permitted after 3 p.m. on the day preceding a weekend. No movement is permitted on Sundays or statutory holidays.
Traffic Safety Act
Commercial Vehicle Dimension and Weight Regulation 315/2002
['Size and Weight Limits']
['Weights and dimensions']
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