(a) You must prepare and submit the notifications specified in §§60.7(a)(1) and (3) and 60.19, as applicable to your affected EGU(s) (see table 3 of this subpart).
(b) You must prepare and submit notifications specified in §75.61 of this chapter, as applicable, to your affected EGUs.
(a) You must prepare and submit reports according to paragraphs (a) through (d) of this section, as applicable.
(1) For affected EGUs that are required by §60.5525 to conduct initial and on-going compliance determinations on a 12-operating-month rolling average basis, you must submit electronic quarterly reports as follows. After you have accumulated the first 12-operating months for the affected EGU, you must submit a report for the calendar quarter that includes the twelfth operating month no later than 30 days after the end of that quarter. Thereafter, you must submit a report for each subsequent calendar quarter, no later than 30 days after the end of the quarter.
(2) In each quarterly report you must include the following information, as applicable:
(i) Each rolling average CO2 mass emissions rate for which the last (twelfth) operating month in a 12-operating-month compliance period falls within the calendar quarter. You must calculate each average CO2 mass emissions rate for the compliance period according to the procedures in §60.5540. You must report the dates (month and year) of the first and twelfth operating months in each compliance period for which you performed a CO2 mass emissions rate calculation. If there are no compliance periods that end in the quarter, you must include a statement to that effect;
(ii) If one or more compliance periods end in the quarter, you must identify each operating month in the calendar quarter where your EGU violated the applicable CO2 emission standard;
(iii) If one or more compliance periods end in the quarter and there are no violations for the affected EGU, you must include a statement indicating this in the report;
(iv) The percentage of valid operating hours in each 12-operating-month compliance period described in paragraph (a)(1) of this section (i.e., the total number of valid operating hours (as defined in §60.5540(a)(1)) in that period divided by the total number of operating hours in that period, multiplied by 100 percent);
(v) Consistent with §60.5520, the CO 2 emissions standard (as identified in table 1 or 2 to this subpart) with which your affected EGU must comply; and
(vi) Consistent with §60.5520, an indication whether or not the hourly gross or net energy output (Pgross/net) values used in the compliance determinations are based solely upon gross electrical load.
(3) In the final quarterly report of each calendar year, you must include the following:
(i) Consistent with §60.5520, gross energy output or net energy output sold to an electric grid, as applicable to the units of your emission standard, over the four quarters of the calendar year; and
(ii) The potential electric output of the EGU.
(b) You must submit all electronic reports required under paragraph (a) of this section using the Emissions Collection and Monitoring Plan System (ECMPS) Client Tool provided by the Clean Air Markets Division in the Office of Atmospheric Programs of EPA.
(c)(1) For affected EGUs under this subpart that are also subject to the Acid Rain Program, you must meet all applicable reporting requirements and submit reports as required under subpart G of part 75 of this chapter.
(2) For affected EGUs under this subpart that are not in the Acid Rain Program, you must also meet the reporting requirements and submit reports as required under subpart G of part 75 of this chapter, to the extent that those requirements and reports provide applicable data for the compliance demonstrations required under this subpart.
(3)(i) For all newly-constructed affected EGUs under this subpart that are also subject to the Acid Rain Program, you must begin submitting the quarterly electronic emissions reports described in paragraph (c)(1) of this section in accordance with §75.64(a) of this chapter, i.e., beginning with data recorded on and after the earlier of:
(A) The date of provisional certification, as defined in §75.20(a)(3) of this chapter; or
(B) 180 days after the date on which the EGU commences commercial operation (as defined in §72.2 of this chapter).
(ii) For newly-constructed affected EGUs under this subpart that are not subject to the Acid Rain Program, you must begin submitting the quarterly electronic reports described in paragraph (c)(2) of this section, beginning with data recorded on and after:
(A) The date on which reporting is required to begin under §75.64(a) of this chapter, if that date occurs on or after October 23, 2015; or
(B) October 23, 2015, if the date on which reporting would ordinarily be required to begin under §75.64(a) of this chapter has passed prior to October 23, 2015.
(iii) For reconstructed or modified units, reporting of emissions data shall begin at the date on which the EGU becomes an affected unit under this subpart, provided that the ECMPS Client Tool is able to receive and process net energy output data on that date. Otherwise, emissions data reporting shall be on a gross energy output basis until the date that the Client Tool is first able to receive and process net energy output data.
(4) If any required monitoring system has not been provisionally certified by the applicable date on which emissions data reporting is required to begin under paragraph (c)(3) of this section, the maximum (or in some cases, minimum) potential value for the parameter measured by the monitoring system shall be reported until the required certification testing is successfully completed, in accordance with §75.4(j) of this chapter, §75.37(b) of this chapter, or section 2.4 of appendix D to part 75 of this chapter (as applicable). Operating hours in which CO2 mass emission rates are calculated using maximum potential values are not “valid operating hours” (as defined in §60.5540(a)(1)), and shall not be used in the compliance determinations under §60.5540.
(d) For affected EGUs subject to the Acid Rain Program, the reports required under paragraphs (a) and (c)(1) of this section shall be submitted by:
(1) The person appointed as the Designated Representative (DR) under §72.20 of this chapter; or
(2) The person appointed as the Alternate Designated Representative (ADR) under §72.22 of this chapter; or
(3) A person (or persons) authorized by the DR or ADR under §72.26 of this chapter to make the required submissions.
(e) For affected EGUs that are not subject to the Acid Rain Program, the owner or operator shall appoint a DR and (optionally) an ADR to submit the reports required under paragraphs (a) and (c)(2) of this section. The DR and ADR must register with the Clean Air Markets Division (CAMD) Business System. The DR may delegate the authority to make the required submissions to one or more persons.
(f) If your affected EGU captures CO 2 to meet the applicable emissions standard, you must report in accordance with the requirements of 40 CFR part 98, subpart PP, and either:
(1) Report in accordance with the requirements of 40 CFR part 98, subpart RR, or subpart VV, if injection occurs on-site;
(2) Transfer the captured CO 2 to an EGU or facility that reports in accordance with the requirements of 40 CFR part 98, subpart RR, or subpart VV, if injection occurs off-site; or
(3) Transfer the captured CO 2 to a facility that has received an innovative technology waiver from EPA pursuant to paragraph (g) of this section.
(g) Any person may request the Administrator to issue a waiver of the requirement that captured CO 2 from an affected EGU be transferred to a facility reporting under 40 CFR part 98, subpart RR, or subpart VV. To receive a waiver, the applicant must demonstrate to the Administrator that its technology will store captured CO 2 as effectively as geologic sequestration, and that the proposed technology will not cause or contribute to an unreasonable risk to public health, welfare, or safety. In making this determination, the Administrator shall consider (among other factors) operating history of the technology, whether the technology will increase emissions or other releases of any pollutant other than CO 2 , and permanence of the CO 2 storage. The Administrator may test the system or require the applicant to perform any tests considered by the Administrator to be necessary to show the technology's effectiveness, safety, and ability to store captured CO 2 without release. The Administrator may grant conditional approval of a technology, with the approval conditioned on monitoring and reporting of operations. The Administrator may also withdraw approval of the waiver on evidence of releases of CO 2 or other pollutants. The Administrator will provide notice to the public of any application under this provision and provide public notice of any proposed action on a petition before the Administrator takes final action.
[89 FR 40033, May 9, 2024]
(a) You must maintain records of the information you used to demonstrate compliance with this subpart as specified in §60.7(b) and (f).
(b)(1) For affected EGUs subject to the Acid Rain Program, you must follow the applicable recordkeeping requirements and maintain records as required under subpart F of part 75 of this chapter.
(2) For affected EGUs that are not subject to the Acid Rain Program, you must also follow the recordkeeping requirements and maintain records as required under subpart F of part 75 of this chapter, to the extent that those records provide applicable data for the compliance determinations required under this subpart. Regardless of the prior sentence, at a minimum, the following records must be kept, as applicable to the types of continuous monitoring systems used to demonstrate compliance under this subpart:
(i) Monitoring plan records under §75.53(g) and (h) of this chapter;
(ii) Operating parameter records under §75.57(b)(1) through (4) of this chapter;
(iii) The records under §75.57(c)(2) of this chapter, for stack gas volumetric flow rate;
(iv) The records under §75.57(c)(3) of this chapter for continuous moisture monitoring systems;
(v) The records under §75.57(e)(1) of this chapter, except for paragraph (e)(1)(x), for CO2 concentration monitoring systems or O2 monitors used to calculate CO2 concentration;
(vi) The records under §75.58(c)(1) of this chapter, specifically paragraphs (c)(1)(i), (ii), and (viii) through (xiv), for oil flow meters;
(vii) The records under §75.58(c)(4) of this chapter, specifically paragraphs (c)(4)(i), (ii), (iv), (v), and (vii) through (xi), for gas flow meters;
(viii) The quality-assurance records under §75.59(a) of this chapter, specifically paragraphs (a)(1) through (12) and (15), for CEMS;
(ix) The quality-assurance records under §75.59(a) of this chapter, specifically paragraphs (b)(1) through (4), for fuel flow meters; and
(x) Records of data acquisition and handling system (DAHS) verification under §75.59(e) of this chapter.
(c) You must keep records of the calculations you performed to determine the hourly and total CO2 mass emissions (tons) for:
(1) Each operating month (for all affected EGUs); and
(2) Each compliance period, including, each 12-operating-month compliance period.
(d) Consistent with §60.5520, you must keep records of the applicable data recorded and calculations performed that you used to determine your affected EGU's gross or net energy output for each operating month.
(e) You must keep records of the calculations you performed to determine the percentage of valid CO2 mass emission rates in each compliance period.
(f) You must keep records of the calculations you performed to assess compliance with each applicable CO2 mass emissions standard in Table 1 or 2 of this subpart.
(g) You must keep records of the calculations you performed to determine any site-specific carbon-based F-factors you used in the emissions calculations (if applicable).
(h) For stationary combustion turbines, you must keep records of electric sales to determine the applicable subcategory.
(i) You must keep the records listed in paragraphs (i)(1) through (3) of this section to demonstrate that your affected facility operated during a system emergency.
(1) Documentation that the system emergency to which the affected EGU was responding was in effect from the entity issuing the alert, and documentation of the exact duration of the event;
(2) Documentation from the entity issuing the alert that the system emergency included the affected source/region where the affected facility was located, and
(3) Documentation that the affected facility was instructed to increase output beyond the planned day-ahead or other near-term expected output and/or was asked to remain in operation outside its scheduled dispatch during emergency conditions from a Reliability Coordinator, Balancing Authority, or Independent System Operator/Regional Transmission Organization.
[89 FR 40033, May 9, 2024]
(a) Your records must be in a form suitable and readily available for expeditious review.
(b) You must maintain each record for 3 years after the date of conclusion of each compliance period.
(c) You must maintain each record on site for at least 2 years after the date of each occurrence, measurement, maintenance, corrective action, report, or record, according to §60.7. Records that are accessible from a central location by a computer or other means that instantly provide access at the site meet this requirement. You may maintain the records off site for the remaining year(s) as required by this subpart.