(a) The plan in §62.1100(b)(5) applies to existing municipal solid waste landfills for which construction, reconstruction, or modification was commenced before May 30, 1991, as described in 40 CFR part 60, subpart Cc.
(b) The plan in §62.1100(b)(7) applies to existing municipal solid waste landfills that commenced construction, modification or reconstruction on or before July 17, 2014.
(1) After February 10, 2020, the substantive requirements of the municipal solid waste landfills State plan are contained in paragraph (b) of this section and owners and operators of municipal solid waste landfills in California must comply with the requirements in paragraph (b) of this section.
(2) The requirements of §§60.34f(c), 60.36f(a)(5), 60.37f(a)(2) and (3), 60.38f(k), and 60.39f(e)(2) and (5) of this chapter are not met since the plan does not provide for wellhead operational standards, wellhead monitoring, corrective action and recordkeeping related to temperature. Municipal solid waste landfills subject to the plan in § 62.1100(b)(7) must also implement the provisions of §§62.16716(c), 62.16720(a)(4), 62.16722(a)(2) and (3), 62.16724(k), and 62.16726(e)(2) and (5).
(c)(1) The effective date of the plan in §62.1100(b)(5) by the California Air Resources Board for municipal solid waste landfills is November 22, 1999.
(2) The effective date of the plan in §62.1100(b)(7) by the California Air Resources Board for municipal solid waste landfills is February 10, 2020.
[64 FR 51451, Sept. 23, 1999; 85 FR 1123, Jan. 9, 2020; 86 FR 27769, May 21, 2021]