(a) Identification of plan: Arkansas Plan for the Control of Designated Pollutants from Existing Plants (Section 111(d) Plan).
(b) The plan was officially submitted as follows:
(1) Control of sulfuric acid mist from sulfuric acid plants, and fluoride emissions from phosphate fertilizer plants, submitted on July 11, 1979, having been adopted by the State on May 25, 1979, and letter dated August 6, 1981.
(2) Control of total reduced sulfur (TRS) emissions from existing kraft pulp mills submitted by the Governor on February 28, 1983, and adopted by the State on January 28, 1983.
(3) Revisions to the Plan adopted by the Arkansas Commission on Pollution Control and Ecology on July 24, 1992, effective August 30, 1992, and a negative declaration for phosphate fertilizer plants dated September 2, 1992, submitted by the Governor on September 14, 1992.
(4) Revisions to the Plan adopted by the Arkansas Commission on Pollution Control and Ecology on May 30, 1997, effective July 1, 1997, and submitted by the Governor on August 18, 1997.
(c) Designated facilities: The plan applies to existing facilities in the following categories of sources:
(1) Kraft pulp mills.
(2) Municipal solid waste landfills.
(3) [Reserved]
[47 FR 20491, May 12, 1982, as amended at 49 FR 35773, Sept. 12, 1984; 63 FR 11608, Mar. 10, 1998; 87 FR 80076, Dec. 29, 2022; 89 FR 15040, Mar.1, 2024]