Summary of differences between federal and state regulations
The federal minimum wage provisions are contained in the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). Many states also have minimum wage laws. In cases where an employee is subject to both the state and federal minimum wage laws, the employee is entitled to the higher of the two minimum wages.
Effective February 21, 2025, the minimum wage for Michigan employees is $12.48 per hour ($5.99 for tipped employees)
Effective January 1, 2025, the minimum wage for Michigan employees is $10.56 per hour ($4.01 for tipped employees.
Effective January 1, 2024, the minimum wage for Michigan employees is $10.33 per hour ($3.93 for tipped employees).
Effective January 1, 2023, the minimum wage for Michigan employees is $10.10 per hour ($3.84 for tipped employees). For tipped employees, the minimum hourly wage rate is 38 percent of the minimum hourly wage rate that is established.
Due to a state supreme court ruling, the Michigan minimum wage will be as follows:
- $13.29 effective February 21, 2026.
- $14.16 effective February 21, 2027.
- $14.97 effective February 21, 2028.
For February 21, 2029, and beyond, the minimum wage will be adjusted for inflation.
For tipped employees, the minimum hourly wage will be:
- $5.99; 48% of the effective minimum hourly wage rate effective February 21, 2025 (tip credit $6.49).
- $7.97; 60% of the effective minimum hourly wage rate effective February 21, 2026 (tip credit $5.32).
- $9.91; 70% of the effective minimum hourly wage rate effective February 21, 2027 (top credit $4.25).
- $11.98; 80% of the effective minimum hourly wage rate effective February 21, 2028 (tip credit $2.99).
Tip credits are prohibited effective February 2029. The minimum tip wage will be 90% of the regular minimum wage effective February 21, 2029. The minimum tip wage will be the same as the regular minimum wage effective February 21, 2030.
New employees who are less than 20 years of age can be paid a training wage of $4.25 per hour for the first 90 days of employment. The minimum wage for employees under 18 years of age is 85 percent of the general minimum wage ($8.98 from January 1, 2025, to February 21, 2025; then $10.61 effective February 21, 2025).
Prior to February 21, 2025: Every October, the state treasurer shall calculate an adjusted minimum wage rate. An increase in the minimum hourly wage rate does not take effect if the unemployment rate for this state is 8.5 percent or greater for the calendar year preceding the calendar year of the prescribed increase. An increase in the minimum hourly wage rate as prescribed that does not take effect pursuant to this, takes effect in the first calendar year following a calendar year for which the unemployment rate for this state, as determined by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, United States Department of Labor, is less than 8.5 percent.
Michigan Department of Consumer and Industry Services
Bureau of Workers’ and Unemployment Compensation
Chapter 408, Section 408.414 of the Michigan Compiled Laws
408.414 Minimum hourly wage rate
The Department of Labor is the federal agency that monitors hours worked.
U.S. labor regulations for minimum wage can be found in CFR 29 Part 531 and FLSA.