Manitoba requires medical reviews for licence classes 1, 2, 3, and 4 as follows:
- On application;
- At least every five years to age 45, and thereafter every three years to 64; and
- Annually at 65 and over.
A driver may be requested to file a medical report more frequently, dependent on medical condition, and must meet prescribed vision standards.
On the basis of this report, the Registrar will determine whether or not a certain class of licence may be issued or if it may be issued with restrictions. To aid in this determination, the following minimum standards have been set:
- Must have vision in each eye:
- Corrected or uncorrected visual acuity of 6/9 (20/30) with both eyes open and examined together; and
- The worse eye cannot be less than 6/30 (20/200);
- A horizontal visual field of at least 150° with both eyes open and examined together;
- Ability to recognize the colours red and green (colour perception);
- A corrected hearing loss no greater than 40 decibels averaged at 500, 1,000 and 2,000 hertz;
- No evidence of any mental, emotional, nervous or physical disorder which may interfere with the safe operation of a motor vehicle; and
- No drug or alcohol addictions.
“Code W” will appear on the driver’s licence if the driver is not medically qualified to operate into the United States (insulin-dependent diabetic drivers, hearing impaired drivers, and drivers with epilepsy).
Manitoba’s medical standards for all licence classes are contained in the Manitoba Public Insurance “Medical Standards for Driving” policy manual. For questions or for further information, call medical records at (204) 985-1960.