Arizona incorporates by reference the federal regulations for medical and first aid; therefore, the state requirements are identical to the federal requirements. Click on the following links to view the state and federal regulations regarding medical and first aid:
R20-5-602 Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry
Federal: 29 CFR 1910.151 and Appendix A
For information on Good Samaritan laws, see the following Arizona Statutes:
Arizona Revised Statute §36-2263 General Statutes
Arizona Revised Statute §36-2261 AED defined
Arizona Revised Statute §36-2262 Use and training AED requirement
Arizona Revised Statute §36-664 Good Samaritan – confidentiality, exceptions
Arizona Revised Statute §36-661 Good Samaritan defined
Provides immunity for rescuers and AED acquirers and enablers. Arizona recently amended Sections 36-2261, 36-2262, and 36-2263, Arizona Revised Statutes, related to AEDs as follows:
To define “trained user” as a person who is the expected user of an AED and who has completed training in its use.
To define “training” to mean a state approved course in CPR and the use of an AED for the lay rescuer and first responder, including the course adopted by the American Heart Association and in effect as of December 31, 1998.
Each trained responder who uses and AED on a person in cardiac arrest must:
- call 911 as soon as possible, and
- submit a written report to the Bureau of Emergency Medical Services and Trauma Systems in the Department of Health services with five working days after its use.
AED acquirers must ensure that the AED is maintained in good working order and tested according to the manufacturer’s guidelines.