Summary of differences between federal and state regulations
Medical marijuana
A qualified user is exempt from criminal and civil penalties for use of marijuana to alleviate symptoms of specific medical conditions. A person is not exempt from arrest or prosecution for being under the influence of marijuana in a workplace or place of employment. A person cannot smoke marijuana in a workplace or place of employment. An employer does not need to provide health insurance or workers' compensation coverage for the use of marijuana.
Recreational marijuana
A person over age 21 can possess one ounce or less of marijuana without criminal penalty. An employer may adopt a policy that bans the use of marijuana in the workplace, and an employer is not required to permit or accommodate the use, consumption, possession, transfer, display, transportation, sale, or growing of marijuana in the workplace. Employees may not sue an employer if they were discharged for violating a policy that restricts or prohibits the use of marijuana by employees.
Vermont Criminal Information Center, http://vcic.vermont.gov/marijuana_registry
S. 76, An Act Relating to the Medical Use of Marijuana, www.leg.state.vt.us/docs/legdoc.cfm?URL=/docs/2004/bills/senate/S-076.HTM
18 V.S.A Chapter 86, Therapeutic Use of Cannabis, http://legislature.vermont.gov/statutes/chapter/18/086
18 V.S.A, Section 4210
H. 511, An act relating to eliminating penalties for possession of limited amounts of marijuana by adults 21 years of age and older