Summary of differences between federal and state regulations
Medical marijuana
A person who is authorized to use marijuana under the Act may not be denied any right or privilege or be subjected to arrest, prosecution, penalty or disciplinary action, including a civil penalty or disciplinary action by a business or occupational or professional licensing board or bureau, for using marijuana under the Act.
An employer may not refuse to employ or otherwise penalize a person solely for that person’s status as a qualifying patient, unless failing to do so would cause it to lose a federal contract or funding.
An employer may prohibit the smoking of marijuana for medical purposes at work if the business owner prohibits all smoking on the premises and posts notices to that effect.
An employer is not required to accommodate the ingestion of marijuana in the workplace or any employee working while under the influence of marijuana.
An employee who is terminated for using medical marijuana while on duty or for intoxication because of medical marijuana use remains eligible for unemployment benefits.
Recreational marijuana
An employer is not required to permit or accommodate the use, consumption, trade, display, transport, sale or cultivation of marijuana in the workplace.
An employer may enact and enforce workplace policies restricting the use of marijuana and marijuana products by employees in the workplace or while otherwise engaged in activities within the course and scope of employment.
An employer may discipline employees who are under the influence of marijuana in the workplace or while otherwise engaged in activities within the course and scope of employment in accordance with workplace policies regarding the use of marijuana and marijuana products by employees.
An employee who is terminated for being under the influence of marijuana while on duty or when reporting to work is not eligible for unemployment benefits. Benefits can also be denied if an employee is fired for the unauthorized use of marijuana while on duty. These provisions do not apply to use of marijuana for medical purposes.
Maine Department of Health and Human Services,
Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry
Maine Medical Use of Marijuana Act , Title 22, Chapter 558-C. www.mainelegislature.org/legis/statutes/22/title22ch558-Csec0.html
Rules Governing the Maine Medical Use of Marijuana Program, 10-144 CMR Chapter 122. www.maine.gov/sos/cec/rules/10/144/144c122.doc
Marijuana Legalization Act