Summary of difference between federal and state regulations
The Fair Labor Standards Act does not require payment for time not worked. This type of benefit is generally a matter of agreement between an employer and an employee (or the employee’s representative). Employers, however, do need to comply with applicable state laws.
Jury duty
Missouri law doesn’t require private employers to pay employees on jury duty.
Missouri law requires state employees to be paid for jury duty.
Missouri law allows employees time three hours off to vote. Pay deductions are not allowed. This time off for voting doesn’t apply if there are three consecutive nonworking hours during the time the polls are open. Employee must request leave of absence prior to the day of election and the employer can specify the hours taken off.
Respond to Subpoena
Missouri state law provides that employers may not discharge or discipline any witness, victim, or member of a victim's immediate family for honoring a subpoena to testify in a criminal proceeding or for participating in the preparation of a criminal proceeding.
Volunteer firefighters
Volunteer firefighters and members of medical assistance teams are protected from discharge if they are absent from employment (or arrive late) because they respond to an emergency. Employers do not have to pay for the absence, and may require a written statement from a volunteer supervisor regarding the emergency.
Jury duty
Respond to subpoena
Missouri Office of the Attorney General
Jury duty
Statute §494.460
Missouri Code 1 CSR 20-5.020
§115.639 Three hours off work to vote-interference by employer a class four offense.
Respond to subpoena
Missouri Revised Statutes, Title XXXVIII - Crimes and Punishment; Peace Officers and Public Defenders, Chapter 595 - Victims of Crimes, Compensation and Services, §595.209 - Rights of victims and witnesses — written notification, requirements
Volunteer firefighters
Missouri Revised Statutes Title XXI, Chapter 320, §320.336, Termination from employment prohibited, when--loss of pay permitted, when--written verification of service permitted--employer notification requirements