Summary of difference between federal and state regulations
The Fair Labor Standards Act does not require payment for time not worked. This type of benefit is generally a matter of agreement between an employer and an employee (or the employee’s representative). Employers, however, do need to comply with applicable state laws.
Jury duty
Iowa law doesn’t require private employers to pay employees on jury duty.
For state elections, Iowa law allows employees time off to vote. Deductions of pay are not allowed. Employees must give written notice before election day. This time off for voting doesn’t apply if there are three consecutive nonworking hours between the time of opening and the time of closing of the polls and the employee is not employed on the job.
Criminal or civil proceedings
Under Iowa law, employers must not, because of an employee's service as a witness in a criminal proceeding:
- Discharge an employee,
- Take or fail to take action regarding an employee's promotion or proposed promotion, or
- Take action to reduce an employee's wages or benefits for actual time worked.
In addition, employers may not take such action against an employee who serves as a plaintiff, defendant, or witness in a civil proceeding under Chapter 236 (the Domestic Abuse Act).
Employees whose employer violates this rule are entitled to recover damages from the employer. Damages recoverable include, but are not limited to, actual damages, court costs, and reasonable attorney fees. The employee may also petition the court for imposition of a cease and desist order against the person's employer and for reinstatement to the person's previous position of employment.
Jury duty
Criminal proceedings
Jury duty
Iowa Code Chapter 607A, Section 607A.45, Employer prohibited from penalizing employee — penalty — action for lost wages
Iowa Code Chapter 49, Section 49.109, Employees entitled to time to vote
Criminal proceedings
Iowa Code Chapter 915, Section 915.23, Employment discrimination against witnesses prohibited